The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#Copyright 2009-10 Arthur S Goldstein
BEGIN {$test_count = 1}
#BEGIN {$test_count = 112}
use Test::More tests => $test_count;
#use Devel::Profiler;
#Test cases from

our $string_out;
our $preserve_string_out;
our $item_list2;
our $item_hash2;
our $i = 0;
our $x;
our $item_list;
our $item_hash;
our $rd_item_list;
our $rd_item_hash;
our $rd_item_list2;
our $rd_item_hash2;

is (1,1,'dummy test');


my $skip;
$skip = '1';  #too many versions of Parse:RecDescent out there
eval 'use Parse::Stallion::RD';
$skip .= $@;
eval 'use Parse::RecDescent 1.962';
$skip .= $@;
eval 'use Text::Balanced';
$skip .= $@;

if ($skip) {skip ("Need Parse RecDescent installed with Text::Balanced",


my $rules=<<'END';
start    :  character character character(s)
  {$::string_out .= "Found: ". $item[1]. $item[2]. join "", @{$item[3]}, "\n"; }

character:  /\w/


#print STDERR "setxxx\n";
my $char_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($rules);

my $value = $char_parser->start('a b c');

is ($string_out, 'Found: abc
', '2 char 1 chars');
$string_out = '';

$value = $char_parser->start('abcdef'
is ($string_out, 'Found: abcdef
', '2 char 1 chars with more chars');
$string_out = '';

start    :  character character character(s /,/)
  {$::string_out = "Found: ". $item[1]. $item[2]. join "", @{$item[3]}, "\n"; }

character:  /\w/


my $xx_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($rules);

$value = $xx_parser->start('abc,d,e,f');
is ($string_out, 'Found: abcdef
', '2 char 1 chars comma');
$string_out = '';

$value = $xx_parser->start('abcdef');

is ($string_out, 'Found: abc
', '2 char 1 chars comma 2');
$string_out = '';

my $grammar = q {

  start    :  seq_1 seq_2

  seq_1    :   'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'         { $::string_out .= "seq_1: " . join (" ", @item[1..$#item]) . "\n" }
           |   'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' { $::string_out .= "seq_2: " . join (" ", @item[1..$#item]) . "\n" }

  seq_2    : character(s)

  character: /\w/                      { $::string_out .= "scharacter: $item[1]\n" }


my $fpnl_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$fpnl_parser->start("A B C D E F G");

is ($string_out, 'seq_1: A B C D
scharacter: E
scharacter: F
scharacter: G
' , 'other sequences');
$string_out = '';

$grammar = q {

  start:  seq_1 seq_2

  seq_1    :  'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F'
               { $::string_out .= "f2seq_1: " . join (" ", @item[1..$#item]) . "\n" }
            | 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'
               { $::string_out .= "f22seq_1: " . join (" ", @item[1..$#item]) . "\n" }

  seq_2    : character(s)

  character: /\w/
               { $::string_out .= "f2character: $item[1]\n" }


my $fpnl2_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$fpnl2_parser->start("A B C D E F G");

is ($string_out, 'f2seq_1: A B C D E F
f2character: G
' , '2 char 1 chars comma f2');
$string_out = '';

$grammar = q {

  start:  seq

  seq    :   char_1 char_2 char_3 char_4
               { $::string_out .= "ippi". join (" -- ", @item); }

  char_1 : character

  char_2 : character
  char_3 : character

  char_4 : character

  character: /\w/

my $item_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$item_parser->start("A B C D");

is ($string_out, 'ippiseq -- A -- B -- C -- D', 'dashed sequences');
$string_out = '';

$grammar = q {

  start:  seq

  seq    :   char_1 char_2 char_3 char_4
               { $::string_out .= join("",sort map {$_ . "=" . $item{$_} . "; "} keys %item)}

  char_1 : character

  char_2 : character
  char_3 : character

  char_4 : character

  character: /\w/

my $hash_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
$hash_parser->start("A B C D");

is ($string_out, '__RULE__=seq; char_1=A; char_2=B; char_3=C; char_4=D; ',
'hash of item');
$string_out = '';

$grammar = q {

  start:  character(?) { $::string_out = $item[1] }

  character: /\w/

my $qm_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$preserve_string_out = $string_out;
$string_out = '';

my $qmrd_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
is_deeply ( $preserve_string_out, $string_out,
 'question mark parse with recdescent');
$string_out = '';

$grammar = q {

  start:  character(s?) { $::string_out .= join('',@{$item[1]}) }

  character: /\w/

my $sqm_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

is ($string_out, 'BAC', 'question mark parse');
$string_out = '';

$grammar = q {

  start:  character(..3) { if ($item[1])
    {$::string_out .= join('',@{$item[1]})} }

  character: /\w/

my $sm3_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
#print STDERR "sm3 parser set up\n";

is ($string_out, 'BAC', 'sm3 parse');
$string_out = '';

$grammar = q {

  start:  character(..3)

  character: /\w/

my $m3_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
my $m3rd_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
#print STDERR "m3rd parser set up\n";
my $rd_result;
my $r_result;
my $result;

