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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 46;

use HTML::Widget;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use HTMLWidget::TestLib;

my $w = HTML::Widget->new->method('post')->action('/foo/bar');

$w->element( 'Textfield', 'age' )->label('Age')->size(3);
$w->element( 'Textfield', 'name' )->label('Name')->size(60);
$w->element( 'Submit',    'ok' )->value('OK');

$w->constraint( 'Integer', 'age' )->message('No integer.');
$w->constraint( 'Length',  'age' )->min(1)->max(3)->message('Wrong length.');
$w->constraint( 'Range',   'age' )->min(22)->max(24)->message('Wrong range.');
$w->constraint( 'Regex',   'age' )->regex(qr/\D+/)
    ->message('Contains digit characters.');
$w->constraint( 'Not_Integer', 'name' );
$w->constraint( 'All', 'age', 'name' )->message('Missing value.');

    my ($e) = $w->get_elements( name => 'age' );
    ok( $e, 'Found element with name of "age"' );
    isa_ok( $e, 'HTML::Widget::Element' );
    ok( $e->container_class, 'Can read container class for individual object' );
    is( $e->container_class, 'HTML::Widget::Container',
        'Default container class is right' );
    is( $e->container_class, 'Class1',
        'Object instance inherits super container class value' );
    is( $e->container_class, 'Class2',
        'Object instance inherits container class value' );

    is( $e->container_class, 'Class3',
        'Object instance container class value' );

    isa_ok( $e->containerize($w), 'HTML::Widget::Container',
        'Container isa Container when class set to empty string' );

    # Reset test classes back, and use TestContainer for all elements
    delete $e->{container_class};


# Without query
    my $f = $w->result;
    is( $f->as_xml, <<EOF, 'XML output is form' );
<form action="/foo/bar" id="widget" method="post"><fieldset class="widget_fieldset"><label for="widget_age" id="widget_age_label">Age</label><br /><input class="textfield" id="widget_age" name="age" size="3" type="text" /><label for="widget_name" id="widget_name_label">Name</label><br /><input class="textfield" id="widget_name" name="name" size="60" type="text" /><input class="submit" id="widget_ok" name="ok" type="submit" value="OK" /></fieldset></form>

# With mocked basic query
    my $query = HTMLWidget::TestLib->mock_query( {
            age  => 23,
            name => 'sri',
            ok   => 'OK',
        } );

    my $f = $w->process($query);
    isa_ok( $f, 'HTML::Widget::Result',
        'Result is HTML::Widget::Result object' );

    my @e = $f->has_errors;

    ok( $f->valid('name'), 'Field name is valid' );
    is( $e[0], 'age', 'Field age has errors' );

    is( $f->valid('name'), 1, 'Field name is valid' );
    is( !$f->valid('age'), 1, 'Field age is not valid' );
    is( !$f->valid('foo'), 1, 'Field foo is not valid' );

    is( !$f->has_errors('name'), 1, 'Field name has no errors' );
    is( $f->has_errors('age'),   1, 'Field foo has errors' );
    is( $f->has_error('foo'),    0, 'Field foo has no errors' );

    is( $f->param('name'), 'sri', 'Param name is accessible' );
    is( $f->param('age'),  undef, 'Param age is not accessible' );
    is( $f->param('foo'),  undef, 'Param foo is not defined' );

    is( $f->params->{name},    'sri', 'Param name is defined' );
    is( $f->params->{age},     undef, 'Param age is not defined' );
    is( $f->parameters->{foo}, undef, 'Param foo is not defined' );

    $f->add_valid( 'bar', 'dude' );

    is( $f->params->{bar}, 'dude', 'Bar is dude' );
    is( $f->param('bar'),  'dude', 'Bar is dude' );
    is( $f->valid('bar'),  1,      'Bar is valid' );

    my $c = $f->element('ok');
    is( $c->label, undef, 'Label is empty' );

    $c = $f->element('age');
    isa_ok( $c, 'HTML::Widget::Container',
        'Element is a (base) container object' );
    isa_ok( $c, 'TestContainer',
        'Element is also an overridden container object' );
    isa_ok( $c->element, 'HTML::Element', 'Element is a HTML::Element object' );
    isa_ok( $c->error,   'HTML::Element', 'Error is a HTML::Element object' );
    isa_ok( $c->label,   'HTML::Element', 'Label is a HTML::Element object' );
    is( $c->javascript, '', 'JavaScript is empty' );

    is( $c->element_xml, <<EOF, 'Element XML output is ok' );
<label class="labels_with_errors" for="widget_age" id="widget_age_label">Age</label>
<br />
<span class="custom_fields_with_errors"><input class="textfield" id="widget_age" name="age" size="3" type="text" value="23" /></span>
    is( $c->error_xml, <<EOF, 'Error XML output is ok' );
<span class="error_messages" id="widget_age_errors"><span class="regex_errors" id="widget_age_error_regex">Contains digit characters.</span></span>
    is( $c->javascript_xml, <<EOF, 'JavScript XML output is ok' );
<script type="text/javascript">

