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# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl 1.t'


use Test::More tests => 5 + (10 + 5*3 + 7*2 + 1)*2 + 10;
BEGIN { use_ok('IO::Unread', qw/unread ungetc/) };

can_ok('IO::Unread', qw/unread ungetc/);
can_ok('main', qw/unread ungetc/);
is prototype(\&IO::Unread::unread), '*@', 'prototype check';
is prototype(\&IO::Unread::ungetc), '*;$', 'prototype check';

$\ = "";
$/ = " "; # to avoid any newline problems

    open my $OUT, ">test" or die "cannot test: cannot create file: $!";
    binmode $OUT;
    print $OUT "ab " x 5;

for my $type ('', '-tie') {

    my $rv;

        open my $IN, "<test" or die "cannot test: cannot open test file: $!";

        eval { $rv = unread $IN, "" };
        ok !$@,                'my() FH (eval)';
        is $rv, "0 but true",  "unread nothing";
        is <$IN>, "ab ",       "unread nothing (readback)";

        $rv = unread $IN, "c";
        is $rv, 1,             "unread scalar";
        is <$IN>, "cab ",      "unread scalar (readback)";

        $rv = unread $IN, "d", "e";
        is $rv, 2,             "unread list";
        is <$IN>, "edab ",     "unread list (readback)";

        $_ = "ff";
        $rv = unread $IN;
        is $rv, 2,             'unread $_';
        is <$IN>, "ffab ",     'unread $_ (readback)';

        is <$IN>, "ab ",       'read more new data';

    open IN, "<test" or die "cannot test: cannot open test file: $!";

    eval { $rv = unread IN, "c" };
    ok !$@,          'bare FH (eval)';
    is $rv, 1,       'bare FH';
    is <IN>, "cab ", 'bare FH (readback)';

    eval { $rv = unread *IN, "q" };
    ok !$@,          'glob (eval)';
    is $rv, 1,       'glob';
    is <IN>, "qab ", 'glob (readback)';

    eval { $rv = unread \*IN, "d" };
    ok !$@,          'globref (eval)';
    is $rv, 1,       'globref';
    is <IN>, "dab ", 'globref (readback)';

    eval { $rv = unread IN => "e" };
    ok !$@,          'string FH (eval)';
    is $rv, 1,       'string FH';
    is <IN>, "eab ",  'string FH (readback)';

    close IN;

    SKIP: {
        eval { require IO::File };

        skip "You don't have IO::File", 3 unless defined $IO::File::VERSION;

        my $z = new IO::File "test", "r" or die "cannot test: can't open test file: $!";
        eval { $rv = unread $z, "c" };
        ok !$@,          'IO::Handle (eval)';
        is $rv, 1,       'IO::Handle';
        is <$z>, "cab ", 'IO::Handle (readback)';

    no warnings "io";

    eval { $rv = unread IN, "a" };
    ok !$@,           'closed FH (eval)';
    ok !defined($rv), 'closed FH (fail)';

    eval { $rv = unread NOTAFH, "a" };
    ok !$@,           'undef FH (eval)';
    ok !defined($rv), 'undef FH (fail)';

    eval { $rv = unread $NOTAFH, "a" };
    ok !$@,           'undef scalar (eval)';
    ok !defined($rv), 'undef scalar (fail)';

    eval { $rv = unread undef };
    ok !$@,           'undef (eval)';
    ok !defined($rv), 'undef (fail)';

    eval { $rv = unread \*NOGLOB, "a" };
    ok !$@,           'ref to undef glob (eval)';
    ok !defined($rv), 'ref to undef glob (fail)';

    my $x = "aaaa";
    eval { $rv = unread $x, "a" };
    ok !$@,           'stringy scalar (eval)';
    ok !defined($rv), 'stringy scalar (fail)';

    $x = 42;
    eval { $rv = unread $x, "a" };
    ok !$@,           'numeric scalar (eval)';
    ok !defined($rv), 'numeric scalar (fail)';

    my $y = \$x;
    eval { $rv = unread $y, "a" };
    ok $@,           'ref to scalar (eval)';

    open my $IN, "<test" or die "cannot test: cannot open test file: $!";

    eval { $rv = ungetc $IN, "" };
    ok !$@,                'my() FH (eval)';
    is $rv, "",            "ungetc nothing";
    is <$IN>, "ab ",       "ungetc nothing (readback)";

    $rv = ungetc $IN, "c";
    is $rv, "c",           "ungetc 1 char";
    is <$IN>, "cab ",      "ungetc 1 char (readback)";

    $rv = ungetc $IN, "de";
    is $rv, "d",           "ungetc many chars";
    is <$IN>, "dab ",      "unread many (readback)";

    $_ = "ff";
    $rv = ungetc $IN;
    is $rv, "f",           'unread $_';
    is <$IN>, "fab ",      'unread $_ (readback)';

    is <$IN>, "ab ",       'read more new data';

open NOTAFH, "<test"; # shut -w up
open NOGLOB, "<test";

unlink "test";