package OpenGuides;
use strict;

use Carp "croak";
use CGI;
use Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Diff;
use Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Locator::Grid;
use OpenGuides::CGI;
use OpenGuides::Feed;
use OpenGuides::Template;
use OpenGuides::Utils;
use Time::Piece;
use URI::Escape;

use vars qw( $VERSION );

$VERSION = '0.76';

=head1 NAME

OpenGuides - A complete web application for managing a collaboratively-written guide to a city or town.


The OpenGuides software provides the framework for a collaboratively-written
city guide.  It is similar to a wiki but provides somewhat more structured
data storage allowing you to annotate wiki pages with information such as
category, location, and much more.  It provides searching facilities
including "find me everything within a certain distance of this place".
Every page includes a link to a machine-readable (RDF) version of the page.

=head1 METHODS


=item B<new>

  my $config = OpenGuides::Config->new( file => "wiki.conf" );
  my $guide = OpenGuides->new( config => $config );


sub new {
    my ($class, %args) = @_;
    my $self = {};
    bless $self, $class;
    my $wiki = OpenGuides::Utils->make_wiki_object( config => $args{config} );
    $self->{wiki} = $wiki;
    $self->{config} = $args{config};

    my $geo_handler = $self->config->geo_handler;
    my $locator;
    if ( $geo_handler == 1 ) {
        $locator = Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Locator::Grid->new(
                                             x => "os_x",    y => "os_y" );
    } elsif ( $geo_handler == 2 ) {
        $locator = Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Locator::Grid->new(
                                             x => "osie_x",  y => "osie_y" );
    } else {
        $locator = Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Locator::Grid->new(
                                             x => "easting", y => "northing" );
    $wiki->register_plugin( plugin => $locator );
    $self->{locator} = $locator;

    my $differ = Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Diff->new;
    $wiki->register_plugin( plugin => $differ );
    $self->{differ} = $differ;

    if($self->config->ping_services) {
        eval {
            require Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Ping;

        if ( $@ ) {
            warn "You asked for some ping services, but can't find "
                 . "Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Ping";
        } else {
            my @ws = split(/\s*,\s*/, $self->config->ping_services);
            my %well_known = Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Ping->well_known;
            my %services;
            foreach my $s (@ws) {
                if($well_known{$s}) {
                    $services{$s} = $well_known{$s};
                } else {
                    warn("Ignoring unknown ping service '$s'");
            my $ping = Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Ping->new(
                node_to_url => $self->{config}->{script_url}
                               . $self->{config}->{script_name} . '?$node',
                services => \%services
            $wiki->register_plugin( plugin => $ping );

    return $self;

=item B<wiki>

An accessor, returns the underlying L<Wiki::Toolkit> object.


sub wiki {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{wiki};

=item B<config>

An accessor, returns the underlying L<OpenGuides::Config> object.


sub config {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{config};

=item B<locator>

An accessor, returns the underlying L<Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Locator::UK> object.


sub locator {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{locator};

=item B<differ>

An accessor, returns the underlying L<Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Diff> object.


sub differ {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{differ};

=item B<display_node>

  # Print node to STDOUT.
                          id      => "Calthorpe Arms",
                          version => 2,

  # Or return output as a string (useful for writing tests).
                          id            => "Calthorpe Arms",
                          return_output => 1,

  # Return output as a string with HTTP headers omitted (for tests).
                          id            => "Calthorpe Arms",
                          return_output => 1,
                          noheaders     => 1,

  # Or return the hash of variables that will be passed to the template
  # (not including those set additionally by OpenGuides::Template).
                          id             => "Calthorpe Arms",
                          return_tt_vars => 1,

If C<version> is omitted then it will assume you want the latest version.

Note that if you pass the C<return_output> parameter, and your node is a
redirecting node, this method will fake the redirect and return the output
that will actually end up in the user's browser.  If instead you want to see
the HTTP headers that will be printed in order to perform the redirect, pass
the C<intercept_redirect> parameter as well.  The C<intercept_redirect>
parameter has no effect if the node isn't a redirect, or if the
C<return_output> parameter is omitted.

(At the moment, C<return_tt_vars> acts as if the C<intercept_redirect>
parameter was passed.)

The C<noheaders> parameter only takes effect if C<return_output> is true
and C<intercept_redirect> is false or omitted.

If you have specified the C<host_checker_module> option in your
C<wiki.conf>, this method will attempt to call the <blacklisted_host>
method of that module to determine whether the host requesting the node
has been blacklisted. If this method returns true, then the
C<> template will be used to display an error message.

The C<blacklisted_host> method will be passed a scalar containing the host's
IP address.


sub display_node {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;
    my $intercept_redirect = $args{intercept_redirect};
    my $noheaders = ( $return_output && !$intercept_redirect
                      && $args{noheaders} );
    my $version = $args{version};
    my $id = $args{id} || $self->config->home_name;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $config = $self->config;
    my $oldid = $args{oldid} || '';
    my $do_redirect = defined($args{redirect}) ? $args{redirect} : 1;

    my %tt_vars;

    # If we can, check to see if requesting host is blacklisted.
    my $host_checker = $config->host_checker_module;
    my $is_blacklisted;
    if ( $host_checker ) {
        eval {
            eval "require $host_checker";
            $is_blacklisted = $host_checker->blacklisted_host(CGI->new->remote_host);

    if ( $is_blacklisted ) {
        my $output = OpenGuides::Template->output(
            wiki      => $self->wiki,
            config    => $config,
            template  => "",
            vars      => {
                           not_editable => 1,
            noheaders => $noheaders,
        return $output if $return_output;
        print $output;

    $tt_vars{home_name} = $self->config->home_name;

    if ( $id =~ /^(Category|Locale) (.*)$/ ) {
        my $type = $1;
        $tt_vars{is_indexable_node} = 1;
        $tt_vars{index_type} = lc($type);
        $tt_vars{index_value} = $2;
        $tt_vars{"rss_".lc($type)."_url"} =
                           $config->script_name . "?action=rc;format=rss;"
                           . lc($type) . "=" . lc(CGI->escape($2));
        $tt_vars{"atom_".lc($type)."_url"} =
                           $config->script_name . "?action=rc;format=atom;"
                           . lc($type) . "=" . lc(CGI->escape($2));

    my %current_data = $wiki->retrieve_node( $id );
    my $current_version = $current_data{version};
    undef $version if ($version && $version == $current_version);
    my %criteria = ( name => $id );
    $criteria{version} = $version if $version; # retrieve_node default is current

    my %node_data = $wiki->retrieve_node( %criteria );

    # Fixes passing undefined values to Text::Wikiformat if node doesn't exist.
    my $content = '';
    if ($node_data{content}) {
        $content    = $wiki->format($node_data{content});

    my $modified   = $node_data{last_modified};
    my $moderated  = $node_data{moderated};
    my %metadata   = %{$node_data{metadata}};

    my ($wgs84_long, $wgs84_lat) = OpenGuides::Utils->get_wgs84_coords(
                                        longitude => $metadata{longitude}[0],
                                        latitude => $metadata{latitude}[0],
                                        config => $config);
    if ($args{format} && $args{format} eq 'raw') {
        print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n" unless $noheaders;
        print $node_data{content};
        return 0;

    my %metadata_vars = OpenGuides::Template->extract_metadata_vars(
                            wiki     => $wiki,
                            config   => $config,
                            metadata => $node_data{metadata}

    my $node_exists = $wiki->node_exists($id);
    my $http_status = $node_exists ? undef : '404 Not Found';
    %tt_vars = (
                   content       => $content,
                   last_modified => $modified,
                   version       => $node_data{version},
                   node          => $id,
                   language      => $config->default_language,
                   moderated     => $moderated,
                   oldid         => $oldid,
                   enable_gmaps  => 1,
                   wgs84_long    => $wgs84_long,
                   wgs84_lat     => $wgs84_lat,
                   empty_node    => !$node_exists,
                   read_only     => $config->read_only,

    # Hide from search engines if showing a specific version.
    $tt_vars{'deter_robots'} = 1 if $args{version};

    if ( $config->show_gmap_in_node_display
           && $self->get_cookie( "display_google_maps" ) ) {
        $tt_vars{display_google_maps} = 1;

    my $redirect = OpenGuides::Utils->detect_redirect(
                                              content => $node_data{content} );
    if ( $redirect ) {
        # Don't redirect if the parameter "redirect" is given as 0.
        if ($do_redirect == 0) {
            $tt_vars{current} = 1;
            return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};
            my $output = $self->process_template(
                                                  id            => $id,
                                                  template      => "",
                                                  tt_vars       => \%tt_vars,
                                                  http_status   => $http_status
            return $output if $return_output;
            print $output;
        } elsif ( $wiki->node_exists($redirect) && $redirect ne $id && $redirect ne $oldid ) {
            # Avoid loops by not generating redirects to the same node or the previous node.
            if ( $return_output ) {
                if ( $intercept_redirect ) {
                    return $self->redirect_to_node( $redirect, $id );
                } else {
                    return $self->display_node( id            => $redirect,
                                                oldid         => $id,
                                                return_output => 1,
            print $self->redirect_to_node( $redirect, $id );
            return 0;

