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package MyCPAN::Indexer::Queue;
use strict;
use warnings;

use base qw(MyCPAN::Indexer::Component);
use vars qw($VERSION $logger);
$VERSION = '1.28_10';

use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use File::Find::Closures  qw( find_by_regex );
use File::Path            qw(mkpath);
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catfile rel2abs );
use Log::Log4perl;

	$logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger( 'Queue' );

=head1 NAME

MyCPAN::Indexer::Queue - Find distributions to index


Use this in by specifying it as the queue class:

	# in backpan_indexer.config
	queue_class  MyCPAN::Indexer::Queue


This class returns a list of Perl distributions for the BackPAN
indexer to process.

=head2 Methods

=over 4

=item get_queue

C<get_queue> sets the key C<queue> in C<$Notes> hash reference. It
finds all of the tarballs or zip archives in under the directories
named in C<backpan_dir> and C<merge_dirs> in the configuration.

It specifically skips files that end in C<.txt.gz> or C<.data.gz>
since PAUSE creates those meta files near the actual module

If the C<organize_dists> configuration value is true, it also copies
any distributions it finds into a PAUSE-like structure using the
value of the C<pause_id> configuration to create the path.


sub component_type { $_[0]->queue_type }

sub get_queue
	my( $self ) = @_;
	my @dirs = 
		split /\x00/, $self->get_config->merge_dirs || ''

	foreach my $dir ( @dirs )
		$logger->error( "Distribution source directory does not exist: [$dir]" )
			unless -e $dir;
	@dirs = grep { -d $_ } @dirs;
	$logger->logdie( "No directories to index!" ) unless @dirs;
	my $queue = $self->_get_file_list( @dirs );
	if( $self->get_config->organize_dists )
		$self->_setup_organize_dists( $dirs[0] );
		# I really hate this following line. It's sure to
		# break on something
		my $regex = catfile( qw( authors id (.) .. .+? ), '' );
		foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#$queue )
			my $file = $queue->[$i];
			$logger->debug( "Processing $file" );
			next if $file =~ m|$regex|;
			$logger->debug( "Copying $file into PAUSE structure" );

			$queue->[$i] = $self->_copy_file( $file, $dirs[0] );

	$self->set_note( 'queue', $queue );

sub _get_file_list
	my( $self, @dirs ) = @_;
	$logger->debug( "Taking dists from [@dirs]" );
	my( $wanted, $reporter ) = 
		File::Find::Closures::find_by_regex( qr/\.(?:(?:tar\.|t)gz|zip)$/ );

	find( $wanted, @dirs );
	return [
		map  { rel2abs($_) }
		grep { ! /.(data|txt).gz$/ and ! /02packages/ }
sub _setup_organize_dists
	my( $self, $base_dir ) = @_;

	my $pause_id = eval { $self->get_config->pause_id } || 'MYCPAN';

	eval { mkpath 
		catfile( $base_dir, $self->_path_parts( $pause_id ) ), 
		{ mode => 0775 } 
	$logger->error( "Could not create PAUSE author path for [$pause_id]: $@" )
		if $@;


sub _path_parts
	catfile (
		qw(authors id),
		substr( $_[1], 0, 1 ),
		substr( $_[1], 0, 2 ),

# if there is an error with the rename, return the original file name
sub _copy_file
	require File::Copy;
	my( $self, $file, $base_dir ) = @_;
	my $pause_id = eval { $self->get_config->pause_id } || 'MYCPAN';

	my $basename = basename( $file );
	$logger->debug( "Need to copy file $basename into $pause_id" );

	my $new_name = rel2abs(
		catfile( $base_dir, $self->_path_parts( $pause_id ), $basename )

	if( -e $new_name and 
		$self->_file_md5( $new_name ) eq $self->_file_md5( $file ) )
		$logger->debug( "Files [$file] and [$new_name] are the same. Not copying" );

	my $rc = File::Copy::copy( $file => $new_name );
	$logger->error( "Could not copy [$file] to [$new_name]: $!" )
		unless $rc;

	return $rc ? $new_name : $file;

sub _file_md5
	my( $self, $file ) = @_;
	require Digest::MD5;
	open my( $fh ), '<', $file or return '';

	my $ctx = Digest::MD5->new;


=head1 SEE ALSO

MyCPAN::Indexer, MyCPAN::Indexer::Tutorial


This code is in Github:


=head1 AUTHOR

brian d foy, C<< <> >>


Copyright (c) 2008-2010, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.

You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.