#use Data::Dumper;
$r_result = $m3_parser->start("");
$rd_result = $m3rd_parser->start("");
is_deeply($r_result, $rd_result, "empty m3");
#print STDERR "m3 result 0".Dumper(\$r_result)."\n";
$r_result = $m3_parser->start("B");
$rd_result = $m3rd_parser->start("B");
is_deeply($r_result, $rd_result, "empty m3 1");
$r_result = $m3_parser->start("BA");
$rd_result = $m3rd_parser->start("BA");
is_deeply($r_result, $rd_result, "empty m3 2");
#print STDERR "m3 result 2".Dumper(\$r_result)."\n";
$r_result = $m3_parser->start("BAC");
$rd_result = $m3rd_parser->start("BAC");
is_deeply($r_result, $rd_result, "empty m3 3");
#print STDERR "m3 result 3".Dumper(\$r_result)."\n";
$r_result = $m3_parser->start("BACD");
$rd_result = $m3rd_parser->start("BACD");
is_deeply($r_result, $rd_result, "empty m3 4");
#print STDERR "m3 result 4".Dumper(\$r_result)."\n";
#print STDERR "m3 resultd 4".Dumper(\$rd_result)."\n";

$grammar = q {

  start:  character(2..3)

  character: /\w/

#print STDERR "nm parser being set up\n";
my $nm_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
my $nmrd_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
$r_result = $nm_parser->start("BAC");
$rd_result = $nmrd_parser->start("BAC");
is_deeply($r_result, $rd_result, 'bac nm');
$r_result = $nm_parser->start("B");
$rd_result = $nmrd_parser->start("B");
is_deeply($r_result, $rd_result, 'b nm');
$r_result = $nm_parser->start("BACD");
$rd_result = $nmrd_parser->start("BACD");
is_deeply($r_result, $rd_result, 'bacd nm');

$x = 'BACD';
my $rx = 'BACD';

is($x, $rx, 'no reference');

is($x, $rx, 'some reference');

is($x, 'D', 'reference eaten');

$grammar = q {
  start : "A"
$a_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
$result = $a_parser->start("A");
is ($result, "A", "a parser 1");

$result = $a_parser->start("B");
is ($result, undef, "a parser 2");

$grammar = q {
  st : "A" "$item[1]"
$aa_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
$result = $aa_parser->st("AA");
is ($result, "A", "aa parser 1");

$aard_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
$rd_result = $aard_parser->st("AA");

is ($result, $rd_result, "aa parser on rd");

$result = $aa_parser->st("AB");
is ($result, undef, "aa parser 2");

$grammar = q {
  st : somechar somechar

  somechar : character(..3) {$text .= 'A'; $item[1];}

  character : /\w/
$txt_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
$result = $txt_parser->st("BBBB");

$txt_rd_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
$rd_result = $txt_rd_parser->st("BBBB");
is_deeply ($result, $rd_result, "txt parser 2");

$string_out = '';
$grammar = q {

  start:  line(s)

  line    :  'print_line' {$::string_out .= "print_line found on: $thisline\n"}
            | /.*/


hello world
i want a print_line right

here again

is ($string_out, 'print_line found on: 6
print_line found on: 9
', 'thisline with now');
$preserve_string_out = $string_out;
$string_out = '';

hello world
i want a print_line right

here again

is ($preserve_string_out, $string_out, 'thisline confirmed with now');
$string_out = '';

$string_out = '';
$grammar = q {

  start:  line(s)

  line    :  "print_line\n" {$::string_out .= "print_line found on: $thisline\n"}
            | /.*/


hello world
i want a print_line right

here again

is ($string_out, 'print_line found on: 6
print_line found on: 9
', 'thisline with n');
$preserve_string_out = $string_out;
$string_out = '';

hello world
i want a print_line right

here again

is ($preserve_string_out, $string_out, 'thisline confirmed with n');
$string_out = '';

$::RD_AUTOACTION = q { [@item] };

$grammar = q {

  start         : seq

  seq           : char_1 char_2 number(s) thing(s)

  char_1        : character

  char_2        : character
  character     : /[A-Z]/

  number        : /\d+/

  thing         : '(' key_value_pair(s) ')'

  key_value_pair: identifier "=" identifier

  identifier    : m([A-Za-z_]\w*) 

my $auto_parser=Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
my $myauto_parser=Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);

$rd_result = $myauto_parser->start("A B 42 29 5 ( foo = bar perl = cool hello = world )");
$result = $auto_parser->start("A B 42 29 5 ( foo = bar perl = cool hello = world )");

#print STDERR Dumper($rd_result);
#print STDERR Dumper($result);
is_deeply($rd_result, $result, "auto action");

$grammar = q {

  start         : seq

  seq           : (char_1 char_2)

  char_1        : character

  char_2        : character
  character     : /[A-Z]/

my $sbauto_parser=Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
my $mysbauto_parser=Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);

$rd_result = $mysbauto_parser->start("A B");
$result = $sbauto_parser->start("A B");