    # We've undef'ed $version above if this is the current version.
    $tt_vars{current} = 1 unless $version;

    if ($id eq "RecentChanges") {
    } elsif ( $id eq $self->config->home_name ) {
        if ( $self->config->recent_changes_on_home_page ) {
            my @recent = $wiki->list_recent_changes(
                last_n_changes => 10,
                metadata_was   => { edit_type => "Normal edit" },
            my $base_url = $config->script_name . '?';
            @recent = map {
                              name          => CGI->escapeHTML($_->{name}),
                              last_modified =>
                              version       => CGI->escapeHTML($_->{version}),
                              comment       => OpenGuides::Utils::parse_change_comment(
                              username      =>
                              url           => $base_url
                                             . CGI->escape($wiki->formatter->node_name_to_node_param($_->{name}))
                          } @recent;
            $tt_vars{recent_changes} = \@recent;
        return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};
        my $output = $self->process_template(
                                              id          => $id,
                                              template    => "",
                                              tt_vars     => \%tt_vars,
                                              http_status => $http_status,
                                              noheaders   => $noheaders,
        return $output if $return_output;
        print $output;
    } else {
        return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};
        my $output = $self->process_template(
                                              id          => $id,
                                              template    => "",
                                              tt_vars     => \%tt_vars,
                                              http_status => $http_status,
                                              noheaders   => $noheaders,
        return $output if $return_output;
        print $output;

=item B<display_random_page>


Display a random page.  As with other methods, the C<return_output>
parameter can be used to return the output instead of printing it to STDOUT.
You can also restrict it to a given category and/or locale by supplying
appropriate parameters:

                               category => "pubs",
                               locale   => "bermondsey",

The values of these parameters are case-insensitive.

You can make sure this method never returns pages that are themselves
categories and/or locales by setting C<random_page_omits_categories>
and/or C<random_page_omits_locales> in your wiki.conf.


sub display_random_page {
    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $config = $self->config;

    my ( @catnodes, @locnodes, @nodes );
    if ( $args{category} ) {
        @catnodes = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
            metadata_type  => "category",
            metadata_value => $args{category},
            ignore_case    => 1,
    if ( $args{locale} ) {
        @locnodes = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
            metadata_type  => "locale",
            metadata_value => $args{locale},
            ignore_case    => 1,

    if ( $args{category} && $args{locale} ) {
        # If we have both category and locale, return the intersection.
        my %count;
        foreach my $node ( @catnodes, @locnodes ) {
        foreach my $node ( keys %count ) {
            push @nodes, $node if $count{$node} > 1;
    } elsif ( $args{category} ) {
        @nodes = @catnodes;
    } elsif ( $args{locale} ) {
        @nodes = @locnodes;
    } else {
        @nodes = $wiki->list_all_nodes();

    my $omit_cats = $config->random_page_omits_categories;
    my $omit_locs = $config->random_page_omits_locales;

    if ( $omit_cats || $omit_locs ) {
        my %all_nodes = map { $_ => $_ } @nodes;
        if ( $omit_cats ) {
            my @cats = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
                                                  metadata_type  => "category",
                                                  metadata_value => "category",
                                                  ignore_case => 1,
            foreach my $omit ( @cats ) {
                delete $all_nodes{$omit};
        if ( $omit_locs ) {
            my @locs = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
                                                  metadata_type  => "category",
                                                  metadata_value => "locales",
                                                  ignore_case => 1,
            foreach my $omit ( @locs ) {
                delete $all_nodes{$omit};
        @nodes = keys %all_nodes;
    my $node = $nodes[ rand @nodes ];
    my $output;

    if ( $node ) {
        $output = $self->redirect_to_node( $node );
    } else {
        my %tt_vars = (
                        category => $args{category},
                        locale   => $args{locale},
        $output = OpenGuides::Template->output(
            wiki     => $wiki,
            config   => $config,
            template => "",
            vars     => \%tt_vars,
    return $output if $args{return_output};
    print $output;

=item B<display_edit_form>

                             id => "Vivat Bacchus",
                             vars => \%vars,
                             content => $content,
                             metadata => \%metadata,
                             checksum => $checksum

Display an edit form for the specified node.  As with other methods, the
C<return_output> parameter can be used to return the output instead of
printing it to STDOUT.

If this is to redisplay an existing edit, the content, metadata
and checksum may be supplied in those arguments

Extra template variables may be supplied in the vars argument


sub display_edit_form {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;
    my $config = $self->config;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $node = $args{id};
    my %node_data = $wiki->retrieve_node($node);
    my ($content, $checksum) = @node_data{ qw( content checksum ) };
    my %cookie_data = OpenGuides::CGI->get_prefs_from_cookie(config=>$config);

    my $username = $self->get_cookie( "username" );
    my $edit_type = $self->get_cookie( "default_edit_type" ) eq "normal"
                        ? "Normal edit"
                        : "Minor tidying";

    my %metadata_vars = OpenGuides::Template->extract_metadata_vars(
                             wiki     => $wiki,
                             config   => $config,
                 metadata => $node_data{metadata} );

    $metadata_vars{website} ||= 'http://';
    my $moderate = $wiki->node_required_moderation($node);

    my %tt_vars = ( content         => CGI->escapeHTML($content),
                    checksum        => CGI->escapeHTML($checksum),
                    config          => $config,
                    username        => $username,
                    edit_type       => $edit_type,
                    moderate        => $moderate,
                    deter_robots    => 1,
                    read_only       => $config->read_only,

    # Override some things if we were supplied with them
    $tt_vars{content} = $args{content} if $args{content};
    $tt_vars{checksum} = $args{checksum} if $args{checksum};
    if (defined $args{vars}) {
        my %supplied_vars = %{$args{vars}};
        foreach my $key ( keys %supplied_vars ) {
            $tt_vars{$key} = $supplied_vars{$key};
    if (defined $args{metadata}) {
        my %supplied_metadata = %{$args{metadata}};
        foreach my $key ( keys %supplied_metadata ) {
            $tt_vars{$key} = $supplied_metadata{$key};

    my $output = $self->process_template(
                                          id            => $node,
                                          template      => "",
                                          tt_vars       => \%tt_vars,
    return $output if $return_output;
    print $output;

=item B<preview_edit>

                        id      => "Vivat Bacchus",
                        cgi_obj => $q,

Preview the edited version of the specified node.  As with other methods, the
C<return_output> parameter can be used to return the output instead of
printing it to STDOUT.


sub preview_edit {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $node = $args{id};
    my $q = $args{cgi_obj};
    my $return_output = $args{return_output};
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $config = $self->config;

    my $content  = $q->param('content');
    $content     =~ s/\r\n/\n/gs;
    my $checksum = $q->param('checksum');

    my %new_metadata = OpenGuides::Template->extract_metadata_vars(
                                               wiki                 => $wiki,
                                               config               => $config,
                                               cgi_obj              => $q,
                                               set_coord_field_vars => 1,
    foreach my $var ( qw( username comment edit_type ) ) {
        $new_metadata{$var} = $q->escapeHTML($q->param($var));

    if ($wiki->verify_checksum($node, $checksum)) {
        my $moderate = $wiki->node_required_moderation($node);
        my %tt_vars = (
            config                 => $config,
            content                => $q->escapeHTML($content),
            preview_html           => $wiki->format($content),
            preview_above_edit_box => $self->get_cookie(
                                                   "preview_above_edit_box" ),
            checksum               => $q->escapeHTML($checksum),
            moderate               => $moderate,
            read_only              => $config->read_only,
        my $output = $self->process_template(
                                              id       => $node,
                                              template => "",
                                              tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
        return $output if $args{return_output};
        print $output;
    } else {
        return $self->_handle_edit_conflict(
                                             id            => $node,
                                             content       => $content,
                                             new_metadata  => \%new_metadata,
                                             return_output => $return_output,

=item B<display_prefs_form>


Displays a form that lets the user view and set their preferences.  The
C<return_output> and C<return_tt_vars> parameters can be used to return
the output or template variables, instead of printing the output to STDOUT.
The C<noheaders> parameter can also be used in conjunction with
C<return_output>, if you wish to omit all HTTP headers.


