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package Weather::Com::Location;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Time::Local;
use Weather::Com::Cached;
use Weather::Com::Units;
use Weather::Com::CurrentConditions;
use Weather::Com::Forecast;
use base "Weather::Com::Cached";

our $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 1.3 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;

# Constructor
sub new {
	my $proto      = shift;
	my $class      = ref($proto) || $proto;
	my %parameters = ();

	# parameters provided by new method
	if ( ref( $_[0] ) eq "HASH" ) {
		%parameters = %{ $_[0] };
	} else {
		%parameters = @_;

	unless ( $parameters{location_id} ) {
		die "You need to provide a location id!\n";

	# set some parameters to sensible values for a pure location
	# object
	$parameters{current}  = 0;
	$parameters{forecast} = 0;

	# creating the SUPER instance
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new( \%parameters );

	$self->{ID}    = $parameters{location_id};
	$self->{NAME}  = $parameters{location_name};
	$self->{DEBUG} = $parameters{debug};

	# the weather data will be initialized when the first call on
	# data is performed
	$self->{HEAD}       = undef;
	$self->{WEATHER}    = undef;
	$self->{CONDITIONS} = undef;
	$self->{FORECAST}   = undef;
	$self->{LOCALTIME}  = undef;
	$self->{SUNRISE}    = undef;
	$self->{SUNSET}     = undef;

	# last update will be used to trigger automatic refresh of
	# location data
	$self->{LSUP} = time();

	bless( $self, $class );

	# init object, add timezone to ARGS
	$self->{ARGS}->{lang} = $parameters{language} || 'en';

	return $self;
}    # end new()

# refresh weather data
# this calls refresh if weather data is not initialized yet
sub refresh {
	my $self = shift;
	if ( !$self->{WEATHER} || $self->_update ) {
		$self->{WEATHER} = $self->get_weather( $self->{ID} );
		$self->_debug("Weather data refreshed!");
	return 1;

# access location data
sub id {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{ID};

sub name {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{NAME};

sub units {
	my $self = shift;

	unless ( $self->{HEAD} ) {
		$self->{HEAD} = Weather::Com::Units->new();
	$self->{HEAD}->update( $self->{WEATHER}->{head} );
	return $self->{HEAD};

sub timezone {
	my $self = shift;

	unless ( $self->{WEATHER} ) {
		$self->{WEATHER} = $self->get_weather( $self->{ID} );
	$self->{ARGS}->{zone} = $self->{WEATHER}->{loc}->{zone};
	return $self->{ARGS}->{zone};

sub latitude {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{WEATHER}->{loc}->{lat};

sub longitude {
	my $self = shift;
	return $self->{WEATHER}->{loc}->{lon};

# localtime will be calculated because it does not make
# any sense to used a cached time as current local time of
# some location
sub localtime {
	my $self = shift;

	unless ( $self->{LOCALTIME} ) {
		$self->{LOCALTIME} = Weather::Com::DateTime->new( $self->timezone() );

	return $self->{LOCALTIME};

sub localtime_ampm {
	carp("Use of deprecated method 'localtime_ampm()'!");
	carp("Please use 'localtime()->time_ampm()' instead.");

	my $self = shift;

	return $self->localtime()->time_ampm();

sub sunrise {
	my $self = shift;

	unless ( $self->{SUNRISE} ) {
		$self->{SUNRISE} = Weather::Com::DateTime->new( $self->timezone() );

	$self->{SUNRISE}->set_time( $self->{WEATHER}->{loc}->{sunr} );
	return $self->{SUNRISE};

sub sunrise_ampm {
	carp("Use of deprecated method 'sunrise_ampm()'!");
	carp("Please use 'sunrise()->time_ampm()' instead.");

	my $self = shift;

	return $self->sunrise()->time_ampm();

sub sunset {
	my $self = shift;

	unless ( $self->{SUNSET} ) {
		$self->{SUNSET} = Weather::Com::DateTime->new( $self->timezone() );

	$self->{SUNSET}->set_time( $self->{WEATHER}->{loc}->{suns} );
	return $self->{SUNSET};

sub sunset_ampm {
	carp("Use of deprecated method 'sunset_ampm()'!");
	carp("Please use 'sunset()->time_ampm()' instead.");

	my $self = shift;

	return $self->sunset()->time_ampm();

sub current_conditions {
	my $self = shift;

	unless ( $self->{CONDITIONS} ) {
		$self->{CONDITIONS} =
		  Weather::Com::CurrentConditions->new( $self->{ARGS} );
	return $self->{CONDITIONS};

sub forecast {
	my $self = shift;

	unless ( $self->{FORECAST} ) {
		$self->{FORECAST} = Weather::Com::Forecast->new( $self->{ARGS} );
	return $self->{FORECAST};

