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use strict;
use warnings;

use bytes;

# jpeg2qtvr, assembles six jpeg cube faces into a QTVR file
# Copyright (C) 2006  Bruno Postle <bruno at postle dot net>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

our $VERSION = 0.05;


my $opts = {};

while (@ARGV)
    my ($key, $value) = split ('=', shift);
    $opts->{$key} = $value;

my $date = $opts->{'--date'} || time;
my $name = $opts->{'--name'} || "Cubic panorama created by jpeg2qtvr";
my $width_window = $opts->{'--width'} || 1024;
my $height_window = $opts->{'--height'} || 768;
my $outfile = $opts->{'--outfile'} || undef;
my $do_preview = $opts->{'--preview'} || undef;
my $pan = $opts->{'--pan'} || 0.0;
$pan += 360 if ($pan < 0);
my $tilt = $opts->{'--tilt'} || 0.0;
my $fov = $opts->{'--fov'} || 60.0;
my $minfov = $opts->{'--min-fov'} || 10.0;
my $maxfov = $opts->{'--max-fov'} || 120.0;
my $prefix = $opts->{'--prefix'} or die

"Usage: $0 [options] --prefix=PREFIX > OUTPUT

eg. use --prefix=foo_ if the front, right, back, left, up and down JPEG tiles
are named foo_0.jpg, foo_1.jpg, foo_2.jpg, foo_3.jpg, foo_4.jpg and foo_5.jpg


  --date     date in seconds since January 1st 1970, defaults to current time
  --name     title of the panorama
  --width    preferred window width, defaults to 1024
  --height   preferred window height, defaults to 768
  --outfile  name for output mov file, otherwise result goes to STDOUT
  --pan      initial pan (yaw), defaults to 0.0 degrees
  --tilt     initial tilt (pitch), defaults to 0.0 degrees
  --fov      initial vertical angle of view, defaults to 60 degrees
  --min-fov  minimum vertical angle of view, defaults to 10 degrees
  --max-fov  maximum vertical angle of view, defaults to 120 degrees
  --preview  prefix for preview track JPEG tiles


# slurp in the JPEG data

local ($/, *FH);

open (FH, $prefix ."0.jpg") or die $!;
binmode (FH, ':raw');
my $image0 = <FH>;
close FH;

open (FH, $prefix ."1.jpg") or die $!;
binmode (FH, ':raw');
my $image1 = <FH>;
close FH;

open (FH, $prefix ."2.jpg") or die $!;
binmode (FH, ':raw');
my $image2 = <FH>;
close FH;

open (FH, $prefix ."3.jpg") or die $!;
binmode (FH, ':raw');
my $image3 = <FH>;
close FH;

open (FH, $prefix ."4.jpg") or die $!;
binmode (FH, ':raw');
my $image4 = <FH>;
close FH;

open (FH, $prefix ."5.jpg") or die $!;
binmode (FH, ':raw');
my $image5 = <FH>;
close FH;

my ($width_image, $height_image) = JPEGsize ($image0);
die 'Can\'t determine JPEG dimensions' unless ($width_image == $height_image);
print STDERR "Cubeface size: $width_image\n";

my ($preview0, $preview1, $preview2, $preview3, $preview4, $preview5, $width_preview, $height_preview);

if ($do_preview)
    open (FH, $do_preview ."0.jpg") or die $!;
    binmode (FH, ':raw');
    $preview0 = <FH>;
    close FH;

    open (FH, $do_preview ."1.jpg") or die $!;
    binmode (FH, ':raw');
    $preview1 = <FH>;
    close FH;

    open (FH, $do_preview ."2.jpg") or die $!;
    binmode (FH, ':raw');
    $preview2 = <FH>;
    close FH;

    open (FH, $do_preview ."3.jpg") or die $!;
    binmode (FH, ':raw');
    $preview3 = <FH>;
    close FH;

    open (FH, $do_preview ."4.jpg") or die $!;
    binmode (FH, ':raw');
    $preview4 = <FH>;
    close FH;

    open (FH, $do_preview ."5.jpg") or die $!;
    binmode (FH, ':raw');
    $preview5 = <FH>;
    close FH;

    ($width_preview, $height_preview) = JPEGsize ($preview0);
    die 'Can\'t determine preview JPEG dimensions' unless ($width_preview == $height_preview);
    print STDERR "Preview size: $width_preview\n";

# date is seconds since midnight, January 1, 1904

$date = pack4B ($date + 2082844800);

# pixel size of the view window

$width_window = pack4B ($width_window);
$height_window = pack4B ($height_window);

