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#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
name:         Astro-Catalog
version:      4.1.0
installdirs:  site
    Astro::Coords:                 0.07
    Astro::FITS::CFITSIO:          1.03
    Astro::Flux:                   0.01
    Astro::SLA:                    0.96
    Astro::Telescope:              0.5
    Astro::VO::VOTable:            0.01
    Carp:                          1.01
    Class::Struct:                 0.63
    Data::Dumper:                  2.12
    File::Spec:                    0.84
    File::Temp:                    0.14
    LWP:                           5.53
    Misc::Quality:                 0.01
    Net::Domain:                   2.13
    Number::Uncertainty:           0.01
    Pod::Usage:                    1.14
    Scalar::Util:                  1.14
    SOAP::Lite:                    0
    Test:                          1.24
    Test::More:                    0.47
    Time::Piece:                   1.08

distribution_type: module
generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17