=head1 NAME
Perl::Dist::WiX::Types - Public types used in Perl::Dist::WiX.
=head1 VERSION
This document describes Perl::Dist::WiX::Types version 1.500001.
use Perl::Dist::WiX::Types qw( ExistingDirectory ExistingFile TemplateObj );
This module exists to provide Moose types that Perl::Dist::WiX and subclasses can use.
It may be updated or replaced at any time.
use 5.010;
use MooseX::Types -declare => [ qw(
ExistingDirectory ExistingFile TemplateObj
_NoDoubleSlashes _NoSpaces _NoForwardSlashes _NoSlashAtEnd _NotRootDir
ExistingSubdirectory ExistingDirectory_Spaceless
DirectoryRef DirectoryTag
) ];
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw( Str Object ArrayRef );
use MooseX::Types::Path::Class qw( Dir File );
use Template qw();
our $VERSION = '1.500001';
$VERSION =~ s/_//ms;
=head2 ExistingDirectory
has bar => (
is => 'ro',
isa => ExistingDirectory,
subtype ExistingDirectory,
as Dir,
where { -d "$_" },
message {'Directory does not exist'};
subtype _NoDoubleSlashes,
as ExistingDirectory,
where { "$_" !~ m{\\\\}ms },
message {'cannot contain two consecutive slashes'};
subtype _NoForwardSlashes,
as _NoDoubleSlashes,
where { "$_" !~ m{/}ms },
message {'Forward slashes are not allowed'};
subtype _NoSlashAtEnd,
as _NoForwardSlashes,
where { "$_" !~ m{\\\z}ms },
message {'Cannot have a slash at the end'};
subtype _NoDots,
as _NoSlashAtEnd,
where { "$_" !~ m{[.]}ms },
message {'Cannot have a period'};
subtype ExistingDirectory_SaneSlashes, as _NoDots;
coerce ExistingDirectory_SaneSlashes,
from Str, via { to_Dir($_) },
from ArrayRef, via { to_Dir($_) };
subtype _NoSpaces,
as _NoDots,
where { "$_" !~ m{\s}ms },
message {'Spaces are not allowed'};
subtype ExistingDirectory_Spaceless, as _NoSpaces;
coerce ExistingDirectory_Spaceless,
from Str, via { to_Dir($_) },
from ArrayRef, via { to_Dir($_) };
subtype _NotRootDir,
as _NoDots,
where { "$_" !~ m{:\z}ms },
message {'Cannot be a root directory'};
subtype ExistingSubdirectory, as _NotRootDir;
coerce ExistingSubdirectory,
from Str, via { to_Dir($_) },
from ArrayRef, via { to_Dir($_) };
=head2 ExistingFile
has bar => (
is => 'ro',
isa => ExistingFile,
subtype ExistingFile,
as File,
where { -f "$_" },
message {'File does not exist'};
coerce ExistingFile,
from Str, via { to_File($_) },
from ArrayRef, via { to_File($_) };
=head2 TemplateObj
has bar => (
is => 'ro',
isa => TemplateObj,
subtype TemplateObj,
as Object,
where { $_->isa('Template') },
message {'Template is not the correct type of object'};
class_type DirectoryRef, { class => 'Perl::Dist::WiX::Tag::DirectoryRef' };
class_type DirectoryTag, { class => 'Perl::Dist::WiX::Tag::Directory' };
=head1 SUPPORT
No support is available for this class.
=head1 AUTHOR
Curtis Jewell E<lt>csjewell@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2009 - 2011 Curtis Jewell.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this distribution.