
use strict;
use warnings;
use Catalyst::Exception;

use Test::More tests => 9;
use lib 't/lib';
use LDAPTest;


    eval "use Catalyst::Model::LDAP";
    if ($@) {
        skip "Catalyst::Model::LDAP not installed", 9;

    my $server = LDAPTest::spawn_server();


    my $back = Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP::Backend->new(
        {   'ldap_server' => LDAPTest::server_host(),
            'binddn'      => 'anonymous',
            'bindpw'      => 'dontcarehow',
            'start_tls'   => 0,
            'user_basedn' => 'ou=foobar',
            'user_filter' => '(&(objectClass=person)(uid=%s))',
            'user_scope'  => 'one',
            'user_field'  => 'uid',
            'use_roles'   => 0,
            'entry_class' => 'EntryClass',

    isa_ok( $back, "Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP::Backend" );
    my $user = $back->find_user( { username => 'somebody' } );
    isa_ok( $user, "Catalyst::Authentication::Store::LDAP::User" );

    #Check DN
    ok $user->dn,"Get DN from AUTOLOAD"; #THIS ONLY WORKS BECAUSE dn is included as a user attribute in the test LDAP server.
    ok defined $user->has_attribute('dn'),"Get dn from has_attribute";

    #Check Username
    ok $user->username, "Get username from AUTOLOAD";
    ok defined $user->has_attribute('username'),"Get username from has_attribute";

    #Make sure both methods match output
    ok $user->username eq $user->has_attribute('username'),"username from AUTOLOAD and has_attribute should match";
    ok $user->dn eq $user->has_attribute('dn'),"dn from AUTOLOAD and has_attribute should match";
