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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 38;
use Test::Exception;

use Moose ();
BEGIN { use_ok('CatalystX::DynamicComponent') }

my $testapp_counter = 0;
sub generate_testapp {
    my $role_options = shift || {};
    my $meta = Moose->init_meta( for_class => "TestApp" . $testapp_counter++ );
    Moose::Util::apply_all_roles($meta, 'CatalystX::DynamicComponent', $role_options);
    return $meta;

throws_ok { generate_testapp(); }
    qr/name\) is required/, 'name is required';

    my $app_meta = generate_testapp({ name => 'dynamic_component_method' });
    my $app = $app_meta->name;
    ok $app->can('dynamic_component_method'), 'dynamic component method added';
    $app->dynamic_component_method( "Model::Foo", {} );
    my $foo = $app->model('Foo');
    ok $foo, 'Have added Foo component';
    isa_ok($foo, 'Catalyst::Component');

    my $COMPONENT = sub { return bless {}, 'TestClass' };
    my $app_meta = generate_testapp({
        name => 'dynamic_component_method',
        methods => {
            COMPONENT => $COMPONENT,
    my $app = $app_meta->name;
    ok $app->can('dynamic_component_method'), 'dynamic component method added';
    $app->dynamic_component_method( "Model::Foo", {} );
    my $foo = $app->model('Foo');
    ok $foo, 'Have added Foo component';
    isa_ok($foo, 'TestClass', 'COMPONENT method returned totally different class');
    my $name = $app . "::Model::Foo";
    isa_ok(bless({}, $name), 'Catalyst::Component', 'Underlying $app::Model::Foo is a C::C');
    is($name->can('COMPONENT'), $COMPONENT, 'Supplied COMPONENT method is on $app::Model::Foo');
    package My::Other::Superclass;
    use Moose;
    package My::Model;
    use Moose;
    extends qw/Catalyst::Model/;
    package My::Role;
    use Moose::Role;
    sub _some_method_from_role {}
    package My::Other::Role;
    use Moose::Role;
    sub _some_method_from_other_role {}
my %generator_config = (
    name => 'dynamic_component_method',
    roles => [qw/My::Other::Role/],
    superclasses => ['My::Other::Superclass'],
    methods => {
        my_other_injected_method => sub {},
my $extra_config = {
    superclasses => ['My::Model'],
    roles => ['My::Role'],
    methods => {
        my_injected_method => sub { 'quuux' },
    # Do not specify any resolve strategies, so get defaults:
    # methods - merge
    # superclasses - replace
    # roles - merge
    my $app_meta = generate_testapp({
    my $app = $app_meta->name;
    $app->dynamic_component_method( "Model::Foo", $extra_config );
    my $model = $app->model('Foo');
    isa_ok($model, 'My::Model', 'Correct superclass');
        'superclass in extra config replaces by default');

    ok $model->can('_some_method_from_role'), 'Has had role applied';
    ok !My::Model->can('_some_method_from_role'), 'Role applied at right place';

    ok $model->can('_some_method_from_other_role'),
        'Role application merges by default';

    ok $model->can('my_injected_method'), 'Injected method there as expected';
    is $model->my_injected_method, 'quuux', 'Injected method returns correct val';

    ok $model->can('my_other_injected_method'),
        'Injected methods merged by default';
    # Specify resolve strategies, totally opposite the defaults:
    my $app_meta = generate_testapp({
        roles_resolve_strategy => 'replace',
        superclasses_resolve_strategy => 'merge',
        methods_resolve_strategy => 'replace',
    my $app = $app_meta->name;
    $app->dynamic_component_method( "Model::Foo", $extra_config );
    my $model = $app->model('Foo');
    isa_ok($model, 'My::Model', 'Correct superclass');
    isa_ok($model, 'My::Other::Superclass',
        'superclasses merged');

    ok $model->can('_some_method_from_role'), 'Has had role applied';
    ok !My::Model->can('_some_method_from_role'), 'Role applied at right place';

    ok !$model->can('_some_method_from_other_role'),
        'Role application replaces when configured';

    ok $model->can('my_injected_method'), 'Injected method there as expected';
    is $model->my_injected_method, 'quuux', 'Injected method returns correct val';

    ok !$model->can('my_other_injected_method'),
        'Injected methods replaced';
    # Test that replace with blank config doesnt actually replace the config with blank
    my $app_meta = generate_testapp({
        roles_resolve_strategy => 'replace',
        superclasses_resolve_strategy => 'replace',
        methods_resolve_strategy => 'replace',

    my $app = $app_meta->name;
    $app->dynamic_component_method( "Model::Foo", {} );
    my $model = $app->model('Foo');

    ok $model->can('my_other_injected_method'),
        'Injected method present';

        'superclasses not replaced as not set');

    ok $model->can('_some_method_from_other_role'),
        'Role application does not replace as not set';
    # Test that replace with explicit blanks does so.
    my $app_meta = generate_testapp({
        roles_resolve_strategy => 'replace',
        superclasses_resolve_strategy => 'replace',
        methods_resolve_strategy => 'replace',

    my $app = $app_meta->name;
    $app->dynamic_component_method( "Model::Foo", { superclasses => [], roles => [], methods => {} } );
    my $model = $app->model('Foo');

    ok !$model->can('my_other_injected_method'),
        'Injected method not present';

        'superclasses not replaced as set to []');

    ok !$model->can('_some_method_from_other_role'),
        'Role application replaces as set to []';
    # Test that base strings get listified.
    my $app_meta = generate_testapp({

    my $app = $app_meta->name;
    $app->dynamic_component_method( "Model::Foo", { superclasses => 'My::Model', roles => 'My::Role', } );
    my $model = $app->model('Foo');

    ok $model->can('my_other_injected_method'),
        'Injected method present';

        'superclasses replaced');

    ok $model->can('_some_method_from_other_role'),
        'Role application merges';

    # Test that base strings get listified.
    my $app_meta = generate_testapp({
        roles => 'My::Other::Role',
        superclasses => 'My::Other::Superclass',

    my $app = $app_meta->name;
    $app->dynamic_component_method( "Model::Foo", { } );
    my $model = $app->model('Foo');

    ok $model->can('my_other_injected_method'),
        'Injected method present';

        'superclasses from string');

    ok $model->can('_some_method_from_other_role'),
        'Role application merges';