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use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Panotools::Makefile;
use Panotools::Script;

my $path_output;
my $path_mk;
my $factor = 1.25;
my $help = 0;

GetOptions ('o|output=s' => \$path_output,
            'm|makefile=s' => \$path_mk,
            'f|factor=s' => \$factor,
            'h|help' => \$help);

pod2usage (-verbose => 2) if $help;
pod2usage (2) unless (defined $path_output and scalar @ARGV);

my $path_prefix = $path_output;
$path_prefix =~ s/\.[[:alnum:]]+$//;

my $path_input = shift @ARGV;

my $mk = new Panotools::Makefile;
$mk->Comment ('Command-line tools');
$mk->Variable ('PTOMERGE', 'ptomerge');
$mk->Variable ('PTOSPLIT', 'ptosplit');
$mk->Variable ('AUTOPANO', 'autopano');
$mk->Variable ('GENKEYS', 'generatekeys');
$mk->Variable ('CELESTE', '-', 'celeste_standalone');
$mk->Variable ('CPCLEAN', 'cpclean');
$mk->Variable ('RM', '-', 'rm');

$mk->Comment ('Input project file and prefix for output');
$mk->Variable ('PROJECT_FILE', $path_input);
$mk->Variable ('PREFIX', $path_prefix);
$mk->Variable ('PTO_OUT', $path_output);

my $rule = $mk->Rule ('all');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PTO_OUT)');

$mk->Comment ("Files we don't need afterwards");
my $var_tempfiles = $mk->Variable ('TEMP_FILES');

$rule = $mk->Rule ('clean');
$rule->Command ('$(RM_SHELL)', '$(TEMP_FILES_SHELL)');

$rule = $mk->Rule ('.PHONY');
$rule->Prerequisites ('all', 'clean');

my $pto = new Panotools::Script;
$pto->Read ($path_input);

my $pix_max = $pto->Option->{cpgenSize} || 1600;
my $points = $pto->Option->{cpgenNumber} || 25;
my $ransac = 1;
$ransac = 0 if (defined $pto->Option->{cpgenRansac} and $pto->Option->{cpgenRansac} eq 'false');
my @refine = ();
@refine = ('--refine', '--keep-unrefinable', 0)
    if (defined $pto->Option->{cpgenRefine} and $pto->Option->{cpgenRefine} eq 'true');

$ransac = 0 if $pto->Image->[0]->v ($pto) > 60;

$mk->Comment ('Rule to create feature-point files when required');
$rule = $mk->Rule ('%.key');
$rule->Prerequisites ('%');
$rule->Command ('$(GENKEYS_SHELL)', '$<', '$@', $pix_max);

my $var_links = $mk->Variable ('LINK_PTOS');

my $keys = {};

$mk->Comment ('Rules to match points between nearby photos');
for my $id_image_a (1 .. scalar @{$pto->Image} -1)
    for my $id_image_b (0 .. $id_image_a -1)
        next if $pto->Connections ($id_image_a, $id_image_b);

        # 'average' field of view of this pair of photos
        my $image_a = $pto->Image->[$id_image_a];
        my $fov_a = $image_a->v ($pto) * ($image_a->h / $image_a->w + 1) / 2;
        my $image_b = $pto->Image->[$id_image_b];
        my $fov_b = $image_b->v ($pto) * ($image_b->h / $image_b->w + 1) / 2;
        my $fov = ($fov_a + $fov_b) / 2;

        next if $pto->AngularDistance ($id_image_a, $id_image_b) > $factor * $fov;

        my $path_a = $pto->Image->[$id_image_a]->Path ($path_input);
        my $path_b = $pto->Image->[$id_image_b]->Path ($path_input);
        # strip any suffixes
        $path_a =~ s/\.[[:alnum:]]+$//;
        $path_b =~ s/\.[[:alnum:]]+$//;
        # strip all but filename
        $path_b =~ s/.*[\/\\]//;
        my $stub = $path_a .'-'. $path_b;

        $rule = $mk->Rule ($stub .'.a.pto');
        $rule->Prerequisites ($pto->Image->[$id_image_a]->Path ($path_input) .'.key',
                                $pto->Image->[$id_image_b]->Path ($path_input) .'.key');
        $rule->Command ('$(AUTOPANO_SHELL)', @refine, '--ransac', $ransac,
                          '--maxmatches', $points, $stub .'.a.pto',
                          $pto->Image->[$id_image_a]->Path ($path_input) .'.key',
                          $pto->Image->[$id_image_b]->Path ($path_input) .'.key');

        $keys->{$pto->Image->[$id_image_a]->Path ($path_input) .'.key'} = 1;
        $keys->{$pto->Image->[$id_image_b]->Path ($path_input) .'.key'} = 1;

        $var_tempfiles->Values ($stub .'.a.pto');

        $rule = $mk->Rule ($stub .'.b.pto');
        $rule->Prerequisites ('$(PROJECT_FILE)');
        $rule->Command ('$(PTOSPLIT_SHELL)', $id_image_a, $id_image_b, '$(PROJECT_FILE_SHELL)', $stub .'.b.pto');
        $var_tempfiles->Values ($stub .'.b.pto');

        $rule = $mk->Rule ($stub .'.c.pto');
        $rule->Prerequisites ($stub .'.b.pto', $stub .'.a.pto');
        $rule->Command ('$(PTOMERGE_SHELL)', $stub .'.b.pto', $stub .'.a.pto', $stub .'.c.pto');
        $var_tempfiles->Values ($stub .'.c.pto');

        $rule = $mk->Rule ($stub .'.pto');
        $rule->Prerequisites ($stub .'.c.pto');
        $rule->Command ('$(CPCLEAN_SHELL)', '-o', $stub .'.pto', $stub .'.c.pto');

        $var_links->Values ($stub .'.pto');
        $var_tempfiles->Values ($stub .'.pto');

$var_tempfiles->Values (sort keys %{$keys});

$rule = $mk->Rule ('$(PTO_OUT)');
$rule->Prerequisites ('$(PROJECT_FILE)', '$(LINK_PTOS)');

my $rule_secondary = $mk->Rule ('.SECONDARY');
$rule_secondary->Prerequisites ('$(TEMP_FILES)');

$mk->Write ($path_mk) if defined $path_mk;
$mk->DoIt ('--always-make', 'all', 'clean') unless defined $path_mk;

exit 0;


=head1 NAME

ptofill - add control points to a Hugin project between likely overlapping photos


ptofill [options] --output output.pto input.pto

  -m | --makefile file  Output Makefile
  -o | --output file    Output project
  -f | --factor         Distance factor to search for overlaps (default=1.25)
  -h | --help           Outputs help documentation.


B<ptofill> is a wrapper around various tools that generates control points.
Output is in the form of a .pto project.

All pairs of photos in a project are examined and angular distances compared to
determine if photos likely overlap, if points already exist between photos then
matching will be skipped.

If the --makefile option is given, rules for generating the project are written
to a Makefile, if --makefile isn't set then these rules will be executed

Control point generator parameters are set via Option lines in the input

  #hugin_cpgenSize 1500
  #hugin_cpgenNumber 25
  #hugin_cpgenRansac true
  #hugin_cpgenRefine false

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Bruno Postle - December 2009.


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