#print STDERR Dumper($rd_result);
#print STDERR Dumper($result);
$rd_result->[1][1][0] = $result->[1][1][0]; #naming is not the same
is_deeply($rd_result, $result, "auto action with subrule");

$::RD_AUTOACTION = undef;

$grammar = q {

  start:  seq(s)

  seq      :   'A' 'B' ...'C'
               { $::string_out .= "A B eaten, C follows\n"}
             | 'A' 'B' character
               { $::string_out .= "A B $item[3] eaten\n"}
             | character character
               { $::string_out .= "two characters eaten: $item[1] and $item[2]\n" }

  character: /\w/



$string_out = '';
$larrd_parser->start("A B Q P A B E A B C A B X");

is($string_out, 'A B Q eaten
two characters eaten: P and A
two characters eaten: B and E
A B eaten, C follows
two characters eaten: C and A
two characters eaten: B and X
', 'expected look ahead');

$string_out = '';
$la_parser->start("A B Q P A B E A B C A B X");
is($string_out, 'A B Q eaten
two characters eaten: P and A
two characters eaten: B and E
A B eaten, C follows
two characters eaten: C and A
two characters eaten: B and X
', 'stallion look ahead');

#print "start dq\n";

$grammar = q {

  start:  seq(s)

  seq      :   'A' 'B' ..."C"
               { $::string_out .= "A B eaten, C follows\n"}
             | 'A' 'B' character
               { $::string_out .= "A B $item[3] eaten\n"}
             | character character
               { $::string_out .= "two characters eaten: $item[1] and $item[2]\n" }

  character: /\w/



$string_out = '';
$larrd_parser->start("A B Q P A B E A B C A B X");
$preserve_string_out = $string_out;

$string_out = '';
$la_parser->start("A B Q P A B E A B C A B X");
is($string_out, $preserve_string_out, 'stallion look ahead with double quote');

$grammar = q {

  start:  seq(s)

  seq      :   'A' 'B' ...!"C"
               { $::string_out .= "A B eaten, C does not follow\n"}
             | 'A' 'B' character
               { $::string_out .= "A B $item[3] eaten\n"}
             | character character
               { $::string_out .= "two characters eaten: $item[1] and $item[2]\n" }

  character: /\w/



$string_out = '';
$larrd_parser->start("A B Q P A B E A B C A B X");
$preserve_string_out = $string_out;

$string_out = '';
$la_parser->start("A B Q P A B E A B C A B X");
is($string_out, $preserve_string_out, 'stallion not look ahead test');

#$grammar = q {
#  {my $x = 1}
#  start:  character(s)  {print "x is $x\n"; }
#  character: /\w/ {$x++;}

$grammar = q {
                                         {my %vars}

   start: /\w/

$grammar = q {
                                         {my %vars}

start:          statements               {$item[1]}

statements:     statement ';' statements
              | statement

statement:      variable '=' statement   {$vars {$item [1]} = $item [3]}
              | expression               {$item [1]}

expression:     term '+' expression      {$item [1] + $item [3]}
              | term '-' expression      {$item [1] - $item [3]}
              | term

term:           factor '*' term          {$item [1] * $item [3]}
              | factor '/' term          {$item [1] / $item [3]}
              | factor

factor:         number
              | variable                 {$vars {$item [1]} ||= 0 }
              | '+' factor               {$item [2]}
              | '-' factor               {$item [2] * -1}
              | '(' statement ')'        {$item [2]}

number:         /\d+/                    {$item [1]}

variable:       /[a-z]+/i


my $calcrd_parser=Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
my $calc_parser=Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);

$rd_result = $calcrd_parser->start("three=3;six=2*three;eight=three+5;2+eight*six+50");

$result = $calc_parser->start("three=3;six=2*three;eight=three+5;2+eight*six+50");

#print "\n";
#print "result is $result and rd results $rd_result\n";
is ($result, $rd_result, 'calculator with variables');

$string_out = '';
$grammar = q {

   start:  ('1') { $::string_out = $item[1] }


my $par_parser = Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);
is ($string_out, '1', 'parenthesized parser');
$string_out = '';
is ($string_out, '', 'parenthesized parser on 2');
$string_out = '';

$grammar = q {

  start: <leftop: '1' '2' '3' >

my $lord_parser=Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
$lp1 = $lord_parser->start('1232323');
$lp2 = $lord_parser->start('1');
$lp3 = $lord_parser->start('14');
$lp4 = $lord_parser->start('4');
my $lo_parser=Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);

$mlp1 = $lo_parser->start('1232323');
$mlp2 = $lo_parser->start('1');
$mlp3 = $lo_parser->start('14');
$mlp4 = $lo_parser->start('4');

is_deeply($mlp1, $lp1, 'leftop 1');
is_deeply($mlp2, $lp2, 'leftop 2');
is_deeply($mlp3, $lp3, 'leftop 3');
is_deeply($mlp4, $lp4, 'leftop 4');