# these will be filled later

my $offsetA = '????';
my $offsetB = '????';

my $offset0 = '????';
my $offset1 = '????';
my $offset2 = '????';
my $offset3 = '????';
my $offset4 = '????';
my $offset5 = '????';

my $offset_preview0 = '????';
my $offset_preview1 = '????';
my $offset_preview2 = '????';
my $offset_preview3 = '????';
my $offset_preview4 = '????';
my $offset_preview5 = '????';

my $lengthA = '????';
my $lengthB = '????';

# build the mov data

my $mov;

for (0 .. 1)

$mov =

#atom ('ftyp',
#    "qt\x{20}\x{20}\x{20}\x{05}\x{03}\x{00}".
#    "qt\x{20}\x{20}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}".
#    "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}"

atom ('moov',

#[Subrecursing 'moov' atom]

     atom ('mvhd',
         ($do_preview ? "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{05}" : "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{04}")

     atom ('trak',

#    [Subrecursing 'trak' atom]

         atom ('tkhd',
             "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{01}".  # track number
             "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration

         atom ('edts',

             atom ('elst',
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration

         atom ('tref',

             atom ('pano',

         atom ('mdia',

#        [Subrecursing 'mdia' atom]

             atom ('mdhd',
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # time scale
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration

             atom ('hdlr',
                 "QTVR Media Handler"

             atom ('minf',

#            [Subrecursing 'minf' atom]

                 atom ('gmhd', # base media header

                     atom ('gmin', # base media info

                 atom ('hdlr',
                     "Apple Alias Data Handler"

                 atom ('dinf',

#                [Subrecursing 'dinf' atom]

                     atom ('dref',

                         atom ('alis',

#                [End subrecurse 'dinf' atom]


                 atom ('stbl',

#                [Subrecursing 'stbl' atom]

                     atom ('stsd',

                         atom ('qtvr',

                             atom ('sean',

                                 atom ('vrsc',

                                 atom ('imgp',

                                     atom ('impn',

                                     atom ('impn',

                                 atom ('vrnp',

                                     atom ('vrni',

                                         atom ('nloc',

                     atom ('stts',

                     atom ('stsc',

                     atom ('stsz',
                         # ver  # flags
                         # standard size
                         # number of samples

                     atom ('stco',
                         # ver  # flags
                         # number entries

#                [End subrecurse 'stbl' atom]


#            [End subrecurse 'minf' atom]


#        [End subrecurse 'mdia' atom]


#    [End subrecurse 'trak' atom]

     atom ('trak',

#    [Subrecursing 'trak' atom]

         atom ('tkhd',
             "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{02}".  # track number
             "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration

         atom ('load',

         atom ('edts',

             atom ('elst',
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration


         atom ('tref',

             atom ('imgt',
                 ($do_preview ? "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{04}" : '').


         atom ('mdia',

#        [Subrecursing 'mdia' atom]

             atom ('mdhd',
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # time scale
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration

             atom ('hdlr',
                 "QTVR Panorama Media Handler"

#            ReadAtom_HDLR:  We found the 'pano' media!

             atom ('minf',

#            [Subrecursing 'minf' atom]

                 atom ('gmhd', # base media header

                     atom ('gmin', # base media info

                 atom ('hdlr',
                     "Apple Alias Data Handler"

                 atom ('dinf',

#                [Subrecursing 'dinf' atom]

                     atom ('dref',

                         atom ('alis',

#                [End subrecurse 'dinf' atom]

                 atom ('stbl',

#                [Subrecursing 'stbl' atom]

                     atom ('stsd',


                     atom ('stts',

                     atom ('stsc',

                     atom ('stsz',
                         # ver  flags
                         # standard size
                         # number of items

#                    'pano' sample size = : 192

                     atom ('stco',
                         # ver  # flags
                         # number samples

#                    Chunk offset to 'pano' is : 2322

#                    [Subrecursing pano 'stco' atom]
#                        QTAtom 0x0000091E  (0x000000B4)  sean child count: 2
#                        [Subrecursing 'sean' qt atom]
#                            QTAtom 0x00000932  (0x00000068)  pdat child count: 0
#                            QTAtom 0x0000099A  (0x00000038)  cuvw child count: 0
#                        [End subrecursing 'sean' qt atom]


#                    [End subrecurse pano 'stco' atom]


#                [End subrecurse 'stbl' atom]


#            [End subrecurse 'minf' atom]


#        [End subrecurse 'mdia' atom]


#    [End subrecurse 'trak' atom]

     ($do_preview ? atom ('trak',

#    [Subrecursing 'trak' atom]

         atom ('tkhd',
             "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}".  # track number
             "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}".  # reserved
             "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}".  # duration
             "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}". # reserved
             pack4B ($width_preview).
             pack4B ($width_preview).