sub display_prefs_form {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $config = $self->config;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;

    my $from = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} || "";
    my $url_base = $config->script_url . $config->script_name;
    if ( $from !~ /^$url_base/ ) {
        $from = "";

    my %tt_vars = (
                    not_editable  => 1,
                    show_form     => 1,
                    not_deletable => 1,
                    return_to_url => $from,
    return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};

    my $output = OpenGuides::Template->output(
        wiki      => $wiki,
        config    => $config,
        template  => "",
	vars      => \%tt_vars,
        noheaders => $args{noheaders},
    return $output if $args{return_output};
    print $output;

=item B<display_recent_changes>


As with other methods, the C<return_output> parameter can be used to
return the output instead of printing it to STDOUT.


sub display_recent_changes {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $config = $self->config;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $minor_edits = $self->get_cookie( "show_minor_edits_in_rc" );
    my $id = $args{id} || $self->config->home_name;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;
    my (%tt_vars, %recent_changes);
    # NB the $q stuff below should be removed - we should _always_ do this via
    # an argument to the method.
    my $q = CGI->new;
    my $since = $args{since} || $q->param("since");
    if ( $since ) {
        $tt_vars{since} = $since;
        my $t = localtime($since); # overloaded by Time::Piece
        $tt_vars{since_string} = $t->strftime;
        my %criteria = ( since => $since );
        $criteria{metadata_was} = { edit_type => "Normal edit" }
          unless $minor_edits;
        my @rc = $self->_get_recent_changes(
                     config => $config, criteria => \%criteria );
        if ( scalar @rc ) {
            $recent_changes{since} = \@rc;
    } else {
        # Look at day, week, fortnight, month separately, but make sure things
        # don't appear in e.g. "week" if we've already seen them in "day".
        my %seen;
        for my $days ( [0, 1], [1, 7], [7, 14], [14, 30] ) {
            my %criteria = ( between_days => $days );
            $criteria{metadata_was} = { edit_type => "Normal edit" }
              unless $minor_edits;
            my @rc = $self->_get_recent_changes(
                         config => $config, criteria => \%criteria );
            my @filtered;
            foreach my $node ( @rc ) {
                next if $seen{$node->{name}};
                push @filtered, $node;
            if ( scalar @filtered ) {
                $recent_changes{$days->[1]} = \@filtered;
    $tt_vars{not_editable} = 1;
    $tt_vars{recent_changes} = \%recent_changes;
    my %processing_args = (
                            id            => $id,
                            template      => "",
                            tt_vars       => \%tt_vars,
    if ( !$since && $self->get_cookie("track_recent_changes_views") ) {
    my $cookie =
           OpenGuides::CGI->make_recent_changes_cookie(config => $config );
        $processing_args{cookies} = $cookie;
        $tt_vars{last_viewed} = OpenGuides::CGI->get_last_recent_changes_visit_from_cookie( config => $config );
    return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};
    my $output = $self->process_template( %processing_args );
    return $output if $return_output;
    print $output;

sub _get_recent_changes {
    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $formatter = $wiki->formatter;
    my $config = $self->config;
    my %criteria = %{ $args{criteria} };

    my @rc = $wiki->list_recent_changes( %criteria );
    my $base_url = $config->script_name . '?';

    # If using metadata_was then we need to pick out just the most recent
    # versions.
    if ( $criteria{metadata_was} ) {
        my %seen;
        my @filtered;
        foreach my $node ( @rc ) {
            next if $seen{$node->{name}};
            push @filtered, $node;
        @rc = @filtered;

    @rc = map {
          name => CGI->escapeHTML($_->{name}),
          last_modified => CGI->escapeHTML($_->{last_modified}),
          version => CGI->escapeHTML($_->{version}),
          comment => OpenGuides::Utils::parse_change_comment(
          username => CGI->escapeHTML($_->{metadata}{username}[0]),
          host => CGI->escapeHTML($_->{metadata}{host}[0]),
          username_param => CGI->escape($_->{metadata}{username}[0]),
          edit_type => CGI->escapeHTML($_->{metadata}{edit_type}[0]),
          url => $base_url
                . CGI->escape($formatter->node_name_to_node_param($_->{name})),
    } @rc;
    return @rc;

=item B<display_diffs>

                           id            => "Home Page",
                           version       => 6,
                           other_version => 5,

  # Or return output as a string (useful for writing tests).
  my $output = $guide->display_diffs(
                                        id            => "Home Page",
                                        version       => 6,
                                        other_version => 5,
                                        return_output => 1,

  # Or return the hash of variables that will be passed to the template
  # (not including those set additionally by OpenGuides::Template).
  my %vars = $guide->display_diffs(
                                      id             => "Home Page",
                                      version        => 6,
                                      other_version  => 5,
                                      return_tt_vars => 1,


sub display_diffs {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my %diff_vars = $self->differ->differences(
                                                  node          => $args{id},
                                                  left_version  => $args{version},
                                                  right_version => $args{other_version},
    $diff_vars{not_deletable} = 1;
    $diff_vars{not_editable}  = 1;
    $diff_vars{deter_robots}  = 1;
    return %diff_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};
    my $output = $self->process_template(
                                            id       => $args{id},
                                            template => "",
                                            tt_vars  => \%diff_vars
    return $output if $args{return_output};
    print $output;

=item B<find_within_distance>

                                  id => $node,
                                  metres => $q->param("distance_in_metres")


sub find_within_distance {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $node = $args{id};
    my $metres = $args{metres};
    my %data = $self->wiki->retrieve_node( $node );
    my $lat = $data{metadata}{latitude}[0];
    my $long = $data{metadata}{longitude}[0];
    my $script_url = $self->config->script_url;
    my $q = CGI->new;
    print $q->redirect( $script_url . "search.cgi?lat=$lat;long=$long;distance_in_metres=$metres" );

=item B<show_backlinks>

  $guide->show_backlinks( id => "Calthorpe Arms" );

As with other methods, parameters C<return_tt_vars> and
C<return_output> can be used to return these things instead of
printing the output to STDOUT.


sub show_backlinks {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $formatter = $wiki->formatter;

    my @backlinks = $wiki->list_backlinks( node => $args{id} );
    my @results = map {
                              url   => CGI->escape($formatter->node_name_to_node_param($_)),
                              title => CGI->escapeHTML($_)
                      } sort @backlinks;
    my %tt_vars = ( results       => \@results,
                    num_results   => scalar @results,
                    not_deletable => 1,
                    deter_robots  => 1,
                    not_editable  => 1 );
    return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};
    my $output = OpenGuides::Template->output(
                                                 node    => $args{id},
                                                 wiki    => $wiki,
                                                 config  => $self->config,
                                                 vars    => \%tt_vars,
    return $output if $args{return_output};
    print $output;

=item B<show_index>

  # Show everything in Category: Pubs.
                        cat => "pubs",

  # Show all pubs in Holborn.
                        cat => "pubs",
                        loc => "holborn",

  # RDF version of things in Locale: Holborn.
                        loc  => "Holborn",
                        format => "rdf",

  # RSS / Atom version (recent changes style).
                        loc    => "Holborn",
                        format => "rss",

  # Or return output as a string (useful for writing tests).
                        cat           => "pubs",
                        return_output => 1,

  # Return output as a string with HTTP headers omitted (for tests).
                        cat           => "pubs",
                        return_output => 1,
                        noheaders     => 1,

  # Or return the template variables (again, useful for writing tests).
                        cat            => "pubs",
                        format         => "map"
                        return_tt_vars => 1,

If neither C<cat> or C<loc> is supplied, then all pages will be returned.

The recommended format of parameters to this method changed to the
above in version 0.67 of OpenGuides, though older invocations are
still supported and will redirect to the new URL format.

If you pass the C<return_output> or C<return_tt_vars> parameters, and a
redirect is required, this method will fake the redirect and return the
output/variables that will actually end up being viewed by the user.  If
instead you want to see the HTTP headers that will be printed in order to
perform the redirect, pass the C<intercept_redirect> parameter as well.

The C<intercept_redirect> parameter has no effect if no redirect is required,
or if the C<return_output>/C<return_tt_vars> parameter is omitted.