$grammar = q {

  start: <rightop: '1' '2' '3' >

my $rord_parser=Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
$rlp1 = $rord_parser->start('1212123');
$rlp2 = $rord_parser->start('3');
$rlp3 = $rord_parser->start('34');
$rlp4 = $rord_parser->start('4');
my $ro_parser=Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);

$rmlp1 = $ro_parser->start('1212123');
$rmlp2 = $ro_parser->start('3');
$rmlp3 = $ro_parser->start('34');
$rmlp4 = $ro_parser->start('4');

is_deeply ($rlp1, $rmlp1, 'rightop 1');
is_deeply ($rlp2, $rmlp2, 'rightop 2');
is_deeply ($rlp3, $rmlp3, 'rightop 3');
is_deeply ($rlp4, $rmlp4, 'rightop 4');

 $grammar = q {
                                         {my %vars}

start:          statements               {$item[1]}

statements:     statement ';' statements
              | statement

statement:      <rightop: variable '=' expression>
                         {my $value = pop @{$item [1]};
                          while (@{$item [1]}) {
                              $vars {shift @{$item [1]}} = $value;

expression:     <leftop: term ('+' | '-') term>
                         {my $s = shift @{$item [1]};
                          while (@{$item [1]}) {
                              my ($op, $t) = splice @{$item [1]}, 0, 2;
                              if ($op eq '+') {$s += $t}
                              else            {$s -= $t}

term:           <leftop: factor m{([*/])} factor>
                         {my $t = shift @{$item [1]};
                          while (@{$item [1]}) {
                              my ($op, $f) = splice @{$item [1]}, 0, 2;
                              if ($op eq '/') {$t /= $f}
                              else            {$t *= $f}

factor:         number
              | variable                 {$vars {$item [1]} ||= 0 }
              | '+' factor               {$item [2]}
              | '-' factor               {$item [2] * -1}
              | '(' statement ')'        {$item [2]}

number:         /\d+/                    {$item [1]}

variable:       /[a-z]+/i


my $calclr_parser =Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);

$rd_result = $calclr_parser->start("three=3;six=2*three;eight=three+5;2+eight*six+50");

my $calcrlr_parser =Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);

$result = $calcrlr_parser->start("three=3;six=2*three;eight=three+5;2+eight*six+50");

#print "\n";
#print "result $result and rdr $rd_result\n";
is_deeply($result, $rd_result, 'leftop and rightop calculator');

#   Copyright (C) 2004 René Nyffenegger
#   This source code is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
#   warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
#   arising from the use of this software.
#   Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
#   including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
#   freely, subject to the following restrictions:
#   1. The origin of this source code must not be misrepresented; you must not
#      claim that you wrote the original source code. If you use this source code
#      in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
#      appreciated but is not required.
#   2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
#      misrepresented as being the original source code.
#   3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#   René Nyffenegger

my $f=
"create table xxx (
   xx varchar(3)

my @f = split /\n/, $f;

my $create_table_grammar = q {

  create_table_stmts : create_table_stmt(s?)
   { @item[1..$#item] }

  create_table_stmt  : /create/i /table/i table_name '(' rel_props ')' /;?/
                       { {tab_nam => $item{table_name}, cols => $item{rel_props} } }

  table_name         : identifier

  rel_props          : columns                                        #relational properties (according Oracle documentation)

  columns            : column ',' columns
                       { if ($item[1]) { unshift @{$item[3]}, $item[1]} else {}; $item[3] }
                     | column
                       { [ $item[1] ] }

  column             : out_of_line_constr
                       { { col_nam=>'constraint' } } 
                     | identifier reference_clause
                       { $return = {col_nam=> $item{identifier}} ;  @{$return}{keys %{$item{reference_clause}}} =  values %{$item{reference_clause}}  } 
                     | identifier data_type primary_key(?) not_null(?) default(?)
                       { {col_nam=>$item{identifier}, type=>$item{data_type}} }

  out_of_line_constr : named_const constraint
                     | constraint

  named_const        : /constraint/i identifier

  constraint         : /check/i           paranthesis
                     | /unique/i          paranthesis
                     | /primary/i /key/i  paranthesis
                     | /foreighn/i /key/i paranthesis

  paranthesis        : '(' in_paranthesis ')'

  in_paranthesis     : ( /[^()]+/ | paranthesis)(s)
  reference_clause   : /references/i identifier not_null(?)
                       { { refd_table=>$item[2] } }
                     | data_type /references/i identifier not_null(?)
                       { { type=>$item[1], refd_table=>$item[3] } }
  default            : /default/i sql_string

  sql_string         : /'([^']|'')*'/

  primary_key        : /primary/i /key/i

  not_null           : /not/i /null/i

  data_type          : dt_ident precision(?)
                       {$item[1]. $item[2][0] || "" } 

  precision          : '(' number ')'
                     | '(' number ',' number ')'

