The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use strict;

use Config qw(%Config);
use PerlReq::Utils qw(argv inc explode verf mod2dep path2dep);

use autouse qw(Pod::Usage pod2usage);
use Getopt::Long 2.24 qw(GetOptions :config gnu_getopt);
	"m|method=s"	=> \my $Method,
	"v|verbose+"	=> \my $Verbose,
	"h|help"	=> sub { pod2usage("00") }
		or pod2usage(2);
$Verbose = 2 if $ENV{RPM_SCRIPTS_DEBUG};
$Method ||= $ENV{RPM_PERL_REQ_METHOD} || "normal";
$Method =~ s/\s//g;
$Method eq "strict" || $Method eq "normal" || $Method eq "relaxed" ||
	pod2usage("$0: invalid method $Method");
$| = 1;

my @Skip = (
#	qr(/usr/share/doc/),
#	qr(/[Dd]emos?/),
#	qr(/examples?/),

sub prereq_pm {
	my %prereq;
	my $dir = $ENV{RPM_BUILD_ROOT} || ".";
	open my $fh, "$dir/.perl.req"
		or return;
	warn "# processing $dir/.perl.req\n" if $Verbose;
	local $_ = join "" => grep /^perl[(]/ => <$fh>;
	while (s/\bperl[(]([\w:]+)[)]>=([\d._]+)//) {
		my $dep = mod2dep($1);
		my $ver = $2 ? verf($2) : undef;
		if ($ver) {
			warn "#\t$dep >= $ver\n" if $Verbose;
			$prereq{$dep}{$ver} = undef;
		} else {
			warn "#\t$dep\n" if $Verbose;
			$prereq{$dep} ||= undef;
	return %prereq;

# list of requires
my %req;

# modules outside established module path
my %weak_prov;

# process PRINT_PREREQ output
my %prereq = prereq_pm();

# begin
process_file($_) foreach argv();

sub process_file {
	my $fname = shift;
	my ($prefix, $basename) = explode($fname);

	if (not $prefix and $fname =~ /\.p[lmh]$/) {
		local $_ = $fname;
		$weak_prov{path2dep($_)} = $fname while s#.+?/##;

	if ($Method ne "strict" and $basename and grep { $basename =~ $_ } @Skip) {
		warn "# $fname (builtin SKIP)\n";
	warn "# processing $fname\n" if $Verbose > 1;

	do_deparse($fname) and return;

# deparse failed, handle errors
	if ($Method eq "relaxed") {
		warn "# $fname: deparse failed, but I don't care.\n";
	} elsif ($Method eq "strict") {
		die "# $fname: deparse failed.\n";

# we are not quite sure this is perl file
	unless ($prefix) {
		my $v = isPerl($fname);
		die  "# $fname: deparse failed. isPerl=$v.\n" if $v > 0;
		warn "# $fname: deparse failed, isPerl=$v, ok.\n";

# it's a module, try to recover
	goto bad if $Method eq "strict";
# find out a `superclass' and try to use it
# examples:
# 	Math::BigInt::CalcEmu	implies	Math::BigInt	loaded
#	Pod::Perldoc::ToMan	implies Pod::Perldoc	loaded
#	Tk::Event::IO		implies	Tk::Event	loaded
#	...
#          implies        loaded
	my $super = $basename;
	$super =~ s/\//::/g and $super =~ s/(.+)::.*/$1/
	$super =~ s/(.+)_\w+\.pl$/$1/
		or goto bad;
	warn "# $fname: deparse failed, trying to recover with -M$super\n";
	my $ok2 = do_deparse($fname, "-M$super");
	goto bad unless $ok2;
	die "# $fname: deparse failed. prefix=$prefix\n";

