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use strict;
no  strict 'refs';
use warnings;
use lib 'lib';

require Squatting;
use Squatting::H;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dump 'pp';

# defaults
$_{port}    = 4234;
$_{debug}   = 1;
$_{module}  = [ 'With::Log', 'With::AccessTrace' ];

# command line options

sub help {
  print "Squatting $Squatting::VERSION - launch a Squatting web application

Usage: squatting [OPTIONS]... App

    -p, --port NUM                   Port for web server (defaults to $_{port})
    -c, --config ATTR=VALUE          Set an app's %CONFIG variables
    -s, --show-config                Display an app's %CONFIG and exit
    -m, --module MODULE              Load a Squatting plugin into the app
    -l, --log FILE                   Log file  # TODO
    -C, --console                    Run in console mode with Shell::Perl
    --debug NUM                      Continuity debug_level (defaults to $_{debug})

    -v, --version                    Display Squatting version
    --logo                           Display the International Squatting Symbol
    --help                           Display this help message


if ($_{version}) {
  print "Version $Squatting::VERSION\n";
  exit 0;
} elsif ($_{help}) {
  exit 0;
} elsif ($_{log}) {
  $_{config}{'with.log.path'} = $_{log};
} elsif ($_{logo}) {
  print <DATA>;
  exit 0;
} else {


# warn pp($_{config}), "\n";
# warn pp(\%_), "\n";

my $app = shift;
if ($app) {
  $app =~ s/\.pmc?$//;
  my $path = $app;
  $path =~ s{::}{/}g;
  $path .= ".pm";
  require "$path";
  my $C = \%{$app."::CONFIG"};
  for (keys %{$_{config}}) {
    if (/\[/ || /\{/) {
      my $key = $_;
      # XXX - If you can think of a better way, let me know.
      eval '$C->'.$key.' = $_{config}'."{'$key'}";
    } else {
      $C->{$_} = $_{config}{$_}
  if ($_{'show-config'}) {
    print pp($C), "\n";
    exit 0;
  if ($_{console}) {
    eval { require Shell::Perl };
    if ($@) {
      print "Please install Shell::Perl if you'd like to use the Squatting console.\n";
      exit 1;
    # XXX - This is broken.  I have to think this over.
    sub Squatting::Controller::mock_init {
      my $self = shift;
      $self->{cr}          = {}; # TODO - provide a mock Continuity::Request
      $self->{env}         = { REQUEST_PATH => &{"$app"."::Controllers::R"}($self->name, @_) };
      $self->{cookies}     = {};
      $self->{input}       = {};
      $self->{headers}     = {};
      $self->{v}           = {};
      $self->{status}      = 200;
    foreach my $method (qw(get post put delete)) {
      *{$app."::$method" } = sub {
        my $cc = ${$app."::Controllers::C"}{$_[1]}->clone->mock_init(@_[2..$#_]);
        $cc->env->{REQUEST_METHOD} = $method;
        if (ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH') {
          $cc->input = pop @_;
        my $content = $app->service($cc, @_[2..$#_]);
        ($cc, $content);
    $0 = $app;
    my $pirl = Shell::Perl->new;
  } else {
    my @components = ( "On::Continuity", @{$_{module}} );
      port        => $_{port},
      log         => $_{log},
      debug_level => $_{debug},
} else {

exit 0;

=head1 NAME

squatting -- Squatting server start-up script



  squatting [OPTION]... APPLICATION

Starting an App in web server mode on port 4234:

  squatting -p 4234 App

Start an App in interactive console mode:

  squatting -C App
  Welcome to the Perl shell. Type ':help' for more information

  App @> \@App::Controllers::C
  App @> \%App::Controllers::C
  App @> \@App::Views::V
  App @> \%App::Views::V
  App @> App->get('Home')
  App @> App->post('Comment', { name => 'beppu', body => 'Why?' })


Start a Squatting application.

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 2

=item -p, --port NUM

Port for web server (defaults to 4234)

=item -c, --config ATTR=VALUE

The standard way to configure a Squatting application is to manipulate its
C<%CONFIG> hash.  The --config option lets you set values in this hash, and you
may use --config multiple times in a single command line.


  squatting App --config doc_root=/www/ --config

=item -s, --show-config

Display an App's %CONFIG hash and exit.

=item -m, --module MODULE

This option can be used to load additional Squatting plugins into the app, and
you may use this option multiple times in a single command line.  Note that
L<Squatting::With::AccessTrace> and L<Squatting::With::Log> are loaded by

B<Example>:  Loading Squatting::With::UTF8 and Squatting::With::Coro::Debug

  squatting App -m With::UTF8 -m With::Coro::Debug

=item -l, --log FILE

Send log output to a log file.

=item -C, --console

Run in console mode with Shell::Perl.

=item --debug NUM

Set Continuity's debug level.  0 is the least verbose setting, and higher
numbers get progressively more verbose.

=item -v, --version

Show version

=item --logo

Display the B<International Squatting Symbol>.

=item -h, --help

Show the help message




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