Revision history for Perl extension Net::FTPSSL.
Version - YYYY/MM/DD
0.19 2011/09/26 08:30:00
If you use SSL_Advanced, it now writes to STDERR that you are using a
depreciated feature.
Modified 10-complex.t & 20-certificate.t to honor the PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT
envionment variable for the smoke testers to always use defaults, which
skips executing these 2 scripts. BUG # 69982.
(Same thing now happens for "make test < /dev/null" as well.)
Couldn't use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt() per request since "make test"
wouldn't display the questions it was asking & it looked like it hung in
interactive mode for normal users! So based my solution on that function
using diag() instead of print.
Fixed Typos in POD text Bug # 70438 & some misleading comments.
Updated the README file to include comments on t/20-certificate.t and what
changes are required before you can use it.
Updated t/20-certificate.t to highlight the section of code that the README
file is talking about and the initial prompt to remind the user to see the
the README file for the needed modifications before running the test!
0.18 2011/07/29 08:30:00
More fixes/clarifications to the POD text.
Fixed minor wild card issue with LIST & NLST if "+" was in the file name.
Added LocalAddr option to new(). Works against both the command channel
and the data channel.
Added restart() function to be compatable with Net::FTP for restarts.
Added ability to restart downloads/get() where previous attempt left off.
Added ability to restart uploads/put() where the previous attempt left off.
Added append() command [APPE], it also uses OFFSET, but doesn't send the
REST command to the server.
Masks out the user name used when generating a log file. Similar to how
this is already done for the password. Except it must also hide it in the
response to USER & PASS. Only masked when written to the log, message()
and last_message() still returns the user name unmasked in any response
Fixed a bug in t/10-complex.t and added optional environment variables
for some of the connection values to make it easier for me to quickly
rerun tests during development without having to key in ansers to questions
with no good default values over & over again.
Added SSL_Client_Certificate to support client certificates on the data
channel as well as the command channel. Bug ID: 69327.
Depreciated SSL_Advanced in favor of SSL_Client_Certificate. SSL_Advanced
is now just an alias for SSL_Client_Certificate for backwards compatibility.
I just feel the new name better describes what we are trying to do with it
now that this feature is supported.
Wrote t/20-certificate.t to test this out. But this & t/10-complex.t
are probably incompatable in most settings. Anyone else trying to use
this test case will have to modify this code to point to their certificate
and provide it's password, since I'm not going to publish my test
client certificate.
Calls to command() now return a reference to this class so that you can
code something like: "if ($ftps->command("NOOP")->response() == CMD_OK)".
This should be compatible since it shouldn't be called externally, and
you should always be calling response() afterwards anyway. It still calls
die if "Croak=>1" is used. Response() will return CMD_ERROR should
command() have issues to avoid hangs.
Modifed Net::FTPSSL to use the new command()->response() format internally.
0.17 2011/01/03 08:30:00
Fixed a subtle bug in response(), now tests if a parse succeeded instead
of assuming it. Allowed me to simplify this messy code quite a bit.
Reordered the methods in the POD to put some of the more relevant FTP
commands closer to the top & the more obscure at the bottom to make
for easier reading of the documentation.
Reworked t/10-complex.t quite a bit. Made sure croak was always turned
off immediately after a successful login. Also now using the same hash
for all the connection attempts. I really need to take the time to do
further redesign this script to make it easier to troubleshoot.
Fixed the smoke tester failures. (They always answer NO to the deeper test)
t/10-complex.t now checks if OverridePASV or OverrideHELP are needed against
the test server & dynamically adds it for the test cases if needed.
Net::FTPSSL still can't dynamically figure this out for itself.
Added PASV/EPSV prompt to t/10-complex.t script instead of assuming PASV.
0.16 2010/11/30 08:30:00
Used Perl's special variables to write the Perl verion and OS to the logs
to make support easier when trouble shooting tickets.
Fixes for Bug Id 61432.
On systems like "Connect:Enterprise UNIX", it incorrectly sends the
response to HELP partially in clear text and partially encrypted on the
command channel. This causes this class to barf and never recover once it
hits the clear text. So a new "OverrideHELP" option was created to bypass
calls to HELP if your server has this strange behavior. This is needed
since HELP is called internally by the Net::FTPSSL class via supported()!
* Maybe in the future I'll figure out a way to dynamically handle this. **
On some systems the server administrator won't configure their servers
correctly to use the correct IP Address in the PASV response through a
firewall when establishing a new Data Channel Connection. To get arround
this, a new "OverridePASV" option was created to force the use of the
Specified Server Name instead of the invalid IP Address returned in the
PASV response!
* Maybe in the future I'll figure out a way to dynamically handle this. **
Added "OverridePASV" & "OverrideHELP" test cases to t/10-complex.t
Added EPSV support. Required the reorginization of some internal
undocumented methods that no one should be using.
