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use strict;
use warnings;
package Hash::MostUtils;
use base qw(Exporter);

use Carp qw(confess);
use Hash::MostUtils::leach qw(n_each leach);

our $VERSION = 1.02;

our @EXPORT_OK = qw(

# decrementing $| flips it between 0 and 1
sub lkeys   { local $|; return grep { $|-- == 0 } @_ }
sub lvalues { local $|; return grep { $|-- == 1 } @_ }

# I would put leach() here, but it was imported above

*hashmap = sub(&@) { unshift @_, 2; goto &n_map };
*hashgrep = sub(&@) { unshift @_, 2; goto &n_grep };
*hashapply = sub (&@) { unshift @_, 2; goto &n_apply };

# I would put n_each() here, but it was imported above

sub n_map ($&@) {
  # Usually I don't mutate @_. Here I deliberately modify @_ for the upcoming non-obvious goto-&NAME.
  my $n = shift;
  my $collector = sub { return $_[0]->() };
  unshift @_, $collector;

  # Using a "safe goto" allows n_map() to remove itself from the callstack, which allows _n_collect()
  # to see the correct caller.
  # 'perldoc -f goto' for why this is a safe goto.
  goto &{_n_collect($n)};

sub n_grep ($&@) {
  my $n = shift;

  # the comments in n_map() apply here as well.

  my $collector = sub {
    my ($code, $vals, $aliases) = @_;
    return $code->() ? @$vals : ();
  unshift @_, $collector;

  goto &{_n_collect($n)};

sub n_apply {
  my $n = shift;
  my $collector = sub {
    my ($code, $vals, $aliases) = @_;
    return map { $$_ } @$aliases;
  unshift @_, $collector;

  goto &{_n_collect($n)};

sub _n_collect($) {
  my ($n) = @_;
  return sub(&@) {
    my $collector = shift;
    my $code = shift;
    if (@_ % $n != 0) {
      confess("your input is insane: can't evenly slice " . @_ . " elements into $n-sized chunks\n");

    # these'll reserve some namespace back in the callpackage
    my @n = ('a' .. 'z');

    # stash old values back in callpackage *and* in main. If called from main::, this comes down to:
    #   local ${'main::a'}, ${'main::b'}, ${'main::c'}
    # when $n is 3.
    my $caller = caller;
    no strict 'refs';
    foreach ((@n[ 0 .. $n-1 ])) {
      local ${"$caller\::$_"};
      local ${"::$_"};

    my @out;
    while (my @chunk = splice @_, 0, $n) {  # build up each set...
      my @aliases;
      foreach (0 .. $#chunk) {
        # ...assign values from @_ back to localized variables in $caller *and* in 'main::'.
        # Aliasing in main::  allows you to refer to variables $c and onwards as $::c.
        # Aliasing in $caller allows you to refer to variables $c and onwards as $whatever::package::c.
        ${"::$n[$_]"} = ${"$caller\::$n[$_]"} = $chunk[$_];

        # Keep a reference to $::a (etc.) and pass them in to the $collector; this allows $code to mutate
        # $::a (etc) and signal the changed values back to $collector.
        push @aliases, \${"::$n[$_]"};
      push @out, $collector->($code, \@chunk, \@aliases);             # ...and apply $code.

    return @out;

sub hash_slice_of {
  my ($ref, @keys) = @_;
  return map { ($_ => $ref->{$_}) } @keys;

sub hash_slice_by {
  my ($obj, @methods) = @_;
  return map { ($_ => scalar($obj->$_)) } @methods;



=head1 NAME

Hash::MostUtils - Yet another collection of tools for operating pairwise on lists.


  my @found_and_transformed =
      hashmap { uc($b) => 100 + $a }
      hashgrep { $a < 100 && $b =~ /[aeiou]/i } (
          1 => 'cwm',
          2 => 'apple',
          100 => 'cherimoya',

  my @keys = lkeys @found_and_transformed;
  my @vals = lvalues @found_and_transformed;
  foreach my $key (@keys) {
      my $value = shift @vals;
      print "$key => $val\n";

  while (my ($key, $val) = leach @found_and_transformed) {
      print "$key => $val\n";

=head1 EXPORTS

By default, none. On request, any of the following:


=head2 lkeys LIST

Return the "keys" of LIST. Perl's C<keys()> keyword only operates on hashes; lkeys() offers
an approximation of the same functionality for lists.

    my @evens = lkeys 1..10;

    my @keys  =
        lkeys                                     # give me back those keys (i.e. the letters)
        hashgrep { $b > 100 }                     # find key/value pairs where the value is > 100
        map { $_ => int(rand(1000)) } 'a'..'z';   # turn 'a'..'z' into key/value pairs with random values

The "keys" of a list are the even-positioned items. Note that in the case of an C<E<gt>empty slotE<lt>>
in a sparse array, the key will be C<undef>.