The C<noheaders> parameter only takes effect if C<return_output> is true
and C<intercept_redirect> is false or omitted.


sub show_index {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $formatter = $wiki->formatter;
    my $use_leaflet = $self->config->use_leaflet;
    my %tt_vars;
    my @selnodes;

    if ( $args{type} and $args{value} ) {
        if ( $args{type} eq "fuzzy_title_match" ) {
            my %finds = $wiki->fuzzy_title_match( $args{value} );
            @selnodes = sort { $finds{$a} <=> $finds{$b} } keys %finds;
            $tt_vars{criterion} = {
                type  => $args{type},  # for RDF version
                value => $args{value}, # for RDF version
                name  => CGI->escapeHTML("Fuzzy Title Match on '$args{value}'")
            $tt_vars{not_editable} = 1;
        } else {
            return $self->_do_old_style_index_search( %args );
    } else {
        # OK, we either show everything, or do a new-style cat/loc search.
        my $cat = $args{cat} || "";
        my $loc = $args{loc} || "";
        my ( $type, $value, @names, @criteria );
        if ( !$cat && !$loc ) {
            @selnodes = $wiki->list_all_nodes();
        } else {
            my ( @catnodes, @locnodes );
            if ( $cat ) {
                @catnodes = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
                    metadata_type  => "category",
                    metadata_value => $cat,
                    ignore_case    => 1
                my $name = "Category $cat";
                $name =~ s/(\s\w)/\U$1/g;
                push @criteria, {
                    type  => "category",
                    value => $cat,
                    name  => $name,
                    param => $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( $name ),
                push @names, $name;
            if ( $loc ) {
                @locnodes = $wiki->list_nodes_by_metadata(
                    metadata_type  => "locale",
                    metadata_value => $loc,
                    ignore_case    => 1
                my $name = "Locale $loc";
                $name =~ s/(\s\w)/\U$1/g;
                push @criteria, {
                    type  => "locale",
                    value => $loc,
                    name  => $name,
                    param => $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( $name ),
                push @names, $name;
            if ( $cat && !$loc ) {
                @selnodes = @catnodes;
            } elsif ( $loc && !$cat ) {
                @selnodes = @locnodes;
            } else {
                # Intersect the category and locale results.
                my %count = ();
                foreach my $node ( @catnodes, @locnodes ) { $count{$node}++; }
                foreach my $node ( keys %count ) {
                    push @selnodes, $node if $count{$node} > 1;
            $tt_vars{criteria_title} = join( " and ", @names );
            $tt_vars{criteria} = \@criteria;
            $tt_vars{not_editable} = 1;

        $tt_vars{page_description} =
                format => $args{format} || "",
                criteria => \@criteria,

        my $feed_base = $self->config->script_url
                        . $self->config->script_name . "?action=index";
        foreach my $criterion ( @criteria ) {
            if ( $criterion->{type} eq "category" ) {
              $feed_base .= ";cat=" . lc( $criterion->{value} );
            } elsif ( $criterion->{type} eq "locale" ) {
              $feed_base .= ";loc=" . lc( $criterion->{value} );
        my @dropdowns = OpenGuides::CGI->make_index_form_dropdowns(
                guide => $self,
                selected => \@criteria );
        $tt_vars{index_form_fields} = \@dropdowns;
        $tt_vars{feed_base} = $feed_base;

    my @nodes = map {
                            name      => $_,
                            node_data => { $wiki->retrieve_node( name => $_ ) },
                            param     => $formatter->node_name_to_node_param($_) }
                        } sort @selnodes;

    # Convert the lat+long to WGS84 as required, and count how many nodes
    # we have for the map (if using Leaflet).
    my $nodes_on_map;
    for(my $i=0; $i<scalar @nodes;$i++) {
        my $node = $nodes[$i];
        if($node) {
            my %metadata = %{$node->{node_data}->{metadata}};
            my ($wgs84_long, $wgs84_lat);
            eval {
                ($wgs84_long, $wgs84_lat) = OpenGuides::Utils->get_wgs84_coords(
                                      longitude => $metadata{longitude}[0],
                                      latitude => $metadata{latitude}[0],
                                      config => $self->config);
            warn $@." on ".$metadata{latitude}[0]." ".$metadata{longitude}[0] if $@;

            push @{$nodes[$i]->{node_data}->{metadata}->{wgs84_long}}, $wgs84_long;
            push @{$nodes[$i]->{node_data}->{metadata}->{wgs84_lat}},  $wgs84_lat;
            if ( $use_leaflet ) {
                if ( defined $wgs84_lat && $wgs84_lat =~ /^[-.\d]+$/
                     && defined $wgs84_long && $wgs84_long =~ /^[-.\d]+$/ ) {
                    $node->{has_geodata} = 1;
                    $node->{wgs84_lat} = $wgs84_lat;
                    $node->{wgs84_long} = $wgs84_long;

    $tt_vars{nodes} = \@nodes;

    my ($template, %conf);

    if ( $args{format} ) {
        if ( $args{format} eq "rdf" ) {
            $template = "";
            $conf{content_type} = "application/rdf+xml";
        } elsif ( $args{format} eq "json" ) {
            $template = "";
            $conf{content_type} = "text/javascript";
        } elsif ( $args{format} eq "plain" ) {
            $template = "";
            $conf{content_type} = "text/plain";
        } elsif ( $args{format} eq "map" ) {
            $tt_vars{display_google_maps} = 1; # override for this page
            if ( $use_leaflet ) {
                if ( $nodes_on_map ) {
                    my @points = map {
                    {  wgs84_lat =>
                      wgs84_long =>
                                     } @nodes;
                    my %minmaxdata = OpenGuides::Utils->get_wgs84_min_max(
                        nodes => \@points );
                    %tt_vars = ( %tt_vars, %minmaxdata );
                } else {
                    $tt_vars{no_nodes_on_map} = 1;
                $template = "";
            } else {
                my $q = CGI->new;
                $tt_vars{zoom} = $q->param('zoom') || '';
                $tt_vars{lat} = $q->param('lat') || '';
                $tt_vars{long} = $q->param('long') || '';
                $tt_vars{map_type} = $q->param('map_type') || '';
                $tt_vars{centre_long} = $self->config->centre_long;
                $tt_vars{centre_lat} = $self->config->centre_lat;
                                      = $self->config->default_gmaps_zoom;
                $tt_vars{enable_gmaps} = 1;
                $template = "";
        } elsif( $args{format} eq "rss" || $args{format} eq "atom") {
            # They really wanted a recent changes style rss/atom feed
            my $feed_type = $args{format};
            my ($feed,$content_type) = $self->get_feed_and_content_type($feed_type);
            my ($name, $params );
            if ( $args{cat} ) {
                $name = "Index of Category $args{cat}";
                $params = "action=index;cat=$args{cat}";
            } else {
                $name = "Index of Locale $args{loc}";
                $params = "action=index;loc=$args{loc}";
            $feed->set_feed_name_and_url_params( $name, $params );

            # Grab the actual node data out of @nodes
            my @node_data;
            foreach my $node (@nodes) {
                $node->{node_data}->{name} = $node->{name};
                push @node_data, $node->{node_data};

            my $output = "Content-Type: ".$content_type."\n";
            $output .= $feed->build_feed_for_nodes($feed_type, @node_data);

            return $output if $args{return_output};
            print $output;
    } else {
        $template = "";

    return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};

    %conf = (
                template    => $template,
                tt_vars     => \%tt_vars,

    if ( $args{return_output} && !$args{intercept_redirect} ) {
        $conf{noheaders} = $args{noheaders};

    my $output = $self->process_template( %conf );
    return $output if $args{return_output};
    print $output;

# Deal with legacy URLs/tests.
sub _do_old_style_index_search {
    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
    if ( ( $args{return_output} || $args{return_tt_vars} ) ) {
        if ( $args{intercept_redirect} ) {
            return $self->redirect_index_search( %args );
        } else {
            my $type = delete $args{type};
            my $value = delete $args{value};
            if ( $type eq "category" ) {
                return $self->show_index( %args, cat => $value );
            } elsif ( $type eq "locale" ) {
                return $self->show_index( %args, loc => $value );
            } else {
                return $self->show_index( %args );
    } else {
        print $self->redirect_index_search( %args );

=item B<show_metadata>

  $guide->show_metadata(type => "category");
  $guide->show_metadata(type => "category", format => "json");

Lists all metadata types, or all metadata values of a given
type. Useful for programatically discovering a guide.

