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# Do the override as early as possible so that CORE::bless doesn't get compiled away
# We will replace $bless_override only if we are in author mode
my $bless_override;
  $bless_override = sub {
    CORE::bless( $_[0], (@_ > 1) ? $_[1] : caller() );
  *CORE::GLOBAL::bless = sub { goto $bless_override };

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest::RunMode;
  plan skip_all => "Your perl version $] appears to leak like a sieve - skipping test"
    if DBICTest::RunMode->peepeeness;

use Scalar::Util qw/refaddr reftype weaken/;
use Carp qw/longmess/;
use Try::Tiny;

my $have_test_cycle;
  require DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies;
  $have_test_cycle = DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('test_leaks')
    and import Test::Memory::Cycle;

# this is what holds all weakened refs to be checked for leakage
my $weak_registry = {};

# Skip the heavy-duty leak tracing when just doing an install
unless (DBICTest::RunMode->is_plain) {

  # Some modules are known to install singletons on-load
  # Load them before we swap out $bless_override
  require DBI;
  require DBD::SQLite;
  require Errno;
  require Class::Struct;
  require FileHandle;
  require Hash::Merge;
  require Storable;

  no warnings qw/redefine once/;
  no strict qw/refs/;

  # redefine the bless override so that we can catch each and every object created
  $bless_override = sub {

    my $obj = CORE::bless(
      $_[0], (@_ > 1) ? $_[1] : do {
        my ($class, $fn, $line) = caller();
        fail ("bless() of $_[0] into $class without explicit class specification at $fn line $line")
          if $class =~ /^ (?: DBIx\:\:Class | DBICTest ) /x;

    my $slot = (sprintf '%s=%s(0x%x)', # so we don't trigger stringification
      ref $obj,
      reftype $obj,
      refaddr $obj,

    # weaken immediately to avoid weird side effects
    $weak_registry->{$slot} = { weakref => $obj, strace => longmess() };
    weaken $weak_registry->{$slot}{weakref};

    return $obj;

  for my $func (qw/try catch finally/) {
    my $orig = \&{"Try::Tiny::$func"};
    *{"Try::Tiny::$func"} = sub (&;@) {

      my $slot = sprintf ('CODE(0x%x)', refaddr $_[0]);

      $weak_registry->{$slot} = { weakref => $_[0], strace => longmess() };
      weaken $weak_registry->{$slot}{weakref};

      goto $orig;

  require DBICTest;

  my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema;
  my $rs = $schema->resultset ('Artist');
  my $storage = $schema->storage;

  ok ($storage->connected, 'we are connected');

  my $row_obj = $rs->search({}, { rows => 1})->next;  # so that commits/rollbacks work
  ok ($row_obj, 'row from db');

  # txn_do to invoke more codepaths
  my ($mc_row_obj, $pager, $pager_explicit_count) = $schema->txn_do (sub {

    my $artist = $rs->create ({
      name => 'foo artist',
      cds => [{
        title => 'foo cd',
        year => 1984,

    my $pg = $rs->search({}, { rows => 1})->page(2)->pager;

    my $pg_wcount = $rs->page(4)->pager->total_entries (66);

    return ($artist, $pg, $pg_wcount);

  is ($pager->next_page, 3, 'There is one more page available');

  # based on 66 per 10 pages
  is ($pager_explicit_count->last_page, 7, 'Correct last page');

  # do some population (invokes some extra codepaths)
  # also exercise the guard code and the manual txn control
    my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
    # populate with bindvars
    $rs->populate([{ name => 'James Bound' }]);

    # populate mixed
    $rs->populate([{ name => 'James Rebound', rank => \ '11'  }]);

    # and without bindvars
    $rs->populate([{ name => \ '"James Unbound"' }]);

  my $base_collection = {
    resultset => $rs,

    # twice so that we make sure only one H::M object spawned
    chained_resultset => $rs->search_rs ({}, { '+columns' => [ 'foo' ] } ),
    chained_resultset2 => $rs->search_rs ({}, { '+columns' => [ 'bar' ] } ),

    row_object => $row_obj,

    result_source => $rs->result_source,

    result_source_handle => $rs->result_source->handle,

    fresh_pager => $rs->page(5)->pager,
    pager => $pager,
    pager_explicit_count => $pager_explicit_count,


