
use strict;
use warnings;

# TESTING starts here #
use Test::More tests => 23;

# General module tests... #

my $module = 'EBook::MOBI';
use_ok( $module );

my $obj = $module->new();

isa_ok($obj, $module);

can_ok($obj, 'new');
can_ok($obj, 'reset');
can_ok($obj, 'debug_on');
can_ok($obj, 'debug_off');
can_ok($obj, 'set_title');
can_ok($obj, 'set_author');
can_ok($obj, 'set_filename');
can_ok($obj, 'set_encoding');
can_ok($obj, 'add_mhtml_content');
can_ok($obj, 'add_pod_content');
can_ok($obj, 'add_pagebreak');
can_ok($obj, 'add_toc_once');
can_ok($obj, 'make');
can_ok($obj, 'print_mhtml');
can_ok($obj, 'save');

# We define some parsing input #
# and also how the result      #
# should look like             #
my %html_in ; # parsing input
my %html_out;  # parsing result

# 1
$html_in{TOC} = <<'HEREDOC';
 <h1>NOT IN TOC</h1>
This should not appear in TOC because of the whitespace at begin of line.
<h1>CHAPTER ONE</h1>
This should appear in the TOC.
<h1>CHAPTER TWO</h1>
This too. Lets make some text to fill some gaps:<br />
<br />
<b>I've a Pain in my Head by Jane Austen</b><br />
<br />
'I've a pain in my head'<br />
Said the suffering Beckford;<br />
To her Doctor so dread.<br />
'Oh! what shall I take for't?'<br />
<br />
Said this Doctor so dread<br />
Whose name it was Newnham.<br />
'For this pain in your head<br />
Ah! What can you do Ma'am?'<br />
<br />
Said Miss Beckford, 'Suppose<br />
If you think there's no risk,<br />
I take a good Dose<br />
Of calomel brisk.'--<br />
<br />
'What a praise worthy Notion.'<br />
Replied Mr. Newnham.<br />
'You shall have such a potion<br />
And so will I too Ma'am.' <br />
<h2>NOT IN TOC 2</h2>
This should not appear in TOC because it's head type 2.

$html_out{TOC} = <<'HEREDOC';
<reference type="toc" title="Table of Contents" filepos="00000151"/>
<b><i>TEST</i></b><mbp:pagebreak />
<h1>Table of Contents</h1><!-- TOC start -->
<li><a filepos="00000458">CHAPTER ONE</a></li><!-- TOC entry -->
<li><a filepos="00000510">CHAPTER TWO</a></li><!-- TOC entry -->

<mbp:pagebreak />
 <h1>NOT IN TOC</h1>
This should not appear in TOC because of the whitespace at begin of line.
<h1>CHAPTER ONE</h1>
This should appear in the TOC.
<h1>CHAPTER TWO</h1>
This too. Lets make some text to fill some gaps:<br />
<br />
<b>I've a Pain in my Head by Jane Austen</b><br />
<br />
'I've a pain in my head'<br />
Said the suffering Beckford;<br />
To her Doctor so dread.<br />
'Oh! what shall I take for't?'<br />
<br />
Said this Doctor so dread<br />
Whose name it was Newnham.<br />
'For this pain in your head<br />
Ah! What can you do Ma'am?'<br />
<br />
Said Miss Beckford, 'Suppose<br />
If you think there's no risk,<br />
I take a good Dose<br />
Of calomel brisk.'--<br />
<br />
'What a praise worthy Notion.'<br />
Replied Mr. Newnham.<br />
'You shall have such a potion<br />
And so will I too Ma'am.' <br />
<h2>NOT IN TOC 2</h2>
This should not appear in TOC because it's head type 2.

# Now we parse the input and compare the result #
# with what we expected...                      #
for my $key (keys %html_in) {
    # we make a new book for each test
    my $obj = $module->new();


    my $html_res = $obj->print_mhtml('no print to stdout');

    is($html_res, $html_out{$key}, "Book -> $key");

### Let's do some more testing


my $POD_in = <<END;
=head0 Zero

=head1 One

Text 1

=head2 Two

Text 2

=head0 Zero 2

=head1 Three

Text 3


my $POD_res_default = <<END;
<p>Text 1</p>
<p>Text 2</p>
<p>Text 3</p>

my $POD_res_head0_mode = <<END;
<p>Text 1</p>
<p>Text 2</p>
<h1>Zero 2</h1>
<p>Text 3</p>

my $POD_res_pagemode = <<END;
<p>Text 1</p>
<p>Text 2</p>
<mbp:pagebreak />
<p>Text 3</p>

my $POD_res_head0_and_pagemode = <<END;
<p>Text 1</p>
<p>Text 2</p>
<mbp:pagebreak />
<h1>Zero 2</h1>
<p>Text 3</p>

my $POD_res_toc_and_head0_and_pagemode = <<END;
<reference type="toc" title="Table of Contents" filepos="00000115"/>
<h1>Table of Contents</h1><!-- TOC start -->
<li><a filepos="00000297">Zero</a></li><!-- TOC entry -->
<li><a filepos="00000383">Zero 2</a></li><!-- TOC entry -->

<p>Text 1</p>
<p>Text 2</p>
<mbp:pagebreak />
<h1>Zero 2</h1>
<p>Text 3</p>

my $res = $obj->print_mhtml(1);
is($res, $POD_res_default, "Book -> default");

$obj->add_pod_content($POD_in, 0, 'head0_mode');
$res = $obj->print_mhtml(1);
is($res, $POD_res_head0_mode, "Book -> head0_mode");

$obj->add_pod_content($POD_in, 'pagemode', 0);
$res = $obj->print_mhtml(1);
is($res, $POD_res_pagemode, "Book -> pagemode");

$obj->add_pod_content($POD_in, 'pagemode', 1, 1);
$res = $obj->print_mhtml(1);
is($res, $POD_res_head0_and_pagemode, "Book -> head0+pagemode");

$obj->add_pod_content($POD_in, 'pagemode', 1, 1);
$res = $obj->print_mhtml(1);
is($res, $POD_res_toc_and_head0_and_pagemode, "Book -> toc+head0+pagemode");

# done #