As with other methods, parameters C<return_tt_vars> and
C<return_output> can be used to return these things instead of
printing the output to STDOUT.

sub show_metadata {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $formatter = $wiki->formatter;

    my @values;
    my $type;
    my $may_descend = 0;
    if($args{"type"} && $args{"type"} ne "metadata_type") {
       $type = $args{"type"};
       @values = $wiki->store->list_metadata_by_type($args{"type"});
    } else {
       $may_descend = 1;
       $type = "metadata_type";
       @values = $wiki->store->list_metadata_names;

    my %tt_vars = ( type          => $type,
                    may_descend   => $may_descend,
                    metadata      => \@values,
                    num_results   => scalar @values,
                    not_deletable => 1,
                    deter_robots  => 1,
                    not_editable  => 1 );
    return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};

    my $output;
    my $content_type;

    if($args{"format"}) {
       if($args{"format"} eq "json") {
          $content_type = "text/javascript";
          my $json = OpenGuides::JSON->new( wiki => $wiki,
                                            config => $self->config );
          $output = $json->output_as_json(
                                 $type => \@values
    unless($output) {
       $output = OpenGuides::Template->output(
                                                 wiki    => $wiki,
                                                 config  => $self->config,
                                                 vars    => \%tt_vars,
    return $output if $args{return_output};

    if($content_type) {
       print "Content-type: $content_type\n\n";
    print $output;

=item B<list_all_versions>

  $guide->list_all_versions ( id => "Home Page" );

  # Or return output as a string (useful for writing tests).
  $guide->list_all_versions (
                                id            => "Home Page",
                                return_output => 1,

  # Or return the hash of variables that will be passed to the template
  # (not including those set additionally by OpenGuides::Template).
  $guide->list_all_versions (
                                id             => "Home Page",
                                return_tt_vars => 1,


sub list_all_versions {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;
    my $node = $args{id};
    my %curr_data = $self->wiki->retrieve_node($node);
    my $curr_version = $curr_data{version};
    my @history;
    for my $version ( 1 .. $curr_version ) {
        my %node_data = $self->wiki->retrieve_node( name    => $node,
                                                    version => $version );
        # $node_data{version} will be zero if this version was deleted.
        push @history, {
            version  => CGI->escapeHTML( $version ),
            modified => CGI->escapeHTML( $node_data{last_modified} ),
            username => CGI->escapeHTML( $node_data{metadata}{username}[0] ),
            comment  => OpenGuides::Utils::parse_change_comment(
                CGI->escapeHTML( $node_data{metadata}{comment}[0] ),
                $self->config->script_name . '?',
        } if $node_data{version};
    @history = reverse @history;
    my %tt_vars = (
                      node          => $node,
                      version       => $curr_version,
                      not_deletable => 1,
                      not_editable  => 1,
                      deter_robots  => 1,
                      history       => \@history
    return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};
    my $output = $self->process_template(
                                            id       => $node,
                                            template => "",
                                            tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
    return $output if $return_output;
    print $output;

=item B<get_feed_and_content_type>

Fetch the OpenGuides feed object, and the output content type, for the
supplied feed type.

Handles all the setup for the OpenGuides feed object.


sub get_feed_and_content_type {
    my ($self, $feed_type) = @_;

    my $feed = OpenGuides::Feed->new(
                                        wiki       => $self->wiki,
                                        config     => $self->config,
                                        og_version => $VERSION,

    my $content_type = $feed->default_content_type($feed_type);

    return ($feed, $content_type);

=item B<display_feed>

  # Last ten non-minor edits to Hammersmith pages in RSS 1.0 format
                         feed_type          => 'rss',
                         feed_listing       => 'recent_changes',
                         items              => 10,
                         ignore_minor_edits => 1,
                         locale             => "Hammersmith",

  # All edits bob has made to pub pages in the last week in Atom format
                         feed_type    => 'atom',
                         feed_listing => 'recent_changes',
                         days         => 7,
                         username     => "bob",
                         category     => "Pubs",

C<feed_type> is a mandatory parameter. Supported values at present are
"rss" and "atom".

C<feed_listing> is a mandatory parameter. Supported values at present
are "recent_changes". (More values are coming soon though!)

As with other methods, the C<return_output> parameter can be used to
return the output instead of printing it to STDOUT.


sub display_feed {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $feed_type = $args{feed_type};
    croak "No feed type given" unless $feed_type;

    my $feed_listing = $args{feed_listing};
    croak "No feed listing given" unless $feed_listing;

    my $return_output = $args{return_output} ? 1 : 0;

    # Basic criteria, whatever the feed listing type is
    my %criteria = (
                       feed_type             => $feed_type,
                       feed_listing          => $feed_listing,
                       also_return_timestamp => 1,

    # Feed listing specific criteria
    if($feed_listing eq "recent_changes") {
        $criteria{items} = $args{items} || "";
        $criteria{days}  = $args{days}  || "";
        $criteria{ignore_minor_edits} = $args{ignore_minor_edits} ? 1 : 0;

        my $username = $args{username} || "";
        my $category = $args{category} || "";
        my $locale   = $args{locale}   || "";

        my %filter;
        $filter{username} = $username if $username;
        $filter{category} = $category if $category;
        $filter{locale}   = $locale   if $locale;
        if ( scalar keys %filter ) {
            $criteria{filter_on_metadata} = \%filter;
    elsif($feed_listing eq "node_all_versions") {
        $criteria{name} = $args{name};

    # Get the feed object, and the content type
    my ($feed,$content_type) = $self->get_feed_and_content_type($feed_type);

    my $output = "Content-Type: ".$content_type;
    if($self->config->http_charset) {
        $output .= "; charset=".$self->config->http_charset;
    $output .= "\n";

    # Get the feed, and the timestamp, in one go
    my ($feed_output, $feed_timestamp) =
        $feed->make_feed( %criteria );
    my $maker = $feed->fetch_maker($feed_type);

    $output .= "Last-Modified: " . ($maker->parse_feed_timestamp($feed_timestamp))->strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000') . "\n\n";
    $output .= $feed_output;

    return $output if $return_output;
    print $output;

=item B<display_about>

                print $guide->display_about(format => "rdf");

Displays static 'about' information in various format. Defaults to HTML.


sub display_about {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $output;

    if ($args{format} && $args{format} =~ /^rdf$/i) {
        $output = qq{Content-Type: application/rdf+xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns      = ""
         xmlns:rdf  = ""
         xmlns:foaf = "">
<Project rdf:ID="OpenGuides">


  <shortdesc xml:lang="en">
    A wiki engine for collaborative description of places with specialised
    geodata metadata features.

  <description xml:lang="en">
    OpenGuides is a collaborative wiki environment, written in Perl, for 
    building guides and sharing information, as both human-readable text 
    and RDF. The engine contains a number of geodata-specific metadata 
    mechanisms such as locale search, node classification and integration 
    with Google Maps.

  <homepage rdf:resource="" />
  <mailing-list rdf:resource="" />
  <mailing-list rdf:resource="" />

    <foaf:Person rdf:ID="OpenGuidesMaintainer">
      <foaf:name>Dominic Hargreaves</foaf:name>
      <foaf:homepage rdf:resource="" />

    <SVNRepository rdf:ID="OpenGuidesSVN">
      <location rdf:resource="" />
      <browse rdf:resource="" />

    <Version rdf:ID="OpenGuidesVersion">

  <download-page rdf:resource="" />

  <!-- Freshmeat category: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content -->
  <category rdf:resource="" />

  <license rdf:resource="" />
  <license rdf:resource="" />


    } elsif ($args{format} && $args{format} eq 'opensearch') {
        my $site_name  = $self->config->site_name;
        my $search_url = $self->config->script_url . 'search.cgi';
        my $contact_email = $self->config->contact_email;
        $output = qq{Content-Type: application/opensearchdescription+xml; charset=utf-8

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="">
 <Description>Search the site '$site_name'</Description>
 <Url type="application/atom+xml"
 <Url type="application/rss+xml"
 <Url type="text/html"
 <Query role="example" searchTerms="pubs"/>
    } else {
        my $site_name  = $self->config->{site_name};
        my $script_name = $self->config->{script_name};
        $output = qq{Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

  <title>About $site_name</title>
<style type="text/css">
body        { margin: 0px; }
#content    { padding: 50px; margin: auto; width: 50%; }
h1          { margin-bottom: 0px; font-style: italic; }
h2          { margin-top: 0px; }
#logo       { text-align: center; }
#about      { margin: 0em 0em 1em 0em; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; }
#meta       { font-size: small; text-align: center;}
<link rel="alternate"
  title="DOAP (Description Of A Project) profile for this site's software" 
  href="$script_name?action=about;format=rdf" />
<div id="content">
<div id="logo">
<a href=""><img 
src="" alt="OpenGuides"></a>
<h1><a href="$script_name">$site_name</a></h1>
<h2>is powered by <a href="">OpenGuides</a> -<br>
the guides made by you.</h2>
<h3>version <a href="$VERSION">$VERSION</a></h3>
<div id="about">
<a href=""><img 
src="" width="44" height="48"
style="float: right; margin-left: 10px; border: 0px"></a> OpenGuides is a 
web-based collaborative <a href="">wiki</a> 
environment for building guides and sharing information, as both 
human-readable text and <a href=""><acronym 
title="Resource Description Framework">RDF</acronym></a>. The engine contains 
a number of geodata-specific metadata mechanisms such as locale search, node 
classification and integration with <a href="">Google 
OpenGuides is written in <a href="">Perl</a>, and is
made available under the same license as Perl itself (dual <a
href="" title='The "Artistic Licence"'>Artistic</a> and <a
title="GNU Public Licence">GPL</acronym></a>). Developer information for the 
project is available from the <a href="">OpenGuides 
development site</a>.
Copyright &copy;2003-2008, <a href="">The OpenGuides
Project</a>. "OpenGuides", "[The] Open Guide To..." and "The guides made by
you" are trademarks of The OpenGuides Project. Any uses on this site are made 
with permission.
<div id="meta">
<a href="$script_name?action=about;format=rdf"><acronym
title="Description Of A Project">DOAP</acronym> RDF version of this 

    return $output if $args{return_output};
    print $output;

=item B<commit_node>

                         id      => $node,
                         cgi_obj => $q,

As with other methods, parameters C<return_tt_vars> and
C<return_output> can be used to return these things instead of
printing the output to STDOUT.

