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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 4;

use lib grep { -d } qw(../lib ./lib ./t/lib);
use Hash::MostUtils qw(hash_slice_of hash_slice_by);

  package stub;
  sub new { shift; return bless +{@_} }
  sub baz { shift->{_baz} }
  sub DESTROY {}
  sub AUTOLOAD {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($method) = our $AUTOLOAD =~ m{.*:(.*)};
    return $self->{$method};

  package somewhere;
  sub new { shift; bless +{@_} }

my %common = (
  foo => 'shippen-superabomination',
  bar => 'speron-prevocational',
my $stub = stub->new(
  _baz => 211,
is_deeply( +{hash_slice_of($stub, qw(foo bar baz))}, {
  baz => undef,
}, 'hash_slice_of looks inside of hash references' );
ok( ! exists $stub->{baz}, "We didn't autovivify missing keys into the original reference" );

is_deeply( +{hash_slice_by($stub, qw(foo bar baz))}, {
  baz => 211,
}, 'hash_slice_by calls methods on the given object' );

my $thing = somewhere->new(joola => 'Quickel');
local $@;
my $ok = eval {
  hash_slice_by($thing, qw(Oscan));
ok( ! $ok && length($@), "hash_slice_by raises assertions when you try to call methods that don't exist" );