Added EPSV test to t/10-complex.t
0.15 2010/04/27 08:30:00
Fixes for Bug Id 53719. Requested all internal calls to "ALLO" be
conditional since some server connections die when it receives an "ALLO"
Fixing the above bug uncovered an infinite loop if Croak was also turned on.
Now _croak_or_return() doesn't try to close the connection if called by
command() or response() or if recursion was detected.
Fixed quot() to no longer upshift the command to upper case. Discovered
case where lower case was required. So it's now up the the caller to
put in upper case if it's required! Also no longer checks if the command
is valid according to HELP. Some servers attempt to be sneeky by not
advertising all available commands.
0.14 2010/01/04 08:30:00
Added minimum requirement of IO::Socket::SSL v1.08, since I just got word
that v0.97 caused Net-FTPSSL to hang! And v1.08 was the release I
originally developed Net::FTPSSL with & is easily available for Windows
users as a pre-built release. But that release is still pretty old.
(IO::Socket::SSL is currently at v1.31 as of this writting.)
Fixed bug in _common_put() where it didn't actually test the final status
message when closing the data connection. So missed a rare failure case.
Fixed similar bugs in list() & get() as well.
Caught more list() & nlst() error conditions that returned undef instead of
the empty list as documented.
Added the Server/Port to start of trace file after the version # since not
all servers returned this info in their log messagse.
0.13 2009/11/01 08:30:00
Decided to skip unlucky release # 13!
0.12 2009/09/29 08:30:00
Made some POD changes.
Fixed so each class instance has it's own file hande so multiple instances
won't write to the log file of the last Net::FTPSSL->new() call made with
Debug turned on. Also fixed t/10-complex.t to use multiple connections so
we can manually verify this is finally corrected.
Made sure the version of FTPSSL used always gets written out when Debug is
turned on. So removed this code from t/10-complex.t as no longer needed.
Fixed "quit" to close the DebugLogFile, will write to STDERR if anything
else is improperly called after "quit" is called!
Fixed "put" tie file handle problem from Tkt # 49378.
Added mdtm() & mfmt() to follow FTP specs & exposed _mdtm() & _mfmt() in
the POD text, which uses timestamps instead. Per request # 49376. The
underscore versions are more user friendly.
Added size() per request # 49377.
Minor fixes to 10-complex.t to support new functionality.
Reorged some older code to make it easier to maintain. Making some blocks
of code much smaller and less awkward.
Fixed xput & xget to delete the dest file before renaming the scratch file.
Avoids rare file permission issues when the dest file already exists and the
file recognizer is down.
0.11 2009/07/19 08:30:00
Added ccc() to end of 10-complex.t test script.
Updated the ccc() docs on issues with older IO::Socket::SSL versions.
Provided solution to Tkt # 47659, problems with CCC - RFC 4217 Section 12.3.
Where CCC behaves differently for different FTPS servers.
Added Debug option to allow writing to DebugLogFile in append mode instead
of creating a new log file every time. So can use same log file when
serially making FTPS connections.
Now allows overriding of the IMP_CRYPT port 990 to something else. Found a
server that allowed me to change the implicit port # for this. Tkt # 46851.
0.10 2009/06/30 08:30:00
Updated the Port vs IMP_CRYPT documentation to state you can't override
port 990 for IMP_CRYPT. Where before this was just assumed.
Added option DebugLogFile to allow you to write your Debug info to a
file of your choice instead of STDERR. This way multiple FTPS connections
can be traced separately of each other. Also keeps other writes to STDERR
0.09 2009/05/13 08:30:00
Fixed some typos in the documentation.
Fixed so list() & nlst() no longer return undef on some errors instead of
the empty list as documented.
Fixed bug # 45710 where nlst() has issues returning zero rows.
Fixed xput() so the scratch file is guaranteed to appear in the same
directory as the final file unless the prefix overrides it with a directory
of it's own. Fixes issue where the remote file wasn't being written to the
current directory on the remote server and we couldn't write to the current
directory on that server for the scratch file.
Added xget() as the complement to xput(). Where the file recognizer is on
the client side.
Added ccc() for finally supporting the CCC command. (Clear Command Channel)
Improved get() logic for removing zero byte files if it can't download the
requested file. Still leaves behind partially downloaded files on purpose.
Enhanced t/10-complex.t to test new functionality. (But not CCC due to
security concerns.)
Added last_status_code() to return the 1 digit status returned by message()
so your code can branch on particular issues instead of just pass/fail.
0.08 2009/03/23 08:30:00
Fixed new() to also accept a hash reference. So can do either way now!
Pass the hash by reference or pass the hash by value.
Fixed command() & response() undefined function bug when called by a
socket data type in new() and a fatal error was encountered. Solved by
not calling the member function in the normal way.
