Revision history for Perl module Proc::Daemon.
0.19 Sat Mar 21 2015
RT#102360: add file_umask option (Cyrille Mastchenko).
0.18 Mon Jan 26 2015
GH#2: make Proc::Daemon internally taint safe (Rob Van Dam).
GH#3: add option to setgid, same as setuid (Rob Van Dam).
0.17 Fri Jan 23 2015
Move umask test to the end, should fix some failures from CPAN Testers.
RT#73352: replace exit with POSIX::_exit(0) in the "first child".
0.16 Thu Jan 22 2015
GH#1: fix Proc::ProcessTable test requirement.
RT#72107: die when exec_command fails.
0.15 Wed Jan 21 2015
RT#91450: fix pid file permissions.
RT#88512: fix typos in the documentation.
0.14 Fri Jun 03 2011
The filename memory is now a part of the object (not a package variable
any more). This was a bug.
Since <fork> is not performed on Windows OS as on Linux, I removed the
<eval> and <warn> from 0.13 and add an INFO to the documentation.
Updated the documentation.
0.13 Wed Jun 01 2011
Add ability to define the user identifier for the daemon if you want to
run it under other user then the parent (request from Holger Gläss).
Add <eval> and <warn> for OS not supporting POSIX::setsid (e.g. Windows).
Updated the documentation.
0.12 Tue Mai 24 2011
Init() did not close all filehandles reliably in some cases. Thanks again
to Rob Brown for reporting.
Text improvement in the documentation.
0.11 Mon Mai 23 2011
Init() didn't close all filehandles reliably (see also bug report at
for reporting and offering a patch.
Attributes 'dont_close_fh' AND 'dont_close_fd' added so we can define
file handles and descriptors that must be preserved from the parent into
the child (daemon).
Updated the documentation.
In some environment it is not allowed to open anonymous files. In this
case now a 'pid_file' must be defined. Thanks to Holger Gläss for
0.10 Fri Apr 01 2011
Improvement how Init() determines whether it was passed a blessed object
0.09 Tue Mar 15 2011
Fix for a possibly not reseted numbered match variable ($1).
Typo fix and text improvement in the documentation.
0.08 Sun Mar 13 2011
The <open> Mode of the daemon file handles STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR can be
specified now. The default Mode values are the same as before.
Updated the documentation.
0.07 Thu Feb 17 2011
Add signal processing to Kill_Daemon().
Updated the documentation.
0.06 Mon Jan 17 2011
A lot of documentation was add to the source code.
Daemon STDIN was fixed to "read" now instead of "write".
Replaced global filehandles with scalars.
Add a <die> if <chdir> fails.
Updated the documentation and add a note to the documentation about the
behavior of process-group Signals.
0.05 Thu Okt 28 2010
Fixed a problem when using the old method of calling Proc::Daemon::Init
without object (reported by Alex Samorukov). The parent process didn't
Fixed a problem with Proc::ProcessTable 0.44: Under some conditions
'cmndline' retruns with space and/or other characters at the end.
Update and small fixes in the documentation.
0.04 Sun Okt 24 2010
Added functions: new(), adjust_settings(), fix_filename(), Status(),
Kill_Daemon(), get_pid() and get_pid_by_proc_table_attr().
Init() now returns the PID of the daemon.
Fork() now allways returns values like Perls built-in 'fork' does.
Description was rewritten, extended and moved to the new Daemon.pod file.
Additional test are done at installation.
$SIG{'HUP'} was set to be valid only 'local' (bug report).
POSIX::EAGAIN() was added to Fork() (bug report).
0.03 Thu Jun 19 2003
Licensing is more explicit: Either GPL or Artistic.
Updated author contact information.
0.02 Sat Apr 17 1999
init() function superceded by Init() function.
All open files are closed during daemonization.
A double fork is now down to avoid the potential of acquiring
a controlling terminal.
Added Fork() and OpenMax() functions.
0.01 Thu Jan 27 1998
Initial bundled release.