If you have specified the C<spam_detector_module> option in your
C<wiki.conf>, this method will attempt to call the <looks_like_spam>
method of that module to determine whether the edit is spam.  If this
method returns true, then the C<> template will be
used to display an error message.

The C<looks_like_spam> method will be passed a datastructure containing
content and metadata.

The geographical data that you should provide in the L<CGI> object
depends on the handler you chose in C<wiki.conf>.


=item *

B<British National Grid> - provide either C<os_x> and C<os_y> or
C<latitude> and C<longitude>; whichever set of data you give, it will
be converted to the other and both sets will be stored.

=item *

B<Irish National Grid> - provide either C<osie_x> and C<osie_y> or
C<latitude> and C<longitude>; whichever set of data you give, it will
be converted to the other and both sets will be stored.

=item *

B<UTM ellipsoid> - provide C<latitude> and C<longitude>; these will be
converted to easting and northing and both sets of data will be stored.



sub commit_node {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $node = $args{id};
    my $q = $args{cgi_obj};
    my $return_output = $args{return_output};
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $config = $self->config;

    my $content  = $q->param("content");
    $content =~ s/\r\n/\n/gs;
    my $checksum = $q->param("checksum");

    my %new_metadata = OpenGuides::Template->extract_metadata_vars(
        wiki    => $wiki,
        config  => $config,
        cgi_obj => $q

    delete $new_metadata{website} if $new_metadata{website} eq 'http://';

    $new_metadata{opening_hours_text} = $q->param("hours_text") || "";

    # Pick out the unmunged versions of lat/long if they're set.
    # (If they're not, it means they weren't munged in the first place.)
    $new_metadata{latitude} = delete $new_metadata{latitude_unmunged}
        if $new_metadata{latitude_unmunged};
    $new_metadata{longitude} = delete $new_metadata{longitude_unmunged}
        if $new_metadata{longitude_unmunged};

    foreach my $var ( qw( summary username comment edit_type ) ) {
        $new_metadata{$var} = $q->param($var) || "";
    $new_metadata{host} = $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR};

    # Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::RSS::ModWiki wants "major_change" to be set.
    $new_metadata{major_change} = ( $new_metadata{edit_type} eq "Normal edit" )
                                    ? 1
                                    : 0;

    # General validation
    my $fails = OpenGuides::Utils->validate_edit(
        cgi_obj  => $q

    if ( scalar @{$fails} or $config->read_only ) {
        my %vars = (
            validate_failed => $fails

        my $output = $self->display_edit_form(
                           id            => $node,
                           content       => CGI->escapeHTML($content),
                           metadata      => \%new_metadata,
                           vars          => \%vars,
                           checksum      => CGI->escapeHTML($checksum),
                           return_output => 1,
                           read_only     => $config->read_only,

        return $output if $return_output;
        print $output;

    # If we can, check to see if this edit looks like spam.
    my $spam_detector = $config->spam_detector_module;
    my $is_spam;
    if ( $spam_detector ) {
        eval {
            eval "require $spam_detector";
            $is_spam = $spam_detector->looks_like_spam(
                node    => $node,
                content => $content,
                metadata => \%new_metadata,

    if ( $is_spam ) {
        my $output = OpenGuides::Template->output(
            wiki     => $self->wiki,
            config   => $config,
            template => "",
            vars     => {
                          not_editable => 1,
        return $output if $return_output;
        print $output;

    # Check to make sure all the indexable nodes are created
    # Skip this for nodes needing moderation - this occurs for them once
    #  they've been moderated
    my $needs_moderation = $wiki->node_required_moderation($node);
    my $in_moderate_whitelist
        = OpenGuides::Utils->in_moderate_whitelist($self->config, $new_metadata{host});

    if ( $in_moderate_whitelist or not $needs_moderation ) {
                                          id       => $node,
                                          metadata => \%new_metadata

    my $written = $wiki->write_node( $node, $content, $checksum,
                                     \%new_metadata );

    if ($written) {
        if ( $needs_moderation ) {
            if ( $in_moderate_whitelist ) {
                                            name    => $node,
                                            version => $written
            elsif ( $config->send_moderation_notifications ) {
                my $body = "The node '$node' in the OpenGuides installation\n" .
                    "'" . $config->site_name . "' requires moderation. ".
                    "Please visit\n" .
                    $config->script_url . $config->script_name .
                    "?action=show_needing_moderation\nat your convenience.\n";
                eval {
                        config        => $config,
                        subject       => "Node requires moderation",
                        body          => $body,
                        admin         => 1,
                        return_output => $return_output
                warn $@ if $@;

        my $output = $self->redirect_to_node($node);
        return $output if $return_output;
        print $output;
    } else {
        return $self->_handle_edit_conflict(
                                             id            => $node,
                                             content       => $content,
                                             new_metadata  => \%new_metadata,
                                             return_output => $return_output,

sub _handle_edit_conflict {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;
    my $config = $self->config;
    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $node = $args{id};
    my $content = $args{content};
    my %new_metadata = %{$args{new_metadata}};

    my %node_data = $wiki->retrieve_node($node);
    my %tt_vars = ( checksum       => $node_data{checksum},
                    new_content    => $content,
                    content        => $node_data{content} );
    my %old_metadata = OpenGuides::Template->extract_metadata_vars(
                                           wiki     => $wiki,
                                           config   => $config,
                                           metadata => $node_data{metadata} );
    # Make sure we look at all variables.
    my @tmp = (keys %new_metadata, keys %old_metadata );
    my %tmp_hash = map { $_ => 1; } @tmp;
    my @all_vars = keys %tmp_hash;

    foreach my $mdvar ( keys %new_metadata ) {
        if ($mdvar eq "locales") {
            $tt_vars{$mdvar} = $old_metadata{locales};
            $tt_vars{"new_$mdvar"} = $new_metadata{locale};
        } elsif ($mdvar eq "categories") {
            $tt_vars{$mdvar} = $old_metadata{categories};
            $tt_vars{"new_$mdvar"} = $new_metadata{category};
        } elsif ($mdvar eq "username" or $mdvar eq "comment"
                  or $mdvar eq "edit_type" ) {
            $tt_vars{$mdvar} = $new_metadata{$mdvar};
        } else {
            $tt_vars{$mdvar} = $old_metadata{$mdvar};
            $tt_vars{"new_$mdvar"} = $new_metadata{$mdvar};

    $tt_vars{coord_field_1} = $old_metadata{coord_field_1};
    $tt_vars{coord_field_2} = $old_metadata{coord_field_2};
    $tt_vars{coord_field_1_value} = $old_metadata{coord_field_1_value};
    $tt_vars{coord_field_2_value} = $old_metadata{coord_field_2_value};
                                = $new_metadata{$old_metadata{coord_field_1}};
                                = $new_metadata{$old_metadata{coord_field_2}};

    $tt_vars{conflict} = 1;
    return %tt_vars if $args{return_tt_vars};
    my $output = $self->process_template(
                                          id       => $node,
                                          template => "",
                                          tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
    return $output if $args{return_output};
    print $output;

=item B<_autoCreateCategoryLocale>

                         id       => "FAQ",
                         metadata => \%metadata,

When a new node is added, or a previously un-moderated node is moderated,
identifies if any of its Categories or Locales are missing, and creates them.

Guide admins can control the text that gets put into the content field of the
autocreated node by putting it in in their custom
templates directory.  The following TT variables will be available to the


=item * index_type (e.g. C<Category>)

=item * index_value (e.g. C<Vegan-friendly>)

=item * node_name (e.g. C<Category Vegan-Friendly>)


(Note capitalisation - index_value is what they typed in to the form, and
node_name is the fully free-upper-ed name of the autocreated node.)

