The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Iouri Ivliev 2008

use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
use Panotools::Script;

our $VERSION = "0.0.2 (using Panotools::Script $Panotools::Script::VERSION)";
our ($opt_C,$opt_I,$opt_M,$opt_P,$opt_V) = 
    (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef);
our ($opt_O,$opt_i,$opt_o,$opt_r,$opt_s) = 
    (0,     undef, undef, undef, undef);
getopts 'C:I:M:P:V:O:io:rs';
(HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDERR),die "No input script\n") if $#ARGV<0;
(HELP_MESSAGE(\*STDERR),die "Only one input script allowed\n") if $#ARGV>0;

    my $h = shift;
    my ($cmd) = ($0 =~ m,([^/\\]+)$,);
    print $h <<EOM
Usage: $cmd [options] <script>
Options are:
    -C  - set control point line(s) variables
    -I  - set input image line(s) variables
    -M  - set mode line variables
    -O  - verbosity flags
            0x01 - script info
            0x02 - panorama and mode info
            0x04 - images info
            0x08 - control points info
    -P  - set panorama line variables
    -V  - set optimisation line(s) variables
    -i  - update input image line(s) based on PToptimiser output line(s)
          implies -r
    -o  - output script file
    -r  - remove output line(s) and morph control point(s)
    -s  - remove variables unrecognized by PToptimiser

    my $h = shift;
    my ($cmd) = ($0 =~ m,([^/\\]+)$,);
    print $h <<EOM
Panorama Tools Script command line editor

$opt_O = 0xff unless $opt_O or $opt_o;
$opt_O = eval $opt_O;
sub verbose {
    my $vf = shift;
    printf STDOUT @_ if $vf & $opt_O;

sub getvars {
    split /,/,shift;

sub getnums {
    my $n = shift;
    my @i;
    foreach (@_) {
        foreach (split /,/,$_) {
            (push(@i,$_),next) unless /^(\d+)-(\d+)?/;
            push @i,($1..($2?$2:$n));

my $P = new Panotools::Script;
verbose 0x01,"Loading $ARGV[0]\n";
my ($p,$m) = ($P->Panorama,$P->Mode);
my ($i,$c,$o) = ($P->Image,$P->Control,$P->Output);
my ($in,$cn,$on) = (1+$#{$i},1+$#{$c},1+$#{$o});
my $v = $P->Variable;
verbose 0x02,"Output panorama: %dx%d (HFOV: %d)\n",$p->{w},$p->{h},$p->{v};
verbose 0x02,"Input images ('i'): $in; Output images ('o'): $on\n";
verbose 0x02,"Control points ('c'): $cn\n";

$P->Output2Image if (!$in or $opt_i) and $on;

if (defined $opt_P) {
    verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: panorama line variables '%s'\n",$opt_P;
    my %p = split /:/,$opt_P;
    foreach (keys %p) {
        my $val = $p{$_};
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = '%s'; val = '%s'\n",$_,$val;
        my @v = getvars $_;
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = %s\n",join ',',@v;
        my $valid = Panotools::Script::Line::Panorama::_valid;
        foreach my $vn (@v) {
            $vn =~ /$valid/ 
                or die "Incorrect panorama line variables syntax: expecting <vars>:<val>[:<vars>:<val>]\n\tvars are $valid\n";
            verbose 0x02, 
                "Panorama variable %s: %s => %s\n", 
            $p->{$vn} = $val;

if (defined $opt_M) {
    verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: mode line variables '%s'\n",$opt_M;
    my %m = split /:/,$opt_M;
    foreach (keys %m) {
        my $val = $m{$_};
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = '%s'; val = '%s'\n",$_,$val;
        my @v = getvars $_;
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = %s\n",join ',',@v;
        my $valid = Panotools::Script::Line::Mode::_valid;
        foreach my $vn (@v) {
            $vn =~ /$valid/ 
                or die "Incorrect mode line variables syntax: expecting <vars>:<val>[:<vars>:<val>]\n\tvars are $valid\n";
            verbose 0x02, 
                "Mode variable %s: %s => %s\n", 
            $m->{$vn} = $val;

