The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
# Thanks to merlyn for nudging me and giving me this snippet!
use strict;
use HTTP::Daemon;
use CGI;


my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new or die;
print $d->url, "\n";

my ($filename,$logfile) = @ARGV[0,1];
if ($filename) {
  open DATA, "< $filename"
    or die "Couldn't read page '$filename' : $!\n";
#open LOG, ">", $logfile
#  or die "Couldn't create logfile '$logfile' : $!\n";
my $log;
my $body = join "", <DATA>;

sub debug($) {
  my $message = $_[0];
  $message =~ s!\n!\n#SERVER:!g;
  warn "#SERVER: $message"

  my $quitserver;
  while (my $c = $d->accept) {
    debug "New connection";
    while (my $r = $c->get_request) {
      debug "Request:\n" . $r->as_string;
      my $location = ($r->uri->path || "/");
      my ($link1,$link2) = ('','');
      if ($location =~ m!^/link/([^/]+)/(.*)$!) {
        ($link1,$link2) = ($1,$2);
      my $res;
      if ($location eq '/get_server_log') {
        $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, $log);
        undef $log;
			} elsif ( $location eq '/quit_server') {
        debug "Quitting";
        $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, "quit");
        $quitserver = 1;
        #close LOG;
			} else {
        $log .= "Request:\n" . $r->as_string . "\n";
        if ($location =~ m!^/redirect/(.*)$!) {
	        $res = HTTP::Response->new(302);
                $res->header('location', $d->url . $1);
        } elsif ($location =~ m!^/notfound/(.*)$!) {
	        $res = HTTP::Response->new(404);
                #$res->header('location', $d->url . $1);
        } else {
          my $q = CGI->new($r->uri->query);

          # Make sticky form fields
          my ($query,$session,%cat);
          $query = defined $q->param('query') ? $q->param('query') : "(empty)";
          $session = defined $q->param('session') ? $q->param('session') : 1;
          %cat = map { $_ => 1 } (defined $q->param('cat') ? $q->param('cat') : qw( cat_foo cat_bar ));
          my @categories = map { $cat{$_} ? "checked" : "" } qw( cat_foo cat_bar cat_baz );
          $res = HTTP::Response->new(200, "OK", undef, sprintf($body,$location,$session,$query,@categories));
          debug "Request " . ($r->uri->path || "/");
      debug "Response:\n" . $res->as_string;
      last if $quitserver;
      if $quitserver;
END { debug "Server stopped" };

<title>WWW::Mechanize::Shell test page</title>
<h1>Location: %s</h1>
  <a href="/test">Link /test</a>
  <a href="/foo">Link /foo</a>
  <a href="/slash_end">Link /</a>
  <a href="/slash_front">/Link </a>
  <a href="/slash_both">/Link in slashes/</a>
  <a href="/foo1.save_log_server_test.tmp">Link foo1.save_log_server_test.tmp</a>
  <a href="/foo2.save_log_server_test.tmp">Link foo2.save_log_server_test.tmp</a>
  <a href="/foo3.save_log_server_test.tmp">Link foo3.save_log_server_test.tmp</a>
  <form name='f' action="/formsubmit">
    <input type="hidden" name="session" value="%s"/>
    <input type="text" name="query" value="%s"/>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Go"/>
    <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="cat_foo" %s />
    <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="cat_bar" %s />
    <input type="checkbox" name="cat" value="cat_baz" %s />