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#!/usr/bin/env perl

use lib './lib';
use lib './t';

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature ':5.10';

use Test::More tests => 95;

use_ok 'Pony::Object';

use Pony::Object qw/:noexception/;
use Pony::Object::Throwable;

# For simple tests.
use Object::FirstPonyClass;
use Object::SecondPonyClass;
use Object::ThirdPonyClass;
use Object::FourthPonyClass;

# Singletons.
use Object::Singleton;
use Object::SingletonExt;

# Deep copy tests.
use Object::DeepCopy;
use Object::DeepCopyExt;
use Object::DeepCopyExtExt;

# Test protected, private, public
# methods and properties.
use Object::ProtectedPony;
use Object::ProtectedPonyExt;

# Like a 'real' example (Animals).
use Object::Animal::Cattle;

# Create object in property.
use Object::CreateObjectInProperty::Object;
use Object::CreateObjectInProperty::ObjectWithFactory;

# Has method
use Object::HasMethod::Class;
use Object::HasMethod::Base;
  # Stand alone class.
  my $c1 = new Object::FirstPonyClass;
  ok( 'a' eq $c1->a, 'Property default value' );
  ok( 'd' eq $c1->d );
  ok( 'b' eq $c1->b );
  ok( 'b' eq $c1->a, 'Change property in method' );
  ok( 'bb'eq $c1->b('bb'), 'Use method with param' );
  ok( 'c' eq $c1->c, 'Traditional perl method' );
  my $a = $c1->a = 'a';
  ok( 'a' eq $c1->a, 'Change property via "="' );
  ok( 'a' eq $a, 'Change property and return value like a simple var' );
  ok( 'b' eq ($c1->a = 'b'), 'Return value afret change property via "="' );
  $c1->d = [qw/a b/];
  ok( 'b' eq $c1->d->[1], 'Property is an array' );
  $c1->d = {qw/a b/};
  ok( 'b' eq $c1->d->{a}, 'Property is a hash' );
  # Inheritance tests.
  my $c2 = new Object::SecondPonyClass;
  ok( 'a' eq $c2->a, 'Property default value from base class' );
  ok( 'dd'eq $c2->d, 'Property polymorphism' );
  ok( 'bb'eq $c2->b, 'Method polymorphism' );
  ok( 'bb'eq $c2->a, 'Change property in method ... again' );
  ok( 'e' eq $c2->e, 'new Object::method' );
  # Multiple inheritance.
  my $c3 = new Object::ThirdPonyClass;
  ok( 'dd' eq $c3->d, 'Property inheritance in multiple inheritance' );
  ok( 'bb' eq $c3->b, 'Method inheritance in multiple inheritance' );
  ok( 'bb' eq $c3->a, 'Change property in method ... and again' );
  my $c4 = new Object::FourthPonyClass;
  ok( 'd' eq $c4->d, 'Property inheritance in multiple inheritance 2' );
  ok( 'b' eq $c4->b, 'Method inheritance in multiple inheritance 2' );
  ok( 'b' eq $c4->a, 'Change property in method ... and again 2' );
  my $s1 = new Object::Singleton;
  ok( 'a' eq $s1->a );
  $s1->a = 's';
  ok( 's' eq $s1->a );
  my $s2 = new Object::Singleton;    
  ok( 's' eq $s2->a, 'Singleton test 1' );
  $s2->a = 'z';
  ok( 'z' eq $s1->a, 'Singleton test 2' );
  my $s3 = new Object::SingletonExt;
  ok( 'a' eq $s3->a, 'extends Singleton' );
  ok( 'hh'eq $s3->h, 'extends Singleton 2' );
  $s3->a = 'g';
  my $s4 = new Object::SingletonExt;
  ok( 'a' eq $s4->a, 'extends Singleton is not singleton' );
  ok( 'hh'eq $s4->h, 'extends Singleton polymorphism' );
  #   Deep copy
  my $w1 = new Object::DeepCopy;
