use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Warn;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest;
use DBIC::SqlMakerTest;
use DBIC::DebugObj;

my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();

# Check the defined unique constraints
  [ sort $schema->source('CD')->unique_constraint_names ],
  [ qw/cd_artist_title primary/ ],
  'CD source has an automatically named unique constraint'
  [ sort $schema->source('Producer')->unique_constraint_names ],
  [ qw/primary prod_name/ ],
  'Producer source has a named unique constraint'
  [ sort $schema->source('Track')->unique_constraint_names ],
  [ qw/primary track_cd_position track_cd_title/ ],
  'Track source has three unique constraints'
  [ sort $schema->source('Tag')->unique_constraint_names ],
  [ qw/primary tagid_cd tagid_cd_tag tags_tagid_tag tags_tagid_tag_cd/ ],
  'Tag source has five unique constraints (from add_unique_constraings)'

my $artistid = 1;
my $title    = 'UNIQUE Constraint';

my $cd1 = $schema->resultset('CD')->find_or_create({
  artist => $artistid,
  title  => $title,
  year   => 2005,

my $cd2 = $schema->resultset('CD')->find(
    artist => $artistid,
    title  => $title,
  { key => 'cd_artist_title' }

is($cd2->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'find by specific key: artist is correct');
is($cd2->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct');
is($cd2->year, $cd1->year, 'year is correct');

my $cd3 = $schema->resultset('CD')->find($artistid, $title, { key => 'cd_artist_title' });

is($cd3->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'find by specific key, ordered columns: artist is correct');
is($cd3->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct');
is($cd3->year, $cd1->year, 'year is correct');

my $cd4 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_create(
    artist => $artistid,
    title  => $title,
    year   => 2007,

ok(! $cd4->is_changed, 'update_or_create without key: row is clean');
is($cd4->cdid, $cd2->cdid, 'cdid is correct');
is($cd4->get_column('artist'), $cd2->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct');
is($cd4->title, $cd2->title, 'title is correct');
is($cd4->year, 2007, 'updated year is correct');

my $cd5 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_create(
    artist => $artistid,
    title  => $title,
    year   => 2007,
  { key => 'cd_artist_title' }

ok(! $cd5->is_changed, 'update_or_create by specific key: row is clean');
is($cd5->cdid, $cd2->cdid, 'cdid is correct');
is($cd5->get_column('artist'), $cd2->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct');
is($cd5->title, $cd2->title, 'title is correct');
is($cd5->year, 2007, 'updated year is correct');

my $cd6 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_create(
    cdid   => $cd2->cdid,
    artist => 1,
    title  => $cd2->title,
    year   => 2005,
  { key => 'primary' }

ok(! $cd6->is_changed, 'update_or_create by PK: row is clean');
is($cd6->cdid, $cd2->cdid, 'cdid is correct');
is($cd6->get_column('artist'), $cd2->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct');
is($cd6->title, $cd2->title, 'title is correct');
is($cd6->year, 2005, 'updated year is correct');

my $cd7 = $schema->resultset('CD')->find_or_create(
    artist => $artistid,
    title  => $title,
    year   => 2010,
  { key => 'cd_artist_title' }

is($cd7->cdid, $cd1->cdid, 'find_or_create by specific key: cdid is correct');
is($cd7->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct');
is($cd7->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct');
is($cd7->year, $cd1->year, 'year is correct');

my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find($artistid);
my $cd8 = $artist->find_or_create_related('cds',
    title  => $title,
    year   => 2020,
  { key => 'cd_artist_title' }

is($cd8->cdid, $cd1->cdid, 'find_or_create related by specific key: cdid is correct');
is($cd8->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct');
is($cd8->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct');
is($cd8->year, $cd1->year, 'year is correct');

# Add an extra row to potentially confuse the query
$schema->resultset('CD')->create ({
  artist => 2,
  title => $title,
  year => 2022,
my $cd9 = $artist->cds->update_or_create(
    cdid   => $cd1->cdid,
    title  => $title,
    year   => 2021,
  { key => 'cd_artist_title' }

ok(! $cd9->is_changed, 'update_or_create by specific key: row is clean');
is($cd9->cdid, $cd1->cdid, 'cdid is correct');
is($cd9->get_column('artist'), $cd1->get_column('artist'), 'artist is correct');
is($cd9->title, $cd1->title, 'title is correct');
is($cd9->year, 2021, 'year is correct');

# Table with two unique constraints, and we're satisying one of them
my $track = $schema->resultset('Track')->find(
    cd       => 1,
    position => 3,
  { order_by => 'position' }

is($track->get_column('cd'), 1, 'track cd is correct');
is($track->get_column('position'), 3, 'track position is correct');

# Test a table with a unique constraint but no primary key
my $row = $schema->resultset('NoPrimaryKey')->update_or_create(
    foo => 1,
    bar => 2,
    baz => 3,
  { key => 'foo_bar' }

ok(! $row->is_changed, 'update_or_create on table without primary key: row is clean');
is($row->foo, 1, 'foo is correct');
is($row->bar, 2, 'bar is correct');
is($row->baz, 3, 'baz is correct');

# Test a unique condition with extra information in the where attr
  my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->find({ artistid => 1 });
  my $cd = $artist->cds->find_or_new(
      cdid  => 1,
      title => 'Not The Real Title',
      year  => 3000,
    { key => 'primary' }

  ok($cd->in_storage, 'find correctly grepped the key across a relationship');
  is($cd->cdid, 1, 'cdid is correct');

# Test update_or_new
    my $cd1 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_new(
        artist => $artistid,
        title  => "SuperHits $$",
        year   => 2007,
      { key => 'cd_artist_title' }

    is($cd1->in_storage, 0, 'CD is not in storage yet after update_or_new');
    ok($cd1->in_storage, 'CD got added to strage after update_or_new && insert');

    my $cd2 = $schema->resultset('CD')->update_or_new(
        artist => $artistid,
        title  => "SuperHits $$",
        year   => 2008,
      { key => 'cd_artist_title' }
    ok($cd2->in_storage, 'Updating year using update_or_new was successful');
    is($cd2->id, $cd1->id, 'Got the same CD using update_or_new');

# make sure the ident condition is assembled sanely
  my $artist = $schema->resultset('Artist')->next;

  my ($sql, @bind);
  my $old_debugobj = $schema->storage->debugobj;
  my $old_debug = $schema->storage->debug;
  $schema->storage->debugobj(DBIC::DebugObj->new(\$sql, \@bind)),


  is_same_sql_bind (
    'SELECT me.artistid,, me.rank, me.charfield FROM artist me WHERE me.artistid = ?',


  throws_ok {
    eval <<'MOD' or die $@;
      package # hide from PAUSE

      use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;


      __PACKAGE__->add_column(qw/ foo bar /);

        constraint1 => [qw/ foo /],
        constraint2 => [qw/ bar /],

  } qr/\Qadd_unique_constraint() does not accept multiple constraints, use add_unique_constraints() instead\E/,
    'add_unique_constraint throws when more than one constraint specified';
# make sure NULL is not considered condition-deterministic
my $art_rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({}, { order_by => 'artistid' });
$art_rs->create ({ artistid => $_ + 640, name => "Outranked $_" }) for (1..2);
warnings_are {
    $art_rs->find ({ artistid => 642, rank => 13, charfield => undef })->name,
    'Outranked 2',
    'Correct artist retrieved with find'

  is (
    $art_rs->search({ charfield => undef })->find ({ artistid => 642, rank => 13 })->name,
    'Outranked 2',
    'Correct artist retrieved with find'
} [], 'no warnings';
