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use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Panotools::Makefile;
use Panotools::Photos;

my $path_makefile;
my $d_inc = 15;
my $projection;
my $deg_fov;
my $crop_s;
my $linkstacks;
my $help = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $nostacks = 0;

# FIXME tonemapped output
# FIXME RAW files
# FIXME fused then mapped then blended output

my @argv_save = @ARGV;
my $mk = new Panotools::Makefile;

GetOptions ('o|output=s' => \$path_makefile,
            't|time=s' => \$d_inc,
            'f|projection=i' => \$projection,
            'v|fov=s' => \$deg_fov,
            'k|selection=s' => \$crop_s,
            'linkstacks' => \$linkstacks,
            'l|loquacious' => \$verbose,
            'n|nostacks' => \$nostacks,
            'h|help' => \$help);

pod2usage (-verbose => 2) if $help;
pod2usage (2) unless scalar @ARGV > 1;
$path_makefile = 'Makefile' unless defined $path_makefile;

my $rule = $mk->Rule ('.PHONY');
$rule->Prerequisites (qw/all images pto pointless pointless_mk mk qtvr hdr/);

$rule = $mk->Rule ('all');
$rule->Prerequisites ('images');

# some phony targets, prerequisites will be populated later

my $rule_ptos = $mk->Rule ('pto');
my $rule_mks = $mk->Rule ('mk');
my $rule_pointless = $mk->Rule ('pointless');
my $rule_pointless_mk = $mk->Rule ('pointless_mk');
my $rule_imgs = $mk->Rule ('images');
my $rule_movs = $mk->Rule ('qtvr');
my $rule_hdrs = $mk->Rule ('hdr');

# some variable definitions

$mk->Variable ('MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS', 'clean');
$mk->Variable ('HUGINDATADIR', '/usr/share/hugin');
$mk->Variable ('PTO2MK', 'pto2mk');
$mk->Variable ('MATCHNSHIFT', 'match-n-shift');
$mk->Variable ('PTOANCHOR', 'ptoanchor');

# split the list of photos into likely panoramas

my $all_photos = new Panotools::Photos (@ARGV);

for my $photo_set ($all_photos->SplitInterval ($d_inc))
    next if scalar $photo_set->Paths == 1;

    my $stub = $photo_set->Stub;
    my $stub_fused = $stub .'_fused';
    my $stub_blended_fused = $stub .'_blended_fused';
    my $stub_hdr = $stub .'_hdr';

    if ($photo_set->Bracketed)
        $rule_imgs->Prerequisites ("$stub_fused.tif");
        $rule_movs->Prerequisites ("$");
        $rule_hdrs->Prerequisites ("$stub_hdr.exr");
        print STDERR "$stub_fused.tif: ". scalar $photo_set->Paths ." images\n" if $verbose;
    elsif ($photo_set->Layered)
        $rule_imgs->Prerequisites ("$stub_blended_fused.tif");
        $rule_movs->Prerequisites ("$");
        print STDERR "$stub_blended_fused.tif: ". scalar $photo_set->Paths ." images\n" if $verbose;
        $rule_imgs->Prerequisites ("$stub.tif");
        $rule_movs->Prerequisites ("$");
        print STDERR "$stub.tif: ". scalar $photo_set->Paths ." images\n" if $verbose;

    # rules for pto project files and files

    $rule_ptos->Prerequisites ("$stub.pto");
    $rule_mks->Prerequisites ("$");
    $rule_pointless->Prerequisites ("$stub.pointless.pto");
    $rule_pointless_mk->Prerequisites ("$");

    $mk->Comment ('Create a pointless project file from a list of photos');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$stub.pointless.pto");
    $rule->Prerequisites ($photo_set->Paths);

    my @command = ('$(MATCHNSHIFT_SHELL)');
    push @command, ('--output', "$stub.pointless.pto");
    push @command, ('--projection', $projection) if defined $projection;
    push @command, ('--fov', $deg_fov) if defined $deg_fov;
    push @command, ('--selection', $crop_s) if defined $crop_s;
    push @command, ('--linkstacks') if $linkstacks;
    push @command, ($photo_set->Paths);
    $rule->Command (@command);

