The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

use warnings;
use strict;

use FindBin;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd qw< cwd >;
use lib File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin, "lib");
use lib File::Spec->catdir($FindBin::Bin);
use PIL2JS;
use PIL::Parser;
use Term::ReadLine;
use Getopt::Long;
use Encode;  # needed by, better die now than later
             # (user-friendlyness etc.)

my $term = Term::ReadLine->new("jspugs");

my $prompt = "jspugs> ";
my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT;

print $OUT <<EOF;
Welcome to JSPugs -- Perl6 User's Golfing System
Type :h for help.


our %cfg;
*cfg = \%PIL2JS::cfg;
$cfg{output} = "output.html";

my (@runjs_args, @pugs_args);
  while(@ARGV) {
    my $arg = shift @ARGV;

    # Ignore -B JS and -BJS
    if(uc $arg eq "-B") {
      shift @ARGV;
    } elsif(uc $arg eq "-BJS") {
    } elsif($arg eq "--") {
      push @pugs_args, splice @ARGV;
    } elsif($arg =~ /^--/) {  # treat all --options as belonging to runjs
      push @runjs_args, $arg;
    } else {
      push @pugs_args, $arg;

  @ARGV = @runjs_args;

  "js=s"          => \$cfg{js},
  "pugs=s"        => \$cfg{pugs},
  "pil2js=s"      => \$cfg{pil2js},
  "p6preludepc=s" => \$cfg{preludepc},
  "p6prelude=s"   => \$cfg{prelude},
  "testpc=s"      => \$cfg{testpc},
  "output=s"      => \$cfg{output},
  "metamodel-base=s" => \$cfg{metamodel_base},
) or warn "Unknown options ignored.\n";

command_conf(pugs           => $cfg{pugs});
command_conf(metamodel_base => $cfg{metamodel_base});
command_conf(pil2js         => $cfg{pil2js});
command_conf(preludepc      => $cfg{preludepc});
command_conf(prelude        => $cfg{prelude});
command_conf(output         => $cfg{output});

while(defined($_ = $term->readline($prompt))) {
  next unless /\S/;

  if(my ($cmd, $arg) = /^:([hq]|pil(?:\.yaml)?|conf|precomp|js|[ecl])\s*(.*)$/) {
    no strict "refs";
    $cmd =~ s/\./_/g;
  } else {

sub command_q { exit }

sub command_h { print $OUT <<USAGE }
Commands available from the prompt:
:h                      = show this help message
:q                      = quit
:conf thing [new_value] = set the path to thing
:precomp                = precompile the Prelude
:pil <exp>              = show PIL of expression
:pil.yaml <exp>         = show PIL of expression dumped as YAML
<exp>                   = compile expression and save as HTML
:c <exp>                = ditto
:e <exp>                = compile expression and run it
:js <exp>               = compile expression and show it
:l          = compile file and save as HTML

sub command_conf {
  my ($what, $new) = split /\s+/, shift;

  my %human = (
    pugs      => "pugs",
    pil2js    => "pil2js",
    preludepc => "the precompiled Prelude",
    prelude   => "the Prelude sourcecode",
    metamodel_base => "Perl6.MetaModel",
    output    => "the JavaScript output",

  unless($what and $what =~ /^(?:pugs|pil2js|prelude(?:pc)?|metamodel_base|output)$/) {
    print $OUT "Usage: :conf pugs|pil2js|prelude|preludepc|metamodel_base|output [new_value]\n";

  $cfg{$what} = $new if $new;

  my $descr =  "$human{$what}:" . " " x (25 - length $human{$what});
  my $path  =  $cfg{$what};
  $path     =~ s/^@{[ +cwd ]}.//;
  $path    .=  " " x (25 - length $path);
  print $OUT
    "* Path to $descr $path [" .
    (-d $cfg{$what} || (-f $cfg{$what} && -s $cfg{$what}) ? "OK" : "NOT FOUND") .

sub command_precomp {
  my $js = eval { precomp_module_to_mini_js "-I", PIL2JS::pwd("lib6"), "-MPrelude::JS" };
  die $@ if $@;

  open my $fh, ">", $cfg{preludepc} or die "Couldn't open \"$cfg{preludepc}\" for writing: $!\n";
  print $fh $js                     or die "Couldn't write to \"$cfg{preludepc}\": $!\n";
  close $fh                         or die "Couldn't close \"$cfg{preludepc}\": $!\n";


sub command_pil {
  my $pil = eval { compile_perl6_to_pil "-e", $_[0] };
  print $OUT $@ and return if $@;
  print $OUT $pil;

sub command_pil_yaml {
  my $pil  = eval { compile_perl6_to_pil "-e", $_[0] };
  print $OUT $@ and return if $@;
  my $yaml = eval { run_pil2js("--yaml-dump", \$pil) };
  print $OUT $@ and return if $@;
  print $OUT $yaml;

sub command_compile { compile("-e", $_[0]) }
sub command_c       { command_compile(@_)  }
sub command_l       { compile($_[0]) }

sub compile {
  my $html = eval { compile_perl6_to_htmljs_with_links @_ };
  print $OUT $@ and return if $@;

  open my $fh, ">", $cfg{output} or die "Couldn't open \"$cfg{output}\" for writing: $!\n";
  print $fh $html                or die "Couldn't write to \"$cfg{output}\": $!\n";
  close $fh                      or die "Couldn't close \"$cfg{output}\": $!\n";


sub command_js {
  my $pil = eval { compile_perl6_to_mini_js "-e", $_[0] };
  print $OUT $@ and return if $@;
  print $OUT "$pil\n";

sub command_e {
  my $js = eval { jsbin_hack(compile_perl6_to_standalone_js("-e", shift)) };
  print $OUT $@ and return if $@;
  eval { run_js($js) } if $js;