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use strict;
use warnings;

use lib 't/lib';

my $base = 'http://localhost';
my $content_type = [ 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ];

use RestTest;
use DBICTest;
use Test::More;
use Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst 'RestTest';
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use JSON;

my $json = JSON->new->utf8;

my $mech = Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst->new;
ok( my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(), 'got schema' );

my $track         = $schema->resultset('Track')->first;
my %original_cols = $track->get_columns;

my $track_url         = "$base/api/rest/track/";
my $track_update_url  = $track_url . $track->id;
my $tracks_update_url = $track_url;

# test invalid track id caught
    diag 'DBIx::Class warns about a non-numeric id which is ok because we test for that too';
    foreach my $wrong_id ( 'sdsdsdsd', 3434234 ) {
        my $incorrect_url = "$base/api/rest/track/" . $wrong_id;
        my $test_data     = $json->encode( { title => 'value' } );
        my $req           = POST( $incorrect_url, Content => $test_data );

        cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400,
            'Attempt with invalid track id caught' );

        my $response = $json->decode( $mech->content );
            qr/No object found for id/,
            'correct message returned'

            { $track->get_columns },
            'no update occurred'

# validation when no params sent
    my $test_data = $json->encode( { wrong_param => 'value' } );
    my $req = POST( $track_update_url, Content => $test_data );

    cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400, 'Update with no keys causes error' );

    my $response = $json->decode( $mech->content );
    is_deeply( $response->{messages}, ['No valid keys passed'],
        'correct message returned' );

        { $track->get_columns },
        'no update occurred'

    my $test_data = $json->encode( { title => undef } );
    my $req = POST( $track_update_url, Content => $test_data );
    cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'Update with key with no value okay' );

    isnt( $track->title, $original_cols{title}, 'Title changed' );
    is( $track->title, undef, 'Title changed to undef' );

    my $test_data = $json->encode(
        { title => 'monkey monkey', 'cd' => { year => 2009 } } );
    my $req = POST( $track_update_url, Content => $test_data );

    cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'Update with key with value okay' );

    is( $track->title, 'monkey monkey', 'Title changed to "monkey monkey"' );
    is( $track->cd->year, 2009, 'related row updated' );

# bulk_update existing objects

    # order to get a stable order of rows
    my $tracks_rs =
        ->search( undef, { order_by => 'trackid', rows => 3 } );
    my $test_data = $json->encode(
        {   list => [
                map +{ id => $_->id, title => 'Track ' . $_->id },
    my $req = PUT( $tracks_update_url, Content => $test_data );
    cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 200, 'Attempt to update three tracks ok' );

    while ( my $track = $tracks_rs->next ) {
        is( $track->title, 'Track ' . $track->id, 'Title changed' );

# bulk_update nonexisting objects

    # order to get a stable order of rows
    my $test_data = $json->encode(
        {   list => [
                map +{ id => $_, title => 'Track ' . $_ },
                ( 1000 .. 1002 )
    my $req = PUT( $tracks_update_url, Content => $test_data );
    cmp_ok( $mech->status, '==', 400,
        'Attempt to update three nonexisting tracks fails' );
    my $response = $json->decode( $mech->content );
    is( $response->{success}, JSON::false,
        'success property returns unquoted false' );
        qr/No object found for id/,
        'correct message returned'
