0.04000 2009-03-26
Incompatible Change: plugins process() method is now run *after*
elements' process() method.
Incompatible Change: Button element no longer sets retain_default(1) -
now sets force_default(1). Fixes bug where multiple buttons with same
name were getting the wrong value after being redisplayed after errors.
New pre_process() plugin method that runs at the same time as the old
process() hook.
New Model::HashRef.
New inherited method locale() available on forms, blocks and fields.
New Element::Number.
New Deflators: FormatNumber, PathClassFile, Callback.
New Filter::FormatNumber.
New Inflator::Callback.
New Norwegian I18N translation.
Updated vertically-aligned CSS.
config_file_path() now supports a list of directories.
Checkboxgroup + Radiogroup elements others() method now supports
'container_attributes' hash-key
Constraint when() condition no longer demands a 'value' or 'values'
key - if it's missing, the constraint will pass on any true value.
Bugfix: _Group elements - ensure 'empty_first' gets set before any
'options', 'values', 'value_range'.
Bugfixes for constraint attach_errors_to_base(),
Bugfix: Repeatable blocks now correctly rename nested-names in
constraints' others().
Bugfix: Repeatable blocks now rename field names in constraints' when().
Bugfix: Repeatable blocks now reparent fields' plugins.
0.03007 2008-12-08
Remove Test::Aggregate - seeing test failures under perl 5.8.x
0.03006 2008-12-03
New DateTime element.
New MinRange, MaxRange, File::MinSize, File::MaxSize constraints to
provide more specific error messages.
New File::Size constraint methods: min_kilobyte(), max_kilobyte(),
min_megabyte(), max_megabyte().
New config_file_path() method, used by load_config_file() and
New field_order() method for Date elements.
New I18N translations for Romanian, Russian, Ukranian.
New MultiForm system for multi-page forms (not yet documented, file
upload tests skipped due to test problems on MS Win32).
Length, Range and File::Size constraints now pass min() and max()
values as I18N args, for use in strings.
DependOn and Equal constraints now pass the root field label as I18N
arg, for use in strings.
Checkbox + Radio elements now default to value(1).
Constraint when() method now works with nested_names().
Using test aggregate to speed-up tests.
0.03005 2008-09-08
New ComboBox element.
Don't use Pod::Help - some people were getting test failures.
0.03004 2008-09-03
New reCAPTCHA element.
New pt_br (Brazilian Portuguese) translation from Daniel Nicoletti.
New load_config_filestem() method for loading config files without
having to specify the file extension.
New html_formfu_dumpconf.pl script, for viewing config files structure.
Assorted optimizations, providing over 20% runtime speedup.
Radio element now inherits from Checkbox, to remove duplicated code.
Radiogroup element now inherits from Checkboxgroup, to remove duplicated
checkboxgroup_tag template file has been removed - Checkboxgroup now just
uses radiogroup_tag file.
All non-english I18N packages now correctly "use utf8;"
load_config_file() now switches on Config-General's UTF8, so that files
are correctly decoded.
Regex filter now has an eval() method, which if true, eval's the
contents of replace(), to allow the use of $1 variables or any other
perl expression.
Allow languages() to be a single value, rather than just an arrayref.
CompoundJoin filter now ignores empty values.
examples/unicode updated.
Manual-Unicode cat. config examples changed to use MyApp->config().
Stop warnings for undefined attributes - reported by Rod Taylor.
Documentation improvements by Ansgar Burchardt.
0.03003 2008-08-21
Form and elements inside template files now have access to original
object via self.object
Having a named Multi block within a Block with nested_name set, now works.
New Element method is_block() which is true for Block elements.
Multi no longers sets is_field(0) - it's now true for both is_field() and is_block().
prereqs - set minimum version of Exporter.pm that exports import()
0.03002 2008-08-11
Deprecate element_defaults() method.
New default_args() method.
New CompoundSprintf filter.
New DateTime constraint.
New field method default_empty_value().
New I18N translations for Danish, French and Italian.
Added time_zone support to Inflator::DateTime
Documented that process() must be called before render() - this has
been the case since 0.03000.
0.03001 2008-06-20
Require version 0.38 of DateTime, for string overloading support.
0.03000 2008-06-19
Field container_tag() now defaults to 'div' rather than 'span' to provide
better layout without CSS.
Multi block no longer sets container_tag() to 'span' - defaults to 'div'.
HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC moved out into a separate distribution.
Models now accessed through new form method: model(), with accompanying
methods: default_model() and model_config.
Deprecated form methods: model_class(), defaults_from_model(),
Model methods renamed to: default_model(), default_values() and update().
New model method: create().
Deprecated element method: db().
Bugfixes for perl 5.10.0 (missing imports).
Bugfix: insert_before() and insert_after() now check if the object is
already a child, and if so, removes it first. Reported by Ferruccio
Bugfix: update() many_to_many multi-value fields where
'default_column' included the table name (or 'me.') failed.
Bugfix: make inflators work with multiple submitted values.
Bugfix for Bool constraint: use '?' quantifier, not '*'.
Bugfix in Email constraint: ensure Email::Valid->address() is called in
scalar context.
New Split and CompoundJoin filters.
New CompoundDateTime inflator.
New CompoundSplit and CompoundDateTime deflators.
New Plugin system (see tests, not yet documented) and StashValid plugin.
