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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use MP3::Daemon::Simple;
use Cwd;

eval "use Pod::Usage";
if ($@) {
    sub pod2usage { system("perldoc mp3"); exit 1 }

my $conf_dir    = "$ENV{HOME}/.mp3";
my $socket_path = "$conf_dir/mp3_socket";
my $pid_file    = "$conf_dir/";

# spawn an MP3::Daemon::Simple if necessary, and 
# return a client handle always
sub init {
    unless (-S $socket_path) {
        unless (-d $conf_dir) {
            mkdir($conf_dir, 0755) || die($!);
        my $pid = MP3::Daemon::Simple->spawn (
            socket_path => $socket_path,
            at_exit     => sub { unlink($pid_file) },
        open(PID_FILE, "> $pid_file") || die($!);
        print PID_FILE "$pid\n";
    return MP3::Daemon::Simple->client($socket_path);

# prefix things that look like relative paths with cwd
sub fullpath {
    my $cwd = cwd;
    map {
        if (m{^http://} || m{^/}) {
        } else {
    } @_;

# get pid of currently running daemon or 0 if no daemon is running
sub daemon_pid {
    my $pid = 0;
    if (-f $pid_file) {
        open(PID_FILE, "< $pid_file") || die($!);
        $pid = <PID_FILE>;
    return $pid;

# line 0 => method
# line n => args
# line $ => /^$/
#           a blank line signifies the end of a request
sub send_command {
    my $client = shift;
    print $client map { "$_\n" } @_, "";

sub send_add_command {
    my $client = shift;
    print $client "add\n";
    print $client fullpath(@_);
    print $client "\n";

sub send_play_command {
    my $client = shift;
    my $mp3    = shift;

    if (defined $mp3) {
        if ($mp3 =~ /^[-+]?\d+$/) {
            $mp3 = "$mp3\n";
        } else { 
            $mp3 = (fullpath($mp3))[0];
        print $client "play\n", $mp3, "\n";
    } else {
        print $client "play\n\n";

# alias => command dictionary
my %alias = (
    a     => 'add',
    add   => 'add',
    d     => 'del',
    del   => 'del',
    ff    => 'ff',
    i     => 'info',
    info  => 'info',
    j     => 'jump',
    jump  => 'jump',
    loop  => 'loop',
    l     => 'ls',
    ls    => 'ls',
    next  => 'next',
    pause => 'pause',
    p     => 'play',
    play  => 'play',
    prev  => 'prev',
    q     => 'quit',
    quit  => 'quit',
    rand  => 'rand',
    rw    => 'rw',
    s     => 'stop',
    stop  => 'stop',
    t     => 'time',
    time  => 'time',

# the fun begins here
unless (@ARGV) {
    pod2usage(-verbose => 0, -output => \*STDOUT);
    exit 1;

my $cmd = shift(@ARGV);
my $method;
my $line;

# a few commands don't need to do things before init() is called
if ($cmd eq "kill") {
    my $pid = daemon_pid();
    if ($pid) {
        kill(9, $pid);
        unlink($pid_file)    or warn($!);
        unlink($socket_path) or warn($!);
        print "an MP3::Daemon::Simple w/ pid => $pid was kill -9'd\n";
        exit 0;
    } else {
            "Losing my reason\n",
            "I was driven to such behaviour\n",
        exit 1;
} elsif ($cmd eq "quit") {
    unless (-S $socket_path) {
        print "Is this thing on?\n";
        exit 1;
} elsif (grep { /^$cmd$/ } qw(-h --help help)) {
    pod2usage(-verbose => 0, -output => \*STDOUT);
    exit 0;

# handle normal commands
if (defined $alias{$cmd}) {
    my $client = init;
    $method = $alias{$cmd};
    if ($method eq "add") {
        send_add_command($client, @ARGV);
    } elsif ($method eq "play") {
        send_play_command($client, @ARGV);
    } else {
        send_command($client, $method, @ARGV);
    while (defined ($line = <$client>)) {
        print $line;
} else {
    print "$cmd yourself!\n"; 
    exit 1;

exit 0;


=head1 NAME

mp3 - an mpg123 front-end for UNIX::Philosophers


General syntax

    mp3 [COMMAND] [PARAMETER]...

Building the playlist

    mp3 add Blue_Six-Conga_Lounge_Mix.mp3
    mp3 add /c/mp3/*.mp3
    mp3 add
    mp3 del 0 2 4 -1

Playing from the list

    mp3 play 5
    mp3 next
    mp3 prev

Other controls

    mp3 rw 2.00
    mp3 ff 32.32
    mp3 jump 420
    mp3 pause
    mp3 stop
    mp3 rand
    mp3 loop single

Getting information

    mp3 time
    mp3 info
    mp3 ls
    mp3 help

Unloading the daemon

    mp3 quit
    mp3 kill


I have combined my favourite features of dcd, cdcd, and mpg123 to
create Yet Another Front-End For Mpg123.  Mine is special, though.  ;-)

From dcd, I derived the ability to fork itself into the background.