         atom ('edts',

             atom ('elst',
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration

         atom ('mdia',

#        [Subrecursing 'mdia' atom]

             atom ('mdhd',
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # time scale
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration

             atom ('hdlr',
                 "Apple Video Media Handler"

#            ReadAtom_HDLR:  We found a 'vide' media!

             atom ('minf',

#            [Subrecursing 'minf' atom]

                 atom ('vmhd',

                 atom ('hdlr',
                     "Apple Alias Data Handler"

                 atom ('dinf',

#                [Subrecursing 'dinf' atom]

                     atom ('dref',

                         atom ('alis',

#                [End subrecurse 'dinf' atom]

                 atom ('stbl',

#                [Subrecursing 'stbl' atom]

                     atom ('stsd',


                         pack2B ($width_preview). pack2B ($width_preview).

                         "Photo - JPEG".

                     atom ('stts',

                     atom ('stsc',


                     atom ('stsz',
                         # ver  # flags
                         # standard size
                         # number of items
                         pack4B (length $preview0).
                         pack4B (length $preview1).
                         pack4B (length $preview2).
                         pack4B (length $preview3).
                         pack4B (length $preview4).
                         pack4B (length $preview5)

                     atom ('stco',
                         # ver  # flags 
                         # number entries (2)

#                [End subrecurse 'stbl' atom]


#            [End subrecurse 'minf' atom]


#        [End subrecurse 'mdia' atom]


#    [End subrecurse 'trak' atom]

     ) : '').

     atom ('trak',

#    [Subrecursing 'trak' atom]

         atom ('tkhd',
             ($do_preview ? "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{04}" : "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}").  # track number
             "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration
             pack4B ($width_image). # width
             pack4B ($width_image). # height
         ). # tkhd

         atom ('edts',

             atom ('elst',
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}". # start time
                 "\x{00}\x{01}\x{00}\x{00}"  # rate
             ) # elst
         ). # edts

         atom ('mdia',

#        [Subrecursing 'mdia' atom]

             atom ('mdhd',
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # time scale
                 "\x{00}\x{00}\x{0e}\x{10}". # duration
             ). # mdhd

             atom ('hdlr',
                 "Apple Video Media Handler"
             ). # hdlr

#            ReadAtom_HDLR:  We found a 'vide' media!

             atom ('minf',

#            [Subrecursing 'minf' atom]

                 atom ('vmhd',
                 ). # vmhd

                 atom ('hdlr',
                     "Apple Alias Data Handler"
                 ). # hdlr

                 atom ('dinf',

#                [Subrecursing 'dinf' atom]

                     atom ('dref',

                         atom ('alis',
                         ) # alis
                     ) # dref
                 ). # dinf

#                [End subrecurse 'dinf' atom]

                 atom ('stbl',

#                [Subrecursing 'stbl' atom]

                     atom ('stsd',


                         pack2B ($width_image). # image width
                         pack2B ($width_image). # image width

                         "Photo - JPEG".
                     ). # stsd

                     atom ('stts',
                     ). # stts

                     atom ('stsc',

                     ). # stsc

                     atom ('stsz',
                         # ver  # flags
                         # standard size
                         # number of items
                         pack4B (length $image0).
                         pack4B (length $image1).
                         pack4B (length $image2).
                         pack4B (length $image3).
                         pack4B (length $image4).
                         pack4B (length $image5)
                     ). # stsz

                     atom ('stco',
                         # ver  # flags 
                         # number entries (6)
                     ) # stco

#                [End subrecurse 'stbl' atom]

                 ) # stbl

#            [End subrecurse 'minf' atom]

             ) # minf

#        [End subrecurse 'mdia' atom]

         ) # mdia

#    [End subrecurse 'trak' atom]

     ). # trak

     atom ('udta',
         atom ('ctyp',
             # "none" for no controls
         atom ("\x{a9}nam",
             meta ("\x{00}\x{00}",
         atom ("\x{a9}swr",
             meta ("\x{00}\x{00}",
                 "jpeg2qtvr $VERSION"

#[End subrecurse 'moov' atom]


# end of instructions

atom ('free',

$mov .=

# follows is the actual movie data

# this atom is optional, but useful to define the end of the file
#Atom 0x000008AA  (0x001E29FC)  mdat

atom ('wide', '').
##"\x{00}\x{1e}\x{29}\x{fc}".  "mdat".
atom ('wide', '').

atom ('wide', '').