=head2 lvalues LIST

Return the "values" of LIST. Perl's C<values()> keyword only operates on hashes; lvalues() offers
an approximation of the same functionality for lists.

    my @odds = lkeys 1..10;

    my @values =
        lvalues                                  # give me back those values (i.e. the letters)
        hashgrep { $a > 100 }                    # look for key/value pairs where the key is > 100
        map { int(rand(1000)) => $_ } 'a'..'z';  # make 26 random keys from 1-1000, with fixed keys

The "values" of a list are the odd-positioned items. Note that in the case of an C<E<gt>empty slotE<lt>>
in a sparse array, the value will be C<undef>.

=head2 leach ARRAY

Iterate over ARRAY, returning successive "key/value" pairs. This behaves functionally identically to Perl's
built-in C<each> keyword; however, it operates on arrays.

    my @array = (1..4);

    while (my ($k, $v) = leach @array) {
        print "$k => $v\n";

    print "$_\n" for @array;

    1 => 2
    3 => 4

Using C<leach> to gather key/value pairs from an array is guaranteed to be non-destructive to that array,
whereas using C<splice> has the possibly unintended side effect of destroying the array:

    my @array = (1..4);

    while (my ($k, $v) = splice @array, 0, 2) {
        print "$k => $v\n";

    print "$_\n" for @array;

    1 => 2
    3 => 4

Note the distinction between saying that this function is

    leach ARRAY

rather than

    leach LIST

Perl does not allow this behavior:

    while (my ($k, $v) = leach 1..10) {                   # can't leach a list, only an array
        # do something with this key/value tuple

But don't worry, Perl also doesn't allow for this behavior:

    while (my ($k, $v) = splice 1..10, 0, 2) {            # can't splice a list, only an array
        # do something with this key/value tuple


C<hashmap>, C<hashgrep>, and C<hashapply> all act like their corresponding C<map>, C<grep>, and
C<List::Utils::apply> but for one notable exception: whereas C<map>, C<grep>, and C<apply> all
eat items from the given list one-by-one and assign that current value to $_, C<hashmap>, C<hashgrep>,
and C<hashapply> all eat items from the given list two-by-two, and assigns them to $a and $b.

The names $a and $b were chosen because they're already in lexical scope in Perl due to C<sort>'s need
for them.

If you have a singular occurance of $a and $b within your program, you will probably see this warning
from Perl:

    Name 'main::a' used only once: possible typo at ...
    Name 'main::b' used only once: possible typo at ...

I've just gotten in the habit of adding:

    use strict;
    use warnings; no warnings 'once';

when I see that message.

=head2 hashmap BLOCK LIST

This acts similar to

    map BLOCK LIST

with the exception that C<map> eats items off of LIST one at a time, assigning the current value to $_;
whereas C<hashmap> eats items off of LIST two at a time, assigning the first value to $a and the second
value to $b.

    # naive transformation of this hash into (101 => 'A', 102 => 'B')
    my %hash = (
        a => 1,
        b => 2,

    my %transformed =
        hashmap { $b + 100 => uc($a) }

Just like C<map>, your BLOCK will be called without any arguments. Like perl's keyword C<map>, this
function maintains the order of LIST.

C<hashmap> is simply a prototyped alias for n_map(2, CODEREF, LIST), so all of the documentation to
C<n_map> applies here.

=head2 hashgrep BLOCK LIST

This acts similar to

    grep BLOCK LIST

with the exception that C<grep> eats items off of LIST one at a time, assigning the current value to $_;
whereas C<hashgrep> eats items off of LIST two at a time, assigning the first value to $a and the second
value to $b.