    is( $c->as_xml, <<EOF, 'Container XML output is ok' );
<label class="labels_with_errors" for="widget_age" id="widget_age_label">Age</label>
<br />
<span class="custom_fields_with_errors"><input class="textfield" id="widget_age" name="age" size="3" type="text" value="23" /></span>
<span class="error_messages" id="widget_age_errors"><span class="regex_errors" id="widget_age_error_regex">Contains digit characters.</span></span>

    my @errors = $f->errors;
    is( $errors[0]->name, 'age', 'Expected error' );

    is( $errors[0],
        'Contains digit characters.',
        'Field contains digit characters'

    is( "$f", <<EOF, 'XML output is filled out form' );
<form action="/foo/bar" id="widget" method="post"><fieldset class="widget_fieldset"><label class="labels_with_errors" for="widget_age" id="widget_age_label">Age</label><br /><span class="custom_fields_with_errors"><input class="textfield" id="widget_age" name="age" size="3" type="text" value="23" /></span><span class="error_messages" id="widget_age_errors"><span class="regex_errors" id="widget_age_error_regex">Contains digit characters.</span></span><label for="widget_name" id="widget_name_label">Name</label><br /><input class="textfield" id="widget_name" name="name" size="60" type="text" value="sri" /><input class="submit" id="widget_ok" name="ok" type="submit" value="OK" /></fieldset></form>

# Embed
    my $w2 = HTML::Widget->new('foo')->action('/foo');
    my $w3 = HTML::Widget->new('bar');

    $w3->element( 'Textfield', 'baz' );


    my $f = $w2->process;
    is( $f->as_xml, <<EOF, 'XML output is form' );
<form action="/foo" id="foo" method="post"><fieldset class="widget_fieldset" id="foo_widget"><label for="foo_widget_age" id="foo_widget_age_label">Age</label><br /><input class="textfield" id="foo_widget_age" name="age" size="3" type="text" /><label for="foo_widget_name" id="foo_widget_name_label">Name</label><br /><input class="textfield" id="foo_widget_name" name="name" size="60" type="text" /><input class="submit" id="foo_widget_ok" name="ok" type="submit" value="OK" /></fieldset><fieldset class="widget_fieldset" id="foo_bar"><input class="textfield" id="foo_bar_baz" name="baz" type="text" /></fieldset></form>

# Merge
    my $w2 = HTML::Widget->new('foo')->action('/foo');
    my $w3 = HTML::Widget->new('bar');

    $w3->element( 'Textfield', 'baz' );


    my $f = $w2->process;
    is( $f->as_xml, <<EOF, 'XML output is form' );
<form action="/foo" id="foo" method="post"><fieldset class="widget_fieldset"><label for="foo_age" id="foo_age_label">Age</label><br /><input class="textfield" id="foo_age" name="age" size="3" type="text" /><label for="foo_name" id="foo_name_label">Name</label><br /><input class="textfield" id="foo_name" name="name" size="60" type="text" /><input class="submit" id="foo_ok" name="ok" type="submit" value="OK" /><input class="textfield" id="foo_baz" name="baz" type="text" /></fieldset></form>

# Test $w->element_container_class
    my $w2 = HTML::Widget->new('foo')->action('/foo');



    my $f = $w2->process;

    is( $f->as_xml,
        <<EOF, 'Output is sane before $w->element_container_class' );
<form action="/foo" id="foo" method="post"><fieldset class="widget_fieldset"><label for="foo_age" id="foo_age_label">Age<input class="textfield" id="foo_age" name="age" size="3" type="text" /></label><label for="foo_name" id="foo_name_label">Name<input class="textfield" id="foo_name" name="name" size="60" type="text" /></label><input class="submit" id="foo_ok" name="ok" type="submit" value="OK" /></fieldset></form>

    $f = $w2->process;
    is( $f->as_xml,
        <<EOF, '$w2->element_container_class changes output for that widget' );
<form action="/foo" id="foo" method="post"><fieldset class="widget_fieldset"><label for="foo_age" id="foo_age_label">Age</label><br /><input class="textfield" id="foo_age" name="age" size="3" type="text" /><label for="foo_name" id="foo_name_label">Name</label><br /><input class="textfield" id="foo_name" name="name" size="60" type="text" /><input class="submit" id="foo_ok" name="ok" type="submit" value="OK" /></fieldset></form>

    $f = $w->name('foo')->action('/foo')->process;
    is( $f->as_xml,
        <<EOF, '$w2->element_container_class doesnt change output for $w->process' );
<form action="/foo" id="foo" method="post"><fieldset class="widget_fieldset"><label for="foo_age" id="foo_age_label">Age<input class="textfield" id="foo_age" name="age" size="3" type="text" /></label><label for="foo_name" id="foo_name_label">Name<input class="textfield" id="foo_name" name="name" size="60" type="text" /></label><input class="submit" id="foo_ok" name="ok" type="submit" value="OK" /></fieldset></form>