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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts -fno-warn-orphans -funbox-strict-fields -fallow-overlapping-instances #-} 
    Implementation Types.

>   Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
>   Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
>   Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
>   One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
>   In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

module Pugs.Types 
    Type(..), mkType, anyType, showType, isaType, isaType', deltaType,
    ClassTree, initTree, addNode,

    cxtItem, cxtSlurpy, cxtVoid, cxtItemAny, cxtSlurpyAny,
    typeOfCxt, isSlurpyCxt, isItemCxt, isVoidCxt,
    enumCxt, cxtEnum,

    VStr, VBool, VInt, VRat, VNum, VComplex, VHandle, VSocket,

import Pugs.Internals
import Data.Bits (shiftL)
import qualified Data.HashTable as H
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Buf

data Type
    = MkType !ID         -- ^ A regular type
    | TypeOr  !Type !Type -- ^ The disjunction (|) of two types
    | TypeAnd !Type !Type -- ^ The conjunction (&) of two types
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

instance ((:>:) ByteString) Type where
    cast (MkType x) = cast x
    cast (TypeOr t1 t2)  = cast t1 +++ __"|" +++ cast t2
    cast (TypeAnd t1 t2) = cast t1 +++ __"&" +++ cast t2

instance ((:>:) Type) ByteString where
    cast = MkType . cast

instance ((:>:) Type) Pkg where
    cast = cast . (cast :: Pkg -> ByteString)

instance ((:>:) Pkg) Type where
    cast = cast . (cast :: Type -> ByteString)

instance Show Type where
    show t = "(mkType \"" ++ showType t ++ "\")"

showType :: Type -> String
showType (MkType typ)    = cast typ
showType (TypeOr t1 t2)  = showType t1 ++ "|" ++ showType t2
showType (TypeAnd t1 t2) = showType t1 ++ "&" ++ showType t2

newtype ClassTree = MkClassTree (Tree Type)
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

instance Show ClassTree where
    show t = "{ClassTree:" ++ show (countTree t) ++ "}"

data Cxt = CxtVoid         -- ^ Context that isn't expecting any values
         | CxtItem !Type   -- ^ Context expecting a value of the specified type
         | CxtSlurpy !Type -- ^ Context expecting multiple values of the
                           --     specified type
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Typeable)

anyType :: Type
anyType = mkType "Any"

cxtItem   :: String -> Cxt
cxtItem   = CxtItem . mkType
cxtSlurpy :: String -> Cxt
cxtSlurpy = CxtSlurpy . mkType
cxtVoid   :: Cxt
cxtVoid   = CxtVoid

typeOfCxt :: Cxt -> Type
typeOfCxt CxtVoid           = anyType
typeOfCxt (CxtItem typ)     = typ
typeOfCxt (CxtSlurpy typ)   = typ

-- | Return a 'Cxt' indicating a context expecting a scalar of any type
cxtItemAny :: Cxt
cxtItemAny   = CxtItem anyType
-- | Return a 'Cxt' indicating a context expecting a list of any type
cxtSlurpyAny :: Cxt
cxtSlurpyAny = CxtSlurpy anyType

Return true if the given 'Cxt' (context) is 'CxtSlurpy', rather than
'CxtItem' or 'CxtVoid'.
isSlurpyCxt :: Cxt -> Bool
isSlurpyCxt (CxtSlurpy _) = True
isSlurpyCxt _             = False
Return true if the given 'Cxt' (context) is 'CxtItem', rather than
'CxtSlurpy' or 'CxtVoid'.
isItemCxt :: Cxt -> Bool
isItemCxt   (CxtItem _)   = True
isItemCxt   _             = False
Return true if the given 'Cxt' (context) is 'CxtVoid', rather than
'CxtSlurpy' or 'CxtItem'.
isVoidCxt :: Cxt -> Bool
isVoidCxt   CxtVoid       = True
isVoidCxt   _             = False

-- | Return the Perl 5 calling convention bit value for the context.
enumCxt :: (Num a) => Cxt -> a
enumCxt CxtVoid       = 128
enumCxt (CxtItem _)   = 0
enumCxt (CxtSlurpy _) = 1

-- | Return the 'Cxt' corresponding to the given P5 calling convention bits.
cxtEnum :: (Show a, Num a) => a -> Cxt
cxtEnum 128 = CxtVoid
cxtEnum 0   = cxtItemAny
cxtEnum 1   = cxtSlurpyAny
cxtEnum n   = error ("Invalid cxt: " ++ show n)

Make a type value representing the type with the specified name.