From cdcd, I derived its intuitive interface.

With mpg123, I do the CPU-intensive work of actually
playing the mp3s.

The end result is an MP3 player that is compliant with the
UNIX::Philosophy.  Note that mp3 does not have a Captive User
Interface.  Requests are made by mp3 to an MP3::Daemon::Simple and mp3
returns immediately after getting a reply.  The commands that generate
output do so on STDOUT.  This makes mp3 easy to combine with other
Unix utilities via pipes and filters.


Most of these commands are self-explanatory.  One thing that may
confuse some people is that the playlist has a B<zero-based> index.
Otherwise, if you're familiar with the cdcd interface, this should
feel vaguely familiar.

=over 8

=item add

This adds mp3s to the playlist.  Multiple files may be specified.

=item del

This deletes items from the playlist by index.  More than one
index may be specified.  If no index is specified, the current mp3
in the playlist is removed.  Indices may also be negative in
which case they count from the end of the playlist.

=item play

This plays the current mp3 if no other parameters are given.  This
command also takes an optional parameter where the index of an mp3
in the playlist may be given.

=item next

This loads the next mp3 in the playlist.

=item prev

This loads the previous mp3 in the playlist.

=item pause

This pauses the currently playing mp3.  If the mp3 was already
paused, this will unpause it.  Note that using the play command
on a paused mp3 makes it start over from the beginning.

=item rw

This rewinds an mp3 by the specified amount of seconds.

=item ff

This fastforwards an mp3 by the specified amount of seconds.

=item jump

This will go directly to a part of an mp3 specified by
seconds from the beginning of the track.  If the number of
seconds is prefixed with either a "-" or a "+", a relative
jump will be made.  This is another way to rewind or

=item stop

This stops the player.

=item time

This sends back the index of the current track, the amount of time
that has elapsed, the amount of time that is left, and the total
amount of time.  All times are reported in seconds.

=item info

This sends back information about the current track.

=item ls [-fl] [REGEX]

First, a warning -- I'm beginning to realize how GNU/ls became so
bloated.  The C<ls> interface should not be considered stable.  I'm
still playing with it.

This sends back a list of the titles of all mp3s currently in the
playlist.  The current track is denoted by a line matching the regexp

=over 8

=item -f

This makes C<ls> return a listing with index and filename.

=item -l

This makes C<ls> return a long listing that includes index,
title, and filename.

=item [REGEX]

This allows one to filter the playlist for only titles matching
this regex.  Of course, one may use grep, instead.


=item rand

Calling this with no parameters toggles the random play feature.
Randomness can be set to be specifically "on" or "off" by
passing the scalar "on" or "off" to this method.

=item loop

This option controls the playlist's looping behaviour.  When called with
a parameter, loop can be set to "all", "single", or "off".  Calling this
with no parameters displays the current looping status.

=item quit

This unloads the MP3::Daemon::Simple that was automagically spawned
when you first invoked mp3.

=item kill

If for some reason the daemon hangs on you, you can use this as a
last resort.


=head2 The UNIX::Philosophy In Action

Saving playlists

    mp3 ls -f | perl -pe 's/.*\d+ //' > playlist

Loading a playlist

    xargs mp3 add < playlist

Deleting songs 6..12

    mp3 del `seq 6 12`

Sorting your playlist from shortest to longest mp3

    mp3 ls -l | sed 's/^>/ /' | sed 's/:/./' | sort -g -k 2

Playing part of an mp3 over and over again

    while true ; do mp3 j 1300 ; sleep 386 ; done

Monitoring the progress of the daemon

    watch mp3 time
    watch mp3 info

=head1 FILES

=over 4

=item $HOME/.mp3/mp3_socket

This is the socket used to communicate with the daemon.  In the event
that the daemon is not cleanly shut down, this file may need to be
deleted before another MP3::Daemon::Simple can be started up.

=item $HOME/.mp3/

This is the pid of the daemonized process.



Copyleft (!c) 2001 John BEPPU.  All rights reversed.  This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.

=head1 AUTHOR

John BEPPU B<E<lt>beppu@ax9.orgE<gt>>

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item My inspirations

dcd(1), cdcd(1), mpg123(1)

=item Other perl modules

Audio::Play::MPG123(3pm), MP3::Daemon::Simple(3pm), MP3::Daemon(3pm)

=item The UNIX Philosophy

If you want to know what UNIX is all about, check this book out.  It's
only 151 pages, and it's really easy and fun to read.   Some parts are
a little biased and/or dated, but there is still a lot of wisdom in it.
I highly recommend it. 

        title  => 'The UNIX Philosophy',
        author => 'Mike Gancarz',
        isbn   => '1-55558-123-4',

=item cvsweb

=item the web site

