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#  define INCL_BASE
#  define INCL_PM
#  include "os2.h"

#  include <GL/pgl.h>

#  define glXSwapBuffers(d,w)	(Perl_Serve_Messages(0),pglSwapBuffers(*(Display*)d,w))
#  define XOpenDisplay(dummy0) (perl_hab_GET(),(hmq = Perl_Register_MQ(1)),myDisplay=Perl_hab,&myDisplay)
#  define glutCreateWindow(name)	my_glutCreateWindow(name)

#  define XMapWindow(d, w)	0
#  define glXChooseVisual(d, scr, att) pglChooseConfig(*d,att)
					/* XXXX isDirect: correct interpr? */
#  define glXCreateContext(d, vis, sharel, isDirect)	\
                  pglCreateContext(*d, vis, sharel, isDirect)
#  define XCreateColormap(d, win, vis, alloc)	0
#  define RootWindow(d, screen) HWND_DESKTOP
#  define XCreateWindow(d, par, x, y, w, h, qqq0, de, io, vis, msk, attr) \
               MyCreateWindow(d, par, x, y, w, h)
#  define XIfEvent(a,b,c,d)
#  define glXMakeCurrent(dpy, win, cx) pglMakeCurrent(*dpy, cx, win)
#  define None PGL_None
#  define XPending(d) (av_len(EventAv)+1)


typedef HWND Window;
typedef HAB Display;
typedef VISUALCONFIG XVisualInfo;	/* Exchange this with config */
typedef HGC GLXContext;	/* Exchange this with config */
typedef struct XSetWindowAttributes {
    int colormap;
    int border_pixel;
    long event_mask;
} XSetWindowAttributes;			/* Not used! */
typedef long Colormap;			/* Not used! */
typedef HWND Drawable;			/* Not used! */
typedef HWND GLXDrawable;
typedef int KeySym;
typedef bool	Bool;
typedef long	Time;			/* Not used! */
typedef long	Atom;			/* Not used! */
typedef long	XID;			/* Not used! */

/* Input Event Masks. Used as event-mask window attribute and as arguments
   to Grab requests.  Not to be confused with event names.  */

#define NoEventMask			0L
#define KeyPressMask			(1L<<0)  
#define KeyReleaseMask			(1L<<1)  
#define ButtonPressMask			(1L<<2)  
#define ButtonReleaseMask		(1L<<3)  
#define EnterWindowMask			(1L<<4)  
#define LeaveWindowMask			(1L<<5)  
#define PointerMotionMask		(1L<<6)  
#define PointerMotionHintMask		(1L<<7)  
#define Button1MotionMask		(1L<<8)  
#define Button2MotionMask		(1L<<9)  
#define Button3MotionMask		(1L<<10) 
#define Button4MotionMask		(1L<<11) 
#define Button5MotionMask		(1L<<12) 
#define ButtonMotionMask		(1L<<13) 
#define KeymapStateMask			(1L<<14)
#define ExposureMask			(1L<<15) 
#define VisibilityChangeMask		(1L<<16) 
#define StructureNotifyMask		(1L<<17) 
#define ResizeRedirectMask		(1L<<18) 
#define SubstructureNotifyMask		(1L<<19) 
#define SubstructureRedirectMask	(1L<<20) 
#define FocusChangeMask			(1L<<21) 
#define PropertyChangeMask		(1L<<22) 
#define ColormapChangeMask		(1L<<23) 
#define OwnerGrabButtonMask		(1L<<24) 

/* Event names.  Used in "type" field in XEvent structures.  Not to be
confused with event masks above.  They start from 2 because 0 and 1
are reserved in the protocol for errors and replies. */

#define KeyPress		2
#define KeyRelease		3
#define ButtonPress		4
#define ButtonRelease		5
#define MotionNotify		6
#define EnterNotify		7
#define LeaveNotify		8
#define FocusIn			9
#define FocusOut		10
#define KeymapNotify		11
#define Expose			12
#define GraphicsExpose		13
#define NoExpose		14
#define VisibilityNotify	15
#define CreateNotify		16
#define DestroyNotify		17
#define UnmapNotify		18
#define MapNotify		19
#define MapRequest		20
#define ReparentNotify		21
#define ConfigureNotify		22
#define ConfigureRequest	23
#define GravityNotify		24
#define ResizeRequest		25
#define CirculateNotify		26
#define CirculateRequest	27
#define PropertyNotify		28
#define SelectionClear		29
#define SelectionRequest	30
#define SelectionNotify		31
#define ColormapNotify		32
#define ClientMessage		33
#define MappingNotify		34
#define LASTEvent		35	/* must be bigger than any event # */

/* Key masks. Used as modifiers to GrabButton and GrabKey, results of QueryPointer,
   state in various key-, mouse-, and button-related events. */

