Revision history for Perl extension Object::Signature
1.07 Thu 24 Mar 2011
Updating to Module::Install::DSL 1.00
Removing the use of prefork as the modules we use are fairly small
Removed -w from test scripts to be compatible with tainting
1.06 Sat 6 Jan 2007
Added the specialised subclass Object::Signature::File
1.05 Mon 2 Oct 2006
No functional changes
Upgrading to Module::Install 0.64
Fixed a few minor kwalitee nigglies
Upgraded tests to remove need for File::Spec dependency
1.04 Thu 18 May 2005
No functional changes
Upgrading Module::Install to 0.62 (final)
1.03 Mon 26 Dec 2005
Updating version to a production version number
Removing dependency on prefork
Removing TO DO item that implied a bug (confirmed not the case)
Moved to newer SVN repository
Updaded Makefile.PL to newer Module::Install
0.02 Tue 15 Feb 2005
Removing braindead Build.PL
0.01 Sat 13 Nov 2004
Created the initial version of the file