package Tk::RotCanvas;

use vars qw/$VERSION/;
$VERSION = 1.2;

use Tk::widgets qw/Canvas/;
use base qw/Tk::Derived Tk::Canvas/;

use strict;
use Carp;

Construct Tk::Widget 'RotCanvas';

sub ClassInit {
    my $class = shift;


sub Populate {
    my ($self, $args) = @_;


my %_cant_handle = (
		    bitmap => 1,
		    image  => 1,
		    arc    => 1,
		    text   => 1,
		    window => 1,

my %_rotate_methods = (
		       line      => \&_rotate_line,
		       polygon   => \&_rotate_poly,
		       oval      => \&_rotate_poly,

use constant PI => 3.14159269;

# This is the new rotate() method. It takes as input the
# id of the object to rotate, and the angle to rotate it with.
# It then rotates the object about its center by the given angle

sub rotate {
    my ($self, $id, $angle, $x, $y) = @_;

    unless (defined $angle) {
	croak "rotate: Must supply an angle -";

    # Get the current coordinates of the object.
    my $type = $self->type($id);

    # For now, I don't know how to handle some of these!
    if (exists $_cant_handle{$type}) {
	croak "rotate: Can't handle objects of type '$type' yet -";

    $_rotate_methods{$type}->($self, $id, $angle, $x, $y);

sub _rotate_line {
    my ($self, $id, $angle, $midx, $midy) = @_;

    # Get the old coordinates.
    my @coords = $self->coords($id);

    # If the center of rotation is not given, get the default.
    # Get the center of the line. We use this to translate the
    # above coords back to the origin, and then rotate about
    # the origin, then translate back.

    unless (defined $midx) {
	$midx = $coords[0] + 0.5*($coords[2] - $coords[0]);
	$midy = $coords[1] + 0.5*($coords[3] - $coords[1]);

    my @new;

    # Precalculate the sin/cos of the angle, since we'll call
    # them a few times.
    my $rad = PI*$angle/180;
    my $sin = sin $rad;
    my $cos = cos $rad;

    # Calculate the new coordinates of the line.
    while (my ($x, $y) = splice @coords, 0, 2) {
	my $x1 = $x - $midx;
	my $y1 = $y - $midy;

	push @new => $midx + ($x1 * $cos - $y1 * $sin);
	push @new => $midy + ($x1 * $sin + $y1 * $cos);

    # Redraw the line.
    $self->coords($id, @new);

sub _rotate_poly {
    my ($self, $id, $angle, $midx, $midy) = @_;

    # Get the old coordinates.
    my @coords = $self->coords($id);

    # Get the center of the poly. We use this to translate the
    # above coords back to the origin, and then rotate about
    # the origin, then translate back. (old)

    ($midx, $midy) = _get_CM(@coords) unless defined $midx;

    my @new;

    # Precalculate the sin/cos of the angle, since we'll call
    # them a few times.
    my $rad = PI*$angle/180;
    my $sin = sin $rad;
    my $cos = cos $rad;

    # Calculate the new coordinates of the line.
    while (my ($x, $y) = splice @coords, 0, 2) {
	my $x1 = $x - $midx;
	my $y1 = $y - $midy;

	push @new => $midx + ($x1 * $cos - $y1 * $sin);
	push @new => $midy + ($x1 * $sin + $y1 * $cos);

    # Redraw the poly.
    $self->coords($id, @new);

# We have to intercept any calls to createRectangle and
# create('rectangle') and call createPolygon instead.

sub createRectangle {
    my $self = shift;


sub create {
    my $self = shift;

    my $type = shift;

    if ($type eq 'rectangle') {
    } elsif ($type eq 'oval') {
    } else {
	$self->SUPER::create($type, @_);

sub createOval {
    my $self = shift;

# This sub transforms the rectangle coords to poly coords.
sub _rect_to_poly {
    my $self = shift;

    my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = splice @_ => 0, 4;

			 $x1, $y1,
			 $x2, $y1,
			 $x2, $y2,
			 $x1, $y2,

sub _oval_to_poly {
    my $self = shift;

    my ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = splice @_ => 0, 4;

    my $steps = 100;
    my $xc = ($x2 - $x1) / 2;
    my $yc = ($y2 - $y1) / 2;
    my @pointlist;

    for my $i (0..$steps) {
	my $theta = (PI * 2)* ($i / $steps);
	my $x = $xc * cos($theta) - $xc + $x2;
	my $y = $yc * sin($theta) + $yc + $y1;
	push(@pointlist, $x, $y);

    push(@_, '-fill', undef)      unless grep {/-fill/   } @_;
    push(@_, '-outline', 'black') unless grep {/-outline/} @_;

    $self->createPolygon(@pointlist, @_);

# This sub finds the center of mass of a polygon.
# I grabbed the algorithm somewhere from the web.
sub _get_CM {
    my ($x, $y, $area);

    my $i = 0;

    while ($i < $#_) {
	my $x0 = $_[$i];
	my $y0 = $_[$i+1];

	my ($x1, $y1);
	if ($i+2 > $#_) {
	    $x1 = $_[0];
	    $y1 = $_[1];
	} else {
	    $x1 = $_[$i+2];
	    $y1 = $_[$i+3];

	$i += 2;

	my $a1 = 0.5*($x0 + $x1);
	my $a2 = ($x0**2 + $x0*$x1 + $x1**2)/6;
	my $a3 = ($x0*$y1 + $y0*$x1 + 2*($x1*$y1 + $x0*$y0))/6;
	my $b0 = $y1 - $y0;

	$area += $a1 * $b0;
	$x    += $a2 * $b0;
	$y    += $a3 * $b0;

    return split ' ', sprintf "%.0f %0.f" => $x/$area, $y/$area;



=head1 NAME

Tk::RotCanvas - Canvas widget with arbitrary rotation support

=for category Tk Widget Classes


    $canvas = $parent->RotCanvas(?options?);
    my $obj = $canvas->create('polygon', @coords, %options);
    $canvas->rotate($obj, $angle, ?x, y?);


This module is a small wrapper around the C<Canvas> widget that adds a
new rotate() method. This method allows the rotation of various canvas
objects by arbitrary angles.


As mentioned previously, there is only one new method. All other canvas
methods work as expected.

=over 4

=item I<$canvas>-E<gt>B<rotate>(I<TagOrID, angle> ?,I<x, y>?)

This method rotates the object identified by TagOrID by an angle I<angle>.
The angle is specified in I<degrees>. If a coordinate is specified, then
the object is rotated about that point. Else, the object is rotated
about its center of mass.



As it stands, the module can only handle the following object types:

=over 4

=item *


=item *


=item *


=item *



All other object types (bitmap, image, arc, text and window) can
not be handled yet. A warning is issued if the user tries to rotate one
of these object types. Hopefully, more types will be handled in the future.


To be able to handle rectangles, the module intercepts any calls to
B<createRectangle()> and B<create()> and changes all rectangles to polygons.
The user should not be alarmed if B<type()> returned I<polygon> when a
I<rectangle> was expected.

Similarly, ovals are converted into polygons.

=head1 THANKS

Special thanks go to Larry Shatzer for developing the code to handle ovals.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ala Qumsieh I<>


This module is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.