    # lame object dumper
    my $object = Some::Class->new(...);

    my %dump =
        hashgrep { $a !~ /^_/ && ! ref($b) }   # hide private fields and internal data structures

Just like C<grep>, your BLOCK will be called without any arguments. Like perl's keyword C<grep>,
this function maintains the order of LIST.

C<hashgrep> is simply a prototyped alias for n_grep(2, CODEREF, LIST), so all of the documentation
to C<n_grep> applies here.

=head2 hashapply BLOCK LIST

This is similar to C<List::MoreUtils::apply>:

    apply BLOCK LIST

with the usual exception: C<apply> eats items off of LIST one at a time, assigning to $_; whereas
C<hashapply> eats items off of LIST two at a time, assigning the first value to $a and the second
value to $b.

Normal C<apply> can be written as map:

=over 4

my @words = qw(apple banana cherimoya);
my @clean1 = map { tr/aeiou//d; $_ } @words;  # @clean1 = @words = qw(ppl bnn chrmy);

@words = qw(apple banana cherimoya);
my @clean2 = apply { tr/aeiou//d } @words;    # @clean2 = qw(ppl bnn chrmy); @words = qw(apple banana cherimoya);


Note that C<apply> does not transform the original data, whereas C<map> does. Similarly, C<hashapply> does
not transform the original data, whereas C<hashmap> might.

Note that C<apply> does not need to explicitly return $_, whereas C<map> does. Similarly, C<hashapply> does
not need to explicitly return a key/value tuple ($a, $b), whereas C<hashmap> does need to return something.

Like C<apply>, C<hashapply> will not transform the original LIST.


Each of the pairwise functions mentioned so far - C<leach>, C<hashmap>, C<hashgrep>, C<hashapply> - are
actually implemented in terms of more generic N-ary forms. This means that if you need to process a list
in sets of N, where N is E<gt> 2, you may use the n_* forms of these functions.

Variable naming becomes more interesting when moving beyond 2 items. Whereas $a and $b are always in
lexical scope, once you go to N of 3, you need to agree on some variable naming convention.

$a and $b work nicely for the first two elements of a list; so $c is the third, and $d the fourth, and
so on. One limitation of this naming scheme is that you may not easily go beyond N of 26 - but if you
find yourself needing that, you'll find the code simple to extend.

In order to prevent 'strict refs' from complaining about $c..$z, you'll need to address those variables a
bit differently:

    my @sets =
        n_map   6, sub { [$a, $b, $::c, $::d, $::e, $::f] },
        n_apply 3, sub { $_ *= 3 for $a, $b, $::c },
        n_grep  3, sub { $::c > 4 },
        (1..9);                             # @sets = ([12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27]);

I personally find the transition between C<$b> and C<$::c> to be a bit jarring visually, so the one
time I wrote a line like the above I chose to write it as C<$::a> and C<$::b>.

    my @sets =
        n_map   6, sub { [$::a, $::b, $::c, $::d, $::e, $::f] },
        n_apply 3, sub { $_ *= 3 for $::a, $::b, $::c },
        n_grep  3, sub { $::c > 4 },
        (1..9);                             # @sets = ([12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27]);

=head2 n_each N, LIST

Iterate over LIST, returning successive "key/values" sets.

    my @list = (1..9);

    while (my ($k, @v) = n_each 3, @list) {
        # do something with this $k and @v

There's nothing that says your N needs to remain constant:

    my @list = (
        a => 1,
        b => 1, 2,
        c => 1, 2, 3,
        d => 1, 2, 3, 4,

    my $n = 2;

    my %triangle;
    while (my ($k, @v) = n_each $n++, @list) {
        $triangle{$k} = \@v;

    %triangle = (
        a => [1],
        b => [1, 2],
        c => [1, 2, 3],
        d => [1, 2, 3, 4],

There's probably something clever that you can do with this that I just don't understand. Please drop me
a line if you know what it is.

=head2 n_map N, CODEREF, LIST

C<map> CODEREF over LIST, operating in N-sized chunks. Within the context of CODEREF, values of LIST
will be selected and aliased. LIST must be evenly divisible by N.