sub shebang_options {
	my $fname = shift;
	open my $fh, $fname or die "$0: $fname: $!\n";
	local $_ = <$fh>;
	my @argv;
	if (s/^#!\s*\S*perl\S*//) {
		foreach my $arg (split) {
			last if $arg =~ /^#/;
			next if $arg eq "--";
			push @argv, $arg;
	elsif (m[^#!\s*/bin/sh(\s|$)]) {
		# check for "perl -x" re-exec hack
		my $maybe_x;
		while (<$fh>) {
			# this is just a standard way to re-exec perl:
			last if /^eval\s+'exec\s/;
			if (/\bexec\s.*\bperl.*\s-x/) {
				$maybe_x = 1;
			elsif ($maybe_x and s/^#!\s*\S*perl\S*//) {
				push @argv, "-x";
				foreach my $arg (split) {
					last if $arg =~ /^#/;
					next if $arg eq "--";
					push @argv, $arg;
	return @argv;

sub do_deparse {
	my ($fname, @add_arguments) = @_;

# skip "syntax OK" messages
#	use Fcntl qw(F_SETFD);
#	fcntl(STDERR, F_SETFD, 1) if !$Debug && $Method eq 'relaxed';

# construct pipe command
	my $X = $^X;
# what if we build perl itself?
# find deps with newer perl in order to avoid incompatible changes
		for my $perl ($^X, $Config{perlpath}, "/usr/bin/perl") {
			next unless $perl and -x "$ENV{RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$perl";
			$X = "$ENV{RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$perl";
# adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH if there are libraries inside buildroot
# spotted by Yury Konovalov
		for my $libdir ("/usr/lib64", "/usr/lib") {
			next unless glob "$ENV{RPM_BUILD_ROOT}$libdir/lib*.so*";
	my @pipe = ($X, shebang_options($fname));

# known problems and workarounds:
# - /usr/lib/rpm/ apparently fixes possible dependency loops with
#   that make syntax check impossible; affected packages: perl-Tk, perl-Video-DVDRip
#   See also:
# - /usr/lib/rpm/ (preloaded with `use') rearranges @INC entries so that
#   fake %buildroot-dependent paths takes precedence at INIT stage;
#   affected packages: autoconf
	push @pipe, "-I/usr/lib/rpm", "-Mfake" if $Method ne "strict";
	push @pipe, map { "-I$_" } inc();
	my $MO = "-MO=PerlReq";
	$MO .= ",-$Method" if $Method ne "normal";
	$MO .= ",-verbose" if $Verbose;
	$MO .= ",-debug" if $Verbose > 1;

	push @pipe, @add_arguments, $MO, "--", $fname;
	warn "# pipe: @pipe\n" if $Verbose > 1;

# do deparse
	use 5.007_001; # the list form of open() for pipes
	open my $pipe, "-|", @pipe or die "$0: @pipe: $!\n";
	local $_;
	while (<$pipe>) {
		my ($dep, undef, $v) = split;
		unless ($dep =~ /^perl\b/) {
			warn "# invalid dep: $_\n";
		if ($v) {
			$req{$dep}{$v} = undef;
		} else {
			$req{$dep} ||= undef;
# flush buffers
	1 while <$pipe>;
	return close $pipe;

# end
foreach my $k (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } keys %req) {
	if ($weak_prov{$k}) {
		warn "# $k internally povided by $weak_prov{$k}\n";
	my %ver = map { $_ ? %$_ : () } $req{$k}, $prereq{$k};
	if (%ver) {
		print "$k >= $_\n" foreach sort { $a <=> $b } keys %ver;
	} else {
		print "$k\n";

# auxiliary stuff
sub count($$) {
	warn "# @_\n" if $Verbose > 1;

sub isPerl {
	my $fname = shift;
	chomp $fname;
	open(FILE, $fname) || die "$0: $fname: $!\n";
	warn "# checking if $fname is perl source\n" if $Verbose;
# shortcut for non-text files
	return -1 unless -T FILE;
	local $_ = join "" => <FILE>;
	close FILE;
	my ($n, @n);