Added $Net::FTPSSL::ERRSTR to give you access to the error messages
generated when you couldn't create a Net::FTPSSL object via new(). Also
set when Croak is called even though you had the special perl variable $@
for this. It is also printed to STDERR when Debug is turned on.
Fixed response() case where the ending message had CR's in it and it was
being truncated.
Fixed response() to detect unexpected EOF: Bug # 43670.
Now passes Timeout to start_SSL() calls in new().
Added plain old FTP as option CLR_CRYPT. Just avoids encrypting the
command channel. Still doesn't support the CCC command.
Fixed implicit problem. Turned out to be a bug in choosing the "default"
port as well as reading the response to soon. Bug # 28914.
Exposed all the FTP CMD status constants for public use.
Added unsupported option SSL_Advanced for Enhancement Request # 44042.
Use at your own risk! It's not supported by the developer of Net::FTPSSL.
Enhanced t/10-complex.t to print the version of Net-FTPSSL being tested and
support/test the new functionality. Also now generates a backup copy of
the trace log named after the options selected to ease testing of multiple
Added xput for avoiding file recognizer issues on the FTPS server side
during file transfers. IE the file recognizer picks the file up before the
transfer completes. After the rename the file recognizer can safely assume
the file transfer has completed without issues.
Added option in new() to support preserving the timestamps on files
transfered between the client & server via get(), put(), uput() & xput().
Works providing the FTPS server supports this functionality.
Fixed response() timing bug where sysread() sometimes read the results of
multiple commands. Ex: the 150 INFO msg for opening the data connection and
the 226 transfer complete message. This bug caused FTPSSL to randomly hang
when connected to some servers.
Fixed bug where nlst() hung if it returned zero rows on some servers.
Removed total from list() since it wasn't always present for all servers
and it was the total block size, not the total # of files or bytes returned.
Fixed list() & nlst() to allow wildcard filters similar to unix "ls" cmd.
The only wildcards being "*" or "?".
0.07 2009/02/24 08:30:00
Corrected some typos in the documentation.
Implemented call back functionality for all data channel functions.
Fixed uput() to return the file name used on success instead of just
true/false. Will still return "undef" on failure. Needed in order to
figure out what the other server actually called the file we sent it.
Exposed the DataProtLevel constants for public use.
Added callback feature for all data channel FTP functions.
Now uses caller() extensively to combine multiple similar functions together
and for callback support.
Another fix to the get() bug introduced by the Bug 17537 fix. The previous
attempt in v0.06 didn't fully fix the problem! So took different approach.
Enhanced t/10-complex.t & t/00-basic.t
The following changes may break some existing code ...
Added new option 'Croak' to cause all failures to call croak() instead of
returning undef. This caused some minor incompatabilities on error handling
if your code depended on some old croak() calls. But the new code is now
consistant in error handling in either always returning failure or always
calling croak! It no longer does a combination of both.
Added set_croak() to help mitigate above issue, by being able to turn the
croak feature on & off. t/10-complex.t uses this logic while initializing
the connection.
user() & password() have been renamed since internal functions.
0.06 2009/02/03 08:30:00
Added new() DataProtLevel option to allow selecting the Data Channel
Fixed _help() so supported() works for some new servers.
new() now allows you to select SSL over TLS for connections via useSSL.
Fixed get() bug that sometimes added extra \015 to ASCII files downloaded.
Introduced when Bug 17537 was fixed.
Enhanced t/10-complex.t
0.05 2009/01/05 08:30:00
Fixed resonse() to properly get the entire response instead of just the 1st
line of it. This change fixes many of the reported bugs reported against
this module.
Fixed command() & response() to also log socket() calls in debug mode with
"SKT >>>" & "SKT <<<" prefixes.
Added supported(), quot(), & _help()
All response calls in new() are now tested & added debug flag to socket
Enhanced t/10-complex.t
Other minor fixes.
Bugs Fixed: 41665, 31720, 16751, 30359, 24136, 17537, 17538, 34818
Version - DD/MM/YYYY -- The Marco Dalla Stella releases.
0.04 23/11/2005 11:58:34
Corrected some typos on the documentation.
0.03 05/09/2005 15.01.52
cdup(), mkdir() and rmdir() added
A better sysread() and syswrite() use on list(), nlst(), get(), put() and
uput() methods
Added autoflush on list(), nlst(), get(), put() and uput() methods
A better interactive test, (the previous one sucked, this one is a little
better! ^_^)
Other minor fixes
0.02 01/08/2005 22:12:34
Change the returning data of list() and nlst()
Fix ALLO command call in put() and uput() methods
Correct the PASV parsing regexp (thanks to sfr)
Makefile no longer require Perl 5.8.4
0.01 21/05/2005 20:55:58
original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options -AX Net::FTPSSL