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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Rsync;
use CLI::Startup;
use List::Util qw{ reduce };
use Hash::Merge qw{ merge };

our $VERSION = 0.1;

# Command-line options
my $optspec = {
    'archive!'     => 'Use archive mode--see manpage for rsync',
    'checksum'     => 'Use checksums instead of file times',
    'compress!'    => 'Enable compression',
    'delete'       => 'Delete extraneous files from the destination',
    'dest=s'       => 'Specify the destination of the copy or backup',
    'devices!'     => 'Copy device files. Implied by --archive',
    'dry-run'      => 'Just print what files would be copied; do not copy',
    'exclude=s@'   => 'Do not copy files matching this (these) pattern(s)',
    'group!'       => 'Preserve group ownership. Implied by --archive',
    'include=s@'   => 'Do not exclude files matching this (these) pattern(s)',
    'links!'       => 'Copy symbolic links as symbolic links. Implied by --archive',
    'owner!'       => 'Preserve file owners (super-user only). Implied by --archive',
    'perms!'       => 'Preserve file permissions. Implied by --archive',
    'recursive!'   => 'Descend into sub-directories. Implied by --archive',
    'restore'      => 'Use the destination as the source, and vice versa',
    'rsh=s'        => 'Remote shell command to use. Defaults to ssh',
    'rsync-path=s' => 'Path to rsync on the remote host',
    'specials!'    => 'Copy special files. Implied by --archive',
    'src=s'        => 'Specify the location to copy from',
    'times!'       => 'Preserve file times. Implied by --archive',
    'verbose+'     => 'Increase rsync verbosity',

# Default settings
my $defaults = {
    archive  => 1,
    compress => 1,
    rsh      => 'ssh',

# Parse command line options and read defaults from config file
my $app = CLI::Startup->new({
    usage            => '[options] [module ...]',
    options          => $optspec,
    default_settings => $defaults,

# Make a note of the options supplied.
my $config  = $app->get_config;
my $options = $app->get_raw_options;
my $restore = delete $options->{restore} || 0;

# Now step through the command-line options that remain, running
# rsync for each one.
do {
    my $module = shift @ARGV || 0;

    # Combine command-line options with the requested module. This
    # is an additional layer of indirection over what CLI::Startup
    # provides, so we have to do some of our own work.

    if ($module)
        $app->die("No such module: $module")
            unless defined $config->{$module};
        $module = $config->{$module};
        $module = {};

    # Order of precedence:
    # 1. Command-line options.
    # 2. Options specified for $module in the config file.
    # 3. Defaults specified in the config file.
    # 4. App-defined defaults.

    no warnings 'once';
    my $options = reduce { merge($a, $b) } (
        $options, $module, $config->{default}, $defaults,

    my $source  = delete $options->{src};
    my $dest    = delete $options->{dest};

    # Optionally reverse the direction of transfer
    ($source, $dest) = ($dest, $source) if $restore;

    # Interpolate ~ like the shell does
    $source =~ s/^~/$ENV{HOME}/;
    $dest   =~ s/^~/$ENV{HOME}/;

    # Initialize and run rsync
    my $rsync = File::Rsync->new($options);
        src    => $source,
        dest   => $dest,
        outfun => sub { select STDOUT; $| = 1; print $_[0] },
        errfun => sub { select STDERR; $| = 1; print $_[0] },
    }) or $app->warn("Rsync failed for $source -> $dest: $!");

} while @ARGV;

=head1 NAME

rs - Wrapper for backups using rsync


  rs                        ;# Use default settings from $HOME/.rsrc
  rs [options] [module ...] ;# Backup the named modules


The C<rs> command is a simple wrapper around C<rsync> that provides three basic services:



It uses only the plain-English versions of C<rsync> options,


It supports a config file containing default options, and


The config file supports named groups of options, called (for lack of a better term)



A combination of options lets you invent custom "modes."


A combination including C<--src> and C<--dest> helps you make routine backups.



=head2 Default Options

The default options are convenient for doing ad hoc copies using rsync with default
options. It lets you say this:

  rs --src $HOME --dest backup:homedir/

instead of this:

  rsync --archive --compress --delete --rsh ssh \
        --src $HOME/ --dest backup:homedir/

If you usually use the latter combination of options, as I do, then
C<rs> can at least save you some typing.