New form methods: stash_valid(), params_ignore_underscore() and
New method for _Group fields: empty_first_label().
Multi->render_data() now builds itself before it's children, so that
deflators on the Multi work.
insert_before() and insert_after() now first removes the object if it's
already a child of the target.
Callback filter and transformers now receive $params as a 2nd argument.
_Group field options() now supports value_xml, value_loc, label_xml and
label_loc args.
get_* methods (fields, elements, constraints, etc) now accept any valid
method-name as a search parameter.
add default_natural() method to Date element, allowing the use of
DateTime::Format::Natural to parse dates such as "today" or "yesterday".
when() method for Constraints can now accept a callback
Transformer callbacks now get $params as second argument (as Constraints
aready were getting)
Form method add_valid() now expects a full nested-name.
auto_id() now translates "%n" into the full nested-name.
Add a END block to DBICTestLib that cleans up the t/test.db
0.02004 2008-02-22
Incompatible Change: $upload->headers no longer returns a hashref, it now
returns a HTTP::Headers object.
Tests for $upload->headers->{'Content-Type'} changed to
Tests for $upload->headers->{'Content-Length'} changed to
Catalyst upload object now provides basename(), copy_to(), link_to(),
size(), tempname() and type() methods which delegate to the
Catalyst::Request::Upload object.
The original Catalyst::Request::Upload objects can be retrived with the
catalyst_upload() method.
CGI and CGI::Simple upload objects provide size() and type() methods.
New Constraints: File::Size, File::MIME and File.
'Required' and other constraints now work with file uploads.
Spanish I18N added.
Support for DBIx::Class schema methods which don't correspond to a
database column or relationship.
Fixed test failures due to hardcoded date element output expecting the
year 2007.
Fixed circular references in upload objects.
0.02003 2007-12-20
Bugfix for has-many rels in defaults_from_model()
Added Template.pm back into prereqs
Repeatable element, increment_field_names() is now true by default
Fixed javascript rendering in _Field
0.02002 2007-12-12
Fixes required for perl 5.10.0
0.02001 2007-12-12
Bugfix for save_to_model() in HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC
0.02000 2007-12-12
New HTML::FormFu::Model::DBIC module to replace DBIx::Class::HTML::FormFu
New Repeatable block element
New "nested" params support. Form and Block elements have a new
nested_name() method. Field elements have new nested(), nested_name()
and nested_names() methods. Doesn't require CGI::Expand or
Uses new "string" renderer by default - doesn't use template files,
Generated markup still exactly the same,
Set render_method("tt") to use the template files (old behaviour),
render_class_args() renamed to tt_args(),
Template files now installed into @INC path by File::ShareDir,
INCLUDE_PATH no longer set by default
New Checkboxgroup element. Works much like Radiogroup, but with
Support multiple yaml documents in a single file - calls populate()
once for each document
Date element now uses names of the form "date_day" instead of
"date.day", so as to not conflict with the new nested-params. This
should only affect you if your client-side code (CSS, JS) references
the field names
Group elements (Select, Radiogroup, Checkboxgroup) now support a
'label_loc' argument, to provide the item labels via localize()
*_loc() methods now accept an arrayref argument, to allowing setting
in YAML config files
render() now returns a string, not an object.
$form->render->start_form() must be changed to $form->start(),
$form->render->end_form() must be changed to $form->end,
$form->render->field('foo') must be changed to $form->get_field('foo'),
$form->render->hidden_fields() must be changed to $form->hidden_fields()
Bugfix: OutputProcessor::Indent was indenting closing tag, when it's
value was empty (RT 30239)
Bugfix: Objects were getting wrong parents during clone() and
0.01006 2007-10-23
render_class_args->{INCLUDE_PATH} now defaults to 'root' if it's not
set - previously was only set if the entire render_class_args hashref
was empty
New StripWhitespace OutputProcessor
New CopyValue Filter
New Cookbook and Unicode manual pages
New unicode example Catalyst application
New portuguese I18N translation
Callback Filters, Constraints and Validators now accept a fully
qualified subroutine name instead of a code-ref
Date element month names from DateTime::Locale are run through ucfirst
Documentation improvements
Bugfix: forced errors are now displayed
0.01005 2007-09-21
New Indent "output processor" to pretty-print output
New force_default() method on fields
New when() method for all Constraints
Behaviour change for MinMaxFields Constraint
0.01004 2007-09-12
New html_formfu_deploy.pl helper program
AutoSet Constraint now works with Select optgroups
Added vertically-aligned CSS example
Fix circular reference / memory leak
Documentations fixes / additions
require v0.7901 of DateTime::Format::Builder to fix memory leak
0.01003 2007-08-22
Add missing prereq to Makefile.PL
0.01002 2007-08-22
Fixed missing imports causing errors with perl 5.9.x
0.01001 2007-08-22
First non-dev release
All Element names now follow CamelCase convention
Key format of I18N files changed
New Date element
Use Class::C3 instead of SUPER
Automatically set UTF-8 encoding on TT
Support for Template::Alloy instead of TT
0.01000_02 2007-07-02
Updated templates in tt_files.pm - 0.01000_02 was out of date
0.01000_02 2007-07-02
Added YAML::Syck to dependencies
Pod fix
0.01000_01 2007-06-29
First CPAN dev release