Recognises conjunctive (&) and disjunctive (|) types.
mkType :: String -- ^ Name of the type, e.g. \"Hash\" or \"Str|Int\"
       -> Type
mkType str
    | (t1, (_:t2)) <- span (/= '|') str
    = TypeOr (mkType t1) (mkType t2)
    | (t1, (_:t2)) <- span (/= '&') str
    = TypeAnd (mkType t1) (mkType t2)
    | otherwise
    = MkType (cast str)

data Var = MkVar
    { v_name    :: !ID
    , v_sigil   :: !VarSigil
    , v_twigil  :: !VarTwigil
    , v_categ   :: !VarCateg
    , v_package :: !Pkg
    , v_meta    :: !VarMeta
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

-- | a dummy scalar, used for example as the invocant
-- in the signature :( $ : $x, $y ).
varNullScalar :: Var
varNullScalar = MkVar
    { v_name    = nullID
    , v_sigil   = SScalar
    , v_twigil  = TNil
    , v_categ   = CNil
    , v_package = MkPkg []
    , v_meta    = MNil

-- | the topical variable $_
varTopic :: Var
varTopic = cast "$_"

data VarMeta
    = MNil
    | MFold             -- [+]
    | MScan             -- [\+]
--  | MFoldPost         -- [+]<<
--  | MScanPost         -- [\+]<<
    | MPre              -- >>+
    | MPost             -- +<<
    | MHyper            -- >>+<<
    | MHyperFold        -- [>>+<<]
--  | MHyperFoldPost    -- [>>+<<]<<
    | MHyperScan        -- [\>>+<<]
--  | MHyperScanPost    -- [\>>+<<]<<
    deriving (Show, Enum, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Read)

isQualifiedVar :: Var -> Bool
isQualifiedVar MkVar{ v_package = MkPkg [] } = False
isQualifiedVar _ = True

dropVarPkg :: ByteString -> Var -> Maybe Var
dropVarPkg buf var@MkVar{ v_package = MkPkg ps }
    | (p:_) <- ps, p == buf = Just var{ v_package = MkPkg (tail ps) }
    | otherwise             = Nothing

-- | Package name, composed of multiple parts.
newtype Pkg = MkPkg [ByteString]
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

instance Show Pkg where
    show pkg = cast (cast pkg :: ByteString)

instance ((:>:) ByteString) Pkg where
    cast (MkPkg ns) = Buf.join (__"::") ns

instance Show Var where
    showsPrec _ var = ('"':) . showsVar var . ('"':)

showsVar :: Var -> String -> String
showsVar MkVar
    { v_sigil   = sig
    , v_twigil  = twi
    , v_package = pkg@(MkPkg ns)
    , v_categ   = cat
    , v_name    = name
    , v_meta    = meta
    } = showsPrec 0 sig . showsPrec 0 twi . showPkg . showCateg . showsMeta meta showName
    showName = ((++) (cast name))
    showCateg = case cat of
        CNil    -> id
        _       -> drop 2 . showsPrec 0 cat . (':':)
    showPkg = if null ns
        then id
        else showsPrec 0 pkg . (\x -> (':':':':x))