  dt_ident           : /number/i         {$item[1]} 
                     | /int +identity/i  {$item[1]} 
                     | /int/i            {$item[1]} 
                     | /decimal/i        {$item[1]} 
                     | /smallint/i       {$item[1]} 
                     | /integer/i        {$item[1]} 
                     | /long raw/i       {$item[1]} 
                     | /long/i           {$item[1]} 
                     | /varchar2/i       {$item[1]} 
                     | /varchar/i        {$item[1]} 
                     | /char/i           {$item[1]} 
                     | /raw/i            {$item[1]} 
                     | /date/i           {$item[1]} 
                     | /smalldatetime/i  {$item[1]} 
                     | /blob/i           {$item[1]} 
                     | /clob/i           {$item[1]} 
                     | /nclob/i          {$item[1]} 
                     | /bit/i            {$item[1]} 

  number             : /\d+/
                      { $item[1] }

  identifier         : m([A-Za-z_]\w*)


my $in_comment=0;

my $l_temp;
foreach my $l (@f) {
  my $len = length $l;

  my $first_quote =0;  # only set when already $in_comment
  my $asterik     =0;
  my $slash       =0;
  my $in_string   =0;
  my $hyphen      =0;

  for (my $i=0; $i<$len; $i++) {

    my $c = substr($l, $i, 1); 

    if ($in_comment) {
      if ($c eq "*") {
        $asterik     = 1;
      elsif ($c eq "/") {
        if ($asterik) {
          $asterik     = 0;
          $slash       = 0;
          $in_comment  = 0;
      else {
        $asterik = 0;
    else {
      if ($in_string) {
        if ($c eq "'") {

          if ($first_quote) {
            $first_quote = 0;          
            $l_temp .= $c;
          else {
            $first_quote = 1;
            $l_temp .= $c;
      elsif ($c eq "/") {
        if ($slash) {
          $l_temp .= "/";
        else {
          $slash = 1;
      elsif ($c eq "*") {
        if ($slash) {
          $in_comment = 1;
        else {
          $l_temp .= $c;
      elsif ($c eq "-") {
        if ($hyphen) {
          $l_temp .= "\n";
          next LINE;
        else {
          $hyphen = 1;
      elsif ($hyphen) {
        $hyphen = 0;
        $l_temp .= "-$c";
      elsif ($first_quote) {
        $in_string   = 0;
        $first_quote = 0;
        $l_temp .= $c;
      else {
        $l_temp .= $c;
continue {
  $l = $l_temp;

# print join " ", @f;

$rd_result = $sqlrd_parser->create_table_stmts(join " ", @f);
$result = $sql_parser->create_table_stmts(join " ", @f);
#sqltest   End: Copyright (C) 2004 René Nyffenegger

is_deeply($rd_result, $result, 'sql test');

$::RD_AUTOACTION = q { $::i++; };

$grammar = q {

  start         : char_1 char_2 char_3 { ; }

  char_1        : character

  char_2        : character
  char_3        : character { $::i+=4 }

  character:  /\w/


my $myauto_parser2=Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);


is ($i, 9, 'auto action only on those without actions');

$i = 0;

$grammar = q {



  start         : char_1 char_2 char_3

  char_1        : character

  char_2        : character
  char_3        : character

  character:  /\w/


my $preparser=Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);


is ($i, 2, 'multiple initial actions');

$grammar = q {

  start         : char_1 char_2 char_3

  char_1        : character

  char_2        : '9'
  char_1        : '88'

  char_3        : character

  character:  /\w/


my $orlparser=Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);
my $rdorlparser=Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);

$result = $orlparser->start('a9c');

is ($result, 'c', 'rule split over 2 lines 1');

$rd_result = $rdorlparser->start('a9c');

is ($rd_result, 'c', 'rule split over 2 lines 1 rd');

$result = $orlparser->start('889c');
#test case lost some meaning with match_once added

is ($result, undef, 'rule split over 2 lines 2');

$rd_result = $rdorlparser->start('889c');

is ($rd_result, undef, 'rule split over 2 lines 2');

$result = $orlparser->start('879c');

is ($result, undef, 'rule split over 2 lines 3');

$grammar = q {

  start:  seq(s)

  seq      :   'A' 'B' ...'C'
  { $::string_out .= "$item{__STRING1__} $item{__STRING2__} eaten, $item{__STRING3__} follows\n"}
             | 'A' 'B' character
  { $::string_out .= "$item{__STRING1__} $item{__STRING2__} $item{character} eaten\n"}
             | character character
  { $::string_out .= "two characters eaten: $item{character} and $item{character}\n" }

  character: /\w/



$string_out = '';
$nlarrd_parser->start("A B Q P A B E A B C A B X");

$preserve_string_out = $string_out;
$string_out = '';

$nla_parser->start("A B Q P A B E A B C A B X");
is($string_out, $preserve_string_out, 'hash names of items ');
$string_out = '';

$grammar = q {

  start:  seq(s)

  seq      :   'A' ('B' 'C' | 'E' 'F')
  { $::string_out .= join("..", %item) }


$rdsubrule_parser->start("A B C");
$preserve_string_out = $string_out;
#print "PString out is $string_out\n";
$string_out = '';

$subrule_parser->start("A B C");
#print "String out is $string_out\n";

$grammar = q {

  start: char char {undef} |
    '1' '2' {3}

  char: /\w/


$t = $rdun_parser->start('12');
$u = $un_parser->start('12');
is($u,$t, 'undef action');

