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# $Id$
package Distribution::Guess::BuildSystem;
use strict;

use warnings;
no warnings;

use subs qw();
use vars qw($VERSION);

use Carp                  qw(carp);
use Config                qw(%Config);
use Cwd                   qw(cwd);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);

use Module::Extract::VERSION;

$VERSION = '0.12';

=head1 NAME

Distribution::Guess::BuildSystem - This is the description


	use Distribution::Guess::BuildSystem;

	chdir $dist_dir;
	my $guesser = Distribution::Guess::BuildSystem->new(
		dist_dir => $dir
	my $build_files   = $guesser->build_files; # Hash ref
	my $build_pl      = $guesser->has_build_pl;
	my $makefile_pl   = $guesser->has_makefile_pl;
	my $both          = $guesser->has_build_and_makefile;
	my $build_command = $guesser->build_commands; # Hash ref
	if( $guesser->uses_module_install ) 
		my $version = $guesser->module_install_version;
		my $pita    = $guesser->uses_auto_install;
	if( $guesser->uses_makemaker )   
		my $version = $guesser->makemaker_version;
		my $make    = $guesser->make_command;


There are three major build system for Perl distributions:

=over 4

=item * ExtUtils::MakeMaker

Uses F<Makefile.PL> and C<make>.

=item * Module::Build

Uses F<Build.PL> and C<perl>, although it might have a F<Makefile.PL> that is
a wrapper.

=item * Module::Install

Uses F<Makefile.PL> and calls to an embedded C<Module::Install>. It might
use C<auto_install> to call C<> at build time.


The trick is to figure out which one you are supposed to use. This module has
several methods to look at a distribution and guess what its build system is.
The main object is simply some settings. Every time you want to ask a 
question about the distribution, the object looks at the distribution. That is,
it doesn't capture the information when you create the object. 

=head2 Methods

=over 4

=item new

Creates a new guesser object. You can set:

	dist_dir            - the distribution directory (where the build file is)
	perl_binary         - the path to the perl you want to use
	prefer_module_build - some methods will return the preferred builder
	prefer_makemaker    - some methods will return the preferred builder

If you prefer 
The defaults are:
	dist_dir            - current working directory
	perl_binary         - $^X (may be relative and no longer in path!)
	prefer_module_build - true
	prefer_makemaker    - false


sub new
	my %defaults = ( 
		dist_dir            => cwd(),
		prefer_module_build => 1,
		prefer_makemaker    => 0,		
		perl_binary         => $^X,
	my( $class, %args ) = @_;
	bless { %defaults, %args }, $class;

=item dist_dir( [ DIR ] )

Returns or sets the distribution directory.


sub dist_dir
	my( $self ) = shift;
	$self->_setting( 'dist_dir', @_ );

=item perl_binary( [PERL] )

Returns or sets the perl binary path. This is either the one that you set
or the value of C<$^X>. There's no check to verify that this is actually
a perl binary.


sub perl_binary
	my( $self ) = shift;
	$self->_setting( 'perl_binary', @_ );

=item prefer_makemaker( [TRUE|FALSE] )

Returns or sets the Module::Build preference. If this is true, some of
the methods preferentially return answers for Module::Build over
MakeMaker when a distribution can use both systems. If both
C<prefer_makemaker> and C<prefer_module_build> are true, then
MakeMaker wins.

sub prefer_makemaker
	my( $self ) = shift;
	$self->_setting( 'prefer_makemaker', @_ );

=item prefer_module_build( [TRUE|FALSE] )

Returns or sets the Module::Build preference. If this is true, some of
the methods preferentially return answers for Module::Build over
MakeMaker when a distribution can use both systems. If both
C<prefer_makemaker> and C<prefer_module_build> are true, then
MakeMaker wins.


sub prefer_module_build
	my( $self ) = shift;
	$self->_setting( 'prefer_module_build', @_ );

sub _setting
	my( $self, $key, $value ) = @_;
	if( @_ == 3 ) {
		$self->{$key} = $value;

	return $self->{$key};

=head2 Questions about the distribution

=over 4

=item build_files

Returns an hash reference of build files found in the distribution. The
keys are the filenames of the build files. The values 


my @files = (
	[ qw( has_makefile_pl makefile_pl ) ],
	[ qw( has_build_pl    build_pl ) ],

sub build_files
	my %found;
	foreach my $pairs ( @files )
		my( $check, $file ) = @$pairs;
		$found{ $_[0]->$file() } = $_[0]->$file() if $_[0]->$check()
	return \%found;


=item preferred_build_file

Returns the build file that you should use, even if there is more than
one. Right now this is simple:

1. In the single build file distributions, return that build file

2. If you've specified a preference with C<prefer_module_build> or
C<prefer_makemaker>, use that.

3. If there is no preference (both are false), prefer C<Module::Build>.

4. If no of those work, return nothing.


sub preferred_build_file
	# preference doesn't matter in single build system cases
	return $_[0]->makefile_pl if $_[0]->uses_makemaker_only;
	return $_[0]->build_pl    if $_[0]->uses_module_build_only;

	# preference now matter
	return $_[0]->build_pl if( 
		$_[0]->prefer_module_build and $_[0]->uses_module_build );
	return $_[0]->makefile_pl if( 
		$_[0]->prefer_makemaker and $_[0]->uses_makemaker );

	# absence of preference
	return $_[0]->build_pl    if $_[0]->uses_module_build;
	return $_[0]->makefile_pl if $_[0]->uses_makemaker;
	# no build system?

=item preferred_build_command

Returns the build command that you should use. This uses the logic of
C<preferred_build_file>. It returns the result of either C<perl_command>
or C<make_command>.


sub preferred_build_command
	return $_[0]->build_command if $_[0]->preferred_build_file eq $_[0]->build_pl;
	return $_[0]->make_command if $_[0]->preferred_build_file eq $_[0]->makefile_pl;
=item build_file_paths

Returns an anonymous hash to the paths to the build files, based on
the dist_dir argument to C<new> and the return value of
C<build_files>. The keys are the file names and the values are 
the paths.


sub build_file_paths
	my %paths;
	foreach my $file ( keys %{ $_[0]->build_files } )
		$paths{$file} = File::Spec->catfile( $_[0]->dist_dir, $file );	
	return \%paths;

=item makefile_pl_path


sub makefile_pl_path
	return unless $_[0]->has_makefile_pl;
	File::Spec->catfile( $_[0]->dist_dir, $_[0]->makefile_pl );

=item build_pl_path


sub build_pl_path
	return unless $_[0]->has_build_pl;
	File::Spec->catfile( $_[0]->dist_dir, $_[0]->build_pl );
=item has_build_pl

Has the file name returned by C<build_pl>.


sub _has_file
	my( $self, $file ) = @_;
	my $path = File::Spec->catfile(
		$self->dist_dir, $file
	$self->{has}{$file} = $path if -e $path;

sub has_build_pl { $_[0]->_has_file( $_[0]->build_pl )  }

=item has_makefile_pl

Has the file name returned by C<makefile_pl>.


sub has_makefile_pl { $_[0]->_has_file( $_[0]->makefile_pl )  }

=item has_build_and_makefile

Has both the files returned by C<makefile_pl> and C<build_pl>.


sub has_build_and_makefile

=item make_command

Looks in %Config to see what perl discovered when someone built it if you
can use a C<make> variant to build the distribution.


sub make_command { $_[0]->has_makefile_pl ? $Config{make} : () }

=item build_command

Returns C<./Build>, the script that F<Build.PL> should have created, if
the distribution has a F<Build.PL>. Otherwise it returns nothing.


sub build_command { $_[0]->has_build_pl ? './Build' : () }

=item perl_command

Returns the perl currently running. This is the perl that you would use
to run the F<Makefile.PL> or F<Build.PL>.


sub perl_command { $_[0]->has_build_pl ? $_[0]->perl_binary : () }

=item build_commands

Returns a hash reference of the commands you can use to build the
distribution. The keys are the commands, such as C<make> or C<perl Build.PL>.


sub build_commands
	my %commands;
	$commands{ $_[0]->make_command } = 1 
		if $_[0]->has_makefile_pl;

	$commands{ $_[0]->perl_command . " " . $_[0]->build_pl } = 1 
		if $_[0]->has_build_pl;

	return \%commands;

=item uses_makemaker

Returns true if the distro uses C<ExtUtils::Makemaker>.


sub _get_modules
	my( $self, $path ) = @_;
	my $extractor = $self->module_extractor_class->new;
	$extractor->get_modules( $path );	
sub uses_makemaker
	return unless $_[0]->has_makefile_pl;
	scalar grep { $_ eq $_[0]->makemaker_name } 
		$_[0]->_get_modules( $_[0]->makefile_pl_path )

=item uses_makemaker_only

Returns true if MakeMaker is the only build system. Knowing that can cut
down on the logic quite a bit since you don't have to choose between
possibilities or preferences.


sub uses_makemaker_only
	return unless $_[0]->has_makefile_pl;
	return if     $_[0]->has_build_pl;

	return 1;	

=item makemaker_version

Returns the version of Makemaker installed for the perl running this code.


sub makemaker_version
	return unless $_[0]->uses_makemaker;
	my $version = $_[0]->_get_version( $_[0]->makemaker_name );

sub _get_version
	require Module::Extract::VERSION;
	my( $self, $module, @dirs ) = @_;
	@dirs = @INC unless @dirs;
	my $file = catfile( split /::/, $module ) . ".pm";
	foreach my $dir ( @dirs )
		my $module = catfile( $dir, $file );
		next unless -e $module;
		return Module::Extract::VERSION->parse_version_safely( $module );
=item uses_module_build