showsMeta :: VarMeta -> (String -> String) -> String -> String
showsMeta MNil              f x = f x
showsMeta MFold             f x = ('[':f (']':x))
showsMeta MScan             f x = ('[':'\\':f (']':x))
--showsMeta MFoldPost         f x = ('[':f (']':'<':'<':x))
--showsMeta MScanPost         f x = ('[':'\\':f (']':'<':'<':x))
showsMeta MPre              f x = ('>':'>':f x)
showsMeta MPost             f x = f ('<':'<':x)
showsMeta MHyper            f x = ('>':'>':f ('<':'<':x))
showsMeta MHyperFold        f x = ('[':'>':'>':f ('<':'<':']':x))
--showsMeta MHyperFoldPost    f x = ('[':'>':'>':f ('<':'<':']':'<':'<':x))
showsMeta MHyperScan        f x = ('[':'\\':'>':'>':f ('<':'<':']':x))
--showsMeta MHyperScanPost    f x = ('[':'\\':'>':'>':f ('<':'<':']':'<':'<':x))

instance ((:>:) String) Var where
    cast var = showsVar var ""

instance ((:>:) String) Pkg where
    cast = cast . (cast :: Pkg -> ByteString)

data VarCateg
    = CNil
    | C_prefix_circumfix_meta_operator
    | C_infix_circumfix_meta_operator
    | C_prefix_postfix_meta_operator
    | C_postfix_prefix_meta_operator
    | C_infix_postfix_meta_operator
    | C_statement_modifier
    | C_statement_control
    | C_scope_declarator
    | C_trait_auxiliary
    | C_trait_verb
    | C_regex_mod_external
    | C_regex_mod_internal
    | C_regex_assertion
    | C_regex_backslash
    | C_regex_metachar
    | C_postcircumfix
    | C_circumfix
    | C_postfix
    | C_infix
    | C_prefix
    | C_quote
    | C_term
    deriving (Show, Enum, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data, Read)

data VarSigil = SScalar | SArray | SHash | SType | SCode | SRegex | SCodeMulti | SArrayMulti
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

data VarTwigil = TNil | TAttribute | TPrivate | TImplicit | TMagical | TDoc
    | TGlobal -- XXX WRONG!
    deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data)

isSigilChar :: Char -> Bool
isSigilChar '$' = True
isSigilChar '@' = True
isSigilChar '%' = True
isSigilChar '&' = True
isSigilChar '<' = True -- XXX wrong
isSigilChar ':' = True
isSigilChar _   = False

instance Show VarSigil where
    showsPrec _ sig = case sig of
        SScalar     -> ('$':)
        SArray      -> ('@':)
        SHash       -> ('%':)
        SCode       -> ('&':)
        SRegex      -> ('<':)
        SType       -> \x -> (':':':':x)
        SCodeMulti  -> \x -> ('&':'&':x)
        SArrayMulti -> \x -> ('@':'@':x)

instance Show VarTwigil where
    showsPrec _ twi = case twi of
        TNil        -> id
        TAttribute  -> ('.':)
        TPrivate    -> ('!':)
        TImplicit   -> ('^':)
        TMagical    -> ('?':)
        TDoc        -> ('=':)
        TGlobal     -> ('*':)

instance ((:>:) (Maybe VarCateg)) ByteString where
    cast buf = case reads ('C':'_':cast buf) of
        ((x, _):_)  -> Just x
        _           -> Nothing

instance ((:>:) VarCateg) ByteString where
    -- XXX slow
    cast buf = case reads ('C':'_':cast buf) of
        ((x, _):_)  -> x
        _           -> internalError $ "Invalid grammatical category: " ++ show buf

instance ((:>:) VarSigil) Char where
    cast '$'    = SScalar
    cast '@'    = SArray
    cast '%'    = SHash
    cast '&'    = SCode
    cast '<'    = SRegex
    cast ':'    = SType
    cast x      = internalError $ "Invalid sigil " ++ show x

instance ((:>:) VarSigil) ByteString where
    cast name
        | name == __"$"     = SScalar
        | name == __"@"     = SArray
        | name == __"%"     = SHash
        | name == __"&"     = SCode
        | name == __"<"     = SRegex
        | name == __":"     = SType
        | name == __"::"    = SType
        | name == __"&&"    = SCodeMulti
        | name == __"@@"    = SArrayMulti
        | otherwise         = internalError $ "Invalid sigil " ++ show name

Transform an operator name, for example @&infix:\<+\>@ or @&prefix:«[+]»@, 
into its internal name (@&infix:+@ and @&prefix:[+]@ respectively).
instance ((:>:) Var) String where
    cast = cast . (cast :: String -> ByteString)

emptyPkg :: Pkg
emptyPkg = MkPkg []