# internal methods go here
sub _update {
	my $self = shift;

	# idea for check if now is one or more days after last update:
	# 1. transform last update to 00:00:00 of last updated date in
	#    local time of location
	# 2. get 00:00:00 of today in local time of location
	# If both in epoc are equal, no update is needed, else we'll get
	# the new location information.
	my @lsup = gmtime( $self->timezone() * 3600 + $self->{LSUP} );
	$lsup[0] = 0;
	$lsup[1] = 0;
	$lsup[2] = 0;
	my $local_epoc_lsup = timegm(@lsup);

	$self->{LSUP} = time();
	my @now = gmtime( time() + ( $self->timezone() * 3600 ) );
	$now[0] = 0;
	$now[1] = 0;
	$now[2] = 0;
	my $local_epoc_now = timegm(@now);

	if ( $local_epoc_now > $local_epoc_lsup ) {
		$self->_debug("should refresh location cache...\n");
		return 1;

	return 0;




=head1 NAME

Weather::Com::Location - class representing one location and its weather


  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use Weather::Com::Finder;

  # you have to fill in your ids from here
  my $PartnerId  = 'somepartnerid';
  my $LicenseKey = 'mylicense';

  my %weatherargs = (
	'partner_id' => $PartnerId,
	'license'    => $LicenseKey,

  my $finder = Weather::Com::Finder->new(%weatherargs);
  # if you want an array of locations:
  my @locations = $finder->find('Heidelberg');
  # or if you prefer an arrayref:
  my $locations = $finder->find('Heidelberg');
  foreach my $location (@locations) {
    print "Found weather for city: ", $location->name(), "\n";
    print "The city is located at: ", $location->latitude(), "deg N, ",
		  $location->longitude(), "deg E\n";
	print "Local time is ", $location->localtime()->time(), "\n";
	print "Sunrise will be/has been at ", $location->sunrise()->time(), "\n";


Using I<Weather::Com::Location> objects is the way to access weather (and 
some location) information for one specific location (city).

You get I<Weather::Com::Location> objects by using a finder object
(see L<Weather::Com::Finder>).

I<Weather::Com::Location> is a subclass of I<Weather::Com::Cached>.
An instance of this class will update itself corresponding to the
caching rules any time one of its methods is called.


=head2 new(hash or hashref)

The constructor will usually not be used directly because you get ready
to use location objects by using a finder.

If you ever want to instantiate location objects on your own, you have
to provide the same configuration hash or hashref to the constructor
you usually would provide to the C<new()> method of I<Weather::Com::Finder>.
In addition it is necessary to add a hash element C<location_id> to this
config hash. The C<location_id> has to be a valid I<> 
location id.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 id()

Returns the location id used to instantiate this location.

=head2 name()

Returns the name of the location as provided by I<>.

=head2 current_conditions()

Returns a I<Weather::Com::CurrentConditions> object containing the 
current conditions of the location.

The I<Weather::Com::CurrentConditions> object is instantiated with
the first call of the C<current_conditions()> method.

Please refer to L<Weather::Com::CurrentConditions> for further

=head2 forecast() 

Returns a I<Weather::Com::Forecast> object.

Please refer to L<Weather::Com::Forecast> for further details.

=head2 latitude()

Returns the latitude of the location.

=head2 longitude()

Returns the longitude of the location.

=head2 localtime()

Returns a Weather::Com::DateTime object containing the local time
of the location.

This value is evaluated each time you call this method. We do not use
the value returned from I<> here because it does not make
any sence to use a cached value to show the current time.

=head2 localtime_ampm()

B<This method is deprecated and will be removed with the next release!>

Returns the local time of the location.

The time is returned in the format C<hh:mm [AM|PM]>.
To get a 24 hour format use C<localtime> instead.

  Sample: 10:30 PM

=head2 sunrise()

Returns a Weather::Com::DateTime object containing the time of sunrise.

=head2 sunrise_ampm()

B<This method is deprecated and will be removed with the next release!>

Returns the time of sunrise in 12 hour format (see C<localtime_ampm()>
for details).

=head2 sunset()

Returns a Weather::Com::DateTime object containing the time of sunset.

=head2 sunset_ampm()

B<This method is deprecated and will be removed with the next release!>

Returns the time of sunset in 12 hour format (see C<localtime_ampm()>
for details).

=head2 timezone()

Returns the timezone offset to GMT (without respecting 
daylight savings time).

=head2 units()

Returns a I<Weather::Com::Units> object.

Please refer to L<Weather::Com::Units> for further

=head1 SEE ALSO

See also documentation of L<Weather::Com>, L<Weather::Com::CurrentConditions>,

=head1 AUTHOR

Thomas Schnuecker, E<lt>thomas@schnuecker.deE<gt>


Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Thomas Schnuecker

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The data provided by I<> and made accessible by this OO
interface can be used for free under special terms. 
Please have a look at the application programming guide of
I<> (
