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use Test::More tests => 9;

use strict;
use XML::Atom::Feed;
use XML::Atom::Ext::OpenSearch;

my $feed = XML::Atom::Feed->new( \*DATA );

isa_ok( $feed, 'XML::Atom::Feed' );
is( $feed->totalResults, 4230000, 'totalresults' );
is( $feed->startIndex, 21, 'startIndex' );
is( $feed->itemsPerPage, 10, 'itemsPerPage' );

my( @queries )= $feed->Query;
is( scalar @queries, 1, '1 query element' );
my $query = $queries[ 0 ];
isa_ok( $query, 'XML::Atom::Ext::OpenSearch::Query' );
is( $query->role, 'request' );
is( $query->searchTerms, 'New York History' );
is( $query->startPage, 1 );

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <feed xmlns="" 
   <title> Search: New York history</title> 
   <link href=""/>
     <name>, Inc.</name>
   <opensearch:Query role="request" searchTerms="New York History" startPage="1" />
   <link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html"/>
   <link rel="self" href=";format=atom" type="application/atom+xml"/>
   <link rel="first" href=";format=atom" type="application/atom+xml"/>
   <link rel="previous" href=";format=atom" type="application/atom+xml"/>
   <link rel="next" href=";format=atom" type="application/atom+xml"/>
   <link rel="last" href=";format=atom" type="application/atom+xml"/>
   <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href=""/>
     <title>New York History</title>
     <link href=""/>
     <content type="text">
       ... Harlem.NYC - A virtual tour and information on 
       businesses ...  with historic photos of Columbia's own New York 
       neighborhood ... Internet Resources for the City's History. ...