-- globalPkg :: Pkg
-- globalPkg = MkPkg [__"GLOBAL"]

mainPkg :: Pkg
mainPkg = MkPkg [__"Main"]

callerPkg :: Pkg
callerPkg = MkPkg [__"CALLER"]

outerPkg :: Pkg
outerPkg = MkPkg [__"OUTER"]

contextPkg :: Pkg
contextPkg = MkPkg [__"ENV"] -- XXX wrong

nextPkg :: Pkg
nextPkg = MkPkg [__"NEXT"] -- XXX noncanonical

toGlobalVar :: Var -> Var
toGlobalVar var = var{ v_twigil = TGlobal }

isGlobalVar :: Var -> Bool
isGlobalVar MkVar{ v_twigil = TGlobal } = True
isGlobalVar MkVar{ v_twigil = TDoc }    = True -- XXX noncanonical
isGlobalVar _                           = False

instance ((:>:) Var) ByteString where
    cast x = unsafePerformIO (bufToVar x)

{-# NOINLINE _BufToVar #-}
_BufToVar :: H.HashTable ByteString Var
_BufToVar = unsafePerformIO hashNew

bufToVar :: ByteString -> IO Var
bufToVar buf = do
    a' <- H.lookup _BufToVar buf
    maybe (do
        let a = doBufToVar buf
        H.insert _BufToVar buf a
        return a) return a'

