The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;
use warnings;

use lib qw( t/lib );

use Test::More tests => 38;
use JSON;
use MIME::Base64;
use WWW::Notifo qw( notifo );

sub want_error(&$;$) {
  my ( $cb, $re, $msg ) = @_;
  $msg = 'error' unless $msg;
  eval { $cb->() };
  ok $@, "$msg: threw error";
  like $@, $re, "$msg: error matches";

  my $HR;

  sub patch_ua {
    my $not = shift;
    $not->_ua->add_handler( request_send => sub { $HR->( @_ ) } );

  sub handle_request(&) { $HR = shift }

sub check_request {
  my ( $req, $not ) = @_;
  is $req->method, 'POST', 'method is POST';
  my $auth = $req->header( 'Authorization' );
  like $auth, qr{^Basic\s+\S+$}, 'auth header';
  my ( $cred ) = $auth =~ m{^Basic\s+(\S+)};    # like tramples on $1
  my ( $username, $secret ) = split /:/, decode_base64( $cred ), 2;
  is $username, $not->username, 'username';
  is $secret,   $not->secret,   'secret';

sub response($) {
  my $cont = shift;
  my $resp = HTTP::Response->new;
  $resp->content_type( 'application/json' );
  $resp->content( JSON->new->encode( $cont ) );
  $resp->code( 200 );
  return $resp;

sub decode_uri {
  my $str = shift;
  $str =~ s/\+/%20/g;
  $str =~ s/%([0-9a-f]{2})/chr hex $1/eig;
  return $str;

sub decode_form {
  my $cont = shift;
  my $vars = {};
  for my $arg ( split /&/, $cont ) {
    die "Bad arg: $arg" unless $arg =~ /(.+?)=(.+)/;
    $vars->{ decode_uri( $1 ) } = decode_uri( $2 );
  return $vars;

want_error { WWW::Notifo->new } qr{Missing}i, 'missing args';
want_error { WWW::Notifo->new( 'foo' ) } qr{a number}i,
 'odd number of args';
want_error {
    username => 'alice',
    secret   => '123123',
    foo      => 1
qr{Illegal}i, 'illegal args';

ok my $not = WWW::Notifo->new(
  username => 'alice',
  secret   => 's3kr1t'

isa_ok $not, 'WWW::Notifo';
patch_ua( $not );

handle_request {
  my $req = shift;
  check_request( $req, $not );
  is $req->uri, '', 'uri';
  is_deeply decode_form( $req->content ), { username => 'bob' },
  return response {
    status           => 'success',
    response_code    => 2201,
    response_message => 'OK'

is_deeply $not->subscribe_user( username => 'bob' ),
  status           => 'success',
  response_code    => 2201,
  response_message => 'OK'

handle_request {
  my $req = shift;
  check_request( $req, $not );
  is $req->uri, '', 'uri';
  is_deeply decode_form( $req->content ),
    to    => 'hexten',
    msg   => 'Testing...',
    label => 'Test',
    title => 'Hoot',
    uri   => ''
  return response {
    status           => 'success',
    response_code    => 2201,
    response_message => 'OK'

is_deeply $not->send_notification(
  to    => 'hexten',
  msg   => 'Testing...',
  label => 'Test',
  title => 'Hoot',
  uri   => ''
  status           => 'success',
  response_code    => 2201,
  response_message => 'OK'

is_deeply $not->api(
  to    => 'hexten',
  msg   => 'Testing...',
  label => 'Test',
  title => 'Hoot',
  uri   => ''
  status           => 'success',
  response_code    => 2201,
  response_message => 'OK'
 'send_notification via api';

is_deeply $not->last,
  status           => 'success',
  response_code    => 2201,
  response_message => 'OK'
 'last response';

want_error {
    to      => 'hexten',
    msg     => 'Testing...',
    label   => 'Test',
    caption => 'Hoot',
    url     => ''
qr{Illegal.+\bcaption\b.+\burl\b}i, 'illegal';

handle_request {
  my $req  = shift;
  my $resp = response {
    status           => 'error',
    response_code    => 1101,
    response_message => 'Invalid Credentials'
  $resp->code( 401 );
  $resp->message( 'Not authenticated' );
  return $resp;

want_error {
    to  => 'hexten',
    msg => 'Testing...',
qr{1101 Invalid Credentials}i, 'error from notifo';

handle_request {
  my $req = shift;
  my $resp = response {};
  $resp->code( 401 );
  $resp->message( 'Not authenticated' );
  $resp->content( '' );
  return $resp;

want_error {
    to  => 'hexten',
    msg => 'Testing...',
qr{401 Not authenticated}i, 'error from LWP::UserAgent';

handle_request {
  my $req = shift;
  my $resp = response {};
  $resp->content( '' );
  return $resp;

want_error {
    to  => 'hexten',
    msg => 'Testing...',
qr{JSON}i, 'error parsing response';

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