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# A generic Makefile.PL file for any pure Perl/Tk mega-widget. Set
# $pm to the name of the Perl module, and update %widinfo.  Leave
# $widtrib undefined unless you have an addition for widget's User
# Contributed Demonstrations section.
# This program creates the MANIFEST and files, then invokes
# MakeMaker to create the Makefile.  sol0@Lehigh.EDU, 2001/01/01

use Tk::MMutil;
use vars qw/$pm $widinfo $widtrib %widtrib/;

$pm = 'LineGraph';		# widget Class name
%widinfo = (			# PPM widget information
    ABSTRACT => '2D Plot widget',
    AUTHOR   => 'Tom Clifford (',
$widtrib = '';	# widtrib demo file name

print "Writing MANIFEST for Tk::$pm\n";
open MANIFEST, ">MANIFEST" or die "Cannot open MANIFEST: $!";
print MANIFEST <<"end-of-manifest";
print MANIFEST "$widtrib\n" if $widtrib;
close MANIFEST or die $!;

print "Writing for Tk::$pm\n";
open TEST, ">" or die "Cannot open $!";
while (<DATA>) {
    print TEST;
close TEST or die $!;

%widtrib = 
  ($widtrib => "\$(INST_ARCHLIB)/Tk/demos/widtrib/$widtrib") if $widtrib;

    NAME          => "Tk::$pm",
    DISTNAME      => "Tk-$pm",
    VERSION_FROM  => "$",
    PM            => {"$" => "\$(INST_LIBDIR)/$", %widtrib},
    dist          => {COMPRESS => 'gzip', SUFFIX => 'gz'},
    ($] >= 5.005 ? %widinfo  : ()),
#!perl -w
use Test;
use strict;

BEGIN { plan tests => 12 };

eval { require Tk; };
ok($@, "", "loading Tk module");

my $mw;
eval {$mw = Tk::MainWindow->new();};
ok($@, "", "can't create MainWindow");
ok(Tk::Exists($mw), 1, "MainWindow creation failed");
eval { $mw->geometry('+10+10'); };

my $w;
my $class = 'NavListbox';

print "Testing $class\n";

eval "require Tk::$class;";
ok($@, "", "Error loading Tk::$class");

eval { $w = $mw->$class(); };
ok($@, "", "can't create $class widget");
skip($@, Tk::Exists($w), 1, "$class instance does not exist");

if (Tk::Exists($w)) {
    eval { $w->pack; };

    ok ($@, "", "Can't pack a $class widget");
    eval { $mw->update; };
    ok ($@, "", "Error during 'update' for $class widget");

    eval { my @dummy = $w->configure; };
    ok ($@, "", "Error: configure list for $class");
    eval { $mw->update; };
    ok ($@, "", "Error: 'update' after configure for $class widget");

    eval { $w->destroy; };
    ok($@, "", "can't destroy $class widget");
    ok(!Tk::Exists($w), 1, "$class: widget not really destroyed");
} else  { 
    for (1..5) { skip (1,1,1, "skipped because widget couldn't be created"); }