For nodes not requiring moderation, should be called on writing the node
For nodes requiring moderation, should only be called on moderation


sub _autoCreateCategoryLocale {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $id = $args{'id'};
    my %metadata = %{$args{'metadata'}};

    # Check to make sure all the indexable nodes are created
    my $config = $self->config;
    my $template_path = $config->template_path;
    my $custom_template_path = $config->custom_template_path || "";
    my $tt = Template->new( { INCLUDE_PATH =>
                                  "$custom_template_path:$template_path" } );

    foreach my $type (qw(Category Locale)) {
        my $lctype = lc($type);
        foreach my $index (@{$metadata{$lctype}}) {
            $index =~ s/(.*)/\u$1/;
            my $node = $type . " " . $index;
            # Uppercase the node name before checking for existence
            $node = $wiki->formatter->_do_freeupper( $node );
            unless ( $wiki->node_exists($node) ) {
                my $category = $type eq "Category" ? "Category" : "Locales";
                # Try to get the autocreated content from a custom template;
                # if we fail, use some default text.
                my $blurb;
                my %tt_vars = (
                                index_type  => $type,
                                index_value => $index,
                                node_name   => $node,
                my $ok = $tt->process( "",
                                       \%tt_vars, \$blurb );
                if ( !$ok ) {
                    $ok = $tt->process( "",
                                        \%tt_vars, \$blurb );
                if ( !$ok ) {
                    $blurb = "\@INDEX_LINK [[$node]]";
                                         username => "Auto Create",
                                         comment  => "Auto created $lctype stub page",
                                         category => $category

=item B<delete_node>

                         id       => "FAQ",
                         version  => 15,
                         password => "beer",

C<version> is optional - if it isn't supplied then all versions of the
node will be deleted; in other words the node will be entirely

If C<password> is not supplied then a form for entering the password
will be displayed.

As with other methods, parameters C<return_tt_vars> and
C<return_output> can be used to return these things instead of
printing the output to STDOUT.


sub delete_node {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $node = $args{id} or croak "No node ID supplied for deletion";
    my $return_tt_vars = $args{return_tt_vars} || 0;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;

    my %tt_vars = (
                      not_editable  => 1,
                      not_deletable => 1,
                      deter_robots  => 1,
    $tt_vars{delete_version} = $args{version} || "";

    my $password = $args{password};

    if ($password) {
        if ($password ne $self->config->admin_pass) {
            return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;
            my $output = $self->process_template(
                                                    id       => $node,
                                                    template => "",
                                                    tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
            return $output if $return_output;
            print $output;
        } else {
                                        name    => $node,
                                        version => $args{version},
            # Check whether any versions of this node remain.
            my %check = $self->wiki->retrieve_node( name => $node );
            $tt_vars{other_versions_remain} = 1 if $check{version};
            return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;
            my $output = $self->process_template(
                                                    id       => $node,
                                                    template => "",
                                                    tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
            return $output if $return_output;
            print $output;
    } else {
        return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;
        my $output = $self->process_template(
                                                id       => $node,
                                                template => "",
                                                tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
        return $output if $return_output;
        print $output;

=item B<set_node_moderation>

                         id       => "FAQ",
                         password => "beer",
                         moderation_flag => 1,

Sets the moderation needed flag on a node, either on or off.

If C<password> is not supplied then a form for entering the password
will be displayed.


sub set_node_moderation {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $node = $args{id} or croak "No node ID supplied for node moderation";
    my $return_tt_vars = $args{return_tt_vars} || 0;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;

    # Get the moderation flag into something sane
    if($args{moderation_flag} eq "1" || $args{moderation_flag} eq "yes" ||
       $args{moderation_flag} eq "on" || $args{moderation_flag} eq "true") {
        $args{moderation_flag} = 1;
    } else {
        $args{moderation_flag} = 0;

    # Set up the TT variables
    my %tt_vars = (
                      not_editable  => 1,
                      not_deletable => 1,
                      deter_robots  => 1,
                      moderation_action => 'set_moderation',
                      moderation_flag   => $args{moderation_flag},
                      moderation_url_args => 'action=set_moderation;moderation_flag='.$args{moderation_flag},

    my $password = $args{password};

    if ($password) {
        if ($password ne $self->config->admin_pass) {
            return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;
            my $output = $self->process_template(
                                                    id       => $node,
                                                    template => "",
                                                    tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
            return $output if $return_output;
            print $output;
        } else {
            my $worked = $self->wiki->set_node_moderation(
                                        name    => $node,
                                        required => $args{moderation_flag},
            my $moderation_flag = "changed";
            unless($worked) {
                $moderation_flag = "unknown_node";
                warn("Tried to set moderation status on node '$node', which doesn't exist");

            # Send back to the admin interface
            my $script_url = $self->config->script_url;
            my $script_name = $self->config->script_name;
            my $q = CGI->new;
            my $output = $q->redirect( $script_url.$script_name."?action=admin;moderation=".$moderation_flag );
            return $output if $return_output;
            print $output;
    } else {
        return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;
        my $output = $self->process_template(
                                                id       => $node,
                                                template => "",
                                                tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
        return $output if $return_output;
        print $output;

=item B<moderate_node>

                         id       => "FAQ",
                         version  => 12,
                         password => "beer",

Marks a version of a node as moderated. Will also auto-create and Locales
and Categories for the newly moderated version.

If C<password> is not supplied then a form for entering the password
will be displayed.


sub moderate_node {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $node = $args{id} or croak "No node ID supplied for node moderation";
    my $version = $args{version} or croak "No node version supplied for node moderation";
    my $return_tt_vars = $args{return_tt_vars} || 0;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;

    # Set up the TT variables
    my %tt_vars = (
                      not_editable  => 1,
                      not_deletable => 1,
                      deter_robots  => 1,
                      version       => $version,
                      moderation_action => 'moderate',
                      moderation_url_args => 'action=moderate;version='.$version

    my $password = $args{password};
    unless($self->config->moderation_requires_password) {
        $password = $self->config->admin_pass;

    if ($password) {
        if ($password ne $self->config->admin_pass) {
            return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;
            my $output = $self->process_template(
                                                    id       => $node,
                                                    template => "",
                                                    tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
            return $output if $return_output;
            print $output;
        } else {
                                        name    => $node,
                                        version => $version

            # Create any categories or locales for it
            my %details = $self->wiki->retrieve_node(
                                        name    => $node,
                                        version => $version
                                          id       => $node,
                                          metadata => $details{'metadata'}

            # Send back to the admin interface
            my $script_url = $self->config->script_url;
            my $script_name = $self->config->script_name;
            my $q = CGI->new;
            my $output = $q->redirect( $script_url.$script_name."?action=admin;moderation=moderated" );
            return $output if $return_output;
            print $output;
    } else {
        return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;
        my $output = $self->process_template(
                                                id       => $node,
                                                template => "",
                                                tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
        return $output if $return_output;
        print $output;

=item B<show_missing_metadata>

Search for nodes which don't have a certain kind of metadata.  Excludes nodes
which are pure redirects, and optionally also excludes locales and categories.


sub show_missing_metadata {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $return_tt_vars = $args{return_tt_vars} || 0;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;

    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $formatter = $self->wiki->formatter;
    my $script_name = $self->config->script_name;
    my $use_leaflet = $self->config->use_leaflet;

    my ( $metadata_type, $metadata_value, $exclude_locales,
         $exclude_categories, $format)
        = @args{ qw( metadata_type metadata_value exclude_locales
                     exclude_categories format ) };
    $format ||= "";

    my @nodes;
    my $done_search = 0;
    my $nodes_on_map;

    # Only search if they supplied at least a metadata type
    if($metadata_type) {
        $done_search = 1;
        my @all_nodes = $wiki->list_nodes_by_missing_metadata(
                            metadata_type => $metadata_type,
                            metadata_value => $metadata_value,
                            ignore_case    => 1,

        # Filter out redirects; also filter out locales/categories if required.
        foreach my $node ( sort @all_nodes ) {
            next if ( $exclude_locales && $node =~ /^Locale / );
            next if ( $exclude_categories && $node =~ /^Category / );
            my %data = $wiki->retrieve_node( $node );
            next if OpenGuides::Utils->detect_redirect(
                        content => $data{content} );
            my $node_param = $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( $node );
            my %this_node = (
                name => $node,
                param => $node_param,
                address => $data{metadata}{address}[0],
                view_url => "$script_name?$node_param",
                edit_url => "$script_name?id=$node_param;action=edit",
            if ( $format eq "map" && $use_leaflet ) {
                my ( $wgs84_long, $wgs84_lat )
                    = OpenGuides::Utils->get_wgs84_coords(
                          latitude  => $data{metadata}{latitude}[0],
                          longitude => $data{metadata}{longitude}[0],
                          config    => $self->config );
                if ( defined $wgs84_lat ) {
                    $this_node{has_geodata} = 1;
                    $this_node{wgs84_lat} = $wgs84_lat;
                    $this_node{wgs84_long} = $wgs84_long;
            push @nodes, \%this_node;