doBufToVar :: ByteString -> Var
doBufToVar buf = MkVar
    { v_sigil   = sig'
    , v_twigil  = twi
    , v_package = pkg
    , v_categ   = cat
    , v_meta    = meta
    , v_name    = cast name
    (sig, afterSig) = Buf.span isSigilChar buf
    sig' = if Buf.null sig then internalError $ "Sigilless var: " ++ show buf else cast sig
    len = Buf.length afterSig
    (twi, (pkg, (cat, afterCat)))
        | len == 0 = (TNil, (emptyPkg, (CNil, afterSig)))
        | len == 1 = case Buf.head afterSig of
            '!' -> (TGlobal, (emptyPkg, (CNil, afterSig)))  -- XXX $! always global - WRONG
            '/' -> (TGlobal, (emptyPkg, (CNil, afterSig)))  -- XXX $/ always global - WRONG
            _   -> (TNil, (emptyPkg, (CNil, afterSig)))
        | otherwise = case Buf.head afterSig of
            '.' -> (TAttribute, toPkg afterTwi)
            '^' -> (TImplicit, toPkg afterTwi)
            '?' -> (TMagical, toPkg afterTwi)
            '!' -> (TPrivate, toPkg afterTwi)
            '=' -> (TDoc, toPkg afterTwi)
--          '*' -> (TNil, (globalPkg, Buf.tail afterSig))
            '*' -> (TGlobal, toPkg afterTwi)
            '+' -> (TNil, (contextPkg, snd afterTwi))
            _   -> (TNil, toPkg (tokenPkg afterSig))
    afterTwi = tokenPkg (Buf.tail afterSig)
    toPkg (pkg, rest) = (MkPkg pkg, rest)
    tokenPkg :: ByteString -> ([ByteString], (VarCateg, ByteString))
    tokenPkg str = case Buf.elemIndex ':' str of
        Just idx1 -> case Buf.findSubstring (__"::") str of
            Nothing  -> ([], (cast (Buf.take idx1 str), Buf.drop (succ idx1) str))
            Just 0   -> tokenPkg (Buf.drop 2 str) -- $::x is the same as $x
            Just idx
                | idx == idx1 -> case cast (Buf.take idx1 str) of
                    -- &infix::= should parse as infix:<:=>, not infix::<=>
                    Just cat -> ([], (cat, Buf.drop (succ idx1) str))
                    -- &Infix::= should parse as Infix::<=>, not Infix:<:=>
                    _        -> let (rest, final) = tokenPkg (Buf.drop (idx + 2) str) in
                        ((Buf.take idx str:rest), final)
                | otherwise -> ([], (cast (Buf.take idx1 str), Buf.drop (succ idx1) str))
        _ -> ([], (CNil, str))
    (name, meta)
        | C_postfix <- cat, __"\187" `Buf.isPrefixOf` afterCat
        = (Buf.drop 2 afterCat, MPre)
        | C_postfix <- cat, __">>" `Buf.isPrefixOf` afterCat
        = (Buf.drop 2 afterCat, MPre)
        | C_infix <- cat
        , __"\187" `Buf.isPrefixOf` afterCat
        , __"\171" `Buf.isSuffixOf` afterCat
        = (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 afterCat), MHyper)
        | C_infix <- cat
        , __">>" `Buf.isPrefixOf` afterCat
        , __"<<" `Buf.isSuffixOf` afterCat 
        = (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 afterCat), MHyper)
        | C_prefix <- cat
        , __"[\\" `Buf.isPrefixOf` afterCat
        , ']' <- Buf.last afterCat
        = case Buf.drop 2 (Buf.init afterCat) of
            maybeHyper | __">>" `Buf.isPrefixOf` maybeHyper
                       , __"<<" `Buf.isSuffixOf` maybeHyper 
                -> (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 maybeHyper), MHyperScan)
            maybeHyper | __"\187" `Buf.isPrefixOf` maybeHyper
                       , __"\171" `Buf.isSuffixOf` maybeHyper 
                -> (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 maybeHyper), MHyperScan)
            other -> (other, MScan)
        | C_prefix <- cat
        , '[' <- Buf.head afterCat
        , ']' <- Buf.last afterCat
        = case Buf.tail (Buf.init afterCat) of
            maybeHyper | __">>" `Buf.isPrefixOf` maybeHyper
                       , __"<<" `Buf.isSuffixOf` maybeHyper 
                -> (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 maybeHyper), MHyperFold)
            maybeHyper | __"\187" `Buf.isPrefixOf` maybeHyper
                       , __"\171" `Buf.isSuffixOf` maybeHyper 
                -> (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 maybeHyper), MHyperFold)
            other -> (other, MFold)
        -- XXX - massive cut-n-paste!
        | C_prefix <- cat
        , __"[\\" `Buf.isPrefixOf` afterCat
        , __"]\171" `Buf.isSuffixOf` afterCat || __"]<<" `Buf.isSuffixOf` afterCat
        = case Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 3 afterCat) of
            maybeHyper | __">>" `Buf.isPrefixOf` maybeHyper
                       , __"<<" `Buf.isSuffixOf` maybeHyper 
                -> (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 maybeHyper), MHyperScanPost)
            maybeHyper | __"\187" `Buf.isPrefixOf` maybeHyper
                       , __"\171" `Buf.isSuffixOf` maybeHyper 
                -> (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 maybeHyper), MHyperScanPost)
            other -> (other, MScanPost)
        | C_prefix <- cat
        , '[' <- Buf.head afterCat
        , __"]\171" `Buf.isSuffixOf` afterCat || __"]<<" `Buf.isSuffixOf` afterCat
        = case Buf.tail (dropEnd 3 afterCat) of
            maybeHyper | __">>" `Buf.isPrefixOf` maybeHyper
                       , __"<<" `Buf.isSuffixOf` maybeHyper 
                -> (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 maybeHyper), MHyperFoldPost)
            maybeHyper | __"\187" `Buf.isPrefixOf` maybeHyper
                       , __"\171" `Buf.isSuffixOf` maybeHyper 
                -> (Buf.drop 2 (dropEnd 2 maybeHyper), MHyperFoldPost)
            other -> (other, MFoldPost)
        | C_prefix <- cat, __"\171" `Buf.isSuffixOf` afterCat
        = (dropEnd 2 afterCat, MPost)
        | C_prefix <- cat, __"<<" `Buf.isSuffixOf` afterCat
        = (dropEnd 2 afterCat, MPost)
        | otherwise
        = (afterCat, MNil)

instance ((:>:) Pkg) ByteString where
    cast = MkPkg . filter (not . Buf.null) . Buf.splitWith (== ':')