# variables
	@n = /\W[\$\%\@](?!Id[\$:])\w+/g;
	count @n, "variables";
	$n += @n;
# comments
	@n = /^\s*#/gm;
	count @n, "comments";
	$n += @n;
# blocks
	@n = /[}{]$|^\s*[}{]/gm;
	count @n, "blocks";
	$n += @n;
# keywords
	@n = /\b(unless|foreach|package|sub|use|strict)\b/gm;
	count @n, "keywords";
	$n += @n;
# pod
	@n = /^=(?:back|begin|cut|end|for|head|item|over|pod)/gm;
	count @n, "pod sections";
	$n += @n;
# modules
	@n = /^1;$/gm;
	count @n, "`1;'";
	$n += @n;

# prolog
	@n = /:-/g;
	count @n, "prolog :- operators";
	$n -= @n;
# prolog
	@n = /\![.,]$/gm;
	count @n, "prolog ! operators";
	$n -= @n;
# prolog
	@n = /\[\]/g;
	count @n, "prolog [] empty lists";
	$n -= @n;
# prolog
	@n = /(?:^|\s)%\s/gm;
	count @n, "prolog % comments";
	$n -= @n;
# prolog
	@n = /\(.*\)\.$/gm;
	count @n, "prolog ). EOF";
	$n -= @n;
# overall density
	$n /= (-s $fname) + 1;


=head1	NAME

perl.req - list requirements for Perl scripts and libraries




B<perl.req> calculates prerequisites for each Perl source I<file>
specified on a command line; alternatively, a list of files is obtained
from standard input, one file per line.  C<use>, C<require> and C<do>
statements are processed.  The output of perl.req is suitable for
automatic dependency tracking (e.g. for RPM packaging).

For example, F</usr/lib/perl5/File/> requires, in particular,
C<< perl( >= 1.030 >> (as of perl-5.8.6).

B<perl.req> is basically a wrapper for L<B::PerlReq> Perl compiler backend.

=head1	OPTIONS


=item	B<-m>, B<--method>=I<method>

Use particular I<method> for dependency tracking.  Alternatively,
RPM_PERL_REQ_METHOD environement variable can be used to set the method.

The following methods are available:


=item	B<strict>

Search thoroughly and list all requirements.  In particular, list
platform-specific (non-UNIX) requirements and requirements found inside
C<eval> blocks.

=item	B<normal> (default)

Enable moderate search most acceptable for RPM packaging.  That is,
skip files known to be platform-specific; skip platform-specific
requirements and those found inside C<eval> blocks; skip most common
requirements (e.g. C<>).

=item	B<relaxed>

Enable relaxed mode.  That is, tolerate B::PerlReq failures; in addition
to normal method, skip conditional requirements (e.g. C<require>
statements inside subroutines); skip C<do FILE> statements; list only
essential dependencies.


=item	B<-v>, B<--verbose>

Increase verbosity.


=head1	AUTHOR

Written by Alexey Tourbin <>,
based on an earlier version by Ken Estes <>,
with contributions from Mikhail Zabaluev <>.

=head1	HISTORY

Initial version of perl.req (part of RPM 3.0) done by Ken Estes
in 1999.  Regular expressions were used to extract dependencies.
(Later a part of ALT Linux Master 2.0, with modifications from Mikhail

Reworked in November 2002: complicated regular expressions were added to
enhance search; methods added.  (Later a part of ALT Linux Master 2.2.)

Reworked in September 2003: L<B::Deparse> was utilized to re-format Perl
code before dependency extraction; hence more simple and accurate.
Decoupled from rpm-build package into rpm-build-perl.  (Later a part of
ALT Linux Master 2.4.)

Reworked in December 2004: L<B::PerlReq> was developed.  Released on
CPAN, see L<>.

=head1	COPYING

Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Alexey Tourbin, ALT Linux Team.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

=head1	SEE ALSO

L<B::PerlReq>, L<perl.prov>