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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

require DateTimeX::Fiscal::Fiscal5253;
my $class = 'DateTimeX::Fiscal::Fiscal5253';

# This script only tests the basic functionality and not the accuracy
# of the values generated by the object. Another script will perform
# those tests.

# Get an object for testing with. Use values different from defaults
# to ensure the tests are fetching real information.
# 2012 is known to have only 52 weeks.
my %params = (
    year        => 2012,
    end_month   => 1,
    end_dow     => 1,
    end_type    => 'closest',
    leap_period => 'first'
my $fc = $class->new(%params);

# Make a second one with a known 53 week year.
my %params53 = (
    year        => 2014,
    end_month   => 1,
    end_dow     => 1,
    end_type    => 'closest',
    leap_period => 'first'
my $fc53 = $class->new(%params53);

# Also make one that is guaranteed to contain the current date.
my $dt = DateTime->now();
my $dt6 = DateTime->now()->clone->add( months => 6 );
my $e_mo = $dt6->month;
my $fcnow = $class->new( end_month => $dt6->month, year => $dt6->year );

ok(!$fc->has_leap_week, '2012 does not have a leap week');
ok($fc53->has_leap_week, '2014 does have a leap week');

# Verify that calendars for 53 week years vary for each style
my $cmeta53 = $fc53->summary();
ok($cmeta53->{style} eq 'fiscal', 'default style set to "fiscal"');
ok($cmeta53->{weeks} == 53, 'default has 53 weeks');
$cmeta53 = $fc53->summary(style => 'Fiscal');
ok($cmeta53->{style} eq 'fiscal', 'style set to "fiscal"');
ok($cmeta53->{weeks} == 53, 'Fiscal has 53 weeks');
$cmeta53 = $fc53->summary(style => 'Restated');
ok($cmeta53->{style} eq 'restated', 'style set to "restated"');
ok($cmeta53->{weeks} == 52, 'Restated has 52 weeks');
$cmeta53 = $fc53->summary(style => 'Truncated');
ok($cmeta53->{style} eq 'truncated', 'style set to "truncated"');
ok($cmeta53->{weeks} == 52, 'Truncated has 52 weeks');

# Test that "contains" function accepts valid calendar values
ok($fc53->contains(date => $fc53->start) == 1, 'default has start date');
ok($fc53->contains(date => $fc53->end) == 53,  'default has end date');
ok($fc53->contains(date => $fc53->start, style => 'Fiscal') == 1,
    'default has start date');
ok($fc53->contains(date => $fc53->end, style => 'Fiscal') == 53,
    'default has end date');
ok($fc53->contains(date => $fc53->start, style => 'Truncated') == 1,
    'Truncated has start date');
ok($fc53->contains(date => $fc53->end, style => 'Restated') == 52,
    'Restated has end date');
ok(!$fc53->contains(date => $fc53->end, style => 'Truncated'),
    'Truncated does not have default end date');
ok(!$fc53->contains(date => $fc53->start, style => 'Restated'),
    'Restated does not have default start date');

# Verify that "contains" honors the "style" method and accepts a single
# scalar as the "date" parameter.
my $origstyle = $fc53->style;
ok($fc53->contains($fc53->start) == 1, 'default has start date');
ok($fc53->contains($fc53->end) == 53,  'default has end date');
ok($fc53->contains($fc53->start) == 1, 'Truncated has start date');
ok(!$fc53->contains($fc53->end), 'Truncated does not have default end date');
ok($fc53->contains($fc53->end) == 52, 'Restated has end date');
ok(!$fc53->contains($fc53->start),'Restated does not have default start date');

# verify that missing date param uses today
ok($fcnow->contains( date => undef ) > 0, 'defaults to current date');
ok($fcnow->contains( date => '' ) > 0, 'defaults to current date');
ok($fcnow->contains( date => 0 ) > 0, 'defaults to current date');
ok($fcnow->contains() > 0, 'defaults to current date');

# verify that "contains" accepts a DT object and the keyword "today"
ok($fcnow->contains( date => $dt ) > 0, 'accepts a DT object');
ok($fcnow->contains( $dt ) > 0, 'accepts a DT object');
ok($fcnow->contains( date => 'today' ) > 0, 'accepts "today"');
ok($fcnow->contains( 'today' ) > 0, 'accepts "today"');

# verify that the period methods are working
my $pref = $fc->period(period => 1);
isa_ok($pref, 'HASH', 'scalar context returns a hash reference');
my %p = $fc->period(period => 1);
ok(!ref(%p), 'list context does not return a reference');
is_deeply($pref, \%p, 'hash and reference are the same');
for (qw( Fiscal Restated Truncated)) {
    my $p = $fc->period(period => 1, style => $_);
    isa_ok($p, 'HASH', "parameter style $_");
for (qw( month start end weeks )) {
    my $pmethod = "period_$_";
    ok($fc->$pmethod(period => 1) eq $pref->{$_}, "$pmethod matches data");

# verify that the period methods can take a single scalar for period number
$pref = $fc->period(2);
isa_ok($pref, 'HASH', 'scalar context returns a hash reference');
%p = $fc->period(2);
ok(!ref(%p), 'list context does not return a reference');
is_deeply($pref, \%p, 'hash and reference are the same');
for (qw( month start end weeks )) {
    my $pmethod = "period_$_";
    ok($fc->$pmethod(2) eq $pref->{$_}, "$pmethod matches data");

# Test the fail conditions now.
    # Capture any STDERR output
    my $stderr = '';
    local *STDERR;
    open STDERR, '>', \$stderr;

    ok(!eval { $fc->style('foobar') },
        'style rejects "foobar"');
    ok(!eval { $fc->style('fiscal','foobar') },
        'style rejects extra parameter');
    ok(!eval { $fc->summary(style => 'foobar') },
        'calendar rejects style "foobar"');
    ok(!eval { $fc->summary(foo => 'bar') },
        'calendar rejects unknown parameter');
    ok(!eval { $fc->contains(style => 'foobar') },
        'contains rejects style "foobar"');
    ok(!eval { $fc->contains(foo => 'bar') },
        'contains rejects unknown parameter');
    ok(!eval { $fc->period(period => 1, style => 'foobar') },
        'period rejects style "foobar"');
    ok(!eval { $fc->period( foo => 'bar') },
        'period rejects unknown parameter');
    for (qw( month start end weeks )) {
        my $pmethod = "period_$_";
        ok(!eval { $fc->$pmethod(period => 1, style => 'foobar') },
                "$pmethod rejects calendar style 'foobar'" );
        ok(!eval { $fc->$pmethod(foo => 'bar') },
                "$pmethod rejects unknown parameter");
    ok(!eval { $fc->week(week => 1, style => 'foobar') },
        'week rejects style "foobar"');
    ok(!eval { $fc->week(foo => 'bar') },
        'week rejects unknown parameter');
    for (qw( period start end )) {
        my $wmethod = "period_$_";
        ok(!eval { $fc->$wmethod(period => 1, style => 'foobar') },
                "$wmethod rejects calendar style 'foobar'");
        ok(!eval { $fc->$wmethod(foo => 'bar') },
                "$wmethod rejects unknown parameter");



# package for empty package tests
package Empty::Fiscal5253;
use base qw(DateTimeX::Fiscal::Fiscal5253);