instance ((:>:) Pkg) String where
    cast = cast . (cast :: String -> ByteString)

instance ((:>:) ID) Pkg where
    cast = cast . (cast :: Pkg -> ByteString)

instance ((:>:) Type) ID where
    cast = cast . (cast :: ID -> ByteString)

possiblyFixOperatorName :: Var -> Var
possiblyFixOperatorName var@MkVar{ v_categ = CNil } = var
possiblyFixOperatorName var@MkVar{ v_sigil = sig, v_name = name }
    | sig /= SCode, sig /= SCodeMulti = var
    | __"\171" `Buf.isPrefixOf` buf, __"\187" `Buf.isSuffixOf` buf
    = var{ v_name = cast (dropEnd 2 (Buf.drop 2 buf)) }
    | __"<<" `Buf.isPrefixOf` buf, __">>" `Buf.isSuffixOf` buf
    = var{ v_name = cast (dropEnd 2 (Buf.drop 2 buf)) }
    | Buf.head buf == '<', Buf.last buf == '>', buf /= __"<=>"
    = var{ v_name = cast (Buf.init (Buf.tail buf)) }
    | otherwise
    = var
    buf = cast name

dropEnd :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
dropEnd i buf = Buf.take (Buf.length buf - i) buf

-- | Uses Haskell's underlying representation for strings.
type VStr  = String
-- | Uses Haskell's underlying representation for booleans.
type VBool = Bool
-- | Uses Haskell's underlying representation for integers.
type VInt  = Integer
-- | Uses Haskell's underlying representation for rational numbers.
type VRat  = Rational
-- | Uses Haskell's 'Double' type to represent arbitrary numbers.
type VNum  = Double
-- | Uses Haskell's underlying representation for complex numbers.
type VComplex = Complex VNum
-- | Uses Haskell's underlying representation for filehandles.
type VHandle = Handle
-- | Uses Haskell's underlying representation for sockets.
type VSocket = Socket
-- | Uses Haskell's underlying representation for threads.
data VThread a = MkThread
    { threadId      :: ThreadId
    , threadLock    :: TMVar a
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable)

-- | Rule Match object from PGE
data MatchPGE
    = PGE_Match !Int !Int ![MatchPGE] ![(VStr, MatchPGE)]
    | PGE_Array ![MatchPGE]
    | PGE_String !String
    | PGE_Fail
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable)

instance Ord VHandle where
    compare _ _ = EQ
instance Ord VSocket where
    compare x y = compare (show x) (show y)
instance (Ord a) => Ord (Tree a) where
    compare _ _ = EQ
instance Ord (TMVar a) where
    compare x y = compare (show x) (show y)
instance Eq (TMVar a) where
    _ == _ = True
instance Show (TMVar a) where
    show _ = "<tmvar>"

Count the total number of types in a class tree, including both internal and
leaf nodes.

This is used by 'deltaType' to ensure that incompatible types are always
further apart than compatible types.
countTree :: ClassTree -> Int
countTree (MkClassTree (Node _ [])) = 1
countTree (MkClassTree (Node _ cs)) = 1 + sum (map (countTree . MkClassTree) cs)

Find the \'difference\' between two types in the given class tree (for MMD
purposes and such).

Identical types (that exist in the class tree) produce 0. Compatible types
will produce a small positive number representing their distance.
Incompatible will produce a distance larger
than any two compatible types. If one (or both) of the types doesn't exist in
the tree, the result is a very large number.

> <scook0> is deltaType supposed to be returning large positive numbers for 
>            types that are actually incompatible?
> <autrijus> that is a open design question.
> <autrijus> it is that way because we want
> <autrijus> '1'+'2'
> <autrijus> to work
> <scook0> I see
> <autrijus> without having to define <+> as Scalar Scalar
> <autrijus> I think I did think of leaving a compatibleTypes as remedy
> <autrijus> to specify things that are fundamentally uncastable
> <scook0> I think I'll just document the current behaviour for now
> <autrijus> nod. it is a mess. it really wants a rewrite.
deltaType :: ClassTree -- ^ Class tree to use for the comparison
          -> Type      -- ^ Base type
          -> Type      -- ^ Possibly-derived type
          -> Int
deltaType = junctivate min max $ \tree base target ->
    let distance = distanceType tree base target in
    if distance < 0
        then countTree tree - distance
        else distance

Autothreading of comparisons between junctive types.