  %$base_collection = (
    refrozen => Storable::dclone( $base_collection ),
    rerefrozen => Storable::dclone( Storable::dclone( $base_collection ) ),
    schema => $schema,
    storage => $storage,
    sql_maker => $storage->sql_maker,
    dbh => $storage->_dbh,

  memory_cycle_ok ($base_collection, 'No cycles in the object collection')
    if $have_test_cycle;

  for (keys %$base_collection) {
    $weak_registry->{"basic $_"} = { weakref => $base_collection->{$_} };
    weaken $weak_registry->{"basic $_"}{weakref};

# check that "phantom-chaining" works - we never lose track of the original $schema
# and have access to the entire tree without leaking anything
  my $phantom;
  for (
    sub { DBICTest->init_schema },
    sub { shift->source('Artist') },
    sub { shift->resultset },
    sub { shift->result_source },
    sub { shift->schema },
    sub { shift->resultset('Artist') },
    sub { shift->find_or_create({ name => 'detachable' }) },
    sub { shift->result_source },
    sub { shift->schema },
    sub { shift->clone },
    sub { shift->resultset('Artist') },
    sub { shift->next },
    sub { shift->result_source },
    sub { shift->resultset },
    sub { shift->create({ name => 'detached' }) },
    sub { shift->update({ name => 'reattached' }) },
    sub { shift->discard_changes },
    sub { shift->delete },
    sub { shift->insert },
  ) {
    $phantom = $_->($phantom);

    my $slot = (sprintf 'phantom %s=%s(0x%x)', # so we don't trigger stringification
      ref $phantom,
      reftype $phantom,
      refaddr $phantom,
    $weak_registry->{$slot} = $phantom;
    weaken $weak_registry->{$slot};

  ok( $phantom->in_storage, 'Properly deleted/reinserted' );
  is( $phantom->name, 'reattached', 'Still correct name' );

# Naturally we have some exceptions
my $cleared;
for my $slot (keys %$weak_registry) {
  if ($slot =~ /^\QTest::Builder/) {
    # T::B 2.0 has result objects and other fancyness
    delete $weak_registry->{$slot};
  elsif ($slot =~ /^\QSQL::Translator/) {
    # SQLT is a piece of shit, leaks all over
    delete $weak_registry->{$slot};
  elsif ($slot =~ /^\QHash::Merge/) {
    # only clear one object of a specific behavior - more would indicate trouble
    delete $weak_registry->{$slot}
      unless $cleared->{hash_merge_singleton}{$weak_registry->{$slot}{weakref}{behavior}}++;
  elsif ($slot =~ /^__TxnScopeGuard__FIXUP__/) {
    delete $weak_registry->{$slot}
      if $] > 5.013001 and $] < 5.013008;

# For reasons I can not yet fully understand the table() god-method (located in
# ::ResultSourceProxy::Table) attaches an actual source instance to each class
# as virtually *immortal* class-data. 
# For now just blow away these instances manually but there got to be a saner way
$_->result_source_instance(undef) for (
  map { DBICTest::Schema->class ($_) } DBICTest::Schema->sources

# same problem goes for the schema - its classdata contains live result source
# objects, which to add insult to the injury are *different* instances from the
# ones we destroyed above

my $tb = Test::More->builder;
for my $slot (sort keys %$weak_registry) {

  ok (! defined $weak_registry->{$slot}{weakref}, "No leaks of $slot") or do {
    my $diag = '';

    $diag .= Devel::FindRef::track ($weak_registry->{$slot}{weakref}, 20) . "\n"
      if ( $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE} && try { require Devel::FindRef });

    if (my $stack = $weak_registry->{$slot}{strace}) {
      $diag .= "    Reference first seen$stack";

    diag $diag if $diag;
