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=head1 NAME

FFmpeg::StreamGroup - A group of related media streams, typically encapsulated in a single file


  $ff = FFmpeg->new() #see FFmpeg;
  $sg = $ff->build_streamgroup();


Objects of this class are not intended to be
instantiated directly by the end user.  Access
L<FFmpeg::StreamGroup|FFmpeg::StreamGroup> objects using methods in
L<FFmpeg|FFmpeg>.  Refer to L<FFmpeg> for more information.

This is a composite class of L<FFmpeg::Stream|FFmpeg::Stream> objects.
A StreamGroup in most cases maps directly to a file, but it is also possible
that it can represent data coming over a socket (eg HTTP), filehandle
(eg STDIN), or a peripheral device (eg a TV tuner card).

A media stream, represented by the L<FFmpeg::Stream|FFmpeg::Stream> class
is never created without a parent stream group.  Metadata that may be attached
to a stream is always attached to the group which contains the stream.

An example of this is an MP3 file which has been ID3 "tagged".  Metadata regarding
the MP3 audio data in the file, such as year of recording, artist name, album
name, and genre are attached to a L<FFmpeg::StreamGroup|FFmpeg::StreamGroup>
rather than onto the L<FFmpeg::Stream|FFmpeg::Stream> object representing the
audio data itself.

The L<FFmpeg::StreamGroup|FFmpeg::StreamGroup> object is useful not only for
retrieving stream group metadata, but also for inspecting the component streams
of the group.  See L</streams()> for details.

This class also has rudimentary support for transcoding, in the form of a
"frame grab".  See L</capture_frame()> for details.


See L<FFmpeg/FEEDBACK> for details.

=head1 AUTHOR

Allen Day E<lt>allenday@ucla.eduE<gt>


Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Allen Day

This library is released under GPL, the Gnu Public License


The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a '_'.  Methods are
in alphabetical order for the most part.


# Let the code begin...

package FFmpeg::StreamGroup;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Copy;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);

use IO::String;
use Image::Magick::Iterator;

use base qw();
our $VERSION = '0.01';

=head2 new()


=item Usage

my $obj = new L<FFmpeg::StreamGroup|FFmpeg::StreamGroup>();

=item Function

Builds a new L<FFmpeg::StreamGroup|FFmpeg::StreamGroup> object

=item Returns

an instance of L<FFmpeg::StreamGroup|FFmpeg::StreamGroup>

=item Arguments

All optional, refer to the documentation of L<FFmpeg/new()>, this constructor
operates in the same way.



sub new {
  my($class,%arg) = @_;

  my $self = bless {}, $class;

  return $self;

=head2 init()


=item Usage


=item Function

Internal method to initialize a new L<FFmpeg::StreamGroup|FFmpeg::StreamGroup> object

=item Returns

true on success

=item Arguments

Arguments passed to new



sub init {
  my($self,%arg) = @_;

  foreach my $arg (keys %arg){
    $self->{$arg} = $arg{$arg};

  return 1;

=head2 streams()


=item Usage

@arr = $obj->streams();

=item Function

get the list of streams associated with this
stream group.

=item Returns

a list of L<FFmpeg::Stream|FFmpeg::Stream> objects

=item Arguments

none, read only



sub streams() {
  my $self = shift;
  return @{$self->{'_streams'}} if $self->{'_streams'};
  return ();

=head2 _add_stream()


=item Usage


=item Function

internal method.  add one or more streams to this stream group.

=item Returns

true on success

=item Arguments

one or more L<FFmpeg::Stream|FFmpeg::Stream> objects



sub _add_stream {
  my $self = shift;

  foreach my $i (@_){
    die(qq(_add_stream received an object ($i) that didn't inherit from FFmpeg::Stream)) unless ref($i) and $i->isa('FFmpeg::Stream');
    push(@{$self->{'_streams'}}, $i);

=head2 album()


=item Usage

$obj->album(); #get existing value

=item Function

album name of stream group, if applicable

=item Returns

value of album (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub album {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'album'};

=head2 author()


=item Usage

$obj->author(); #get existing value

=item Function

entity responsible for encoding the stream group

=item Returns

value of author (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub author() {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'author'};

=head2 bit_rate()


=item Usage

$obj->bit_rate(); #get existing value

=item Function

average bit rate of stream group, in bits/second.