    # Set up our TT variables, including the search parameters
    my %tt_vars = (
                      not_editable  => 1,
                      not_deletable => 1,
                      deter_robots  => 1,
                      nodes         => \@nodes,
                      done_search    => $done_search,
                      no_nodes_on_map => !$nodes_on_map,
                      metadata_type  => $metadata_type,
                      metadata_value => $metadata_value,
                      exclude_locales => $exclude_locales,
                      exclude_categories => $exclude_categories,
                      script_name => $script_name

    # Figure out the map boundaries and centre, if applicable.
    if ( $format eq "map" ) {
        if ( $use_leaflet ) {
            my %minmaxdata = OpenGuides::Utils->get_wgs84_min_max(
                nodes => \@nodes );
            if ( scalar %minmaxdata ) {
                %tt_vars = ( %tt_vars, %minmaxdata );
            $tt_vars{display_google_maps} = 1; # to get the JavaScript in
        # Set the show_map var even if we don't have Leaflet enabled, so
        # people aren't left wondering why there's no map.
        $tt_vars{show_map} = 1;

    return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;

    # Render to the page
    my $output = $self->process_template(
                                           id       => "",
                                           template => "",
                                           tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
                                           noheaders => $args{noheaders} || 0,
    return $output if $return_output;
    print $output;

=item B<revert_user_interface>

If C<password> is not supplied then a form for entering the password
will be displayed, along with a list of all the edits the user made.

If the password is given, will delete all of these versions.
sub revert_user_interface {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    my $password = $args{password} || '';
    my $return_tt_vars = $args{return_tt_vars} || 0;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;

    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $formatter = $self->wiki->formatter;
    my $script_name = $self->config->script_name;

    my ($type,$value);
    if($args{'username'}) {
        ($type,$value) = ('username', $args{'username'});
    if($args{'host'}) {
        ($type,$value) = ('host', $args{'host'});
    unless($type && $value) {
        croak("One of username or host must be given");

    # Grab everything they've touched, ever
    my @user_edits = $self->wiki->list_recent_changes(
                            since => 1,
                            metadata_was => { $type => $value },

    if ($password) {
        if ($password ne $self->config->admin_pass) {
            croak("Bad password supplied");
        } else {
            # Delete all these versions
            foreach my $edit (@user_edits) {
                                name => $edit->{name},
                                version => $edit->{version},

            # Grab new list
            @user_edits = $self->wiki->list_recent_changes(
                            since => 1,
                            metadata_was => { $type => $value },
    } else {
        # Don't do anything

    # Set up our TT variables, including the search parameters
    my %tt_vars = (
                      not_editable  => 1,
                      not_deletable => 1,
                      deter_robots  => 1,

                      edits          => \@user_edits,
                      username       => $args{username},
                      host           => $args{host},
                      by_type        => $type,
                      by             => $value,

                      script_name => $script_name
    return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;

    # Render to the page
    my $output = $self->process_template(
                                           id       => "",
                                           template => "",
                                           tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
    return $output if $return_output;
    print $output;

=item B<display_admin_interface>

Fetch everything we need to display the admin interface, and passes it off
 to the template


sub display_admin_interface {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my $return_tt_vars = $args{return_tt_vars} || 0;
    my $return_output = $args{return_output} || 0;

    my $wiki = $self->wiki;
    my $formatter = $self->wiki->formatter;
    my $script_name = $self->config->script_name;

    # Grab all the recent nodes
    my @all_nodes = $wiki->list_recent_changes(last_n_changes => 100);

    # Split into nodes, Locales and Categories
    my @nodes;
    my @categories;
    my @locales;
    for my $node (@all_nodes) {
        # Add moderation status
        $node->{'moderate'} = $wiki->node_required_moderation($node->{'name'});

        # Make the URLs
        my $node_param = uri_escape( $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( $node->{'name'} ) );
        $node->{'view_url'} = $script_name . "?id=" . $node_param;
        $node->{'versions_url'} = $script_name .
                        "?action=list_all_versions;id=" . $node_param;
        $node->{'moderation_url'} = $script_name .
                        "?action=set_moderation;id=" . $node_param;
        $node->{'revert_user_url'} = $script_name . "?action=revert_user" .

        # Filter
        if($node->{'name'} =~ /^Category /) {
            $node->{'page_name'} = $node->{'name'};
            $node->{'name'} =~ s/^Category //;
            push @categories, $node;
        } elsif($node->{'name'} =~ /^Locale /) {
            $node->{'page_name'} = $node->{'name'};
            $node->{'name'} =~ s/^Locale //;
            push @locales, $node;
        } else {
            push @nodes, $node;

    # Handle completed notice for actions
    my $completed_action = "";
    if($args{moderation_completed}) {
        if($args{moderation_completed} eq "moderation") {
            $completed_action = "Version moderated";
        if($args{moderation_completed} eq "changed") {
            $completed_action = "Node moderation flag changed";
        if($args{moderation_completed} eq "unknown_node") {
            $completed_action = "Node moderation flag not changed, node not known";

    # Render in a template
    my %tt_vars = (
                      not_editable  => 1,
                      not_deletable => 1,
                      deter_robots  => 1,
                      nodes      => \@nodes,
                      categories => \@categories,
                      locales    => \@locales,
                      completed_action => $completed_action
    return %tt_vars if $return_tt_vars;
    my $output = $self->process_template(
                                           id       => "",
                                           template => "",
                                           tt_vars  => \%tt_vars,
    return $output if $return_output;
    print $output;

sub process_template {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    my %output_conf = (
                          wiki        => $self->wiki,
                          config      => $self->config,
                          node        => $args{id},
                          template    => $args{template},
                          vars        => $args{tt_vars},
                          cookies     => $args{cookies},
                          http_status => $args{http_status},
                          noheaders   => $args{noheaders},
    if ( $args{content_type} ) {
        $output_conf{content_type} = $args{content_type};
    return OpenGuides::Template->output( %output_conf );

# Redirection for legacy URLs.
sub redirect_index_search {
    my ( $self, %args ) = @_;
    my $type   = lc( $args{type} || "" );
    my $value  = lc( $args{value} || "" );
    my $format = lc( $args{format} || "" );

    my $script_url = $self->config->script_url;
    my $script_name = $self->config->script_name;

    my $url = "$script_url$script_name?action=index";

    if ( $type eq "category" ) {
        $url .= ";cat=$value";
    } elsif ( $type eq "locale" ) {
        $url .= ";loc=$value";
    if ( $format ) {
        $url .= ";format=$format";
    return CGI->redirect( -uri => $url, -status => 301 );

sub redirect_to_node {
    my ($self, $node, $redirected_from) = @_;

    my $script_url = $self->config->script_url;
    my $script_name = $self->config->script_name;
    my $formatter = $self->wiki->formatter;

    my $id = $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( $node );
    my $oldid;
    $oldid = $formatter->node_name_to_node_param( $redirected_from ) if $redirected_from;

    my $redir_param = "$script_url$script_name?";
    $redir_param .= 'id=' if $oldid;
    $redir_param .= $id;
    $redir_param .= ";oldid=$oldid" if $oldid;

    my $q = CGI->new;
    return $q->redirect( $redir_param );

sub get_cookie {
    my $self = shift;
    my $config = $self->config;
    my $pref_name = shift or return "";
    my %cookie_data = OpenGuides::CGI->get_prefs_from_cookie(config=>$config);
    return $cookie_data{$pref_name};



UTF8 data are currently not handled correctly throughout.

Other bugs are documented at

=head1 SEE ALSO

=over 4

=item * The Randomness Guide to London, at L<>, the largest OpenGuides site.

=item * The list of live OpenGuides installs at L<>.

=item * L<Wiki::Toolkit>, the Wiki toolkit which does the heavy lifting for OpenGuides.



If you have a question, a bug report, or a patch, or you're interested
in joining the development team, please contact
(moderated mailing list, will reach all current developers but you'll have
to wait for your post to be approved) or file a bug report at

=head1 AUTHOR

The OpenGuides Project (


     Copyright (C) 2003-2013 The OpenGuides Project.  All Rights Reserved.

The OpenGuides distribution is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

=head1 CREDITS

Programming by Dominic Hargreaves, Earle Martin, Kake Pugh, and Ivor
Williams.  Testing and bug reporting by Billy Abbott, Jody Belka,
Kerry Bosworth, Simon Cozens, Cal Henderson, Steve Jolly, and Bob
Walker (among others).  Much of the Module::Build stuff copied from
the Siesta project L<>

