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use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

my ($define, $ccfl);

# special flag for AIX
($^O =~ m/AIX/i) ? ($ccfl = '-qcpluscmt') : ($ccfl = '');

# path libsmbclient.h
my $include = try_to_find("libsmbclient.h");
$include = prompt("Where can I find libsmbclient.h ?", $include);
warn_user("$include/libsmbclient.h") if (!-r "$include/libsmbclient.h");

# path
my $lib = try_to_find("");
$lib = prompt("Where can I find ?",$lib);
warn_user("") if (!-r "$lib/");

# tests demande ?
my $ans = 
  prompt("Do you want make tests ?(you will be prompted for server / \n".
	   "worgroup / share / user / password to make read write access.",
if ($ans =~ /^y(es)?$/i) 
    my $server = prompt("Server ?","localhost");
    my $share = prompt("Share ?","homes");
    my $workgroup = prompt("Workgroup/Domain ?","");
    my $user = prompt("Smb user ?",$ENV{'USER'});
    my $pass = prompt("Smb password ?");
    open(FILE,">.c") || warn "Can't create .c for test: $!\n";
    print FILE $server,"\t",$share,"\t",$workgroup,"\t",$user,"\t",$pass;
    close FILE;

# Trace for debug
$ans = prompt("Compile module with trace to STDERR ?", "no");
if ($ans =~ /^y(es)?$/i) { $define = "-DVERBOSE"; }

# Create config.h for alloca via configure
system("./configure") == 0 or die "Can't run configure:$!\n";

# Create makefile
   'NAME'         => 'Filesys::SmbClient',
   'VERSION_FROM' => '',
   'INC'          => "-I$include",
   'DEFINE'       => $define,
   'LIBS'         => ["-L$lib -lsmbclient"],
   'OBJECT'       => 'libauthSamba.o SmbClient.o',
   'CCFLAGS'      => $ccfl,
   'PREREQ_PM'    => { Test::More => 0},
   'clean' => { FILES => "*~ config.status config.log config.h config.cache .c"},
   ($] ge '5.005') ?
    'AUTHOR' => 'Alain BARBET (',
    'ABSTRACT' => 'Filesys::SmbClient - Interface for access Samba filesystem with'
   : ()

sub warn_user
    my $file = $_[0];
    warn <<EOF;
** WHAT !!!!
** I Can't find $file : $!. 
If you don't have this file you can download last version
of Samba on and do:

\$ tar zxvf samba-2.2.x.tar.gz
\$ cd samba-2.2.x/source
\$ ./configure
\$ make bin/

Then you can find libsmbclient.h in source/include directory and in source/bin directory. You can then put them in
/usr/include and /usr/lib (or /usr/local/include and 



sub try_to_find {
  my $name = shift;
  my @path;
  if ($name=~m!\.h$!) {
    @path = qw!/usr/include /usr/local/include /usr/local/samba/include!;
  else {
    @path = qw!/usr/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/local/bin /usr/local/samba/bin!; 
  print "-- Try to find $name in ", join(' ',@path),"\n";
  foreach my $d (@path) {
    print "-- I found $name in $d\n";
    if (-e "$d/$name") { return $d; }