=item Returns

value of bit_rate (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only

=item Notes

some stream encoders do not store this value
in bits/second, but in Kbits/second, or other
unknown units.  this L<FFmpeg::StreamGroup|FFmpeg::StreamGroup>
attribute should be considered accordingly.

 From the FFmpeg documentation:

if file_size() and duration() are available,
the return value is calculated.  otherwise, the
return value is extracted from the stream group,
and is zero if not available.



sub bit_rate {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'bit_rate'};

=head2 comment()


=item Usage

$obj->comment(); #get existing value

=item Function

comment on the stream group, if any

=item Returns

value of comment (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub comment {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'comment'};

=head2 copyright()


=item Usage

$obj->copyright(); #get existing value

=item Function

copyright notice on stream group, if any

=item Returns

value of copyright (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub copyright {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'copyright'};

=head2 data_offset()


=item Usage

$obj->data_offset(); #get existing value

=item Function

offset, in bytes, of first stream data.  this
is effectively the size of the file header.

=item Returns

value of data_offset (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub data_offset {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'data_offset'};

=head2 duration()


=item Usage

 $obj->duration();        #get stream duration in seconds
 $obj->duration(format=>'HMS'); #get existing value in HH::MM::SS format

=item Function

duration of the stream group in seconds.  this is
initialized to 0 if duration information
is for some reason unable from the streamgroup.

=item Returns

value of duration (a float), or a formatted time string.

=item Arguments

none, read only



sub duration {
  my $self = shift;
  my %arg = @_;

    if($arg{format} eq 'HMS'){
      return $self->_ffmpeg->format_duration_HMS($self->{'duration'});

  return $self->{'duration'};

=head2 duration_HMS()

returns L<duration()> in HH:MM:SS.uuuu format


sub duration_HMS {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->_ffmpeg->format_duration_HMS( $self->duration() );

=head2 file_size()


=item Usage

$obj->file_size(); #get existing value

=item Function

file size of stream group, in bytes

=item Returns

value of file_size (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub file_size {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'file_size'};

=head2 format()


=item Usage

 $obj->format();        #get existing FFmpeg::FileFormat

=item Function

format of the stream group (eg mpeg, avi, mov, &c)

=item Returns

an object of class L<FFmpeg::FileFormat|FFmpeg::FileFormat>

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub format {
  my($self,$obj) = @_;

  return $self->{'format'};

=head2 genre()


=item Usage

$obj->genre(); #get existing value

=item Function

genre of stream group, if applicable

=item Returns

value of genre (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub genre {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'genre'};

=head2 has_audio()


=item Usage

$obj->has_audio(); #get existing value

=item Function

detect if stream group contains audio

=item Returns

true if any of the contained L<FFmpeg::Stream|FFmpeg::Stream>
objects is an audio stream, false otherwise

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub has_audio() {
  my $self = shift;

    foreach my $stream ( $self->streams ){
      $self->{'has_audio'}++ and last if $stream->isa('FFmpeg::Stream::Audio');

  return $self->{'has_audio'};

=head2 has_video()


=item Usage

$obj->has_video(); #get existing value

=item Function

detect if stream group contains video

=item Returns

true if any of the contained L<FFmpeg::Stream|FFmpeg::Stream>
objects is an video stream, false otherwise

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub has_video() {
  my $self = shift;

    foreach my $stream ( $self->streams ){
      $self->{'has_video'}++ and last if $stream->isa('FFmpeg::Stream::Video');

  return $self->{'has_video'};

=head2 height()


=item Usage

$obj->height(); #get existing value

=item Function

height of first video stream in group.  it
is not implemented to access heights of other
streams if they differ from the first.

=item Returns

value of height (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub height {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'height'};

=head2 track()


=item Usage

$obj->track(); #get existing value

=item Function

track number of stream group, if applicable

=item Returns

value of track (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub track {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'track'};

=head2 url()


=item Usage

$obj->url(); #get existing value

=item Function

url or system path of the stream group (ie path to file)

=item Returns

value of url (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub url {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'url'};

=head2 width()


=item Usage

$obj->width(); #get existing value

=item Function

width of first video stream in group.  it
is not implemented to access widths of other
streams if they differ from the first.