$grammar = q {

  start: char char <reject> |
    '1' '2' {3}

  char: /\w/


$t = $rdrejun_parser->start('12');
$u = $rejun_parser->start('12');
is($u,$t, 'undef action');

$grammar = q {

  start: char char <reject:$::x> |
    '1' '2' {3}

  char: /\w/


$t = $xrdrejun_parser->start('12');
$u = $xrejun_parser->start('12');
is($u,$t, 'x undef action 1');

$x = 1;

$t = $xrdrejun_parser->start('12');
$u = $xrejun_parser->start('12');
is($u,$t, 'x undef action 2');

$grammar = q {

  start: 'q' <commit> {$::x++} 'r' |
   'q' {$::x++} 't'



$x = 0;
$t = $rdqr_parser->start('qu');
is ($x, 1, 'committed');

$x = 0;
$t = $qr_parser->start('qu');
is ($x, 1, 'committed stallion');

$grammar = q {

  start: 'q' {$::x++} 'r' |
   'q' {$::x++} 't'



$x = 0;
$t = $ncrdqr_parser->start('qu');
is ($x, 2, 'no committed');

$x = 0;
$t = $ncqr_parser->start('qu');
is ($x, 2, 'no committed stallion');

$grammar = q {

  start: 'q' <commit> {$::x++} 'r' |
   'q' {$::x++} 't' |
   <uncommit> 'q' {$::x++} 'u'



$x = 0;
$t = $urdqr_parser->start('qu');
is ($x, 2, 'uncommitted');

$x = 0;
$t = $uqr_parser->start('qu');
is ($x, 2, 'uncommitted stallion');

$grammar = q {

  start: 'q' <commit> {$::x++} subrule |
   'q' {$::x+=2} 't' |
   <uncommit> 'q' {$::x+=4} frule |
   'q' {$::x+=8} 'X'

  subrule: 'r' {$::x+=128} |
    <uncommit> 'f' {$::x+=16} 'h'

  frule: 'f' <commit> {$::x+=32} 'i' |
   'f' {$::x+=64} 'X'



$x = 0;
$t = $curdqr_parser->start('qfj');
is ($x, 61, 'commits and uncommitted');

$x = 0;
$t = $cuqr_parser->start('qfj');
is ($x, 61, 'commits and uncommitted stallion');

$grammar = q {

  start: subrule

  subrule: another_subrule

  another_subrule: 'f'



$t = $three_parser->start('f');
$u = $rd_three_parser->start('f');

is ($t, $u, 'three parser');

$grammar = q {
  st : 'q' | 'r' | <error> | 'j'
#print "with i not j\n";
$err_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
#print "err parser set\n";
open OLDERR,     ">&", \*STDERR ;
close OLDERR; #to get rid of warning message that OLDERR is only used once
open OLDERR,     ">&", \*STDERR ;
open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$result = $err_parser->st("i");
like ($error_message, qr/ERROR \(line 1\): Invalid st: Was expecting 'q', or 'r'/, 'simple error');

open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
#$rderr_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
#$result = $rderr_parser->st("i");
$result = $err_parser->st("j");
$error_message = '';
is ($error_message, '', 'simple error j');
#$result = $rderr_parser->st("j");

#print "just q and error\n";
$grammar = q {
  st : 'q' | <error>
$sherr_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
$error_message = '';
open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$result = $sherr_parser->st("i");
like ($error_message, qr/ERROR \(line 1\): Invalid st: Was expecting 'q'/, 'just q error');
#$shrderr_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
#$result = $shrderr_parser->st("i");

$grammar = q {

McCoy: curse ',' name ", I'm a doctor, not a" a_profession '!
                        | pronoun 'dead,' name '!'
                        | 'xxx'
                        | pronoun 'xxx'
                        | <error>

curse: 'darn'

name: 'Jim' | 'Spock'

pronoun: "He's" | "She's"

a_profession: 'Computer Programmer'


$mcerr_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
#$rdmcerr_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$result = $mcerr_parser->McCoy("Amen, Jim");
like ($error_message, qr/ERROR \(line 1\): Invalid McCoy: Was expecting curse, or pronoun, or 'xxx', or pronoun/, 'curse or pronoun or xxx');
#$result = $rdmcerr_parser->McCoy("Amen, Jim");

open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$result = $mcerr_parser->McCoy("He's alive!");
like ($error_message, qr/Invalid McCoy: Was expecting 'dead,' but found "alive!" instead/, 'alive error');
#$result = $rdmcerr_parser->McCoy("He's alive!");

$grammar = q {
  start2 : start | 'x'

  start : sub_rule1 | sub_rule2 | sub_rule3

  sub_rule1 : 'q' | 'b' | <error>

  sub_rule2 : 'r' | 's' | <error>

  sub_rule3 : 'u' | 't' | <error>

#print "with t\n";
$error_message = '';
$multierr_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$result = $multierr_parser->start("t");
is ($error_message, '', 't on three error has no error');
#print "result is $result\n";
#$multirderr_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
#$result = $multirderr_parser->start("t");
#print "result is $result\n";