=head2 Named Modules

=head3 As Command Names

Named "modules" are groupings of options in the config file, C<$HOME/.rsrc> by
default. The C<rsync> command supports the C<--archive> option, which represents
the grouping:

  --recursive --links --perms --times --group --owner --devices --specials

Using C<rs>, you can define a new grouping called "backup" which adds additional
options, by putting the following in your config file:

  rsh=ssh -2 -c arcfour -l backup_user -p 2222 -y -o BatchMode=yes

Now you can make a backup of your home directory simply by issuing the command:

  rs backup --src $HOME/ --dest backup:homedir/

=head3 As Backup Tasks

If a grouping in your config file includes C<--src> and C<--dest> options, then
you can make a backup of a specific folder to a specific destination without
remembering combinations of options. For example, you can put this in your config

  exclude=*.tmp, *.bak, tmp/

And now you can backup your C<Documents> folder by issuing the command:

  rs documents

You can define multiple backup targets in this way, and then do all your
nightly backups in a single command, like this:

  rs documents music pictures

=head3 Restoring from Backup

C<rs> also adds the C<--restore> option, which reverses the role of C<--src>
and C<--dest>. If you're using those options directly, you probably don't
want to use C<--restore> option to swap them, since that will only confuse
you. If you're using modules defined in the config file, however, and you
think of those modules as backups, then C<--restore> probably does exactly
what you think it does.

=head1 OPTIONS

=head2 --archive

Use C<rsync> in "archive" mode; see the manpage for L<rsync>. Defaults
to C<true>. Can be negated by setting the C<--no-archive> option.

=head2 --checksum

Use C<rsync> checksums to decide which files to update, instead of
looking at the modification time and file size. Turned off by default.

=head2 --compress

Use compression; defaults to C<true>.  Disable compression entirely
by using the C<--no-compress> option.

=head2 --delete

Delete extraneous files in the destination folders. I<Not> enabled
by default, but for backup purposes you probably want to enable it.

=head2 --dest [ HOST:DIRECTORY | HOST: | DIRECTORY ]

Local or remote directory to copy I<to>. Mandatory unless one or more
modules are specified on the command line.

=head2 --devices

Preserve device files (super-user only). Implied by C<--archive>,
which is enabled by default, so this option is unset by default.
It can be specifically disabled using the C<--no-devices> option.

=head2 --dry-run

Don't write any files; just print what actions would be taken.

=head2 --exclude [pattern]

Exclude files matching C<pattern>. Can be limited by also
specifying the C<--include> option.

=head2 --group

Preserve group ownership. Implied by C<--archive>, which is enabled
by default. This option is unset by default, since it would be
redundant. It can be specifically disabled using the C<--no-group>

=head2 --help

Print a helpful help message.

=head2 --include [pattern]

Don't exclude files that match C<pattern>. Only does anything if
the C<--exclude> option is also specified.

=head2 --links

Copy symbolic links as symbolic links. Implied by C<--archive>, which
is enabled by default. This option is unset by default, since it would
be redundant. It can be explicitly disabled using the C<--no-links>

=head2 --manpage

Display this manpage and exit.

=head2 --owner

Preserve file ownership (super-user only). Implied by C<--archive>,
which is enabled by default. This option is unset by default, since
it would be redundant. It can be explicitly disabled using the
C<--no-owner> option.

=head2 --perms

Copy file permissions. Implied by C<--archive>, which is enabled
by default. This option is not set by default, since it would be
redundant. It can be explicitly disabled using the C<--no-perms>

=head2 --rcfile FILE

Read default settings from C<FILE> instead of C<$HOME/.rsrc>.

=head2 --recursive

Recurse into sub-directories. Implied by C<--archive>, which is
enabled by default, so this option is unset by default. It can be
specifically disabled using the C<--no-recursive> option.

=head2 --restore

Reverse the roles of C<--src> and C<--dest>. If you think of C<rs>
as making a backup, then C<--restore> does just what you think it
does: it pulls from the backup destination and overwrites the
file or directory that you're normally backing up.

=head2 --rsh [command]

Command to use for remote access. Defaults to C<ssh>. A good
choice for performance reasons is C<ssh -c arcfour>.

=head2 --rsync-path [path]

Path to run C<rsync> on the remote host.

=head2 --specials

Preserve special files (super-user only). Implied by C<--archive>,
which is enabled by default, so this option is unset by default.
It can be specifically disabled using the C<--no-specials>


Local or remote directory to copy I<from>. Mandatory unless
one or more modules are specified on the command line.

=head2 --times

Preserve file creation and modification times. Implied by C<--archive>,
which is enabled by default, so this option is unset by default. It
can be specifically disabled using the C<--no-times> option.

=head2 --version

Print version information and exit.

=head2 --write-rcfile

Write C<$HOME/.rsrc> or the file specified by C<--rcfile> with the
settings from the current invocation.

=head1 SEE ALSO



Copyright (C) 2011 Len Budney.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.