  my $w2 = new Object::DeepCopy;
  push @{ $w1->ary }, qw/one two three/;
  push @{ $w2->ary }, qw/1 2 3/;
  ok( @{ $w2->ary } eq 3, 'Deep Copy: simple array' );
  my $w3 = new Object::DeepCopy;
  my $w4 = new Object::DeepCopy;
  for my $i ( 1 .. 3 )
    $w3->struct->{group}->{"item$i"}->{foo} = "val1$i";
    $w3->struct->{group}->{"item$i"}->{bar} = "val2$i";
  $w1->struct->{group} = { qw/one 1 two 2 three 3/ };
  ok( $w3->struct->{group}->{item2}->{foo} eq "val12", 'Deep Copy 1' );
  ok( $w3->struct->{group}->{item3}->{bar} eq "val23", 'Deep Copy 2' );
  ok( $w4->struct->{group}->{item2}->{foo} eq "value", 'Deep Copy 3' );
  ok( $w4->struct->{group}->{item3}->{bar} eq "value", 'Deep Copy 4' );
  ok( $w3->struct->{group}->{item2}->{foo} eq "val12", 'Deep Copy 5' );
  ok( $w3->struct->{group}->{item3}->{bar} eq "val23", 'Deep Copy 6' );
  my $dce1 = new Object::DeepCopyExt;
  my $dce2 = new Object::DeepCopyExt;
  ok( $dce1->struct->{group}->{item2}->{foo}
      eq "value", 'Deep Copy inheritance 1' );
  ok( $dce1->struct->{group}->{item3}->{bar}
      eq "value", 'Deep Copy inheritance 2' );
  $dce2->struct->{group} = { qw/one 1 two 2 three 3/ };
  ok( $dce2->struct->{group}->{one} eq 1, 'Deep Copy inheritance 3' );
  ok( $dce2->struct->{group}->{two} eq 2, 'Deep Copy inheritance 4' );
  ok( $dce1->struct->{group}->{item2}->{foo}
      eq "value", 'Deep Copy inheritance 5' );
  my $dcee1 = new Object::DeepCopyExtExt;
  my $dcee2 = new Object::DeepCopyExtExt;
  ok( $dcee1->struct->{group}->{item2}->{foo}
      eq "value", 'Deep Copy inh inh 1' );
  ok( $dcee1->struct->{group}->{item3}->{bar}
      eq "value", 'Deep Copy inh inh 2' );
  $dcee2->struct->{group} = { qw/one 1 two 2 three 3/ };
  ok( $dcee2->struct->{group}->{one} eq 1, 'Deep Copy inh inh 3' );
  ok( $dcee2->struct->{group}->{two} eq 2, 'Deep Copy inh inh 4' );
  ok( $dcee1->struct->{group}->{item2}->{foo}
      eq "value", 'Deep Copy inh inh 5' );
  # ALL
  my $all = $c1->ALL();
  ok( 'a' eq $all->{a}, 'Check ALL property 1' );
  ok( 'd' eq $all->{d}, 'Check ALL property 2' );
  $all = $dcee1->ALL();
  ok( 'value' eq $all->{struct}->{group}->{item1}->{foo},
    'Check ALL property 3' );
  $all = $s3->ALL();
  ok( 'a' eq $all->{a}, 'Check ALL property 4' );
  ok( 'hh'eq $all->{h}, 'Check ALL property 5' );
  # Copy object
  my $copyObj1 = new Object::FirstPonyClass;
  my $copyObj2 = $copyObj1->clone();
  $copyObj1->a = 'j';
  ok( $copyObj2->a eq 'a', 'Test object copy' );
  # toHash
  my $hash = $copyObj1->toHash();
  ok( $hash->{d} eq 'd', 'Test toHash 1' );
  ok( $hash->{a} eq 'j', 'Test toHash 2' );
  $hash = $copyObj1->to_h();
  ok( $hash->{d} eq 'd', 'Test to_h 1' );
  ok( $hash->{a} eq 'j', 'Test to_h 2' );
  #   Access attributes, properties.
  my $p = new Object::ProtectedPony;
  eval { $p->a = 1 };
  ok( defined $@, 'Test protected property' );
  eval { $p->_getA() };
  ok( defined $@, 'Test protected method' );
  $a = $p->getA();
  ok( $a eq '1', 'Change protected property via public method' );
  $p->b = 2;
  ok( $p->getC eq 3 );
  my $magic = $p->magic();
  ok( $magic eq 57006 );