"\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}".  "mdat";

my $A =


atom ('sean',

    atom ('ndhd',

my $B = 


atom ('sean',
    ($do_preview ? "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{03}"
    : "\x{00}\x{00}\x{00}\x{02}").

    atom ('pdat',
        packfloat ($minfov). # minFieldOfView
        packfloat ($pan).    # defaultPan
        packfloat ($tilt).   # defaultTilt
        packfloat ($fov).    # defaultFieldOfView
        pack4B ($width_image).
        pack4B ($width_image).

    ($do_preview ?
    atom ('tref',
    : '').

    atom ('cuvw',
        packfloat ($minfov). # minFieldOfView
        packfloat ($maxfov). # maxFieldOfView
        packfloat ($pan).    # defaultPan
        packfloat ($tilt).   # defaultTilt
        packfloat ($fov)     # defaultFieldOfView

$offsetA = pack4B (length $mov);

$mov .= $A;

$offsetB = pack4B (length $mov);

$mov .= $B;

$lengthA = pack4B (length $A);
$lengthB = pack4B (length $B);

if ($do_preview)
    $offset_preview0 = pack4B (length $mov);
    $mov .= $preview0;

    $offset_preview1 = pack4B (length $mov);
    $mov .= $preview1;

    $offset_preview2 = pack4B (length $mov);
    $mov .= $preview2;

    $offset_preview3 = pack4B (length $mov);
    $mov .= $preview3;

    $offset_preview4 = pack4B (length $mov);
    $mov .= $preview4;

    $offset_preview5 = pack4B (length $mov);
    $mov .= $preview5;

$offset0 = pack4B (length $mov);
$mov .= $image0;

$offset1 = pack4B (length $mov);
$mov .= $image1;

$offset2 = pack4B (length $mov);
$mov .= $image2;

$offset3 = pack4B (length $mov);
$mov .= $image3;

$offset4 = pack4B (length $mov);
$mov .= $image4;

$offset5 = pack4B (length $mov);
$mov .= $image5;


if ($outfile)
    open (OUTFILE, '>'. $opts->{'--outfile'});
    binmode (OUTFILE, ':raw');
    print OUTFILE $mov;
    close OUTFILE;
    binmode (STDOUT, ':raw');
    print STDOUT $mov;

sub pack4B
    return pack ('N', shift);

sub pack2B
    return pack ('n', shift);

sub packfloat
    my $bytes = pack ('f', shift);
    $bytes =~ /(.)(.)(.)(.)/;
    my $littleendian = $4.$3.$2.$1;
    return $littleendian if (unpack("h*", pack("s", 1)) =~ /^1/);
    return $bytes;

sub atom
    my ($type, $data) = @_;
    return pack4B ((length $data) + 8) . $type . $data;

sub meta
    my ($lang, $data) = @_;
    return pack2B (length $data) . $lang . $data;

sub JPEGsize
    my $image = shift;
    $image =~ /.*?\x{ff}\x{c0}...(.)(.)(.)(.)/;
    ((256 * ord ($3)) + ord ($4), (256 * ord ($1)) + ord ($2));


=head1 NAME

jpeg2qtvr - Assemble Quicktime QTVR files from JPEG cubefaces

=head1 Synopsis

  jpeg2qtvr --prefix=foo_ >


This tool generates a cubic QTVR, consisting of six cube faces in JPEG format.
JPEG input files must all be square with the same dimensions, eg: 1920x1920.

Cubefaces must be specified in a standard sequence: front, right, back, left,
up and down.

=head1 Calling syntax

  jpeg2qtvr [options] --prefix=PREFIX > OUTPUT

eg. use --prefix=foo_ if the front, right, back, left, up and down JPEG tiles
are named foo_0.jpg, foo_1.jpg, foo_2.jpg, foo_3.jpg, foo_4.jpg and foo_5.jpg


  --date     date in seconds since January 1st 1970, defaults to current time
  --name     title of the panorama
  --width    preferred window width, defaults to 1024
  --height   preferred window height, defaults to 768
  --outfile  name for output mov file, otherwise result goes to STDOUT
  --pan      initial pan (yaw), defaults to 0.0 degrees
  --tilt     initial tilt (pitch), defaults to 0.0 degrees
  --fov      initial vertical angle of view, defaults to 60 degrees
  --min-fov  minimum vertical angle of view, defaults to 10 degrees
  --max-fov  maximum vertical angle of view, defaults to 120 degrees
  --preview  prefix for preview track JPEG tiles

=head1 License

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

=head1 See Also

L<perl>, L<Panotools::Script>

=head1 Author

October 2006, Bruno Postle <bruno AT>