#print "with v\n";
open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$result = $multierr_parser->start("v");
is ($error_message, "       ERROR (line 1): Invalid sub_rule1: Was expecting 'q', or 'b'
       ERROR (line 1): Invalid sub_rule2: Was expecting 'r', or 's'
       ERROR (line 1): Invalid sub_rule3: Was expecting 'u', or 't'
", "multi error on v");
#$result = $multirderr_parser->start("v");

#print "with x\n";
open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$result = $multierr_parser->start2("x");
is ($error_message, "", 'x on multi err should work');
#print "result is $result\n";
#$result = $multirderr_parser->start2("x");
#print "result is $result\n";

$grammar = q {
  start : 'do' <commit> something
     | 'report' <commit> something
     | <error?> <error:badbad>

  something : 'something'
$commite_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
#$commiterd_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);

#print "do commit\n";
open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$result = $commite_parser->start('do x');
is ($error_message, "       ERROR (line 1): Invalid start: Was expecting something but found \"x\" instead
", 'do on x');
#$result = $commiterd_parser->start('do x');

#print "undo commit\n";
open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$result = $commite_parser->start('undo x');
is ($error_message, '       ERROR (line 1): badbad
', 'bad bad test');
#$result = $commiterd_parser->start('undo x');

#print "em is $error_message\n";

$grammar = q {
  lines_then_st: 'g' st

  st: 'q' | 'r' | <error> | 'j'

#$rdline_err_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
#$results = $rdline_err_parser->lines_then_st("

#print "results is $results\n";
#print "error message $error_message\n";

open (local *STDERR, '>', \($error_message));
$line_err_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
$result = $line_err_parser->lines_then_st("

#print "results is $results\n";
#print "error message $error_message\n";

is ($error_message, "       ERROR (line 6): Invalid st: Was expecting 'q', or 'r'
", 'line 6 error');

$grammar = q {
                   sentence: noun trans noun
                           | noun intrans

                   noun:     'the dog'
                                   <defer: $::string_out .= "$item[1]\t(noun)\n" >
                       |     'the meat'
                                   <defer: $::string_out .= "$item[1]\t(noun)\n" >

                   trans:    'ate'
                                   <defer: $::string_out .= "$item[1]\t(transitive)\n" >

                   intrans:  'ate'
                                   <defer: $::string_out .= "$item[1]\t(intransitive)\n" >
                          |  'barked'
                                   <defer: $::string_out .= "$item[1]\t(intransitive)\n" >

open STDERR, ">&OLDERR";
$nti_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
$string_out = '';
$result = $nti_parser->sentence("the dog ate");
$preserve_string_out = $string_out;

$string_out = '';
$rdnti_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
$result = $rdnti_parser->sentence("the dog ate");
is ($preserve_string_out, $string_out, 'deferred action');

$grammar = q {

  start: <leftop: '1' char '3' > { my @items = @item;
   $::item_list = \@items;
   my %itemh = %item;
     $::item_hash = \%itemh;

  char: /\w/

my $rd_lftopchar_parser=Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);

$rd_item_list = $item_list;
$rd_item_hash = $item_hash;
delete $rd_item_hash->{__STRING1__};
delete $rd_item_hash->{__STRING2__};
delete $rd_item_hash->{char};

my $lftopchar_parser=Parse::Stallion::RD->new($grammar);

is($#{$item_list->[1]}, 6, 'item list count of leftop');
is_deeply($item_list, $rd_item_list, 'item list of leftop');
is_deeply($item_hash, $rd_item_hash, 'item hash of leftop');

$grammar = q {

  start: char(?) chas(0..1) chat(1..1) chau(0..) chav(..1) { my @items = @item;
    $::item_list = \@items;
    my %itemh = %item;
      $::item_hash = \%itemh;

  char: '1'

  chas: '2'

  chat: '3'

  chau: '4'

  chav: '5'


my $rd_rep_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
my $rep_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$rd_item_list = $item_list;
$rd_item_hash = $item_hash;

is($#{$item_list}, 5, 'item list count of rep');
is_deeply($item_list, $rd_item_list, 'item list of rep');
is_deeply($item_hash, $rd_item_hash, 'item hash of rep');

$grammar = q {
  start: 'a' 'b' <defer: my @items = @item;
    $::item_list = \@items;
    my %itemh = %item;
      $::item_hash = \%itemh;> 'c' 'd'


my $rd_defil_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
my $defil_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$rd_item_list = $item_list;
$rd_item_hash = $item_hash;

is($#{$item_list}, 5, 'item list count of deferred');

is_deeply($item_list, $rd_item_list, 'item list of deferred');
is_deeply($item_hash, $rd_item_hash, 'item hash of deferred');

