# This is the Changes file for HTTP::Cookies::iCab
1.131 - Wed Apr 20 13:55:38 2011
* Update required version to Perl 5.8 for the :raw
1.130 - Mon Apr 18 17:03:23 2011
Update the cookie expiry times so the tests pass
Everything else works the same as before
1.120 - Wed Aug 6 08:46:38 2008
Fix to Cookies.dat file to ensure the cookies don't expire
so the tests don't fail
Note in docs that this does not yet support iCab 4
1.09 - Wed Jan 10 18:07:32 2007
Fixed endian bug in date reading. Now that Macs have Intel, that
Updated license stuff.
Everyone should upgrade.
1.07 - Thu Jul 20 16:52:24 2006
Fixed up one of the tests which failed due to an expiring cookie
in the test test. Three years ago seems like a long time now. :)
No need to upgrade if you already have this installed.
1.05 - Sat Mar 12 00:08:29 2005
Added POD coverage tests
no code changes: no need to upgrade
0.91 - Sat Mar 12 00:03:34 2005
Added POD coverage tests
no code changes: no need to upgrade
0.91 - Fri Sep 17 13:22:59 2004
distribution cleanups: no need to upgrade
this is a non-developer release, although it might still have
0.90_01 - Thu Jan 9 04:30:48 2003
DEVELOPER'S RELEASE - the save() function does not work, but
the load() function does (should, might, etc.). I still do not
understand the entire format, but I can pull out the stuff that
HTTP::Cookies needs.