Just as autothreading over value junctions will perform an operation on all
junction elements and combine the results back into a junction, this function
autothreads some type comparison over all the possible type permutations,
then combines the results using two user-specified /functions/.

E.g. if we want to check whether the type @(Int|Str)@ is a @Num@, we first
check whether @Int@ is a @Num@ (@True@), then check whether @Str@ is a num
(@False@), then combine the results using the specified disjunctive combiner
(in this case Haskell's @(||)@). The result is thus @True@.
junctivate :: (t -> t -> t) -- ^ Function to combine results over disjunctive 
                            --     (@|@) types
           -> (t -> t -> t) -- ^ Function to combine results over conjunctive 
                            --     (@\&@) types
           -> (ClassTree -> Type -> Type -> t)
                            -- ^ Function that will actually perform the 
                            --     comparison (on non-junctive types)
           -> ClassTree     -- ^ Class tree to pass to the comparison function
           -> Type          -- ^ First type to compare
           -> Type          -- ^ Second type to compare
           -> t
junctivate or and f tree base target
    | TypeOr t1 t2 <- target
    = redo base t1 `or` redo base t2
    | TypeOr b1 b2 <- base
    = redo b1 target `or` redo b2 target
    | TypeAnd t1 t2 <- target
    = redo base t1 `and` redo base t2
    | TypeAnd b1 b2 <- base
    = redo b1 target `and` redo b2 target
    | otherwise
    = f tree base target
    redo = junctivate or and f tree

-- When saying Int.isa(Scalar), Scalar is the base, Int is the target
A more convenient version of 'isaType\'' that automatically converts the base
type string into an actual 'Type' value.
isaType :: ClassTree -- ^ Class tree to use for the comparison
        -> String    -- ^ Base type
        -> Type      -- ^ Possibly-derived type
        -> Bool
isaType tree base target = isaType' tree (mkType base) target

Return true if the second type (the \'target\') is derived-from or equal-to the 
first type (the \'base\'), in the context of the given class tree.

This function will autothread over junctive types.
isaType' :: ClassTree -- ^ Class tree to use for the comparison
         -> Type      -- ^ Base type
         -> Type      -- ^ Possibly-derived type
         -> Bool
isaType' = junctivate (||) (&&) $ \tree base target ->
    distanceType tree base target >= 0

Compute the \'distance\' between two types by applying 'findList' to each of
/bin/bash: line 1: :1: command not found
See 'compareList' for further details.
distanceType :: ClassTree -> Type -> Type -> Int
distanceType (MkClassTree tree) base@(MkType b) target@(MkType t) = 
    IntMap.findWithDefault (compareList l1 l2) (idKey b `shiftL` 16 + idKey t) initCache
--  | not (castOk base target)  = 0
--  | otherwise = compareList l1 l2
    l1 = findList base tree
    l2 = findList target tree
distanceType _ _ _ = error "distanceType: MkType not 'simple'"

initCache :: IntMap.IntMap Int
initCache = IntMap.fromList leaves
    leaves = [ (idKey x `shiftL` 16 + idKey y, cachedLookup x y)
             | x <- initLeaves, y <- initLeaves
    cachedLookup base target = compareList l1 l2
        l1 = findList base rawTree
        l2 = findList target rawTree

initLeaves :: [ID]
initLeaves = flatten rawTree

-- | (This is currently unused...)
castOk :: a -> b -> Bool
castOk _ _ = True

Take two inheritance chains produced by 'findList', and determine how
\'compatible\' the first one is with the second.