$grammar = q {
  start: char char <defer: my @items = @item;
    $::item_list = \@items;
    my %itemh = %item;
      $::item_hash = \%itemh;> 'x' { my @items = @item;
    $::item_list2 = \@items;
    my %itemh = %item;
      $::item_hash2 = \%itemh;} char char

  char: /\w/


my $rd_defactil_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
my $defactil_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$rd_item_list = $item_list;
$rd_item_hash = $item_hash;
$rd_item_list2 = $item_list2;
$rd_item_hash2 = $item_hash2;
$item_list = undef;
$item_list2 = undef;
$item_hash = undef;
$item_hash2 = undef;

#print "rdih ".Dumper($rd_item_hash)."\n";
#print "ih ".Dumper($item_hash)."\n";
#print "rdih2 ".Dumper($rd_item_hash2)."\n";
#print "ih2 ".Dumper($item_hash2)."\n";
delete $item_hash2->{__ACTION1__}; # misbehavior?
delete $item_hash->{__ACTION1__};  # Parse::RecDescent preserves the list at
 # a certain state but not the hash
delete $rd_item_hash2->{__ACTION1__}; # Some Parse::RecDescents have this
delete $rd_item_hash->{__ACTION1__};  # Some Parse::RecDescents have this
is($#{$item_list}, 7, 'item list count of deferred and action');
is($#{$item_list2}, 4, 'item list count of deferred and action');
is_deeply($item_list, $rd_item_list, 'item list of deferred and action');
is_deeply($item_hash, $rd_item_hash, 'item hash of deferred and action');
is_deeply($item_list2, $rd_item_list2, 'item list 2 of deferred and action');
is_deeply($item_hash2, $rd_item_hash2, 'item hash 2 of deferred and action');

$grammar = q {
  start: char char <defer: my @items = @item;
    $::item_list = \@items;
    my %itemh = %item;
    $itemh{'goof'} = 'x';
      $::item_hash = \%itemh;> { my @items = @item;
    $::item_list2 = \@items;
    my %itemh = %item;
      $::item_hash2 = \%itemh;} char char

  char: /\w/


my $rd_xdefactil_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
my $xdefactil_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$rd_item_list = $item_list;
$rd_item_hash = $item_hash;
$rd_item_list2 = $item_list2;
$rd_item_hash2 = $item_hash2;

#print "rdih ".Dumper($rd_item_hash)."\n";
#print "ih ".Dumper($item_hash)."\n";
#print "rdih2 ".Dumper($rd_item_hash2)."\n";
#print "ih2 ".Dumper($item_hash2)."\n";
delete $item_hash2->{__ACTION1__};  #see comment below
delete $item_hash->{__ACTION1__};  # Parse::RecDescent preserves the list at
 # a certain state but not the hash in this case, not sure why.  out of date??
delete $rd_item_hash2->{__ACTION1__}; # Some Parse::RecDescents have this
delete $rd_item_hash->{__ACTION1__};  # Some Parse::RecDescents have this
is($item_hash->{goof}, 'x', 'item hash of goof');
is($#{$item_list}, 6, 'item list count of deferred and action no x');
is($#{$item_list2}, 3, 'item list count of deferred and action no x');
is_deeply($item_list, $rd_item_list, 'item list of deferred and action no x');
is_deeply($item_hash, $rd_item_hash, 'item hash of deferred and action no x');
is_deeply($item_list2, $rd_item_list2,
 'item list 2 of deferred and action no x');
is_deeply($item_hash2, $rd_item_hash2,
 'item hash 2 of deferred and action no x');

$pre_rd = $Parse::RecDescent::skip;
$Parse::RecDescent::skip = 'x';
$pre = $Parse::Stallion::RD::skip;
$Parse::Stallion::RD::skip = 'x';

$grammar = q {
  start: 'a' 'b' {1; } 'c'

my $parser_rd_xxx = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
my $parser_xxx = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$c = $parser_rd_xxx->start("xaxbxcx");
$d = $parser_xxx->start("xaxbxcx");

is ($c, $d, "skip with x");
is ($c, 'c', "skip with cx");

$Parse::RecDescent::skip = $pre_rd;
$Parse::Stallion::RD::skip = $pre;

$grammar = q {
  start: <skip:","> csv(s) <skip:$item[1]> 'g' 't'

  csv: 'r'

my $parser_rd_skipping = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);
my $parser_skipping = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);

$c = $parser_rd_skipping->start(",r,r,r,r g  t");
$d = $parser_skipping->start(",r,r,r,r g  t");

is ($d, $c, "skipping set");
is ($c, 't', "skipping sett");
#print "skip c is $c\n";

$grammar = q {
  check    : start

  start    :  seq_1 seq_2 | seq_1 seq_3

  seq_1    :   'A' 'B' 
           |   'A' 'B' 'C'

  seq_2    : 'D' 'E' | 'E' 'F' | 'G' 'H'

  seq_3    : 'Z' 'Y' | 'X' 'V'


my $chc_parser = new Parse::Stallion::RD($grammar);
my $rd_chc_parser = new Parse::RecDescent($grammar);

$result = $chc_parser->check('ABCXV'); #parses
$rd_result = $rd_chc_parser->check('ABCXV'); #does not parse
is_deeply($result, $rd_result, 'different no more');

print "All done\n";