if (defined $opt_I) {
    verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: input image line(s) variables '%s'\n",$opt_I;
    my %i = split /:/,$opt_I;
    foreach (keys %i) {
        my ($vars,$imgs) = split /\//,$_;
        my $val = $i{$_};
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = '%s'; imgs = '%s'\n",$vars,$imgs;
        my @v = getvars $vars;
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = %s\n",join ',',@v;
        my @i = getnums $in,$imgs;
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: imgs = %s\n",join ',',@i;
        my $valid = Panotools::Script::Line::Image::_valid;
        foreach my $vn (@v) {
            $vn =~ /$valid/ 
                or die "Incorrect input image line(s) variables syntax: expecting <vars>/<imgs>:<val>[:<vars>/<imgs>:<val>]\n\tvars are $valid\n";
            foreach my $ii (@i) {
                my $nv = $val;
                $nv = sprintf $val,$ii if $vn eq 'n';
                verbose 0x04, 
                    "Input image %d variable %s: %s => %s\n", 
                $i->[$ii]->{$vn} = $nv;

if (defined $opt_V) {
    delete @$v{keys %$v};
    verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: optimisation line(s) variables '%s'\n",$opt_V;
    foreach (split /:/,$opt_V) {
        my ($vars,$imgs) = split /\//,$_;
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = '%s'; imgs = '%s'\n",$vars,$imgs;
        my @v = getvars $vars;
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = %s\n",join ',',@v;
        my @i = getnums $in,$imgs;
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: imgs = %s\n",join ',',@i;
        my $valid = Panotools::Script::Line::Variable::_valid;
        foreach my $vn (@v) {
            $vn =~ /$valid/ 
                or die "Incorrect optimisation line(s) variables syntax: expecting <vars>/<imgs>[:<vars>/<imgs>]\n\tvars are $valid\n";
            foreach my $ii (@i) {
                $v->{$ii}->{$vn} = 1;
                if (defined($i->[$ii]->{$vn}) and $i->[$ii]->{$vn} eq '=0') {
                    $i->[$ii]->{$vn} = 0;
                    verbose 0x04, 
                        "Input image %d variable %s: =0 => 0\n",$ii,$vn; 

if (defined $opt_C) {
    verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: control point line(s) variables '%s'\n",$opt_C;
    my %c = split /:/,$opt_C;
    foreach (keys %c) {
        my ($vars,$cps) = split /\//,$_;
        my $val = $c{$_};
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = '%s'; imgs = '%s'\n",$vars,$cps;
        my @v = getvars $vars;
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: vars = %s\n",join ',',@v;
        my @c = getnums $cn,$cps;
        verbose 0x8000,"DEBUG: imgs = %s\n",join ',',@c;
        my $valid = Panotools::Script::Line::Control::_valid;
        foreach my $vn (@v) {
            $vn =~ /$valid/ 
                or die "Incorrect control point line(s) variables syntax: expecting <vars>/<cps>:<val>[:<vars>/<cps>:<val>]\n\tvars are $valid\n";
            foreach my $ci (@c) {
                verbose 0x04, 
                    "Control point %d variable %s: %s => %s\n", 
                $c->[$ci]->{$vn} = $val;

exit 0 unless defined $opt_o; 

verbose 0x10,"Saving $opt_o\n";
if ($opt_s) {
    delete $p->{E};
    delete $p->{R};
    delete $p->{S};
    delete @$_{qw(Eb Eev Er Ra Rb Rc Rd Re Va Vb Vc Vd Vx Vy)} for @$i;
if ($opt_r or $opt_i) {
    splice @$o,0;
    splice @{$P->ControlMorph},0;