=item Returns

value of width (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub width {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'width'};

=head2 year()


=item Usage

$obj->year(); #get existing value

=item Function

production year of stream group, if applicable

=item Returns

value ofyear (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub year {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'year'};

=head2 _ffmpeg()


=item Usage

$obj->_ffmpeg(); #get existing value

=item Function

internal method.  holds a reference to a L<FFmpeg|FFmpeg>
object.  use this to manipulate B<FFmpeg-C>'s state.

=item Returns

value of _ffmpeg (a scalar)

=item Arguments

none, read-only



sub _ffmpeg {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->{'_ffmpeg'};

=head2 capture_frame()


=item Usage

                    image_format   => $ffmpeg_format,
                    offset         => $time_piece,
                    video_geometry => "320x240",
                    output_file    => "/path/to/file.ppm",

=item Function

capture a frame from a streamgroup.  Currently
implemented to capture only from first video
stream, patches welcome.

=item Returns

a filehandle on image data on the frame requested in
the format requested

=item Arguments


=item video_rate (optional)

Affects how many frames/second are captured.  for instance, a
value of 0.016 will result in one roughly frame per minute.  Default
behavior is to capture every frame.

=item video_geometry (optional)

Dimensions for image as a width x height string (eg "320x240").
Defaults to Streamgroup's native frame size

=item output_file (optional)

Path to filename where captured frame will be written.  defaults
to an anonymous tempfile created using L<File::Temp|File::Temp> that is
deleted upon program termination

=item duration (optional, B<IMPORTANT>)

A string specifying how many seconds will be recorded.  defaults to 00:00:00.001
(typically resulting in 1 frame captured).

=item offset (optional)

a string in HH:MM:SS format specifying
offset at which to capture the frame. defaults to 00:00:00




sub capture_frame {
  my ($self,%arg) = @_;
  $arg{duration} = '00:00:00.001';

  my $iterator = $self->capture_frames(%arg);
  #warn $iterator;
  my $next = $iterator->next();
  #warn $next;
  return $next;

sub capture_frames {
  my ($self,%arg) = @_;

  $arg{ 'file_format' } = $self->_ffmpeg->file_format( 'image2pipe' );

  my($fh, $fn);
  if ( ! defined( $arg{ 'output_file' } ) ) {
    ($fh, $fn) = tempfile( UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => '.ppm' );
    $arg{ 'output_file' } = $fn;
  } else {
    $fn = $arg{ 'output_file' };

  $self->transcode( %arg );

  open($fh,$fn) or die "couldn't open '$fn': $!";

  my $iter = Image::Magick::Iterator->new();
  $iter->format( 'PPM' );
  $iter->handle($fh );

  return $iter;

=head2 transcode()


=item Usage

  file_format    => $format,        # (optional, required if 'output_file' argument is given) specifies written file format
  output_file    => '/tmp/out.flv', # (optional) path to written file, named pipe, device, etc
  offset         => '00:00:05',     # (optional) transcode from 5s into file
  duration       => '00:00:30',     # (optional) transcode for 30s

  video_rate     => 0.5,            # (optional) use every other frame
  video_bitrate  => 8000,           # (optional) bitrate of video stream(s)
  video_codec    => $vcodec,        # (optional) a FFmpeg::Codec object for which can_write() and is_video are both true
  video_geometry => '320x240',      # (optional) use frame size of 320x240 (WxH)

  audio_rate     => 44100,          # (optional) sample rate of audio stream(s)
  audio_bitrate  => 8000,           # (optional) bitrate of audio stream(s)
  audio_codec    => $acodec,        # (optional) a FFmpeg::Codec object for which can_write() and is_audio are both true


=item Function

Transcode (i.e. convert from one format/encoding to another)
a StreamGroup.  Currently implemented to operate only on the first
video and audio stream(s), patches welcome.

=item Returns

A new L<FFmpeg::StreamGroup> object.