Compatible types will produce a number indicating how distant they are.
Incompatible types produce a negative number indicating how much the base type
would need to be relaxed. If one (or both) types doesn't exist in the tree, a 
large negative number is produced


* comparing @Int@ and @Int@ will produce 0

* comparing @Scalar@ and @String@ will produce 1

* comparing @Num@ and @Scalar@ will produce -2

* comparing @Blorple@ and @Method@ will produce -999 (or similar)
compareList :: Eq a
            => [a] -- ^ Base type's chain
            -> [a] -- ^ Possibly-derived type's chain
            -> Int
compareList [] _ = -999 -- XXX hack (nonexistent base type?)
compareList _ [] = -999 -- XXX hack (incompatible types)
compareList l1 l2
    | last l1 `elem` l2 =   length(l2 \\ l1) -- compatible types
    | last l2 `elem` l1 = - length(l1 \\ l2) -- anti-compatible types
    | otherwise = compareList l1 (init l2)
{-# SPECIALIZE compareList :: [ID] -> [ID] -> Int #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE compareList :: [Type] -> [Type] -> Int #-}

Produce the type \'inheritance\' chain leading from the base type (@Any@) to
the given type.


'findList' ('MkType' \"Num\") 'initTree'

will produce the list of types

Any, Void, Object, Scalar, Complex, Num

This function does /not/ expect to be given junctive types.
findList :: Eq a
         => a      -- ^ 'Type' to find the inheritance chain of
         -> Tree a -- ^ Class tree to look in
         -> [a]
findList base (Node l cs)
    | base == l                             = [l]
    | Just ls <- find (not . null) found    = l:ls
    | otherwise                             = []
    found = map (findList base) cs
{-# SPECIALIZE findList :: ID -> Tree ID -> [ID] #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE findList :: Type -> Tree Type -> [Type] #-}

Pretty-print the initial class tree, using @Tree@'s @drawTree@.

(This seems to be a debugging aid, since it's not actually used anywhere.)
prettyTypes :: String
prettyTypes = drawTree $ fmap show initTree

Add a new \'top-level\' type to the class tree, under @Object@.
addNode :: ClassTree -> Type -> ClassTree
addNode (MkClassTree (Node obj [Node any (Node item ns:rest), junc])) typ =
    MkClassTree (Node obj [Node any (Node item ((Node typ []):ns):rest), junc])
addNode _ _ = error "malformed tree"

Default class tree, containing all built-in types.
initTree :: ClassTree
initTree = MkClassTree (fmap MkType rawTree)

rawTree :: Tree ID
rawTree = fmap cast $! Node "Object"
    [ Node "Any"
        [ Node "Item"
            [ Node "List"
                [ Node "Lazy"
                    [ Node "Array"
                        [ Node "Array::Const" []
                        , Node "Array::Slice" []
                    , Node "Hash"
                        [ Node "Hash::Const" []
                        , Node "Hash::Env" []
                , Node "Eager" []
            , Node "Scalar"
                [ Node "Complex"
                    [ Node "Num"
                        [ Node "Rat"
                            [ Node "Int"
                                [ Node "Bit" [] ] ] ] ]
                , Node "Bool" []
                , Node "Str" []
                , Node "Ref" []
                , Node "IO"
                    [ Node "IO::Dir" []
                , Node "Socket" []
                , Node "Thread" []
                , Node "Code"
                    [ Node "Routine"
                        [ Node "Sub"
                            [ Node "Method" []
                            , Node "Submethod" []  -- why isn't this a node off Method? - mugwump
                        , Node "Macro" [] ]
                    , Node "Block"
                        [ Node "Loop" [] ]
                , Node "Regex" []
                , Node "Signature" []
                , Node "Capture"
                    [ Node "Match" []
                , Node "Scalar::Const" []
                , Node "Scalar::Proxy" []
                , Node "Scalar::Lazy" []
                , Node "Scalar::Perl5" []
                , Node "Proxy" []
                , Node "Control::Caller" []
                , Node "Time::Local" []
                , Node "Type"
                    [ Node "Package"
                        [ Node "Module"
                            [ Node "Class"
                                [ Node "Role" []
                                , Node "Grammar" []
                                ] ] ] ]
        , Node "Pair"
            [ Node "Pair::HashSlice" []
    , Node "Junction" [] ]