The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}

    The Main REPL loop.

    A ship then new they built for him
    Of mithril and of elven-glass
    With shining prow; no shaven oar
    Nor sail she bore on silver mast;
    The Silmaril as lantern light
    And banner bright with living flame
    To gleam thereon by Elbereth
    Herself was set, who thither came...

module Main where
import Internals

import AST
import Eval
import Shell
import Parser
import Help
import Pretty

type State = ()
initState = ()

main = getArgs >>= run

run (('-':'e':str@(_:_)):args) = doRun str args
run ("-e":str:args) = doRun str args
run ("-h":_)        = printHelp
run (file:args)     = readFile file >>= (`doRun` args)
run []              = do
    hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering 
    isTTY <- hIsTerminalDevice stdin
    if isTTY
        then banner >> repLoop () 
        else do
            str <- getContents
            doRun str []

repLoop :: State -> IO ()
repLoop state 
   = do command <- getCommand
        case command of
           Quit     -> putStrLn "Leaving pugs."
           Load fn  -> load fn
           Eval str -> doEval str [] >> repLoop initState 
           Parse str-> doParse str >> repLoop initState 
           Help     -> printHelp >> repLoop state 

load fn = do
    return ()

doParse str = runLex print parseOp str

eval str = doEval str []

doEval str args = do
    runLex (putStrLn . pretty . evaluate emptyEnv) parseOp str

doRun str args = do
    runLex (putStrLn . concatMap vCast . vCast . evaluate emptyEnv) parseOp str