  my $pe = new Object::ProtectedPonyExt;
  eval { $pe->a = 1 };
  ok( defined $@, 'Test protected property 2' );
  eval { $pe->_getA() };
  ok( defined $@, 'Test protected method 2' );
  $a = $pe->getA();
  ok( $a eq '1', 'Change protected property via public method 2' );
  $pe->b = 2;
  ok( $pe->getC eq 3 );
  $magic = $pe->magic(); 
  ok( $magic eq 48876 );
  #   Animals

  my $cow = new Object::Animal::Cattle;
  ok( $cow->say eq 'cattle says moo', 'Using inheritanced method with self properties' );
  ok( $cow->getLegsCount eq 4, 'Using inheritanced properties with self method' );
  ok( $cow->getMilk() + $cow->getMilk() == 3 );
  ok( $cow->getYieldOfMilk() == 20, 'Test ++ on properties' );
  eval { $cow->calcYield() };
  ok( defined $@, 'call protected method' );
  eval { $cow->inc() };
  ok( defined $@, 'call private method' );
  eval { $cow->counter++ };
  ok( defined $@, 'call private property' );
  eval { $cow->sayAgain() };
  ok( defined $@ );
  #   Humans
  # Human::Base
  use Human::Base;

  my $human = new Human::Base('Joe');
     $human->height = 180;
     $human->weight = 90;
  my $human1 = $human->clone();
     $human1->name = 'Mike';
  ok( $human->name  eq 'Joe' );
  ok( $human1->name eq 'Mike' );
  # Human::Movable
  use Human::Movable;
  my $human2 = new Human::Movable('Dick');
     $human2->moveLeft() for 1 .. 3;
     $human2->moveDown() for 1 .. 4;
  ok( $human2->name eq 'Dick' );
  ok( $human2->getResultWay() == 5 );
  # Human::WithCache
  use Human::WithCache;
  my $human3 = new Human::WithCache('Michael');
  eval { $human3->withdraw(1_000) } while !$@;
  ok( $human3->avgOut() == 1_000 );
use Abstract::First;
use Abstract::Second;
use Abstract::Third;
use Abstract::Fourth;

  my $abs = eval { new Abstract::First };
  ok( !defined $abs, 'Raise error on trying to use abstract class' );
  my $c11 = new Abstract::Second;
  ok( $c11->getA() == 12 );
  my $c12 = eval { new Abstract::Third };
  ok( !defined $abs, 'Raise error when abstract methods doesn\'t implement' );
  my $c13 = eval { new Abstract::Fourth };
  ok( !defined $abs, 'Inheritance of abstract classes' );
  #   No exceptions
    local $@;
    eval { try {} };
    ok($@, 'don\'t try');
    local $@;
    eval { try {} catch {} };
    ok($@, 'don\'t catch');
    local $@;
    eval { try {} catch {} finally {} };
    ok($@, 'don\'t finally do anything');
    local $@;
    eval {
      # Error test
      try {
        throw Pony::Object::Throwable("Bad wolf");
      catch {
        ok(0, "Try/Catch lives when shoudn't");
      finally {
        ok(0, "Finally lives when shoudn't");
    ok($@, 'noexceptions works');
  #   Create object in property
  my $coip = Object::CreateObjectInProperty::Object->new;
  my $msg = join ' ', @{ $coip->get_service->get_list };
  ok($msg eq 'Good buy blue sky', "Create object in property");
  my $coip2 = Object::CreateObjectInProperty::Object->new;
  $msg = join ' ', @{ $coip2->get_service->get_list };
  ok($msg eq 'Good buy blue sky', "Object in property is not a singleton");
  # Has method
  my $hm = Object::HasMethod::Class->new;
  $hm->log_warn(3) for 0..4;
  ok ($hm->log_fatal(5) eq "too lazy", "Declaration methods via C<has>");
  eval { $hm->_write_log(1) };
  ok ($@, "Protected");
  eval { $hm->__true_write_log(1) };
  ok ($@, "Private");
  my $hmb = Object::HasMethod::Base->new;
  $hmb->log_warn(3) for 0..4;
  ok ($hmb->log_fatal(5) eq "do nothing", "Declaration methods via C<has> (base)");
  #   END
  diag( "Testing objects for Pony::Object $Pony::Object::VERSION" );