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# This is a sample .metapagerc file.  Copy this file (as ".metapagerc")
# to your home directory and edit accordingly.

# The [file] section is used to tell metapage where to copy files to 
# and from:
#   src    => source directory for documents to be processed
#   dest   => destination directory for processed documents
#   lib    => directory (or directories separated by ':') where files 
#             referenced by an "%% INCLUDE file %%" directive can be found
#   accept => one or more lines specifying a perl-like regex which files
#             must match to be considered
#   ignore => like accept, but matching files are ignores

src         = ~/websrc/docs
lib         = ~/websrc/lib
dest        = ~/web
accept      = ^public\/
ignore      = \b(CVS|RCS)\b
ignore      = \.gif$

# The [profile] section is used to define multiple configurations.  
# Create any number of different config files (exactly like this one)
# and set "dir" to be the directory in which they reside.  Calling 
# "metapage @profile" will cause the appropriate "profile" file to 
# be read and parsed immediately after the .metapagerc.   The "default"
# option specifies a default profile which is read after the .metapagerc
# and before any "@profile" specified as a metapage parameter.
#   dir     => location of configuration profiles
#   default => default profile to use.

dir         = ~/etc/metapage
default     = abw

# The [config] section defines variables that are passed to MetaText to 
# determine how the object should process files.  See the MetaText 
# documentation for further details about the variables and their 
# effect.  Note that not all MetaText config variables can be specified.
# Those that require code/hash/array references cannot be represented in
# a config file such as this.

delimiter   = ,
#debuglevel  = info,process,data

# The [define] section is used to define any MetaText variables that should
# always be available when processing files.  The "images" value, for example,
# allows the "%% SUBST images %%" (or more concisely, "%% images %%")
# directive to be specified.  This will be expanded into the images value
# ("/images").  


# define some URL stems to allow references like:
#   <img src="%%images%%/foo.gif">
images      = /images
cgibin      = /cgi-bin
home        = /index.html
server      =

# miscellaneous URLs (note the embedded '$email' variable)
email       =
maillink    = mailto:$email

# note explicit use of ${ } to disambiguate variables
homepage    = http://${server}${home}