#define ShiftMask		(1<<0)
#define LockMask		(1<<1)
#define ControlMask		(1<<2)
#define Mod1Mask		(1<<3)
#define Mod2Mask		(1<<4)
#define Mod3Mask		(1<<5)
#define Mod4Mask		(1<<6)
#define Mod5Mask		(1<<7)

/* button masks.  Used in same manner as Key masks above. Not to be confused
   with button names below. */

#define Button1MaskOS2		(1<<8)
#define Button2MaskOS2		(1<<9)
#define Button3MaskOS2		(1<<10)
#define Button4Mask		(1<<11)
#define Button5Mask		(1<<12)

#define AnyModifier		(1<<15)  /* used in GrabButton, GrabKey */

#define True	1

#define XMaxTransChars 4

 * Definitions of specific events.
typedef struct {
	int type;		/* of event */
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;	        /* "event" window it is reported relative to */
	Window root;	        /* root window that the event occured on */
	Window subwindow;	/* child window */
	Time time;		/* milliseconds */
	int x, y;		/* pointer x, y coordinates in event window */
	int x_root, y_root;	/* coordinates relative to root */
	unsigned int state;	/* key or button mask */
	unsigned int keycode;	/* detail */
	Bool same_screen;	/* same screen flag */
        char trans_chars[XMaxTransChars];
				/* translated characters */
	int nchars;
} XKeyEvent;
typedef XKeyEvent XKeyPressedEvent;
typedef XKeyEvent XKeyReleasedEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;		/* of event */
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;	        /* "event" window it is reported relative to */
	Window root;	        /* root window that the event occured on */
	Window subwindow;	/* child window */
	Time time;		/* milliseconds */
	int x, y;		/* pointer x, y coordinates in event window */
	int x_root, y_root;	/* coordinates relative to root */
	unsigned int state;	/* key or button mask */
	unsigned int button;	/* detail */
	Bool same_screen;	/* same screen flag */
} XButtonEvent;
typedef XButtonEvent XButtonPressedEvent;
typedef XButtonEvent XButtonReleasedEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;		/* of event */
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;	        /* "event" window reported relative to */
	Window root;	        /* root window that the event occured on */
	Window subwindow;	/* child window */
	Time time;		/* milliseconds */
	int x, y;		/* pointer x, y coordinates in event window */
	int x_root, y_root;	/* coordinates relative to root */
	unsigned int state;	/* key or button mask */
	char is_hint;		/* detail */
	Bool same_screen;	/* same screen flag */
} XMotionEvent;
typedef XMotionEvent XPointerMovedEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;		/* of event */
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;	        /* "event" window reported relative to */
	Window root;	        /* root window that the event occured on */
	Window subwindow;	/* child window */
	Time time;		/* milliseconds */
	int x, y;		/* pointer x, y coordinates in event window */
	int x_root, y_root;	/* coordinates relative to root */
	int mode;		/* NotifyNormal, NotifyGrab, NotifyUngrab */
	int detail;
	 * NotifyAncestor, NotifyVirtual, NotifyInferior, 
	 * NotifyNonlinear,NotifyNonlinearVirtual
	Bool same_screen;	/* same screen flag */
	Bool focus;		/* boolean focus */
	unsigned int state;	/* key or button mask */
} XCrossingEvent;
typedef XCrossingEvent XEnterWindowEvent;
typedef XCrossingEvent XLeaveWindowEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;		/* FocusIn or FocusOut */
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;		/* window of event */
	int mode;		/* NotifyNormal, NotifyGrab, NotifyUngrab */
	int detail;
	 * NotifyAncestor, NotifyVirtual, NotifyInferior, 
	 * NotifyNonlinear,NotifyNonlinearVirtual, NotifyPointer,
	 * NotifyPointerRoot, NotifyDetailNone 
} XFocusChangeEvent;
typedef XFocusChangeEvent XFocusInEvent;
typedef XFocusChangeEvent XFocusOutEvent;

/* generated on EnterWindow and FocusIn  when KeyMapState selected */
typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;
	char key_vector[32];
} XKeymapEvent;	