=item Arguments


=item file_format (optional, required if 'output_file' argument is given)

=item output_file (optional)

Path to file where captured frame will be written.  Defaults
to an anonymous tempfile created using L<File::Temp|File::Temp> that is
deleted upon program termination.

=item offset (optional)

A string in HH:MM:SS.mmm format specifying offset at which to begin transcoding.
Milliseconds optional.  Defaults to 00:00:00.

=item duration (optional B<IMPORTANT>)

A string in HH:MM:SS.mmm format specifying how many seconds will be transcoded.
Milliseconds optional.  Defaults to the duration of the input StreamGroup.

=item video_rate (optional)

Affect how many frames/second are transcoded.  For instance, a
value of 0.016 will result in one roughly frame per minute.  Defaults
to the frame rate of the input StreamGroup.

=item video_bitrate (optional)


=item video_codec (optional)


=item video_geometry (optional)

Dimensions for image as a C<width x height> string (eg "C<320x240>").
defaults to StreamGroup's native frame size.

=item audio_rate (optional)


=item audio_bitrate (optional)


=item audio_codec (optional)





sub transcode {
  my ( $self, %arg ) = @_;

  $self->_ffmpeg->toggle_stderr(1) unless $self->_ffmpeg()->verbose() > 0; #intercept STDERR writes from ffmpeg-c
  $self->_ffmpeg->toggle_stdout(1) unless $self->_ffmpeg()->verbose() > 0; #intercept STDERR writes from ffmpeg-c

  $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_input_file( $self->url );

  #### GENERAL ####
  # set file format
  my $format_ok = 0;
  if ( $arg{ 'file_format' } ) {
    if ( ref( $arg{ 'file_format' } ) && $arg{ 'file_format' }->isa( 'FFmpeg::FileFormat' ) ) {
      if ( $arg{ 'file_format' }->can_write() ) {
        $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_format( $arg{ 'file_format' }->name() );
        $format_ok = 1;
      else {
        die "file_format is not writable";
    else {
      die "file_format myst be a FFmpeg::FileFormat object.";
  # set output file
  my ( $fh, $fn );
  if( ! defined( $arg{ 'output_file' } ) ) {
    ( $fh, $fn ) = tempfile( UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => '.ff' );
  else {
    die "you must define file_format if output_file is defined" unless $format_ok;
    $fn = $arg{ 'output_file' };
  # set start time
  if ( defined( $arg{ 'offset' } ) ) {
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_start_time( $arg{ 'offset' } );
  else {
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_start_time( '00:00:00' );
  # set duration
  if ( defined( $arg{ 'duration' } ) ) {
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_recording_time( $arg{'duration'} );

  #### VIDEO ####
  # set video rate
  if( $arg{ 'video_rate' } ){
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_video_rate( $arg{ 'video_rate' } );
  # set video bitrate
  if ( defined( $arg{ 'video_bitrate' } ) ) {
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_video_bitrate( $arg{ 'video_bitrate' } );
  # set video codec
  if ( defined( $arg{ 'video_codec' } ) ) {
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_video_codec( $arg{ 'video_codec' }->name() );
  # set video geometry
  if( $arg{ 'video_geometry' } ){
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_video_geometry( $arg{ 'video_geometry' } );

  #### AUDIO ####
  # set audio sample rate
  if ( defined( $arg{ 'audio_rate' } ) ) {
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_audio_rate( $arg{ 'audio_rate' } );
  # set audio bitrate
  if ( defined( $arg{ 'audio_bitrate' } ) ) {
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_audio_bitrate( $arg{ 'audio_bitrate' } );
  # set audio codec
  if ( defined( $arg{ 'audio_codec' } ) ) {
    $self->_ffmpeg()->_set_audio_codec( $arg{ 'audio_codec' }->name() );


warn "******".$self->_ffmpeg()->verbose();


  my $ff = FFmpeg->new();
  $ff->input_file( $fn );
  my $sg = $self->_ffmpeg()->create_streamgroup();

  $self->_ffmpeg->toggle_stderr(0) unless $self->_ffmpeg()->verbose() > 0; #reenable STDERR
  $self->_ffmpeg->toggle_stdout(0) unless $self->_ffmpeg()->verbose() > 0; #reenable STDERR

  return $sg;