Returns true if this distribution uses C<Module::Build>. This means that it
has a F<Build.PL> and that the F<Build.PL> actually uses C<Module::Build>.


sub uses_module_build
	return unless $_[0]->has_build_pl;

	scalar grep { $_ eq $_[0]->module_build_name } 
		$_[0]->_get_modules( $_[0]->build_pl_path );

=item uses_module_build_only

Returns true if C<Module::Build> is the only build system. Knowing that can cut
down on the logic quite a bit since you don't have to choose between
possibilities or preferences.


sub uses_module_build_only
	return unless $_[0]->has_build_pl;
	return if     $_[0]->has_makefile_pl;

	return 1;	

=item module_build_version

Returns the version of C<Module::Build> install for perl running this code.


sub module_build_version
	return unless $_[0]->uses_module_build;

	my $version = $_[0]->_get_version( $_[0]->module_build_name );

=item uses_module_install

Returns true if this distribution uses C<Module::Install>.


sub uses_module_install
	return unless $_[0]->has_makefile_pl;

	scalar grep { $_ eq $_[0]->module_install_name } 
		$_[0]->_get_modules( $_[0]->makefile_pl_path )

=item uses_auto_install

Returns true if this distribution uses C<Module::Install> and will
use the auto_install feature.

This is a very simple test right now. If it finds the string
C<auto_install> in the build file, it returns true.


sub uses_auto_install
	return unless $_[0]->has_makefile_pl && $_[0]->uses_module_install;
	$_[0]->_file_has_string( $_[0]->makefile_pl_path, 'auto_install' );

=item module_install_version

Returns the version of C<Module::Install>.


sub module_install_version
	return unless $_[0]->uses_module_install;

	my $version = $_[0]->_get_version( 
		 $_[0]->module_install_name,  $_[0]->module_install_dir

=item uses_module_build_compat

Returns true if this distribution uses C<Module::Install::Compat> and will
use the C<create_makefile_pl> feature.

This is a very simple test right now. If it finds the string
C<create_makefile_pl> in the build file, it returns true.


sub uses_module_build_compat
	return unless $_[0]->has_build_pl && $_[0]->uses_module_build;
	$_[0]->_file_has_string( $_[0]->build_pl_path, 'create_makefile_pl' );

=item build_pl_wraps_makefile_pl

Returns true if C<Build.PL> is a wrapper around C<Makefile.PL>.


sub build_pl_wraps_makefile_pl
	return unless $_[0]->has_build_pl && $_[0]->has_makefile_pl;
	$_[0]->_file_has_string( $_[0]->build_pl_path, 
		"Makefile.PL" );	
sub _file_has_string
	my $fh;
	unless( open $fh, "<", $_[1] )
		carp "Could not open $_[1]: $!";
	while( <$fh> ) { return 1 if /\Q$_[2]/ }

=item just_give_me_a_hash


my @methods = qw(

sub just_give_me_a_hash
	my %hash = ();
	foreach my $method ( @methods )
		$hash{ $method } = $_[0]->$method();
	return \%hash;


=head2 Methods for strings

You may want to override or extend these, so they are methods.

=over 4

=item makefile_pl

Returns the string used for the Makefile.PL filename. Seems stupid 
until you want to change it in a subclass, which you can do now
that it's a method. :)


sub makefile_pl { 'Makefile.PL' }

=item build_pl

Returns the string used for the Build.PL filename. Seems stupid 
until you want to change it in a subclass, which you can do now
that it's a method. :)


sub build_pl  { 'Build.PL' }

=item makemaker_name

Returns the module name of Makemaker, which is C<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>.


sub makemaker_name { 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' }

=item module_build_name

Return the string representing the name for Module::Build.


sub module_build_name { 'Module::Build' }

=item module_install_name

Return the string representing the name for Module::Install. By default
this is C<inc::Module::Install>.


sub module_install_name { 'inc::Module::Install' }

=item module_install_dir

Returns the directory that contains Module::Install. This is the distribution
directory because the module name is actually C<inc::Module::Install>.


sub module_install_dir  { $_[0]->dist_dir }

=item module_extractor_class

The name of the module that can get a list of used modules from a Perl file.
By default this is Module::Extract::Use.


sub module_extractor_class { 'Module::Extract::Use' }
BEGIN { require Module::Extract::Use }


=head1 TO DO

=head1 SEE ALSO


This source is in Github:


=head1 AUTHOR

brian d foy, C<< <> >>


Copyright (c) 2008-2010, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.

You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.