See L<GENERIC N-ARY FORMS OF VARIOUS LIST-WISE FUNCTIONS> for a discussion of variable names.

    my @transformed = n_map(
        sub { "$a, $b $::c!\n" },
        qw(goodnight sweet prince goodbye cruel world),

    # @transformed = ("goodnight, sweet prince!\n", "goodbye, cruel world!");

If you are consistently n_map'ping by some N, then you might consider wrapping n_map so the call
syntax looks more like one of Perl's functional keywords:

    sub tri_map (&@) { unshift @_, 3; goto &n_map }

    my @transformed =
        tri_map { "$::a, $::b $::c!\n" }
        qw(goodnight sweet prince goodbye cruel world);

    # @transformed = ("goodnight, sweet prince!\n", "goodbye, cruel world!");

=head2 n_grep N, CODEREF, LIST

C<grep> for CODEREF over LIST, operating in N-sized chunks. Within the context of CODEREF, values
of LIST will be selected and aliased. LIST must be evenly divisible by N.

See L<GENERIC N-ARY FORMS OF VARIOUS LIST-WISE FUNCTIONS> for a discussion of variable names.

    my @found = n_grep(
        sub { $a =~ /good/ && $::c =~ /prince/ },
        qw(goodnight sweet prince goodbye cruel world),

    # @found = qw(goodnight sweet prince);

Just as with C<n_map>, writing a small bit of gloss to make your N of n_grep work in a functional
manner is simple, and makes your code more readable:

    sub tri_grep (&@) { unshift @_, 3; goto &n_grep }

    my @found =
        tri_grep { $::a =~ /good/ && $::c =~ /prince/ }
        qw(goodnight sweet prince goodbye cruel world);

    # @found = qw(goodnight sweet prince);

=head2 n_apply N, CODEREF, LIST

C<List::Utils::apply> CODEREF to LIST, operating in N-sized chunks. LIST must be evenly divisible by N.

See L<GENERIC N-ARY FORMS OF VARIOUS LIST-WISE FUNCTIONS> for a discussion of variable names.

    my @uppercase = n_apply(
        sub { uc $::c }
        qw(goodnight sweet prince goodbye cruel world),

    # @uppercase = qw(goodnight sweet PRINCE goodbye cruel WORLD);

Just as with C<n_map>, writing a small bit of gloss to make your N of n_apply work in a functional
manner is simple, and makes your code more readable:

    sub tri_apply (&@) { unshift @_, 3; goto &n_apply }

    my @uppercase =
        tri_apply { uc $::c }
        qw(goodnight sweet prince goodbye cruel world);

    # @uppercase = qw(goodnight sweet PRINCE goodbye cruel WORLD);

=head1 GRAB BAG

I like these functions, but they're decidedly different from everything up to this point. They
are mostly used to turn an existing hash reference or object into a smaller representation of

=head2 hash_slice_of HASHREF, LIST

Looks into HASHREF and extracts the key/value pairs of the keys named in LIST.
If a key in LIST is not present in HASHREF, returns undefined.

    my %hash = (1..10);

    my %slice = hash_slice_of \%hash, qw(5, 7, 9, 11);

    %slice = (
        5 => 6,
        7 => 8,
        9 => 10,
        11 => undef,

If you only want to get back key/value pairs for keys in LIST that exist in
HASHREF, just add a C<hashgrep>:

    my %hash = (1..10);

    my %slice =
        hashgrep { exists $hash{$a} }
        hash_slice_of \%hash, qw(5, 7, 9, 11);

    %slice = (
        5 => 6,
        7 => 8,
        9 => 10,

=head2 hash_slice_by OBJECT, LIST

Calls the methods named in LIST on OBJECT and returns a hash of the results.
If a method in LIST can not be performed on OBJECT, you will get the standard
"Can't call method ->... on object" error that Perl throws in this circumstance.

    my $object = ...;
    my %out = hash_slice_by $object, qw(foo bar baz);

    %out = (
        foo => 'output of foo',
        bar => 'output of bar',
        baz => 'output of baz',

Note that you may not use C<hash_slice_by> to pass arguments to the methods given
in LIST. Note too that your methods are invoked in scalar context.


The names and behaviors of most of these functions were initially developed at
AirWave Wireless, Inc. I've re-implemented them here.

This software would be trapped on my hard drive were it not for Logan Bell's encouragement to
release it. Separating the personal time I have put into this from the professional time afforded
by my employer, Shutterstock, Inc. would be very difficult. Thankfully I haven't needed to; when
I asked to share this, Dan McCormick simply said, "Go for it! Thanks for hacking."


    (c) 2013 by Belden Lyman

This library is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
itself; either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have