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;
	int x, y;
	int width, height;
	int count;		/* if non-zero, at least this many more */
} XExposeEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Drawable drawable;
	int x, y;
	int width, height;
	int count;		/* if non-zero, at least this many more */
	int major_code;		/* core is CopyArea or CopyPlane */
	int minor_code;		/* not defined in the core */
} XGraphicsExposeEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Drawable drawable;
	int major_code;		/* core is CopyArea or CopyPlane */
	int minor_code;		/* not defined in the core */
} XNoExposeEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;
	int state;		/* Visibility state */
} XVisibilityEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window parent;		/* parent of the window */
	Window window;		/* window id of window created */
	int x, y;		/* window location */
	int width, height;	/* size of window */
	int border_width;	/* border width */
	Bool override_redirect;	/* creation should be overridden */
} XCreateWindowEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window event;
	Window window;
} XDestroyWindowEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window event;
	Window window;
	Bool from_configure;
} XUnmapEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window event;
	Window window;
	Bool override_redirect;	/* boolean, is override set... */
} XMapEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window parent;
	Window window;
} XMapRequestEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window event;
	Window window;
	Window parent;
	int x, y;
	Bool override_redirect;
} XReparentEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window event;
	Window window;
	int x, y;
	int width, height;
	int border_width;
	Window above;
	Bool override_redirect;
} XConfigureEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window event;
	Window window;
	int x, y;
} XGravityEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;
	int width, height;
} XResizeRequestEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window parent;
	Window window;
	int x, y;
	int width, height;
	int border_width;
	Window above;
	int detail;		/* Above, Below, TopIf, BottomIf, Opposite */
	unsigned long value_mask;
} XConfigureRequestEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window event;
	Window window;
	int place;		/* PlaceOnTop, PlaceOnBottom */
} XCirculateEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window parent;
	Window window;
	int place;		/* PlaceOnTop, PlaceOnBottom */
} XCirculateRequestEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;
	Atom atom;
	Time time;
	int state;		/* NewValue, Deleted */
} XPropertyEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;
	Atom selection;
	Time time;
} XSelectionClearEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window owner;
	Window requestor;
	Atom selection;
	Atom target;
	Atom property;
	Time time;
} XSelectionRequestEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window requestor;
	Atom selection;
	Atom target;
	Atom property;		/* ATOM or None */
	Time time;
} XSelectionEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;
	Colormap colormap;	/* COLORMAP or None */
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
	Bool c_new;		/* C++ */
	Bool new;
	int state;		/* ColormapInstalled, ColormapUninstalled */
} XColormapEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;
	Atom message_type;
	int format;
	union {
		char b[20];
		short s[10];
		long l[5];
		} data;
} XClientMessageEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;		/* unused */
	int request;		/* one of MappingModifier, MappingKeyboard,
				   MappingPointer */
	int first_keycode;	/* first keycode */
	int count;		/* defines range of change w. first_keycode*/
} XMappingEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	Display *display;	/* Display the event was read from */
	XID resourceid;		/* resource id */
	unsigned long serial;	/* serial number of failed request */
	unsigned char error_code;	/* error code of failed request */
	unsigned char request_code;	/* Major op-code of failed request */
	unsigned char minor_code;	/* Minor op-code of failed request */
} XErrorEvent;

typedef struct {
	int type;
	unsigned long serial;	/* # of last request processed by server */
	Bool send_event;	/* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
	Display *display;/* Display the event was read from */
	Window window;	/* window on which event was requested in event mask */
} XAnyEvent;

 * this union is defined so Xlib can always use the same sized
 * event structure internally, to avoid memory fragmentation.
typedef union _XEvent {
        int type;		/* must not be changed; first element */
	XAnyEvent xany;
	XKeyEvent xkey;
	XButtonEvent xbutton;
	XMotionEvent xmotion;
	XCrossingEvent xcrossing;
	XFocusChangeEvent xfocus;
	XExposeEvent xexpose;
	XGraphicsExposeEvent xgraphicsexpose;
	XNoExposeEvent xnoexpose;
	XVisibilityEvent xvisibility;
	XCreateWindowEvent xcreatewindow;
	XDestroyWindowEvent xdestroywindow;
	XUnmapEvent xunmap;
	XMapEvent xmap;
	XMapRequestEvent xmaprequest;
	XReparentEvent xreparent;
	XConfigureEvent xconfigure;
	XGravityEvent xgravity;
	XResizeRequestEvent xresizerequest;
	XConfigureRequestEvent xconfigurerequest;
	XCirculateEvent xcirculate;
	XCirculateRequestEvent xcirculaterequest;
	XPropertyEvent xproperty;
	XSelectionClearEvent xselectionclear;
	XSelectionRequestEvent xselectionrequest;
	XSelectionEvent xselection;
	XColormapEvent xcolormap;
	XClientMessageEvent xclient;
	XMappingEvent xmapping;
	XErrorEvent xerror;
	XKeymapEvent xkeymap;
	long pad[24];
} XEvent;

void InitSys(void);
Bool XQueryPointer(
    Display* display,
    Window w,
    Window* root_return,
    Window* child_return,
    int* root_x_return,
    int* root_y_return,
    int* win_x_return,
    int* win_y_return,
    unsigned int* mask_return);
void XNextEvent(Display *d, XEvent *event);
void XLookupString(XKeyEvent *xkey, char *buf, int sizeof_buf, KeySym *ks, int f);
Window MyCreateWindow(Display *d, Window par, int x, int y, int w, int h);
void morphPM();
Window nativeWindowId(Display *, Window);
void glpMoveResizeWindow(int x, int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Window w, Display* display);
void glpMoveWindow(int x, int y, Window w, Display* display);
void glpResizeWindow(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, Window w, Display* display);

extern AV *EventAv;
extern unsigned long LastEventMask;	/* XXXX Common for all the windows */