The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
use 5.008000;
use Config;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
use Data::Dumper;

use vars qw/$DEVNULL/;

my $udis_version = "1.7.2";

# See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
my $state = WriteMakefile(
    NAME              => 'X86::Udis86',
    VERSION_FROM      => 'lib/X86/', # finds $VERSION
    PREREQ_PM         => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
    ($] >= 5.005 ?     ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
      (ABSTRACT_FROM  => 'lib/X86/', # retrieve abstract from module
       AUTHOR         => 'Bob Wilkinson <>') : ()),
    LIBS              => ['-ludis86'], # e.g., '-lm'
    DEFINE            => '', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING'
    INC               => '-I.', # e.g., '-I. -I/usr/include/other'
	# Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later:
    # OBJECT            => '$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too

# test if udis86 is installed!

unless (have_udis86($state->{ARGS}->{INC}, $state->{ARGS}->{LIBS})) {
  print STDERR <<DEATH;
udis86 $udis_version not found - this module depends upon it.
Please install udis86 from;
if installed locally, invoke $0 with LIBS and INC set appropriately.
e.g. perl Makefile.PL LIBS='-L/home/bob/src/udis86-$udis_version/libudis86/.libs -ludis86' INC='-I/home/bob/src/udis86-$udis_version -I.'
unlink Makefile or warn "Could not unlink broken Makefile: $!";
exit 0; # 0 recommended by (Notes for CPAN Authors)

if  (eval {require ExtUtils::Constant; 1}) {
  # If you edit these definitions to change the constants used by this module,
  # you will need to use the generated and
  # files to replace their "fallback" counterparts before distributing your
  # changes.
  my @names = (qw());
                                     NAME         => 'X86::Udis86',
                                     NAMES        => \@names,
                                     DEFAULT_TYPE => 'IV',
                                     C_FILE       => '',
                                     XS_FILE      => '',

else {
  foreach my $file ('', '') {
    my $fallback = File::Spec->catfile('fallback', $file);
    copy ($fallback, $file) or die "Can't copy $fallback to $file: $!";

# below shamelessly stolen from XML::LibXMLs Makefile.PL

  $DEVNULL = eval { File::Spec->devnull };
  if ($@) { $DEVNULL = '/dev/null' }

sub rm_fr {
  my @files = @_;
  my @realfiles;
  foreach (@files) {
    push @realfiles, glob($_);
  foreach my $file (@realfiles) {
    if (-d $file) {
      rmdir($file) || die "Couldn't remove $file: $!";
    } else {
      chmod(0777, $file);

sub xsystem {
  my $command = shift;
  if ($DEBUG) {
    print $command, "\n";
    if (system($command) != 0) {
      die "system call to '$command' failed";
    return 1;
  open(OLDOUT, ">&STDOUT");
  open(OLDERR, ">&STDERR");
  open(STDOUT, ">$DEVNULL");
  open(STDERR, ">$DEVNULL");
  my $retval = system($command);
  open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT");
  open(STDERR, ">&OLDERR");
  if ($retval == -1) {
    die "system call to '$command' failed";
  return !($? >> 8);

sub have_udis86 {
  my ($incs, $libs) = @_;
  my $jlibs = "";
  if (ref $libs) {
    $jlibs = join (" ", @$libs);
  } else {
    $jlibs = $libs;
  unless (mkdir(".testlink", 0777)) {
    mkdir(".testlink", 0777) or die "Cannot create .testlink dir: $!";
  chdir (".testlink");

  open(CFILE, ">mytest.c") or die "Can't open temporary file, $!";
  print CFILE <<EOF;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <udis86.h>
int main()
  ud_t ud_obj;
  return 0;
  close CFILE or die "Can't close temporary file, $!";

  my $retval = xsystem(join (" ", $Config{ccname}, $Config{ccflags}, $incs, $jlibs, "-o mytest mytest.c -ludis86"));
  chdir ("..");

  if ($retval) {
    my $udcli;
    if (length $incs) {
      my @maybe_udcli = map {$_ . '/udcli/udcli'} split(/\s*-I/, $incs);
      foreach my $tmp (@maybe_udcli) {
        if (-e $tmp and -x _) {
          $udcli = $tmp;

    if (not length $udcli) {
      chomp($udcli = `which udcli`);
    if (length $udcli) {
      $command = $udcli . ' --version 2>&1';
      chomp(my $string = `$command`);
      my $rv = $string =~ /^udis86\s+$udis_version$/;
      return $rv;
    } else {
      return 0;
  } else {
    return 0;