    $mk->Comment ('Create a Makefile to make a finished project from a pointless project');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$stub.pointless.pto");
    $rule->Command ('$(PTOANCHOR_SHELL)', '--makefile', "$",
                        '--output', "$stub.pto", "$stub.pointless.pto");

    $mk->Comment ('Create a finished .pto project');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$stub.pto");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$");
    $rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', "$",
                        'all', '$(MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS_SHELL)');

    $mk->Comment ('Create a Makefile from a finished project file');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$stub.pto");
    $rule->Command ('$(PTO2MK_SHELL)', '-o', "$", '-p', $stub, "$stub.pto");

    $mk->Comment ('Rules for all possible output images');

    $mk->Comment ('Normal seam blended output');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$stub.tif");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$stub.pto", "$", $photo_set->Paths);
    $rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', "$", "$stub.tif", '$(MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS_SHELL)');

    $mk->Comment ('Exposure fused then seam blended output');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$stub_fused.tif");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$stub.pto", "$", $photo_set->Paths);
    $rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', "$",
                        "$stub_fused.tif", '$(MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS_SHELL)');

    $mk->Comment ('Seam blended then fused output');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$stub_blended_fused.tif");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$stub.pto", "$", $photo_set->Paths);
    $rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', "$",
                        "$stub_blended_fused.tif", '$(MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS_SHELL)');

    $mk->Comment ('HDR merged then seam blended output');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$stub_hdr.exr");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$stub.pto", "$", $photo_set->Paths);
    $rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', "$",
                        "$stub_hdr.exr", '$(MAKE_EXTRA_ARGS_SHELL)');

    $mk->Comment ('Rules for secondary output (QTVR, little planets etc...)');

    $mk->Comment ('Normal seam blended output');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$", "$stub-sky.jpg", "$stub-planet.jpg", "$stub-mercator.jpg");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$stub.pto", "$", "$stub.tif");
    $rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', '$(HUGINDATADIR_SHELL)/',
        'equirect_all', 'equirect_clean', "PTO=$stub.pto", 'FUSED_SUFFIX=');

    $mk->Comment ('Exposure fused then seam blended output');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$", "$stub_fused-sky.jpg",
                        "$stub_fused-planet.jpg", "$stub_fused-mercator.jpg");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$stub.pto", "$", "$stub_fused.tif");
    $rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', '$(HUGINDATADIR_SHELL)/',
        'equirect_all', 'equirect_clean', "PTO=$stub.pto", 'FUSED_SUFFIX=_fused');

    $mk->Comment ('Seam blended then fused output');
    $rule = $mk->Rule;
    $rule->Targets ("$", "$stub_blended_fused-sky.jpg",
                        "$stub_blended_fused-planet.jpg", "$stub_blended_fused-mercator.jpg");
    $rule->Prerequisites ("$stub.pto", "$", "$stub_blended_fused.tif");
    $rule->Command ('$(MAKE)', '-e', '-f', '$(HUGINDATADIR_SHELL)/',
        'equirect_all', 'equirect_clean', "PTO=$stub.pto", 'FUSED_SUFFIX=_blended_fused');

$rule = $mk->Rule;
$rule->Targets ($path_makefile);
$rule->Prerequisites (@ARGV);
$rule->Command ($0, @argv_save);

$mk->Write ($path_makefile);


=head1 NAME

panostart - identify likely panorama sequences


panostart [options] image1 image2 [...]

  -o | --output name    Filename of created Makefile
  -t | --time           Number of seconds between panoramas
  -f | --projection     Panotools style input projection number. Use
                          0 for rectilinear, 2 for circular fisheye and
                          3 for full-frame fisheye images.
  -v | --fov            Horizontal field of view in degrees.  Otherwise will
                        be calculated from EXIF info.
  -k | --selection      Crop selection boundary, eg -459,2459,-57,2861
       --linkstacks     Hard link positions of stacked photos.
  -h | --help           Outputs help documentation.
  -l | --loquacious     Verbose output listing targets and numbers of images.


B<panostart> takes a list of image files and creates a Makefile
containing rules to generate panoramas from the images.

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Bruno Postle - August 2008.
