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## This file was generated automatically by Class::HPLOO/0.12
## Original file:    ./lib/Statistics/R.hploo
## Generation date:  2004-02-23 22:13:23
## ** Do not change this file, use the original HPLOO source! **

## Name:
## Purpose:     Statistics::R
## Author:      Graciliano M. P. 
## Modified by:
## Created:     2004-01-29
## RCS-ID:      
## Copyright:   (c) 2004 Graciliano M. P. 
## Licence:     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
##              modify it under the same terms as Perl itself

{ package Statistics::R ;

  use strict qw(vars) ; no warnings ;

  my (%CLASS_HPLOO , $this) ;
  sub new { 
    my $class = shift ;
    my $this = bless({} , $class) ;
    my $undef = \'' ;
    sub UNDEF {$undef} ;
    my $ret_this = defined &R ? $this->R(@_) : undef ;
    $this = $ret_this if ( UNIVERSAL::isa($ret_this,$class) ) ;
    $this = undef if ( $ret_this == $undef ) ;
    if ( $this && $CLASS_HPLOO{ATTR} ) {
    foreach my $Key ( keys %{$CLASS_HPLOO{ATTR}} ) {
    tie( $this->{$Key} => 'Class::HPLOO::TIESCALAR' , $CLASS_HPLOO{ATTR}{$Key}{tp} , $CLASS_HPLOO{ATTR}{$Key}{pr} , \$this->{CLASS_HPLOO_ATTR}{$Key} ) if !exists $this->{$Key} ;
    } } return $this ;

  use Statistics::R::Bridge ;
  use vars qw($VERSION) ;
  $VERSION = 0.03 ;
  my @ERROR ;
  sub R { 
    my $CLASS_HPLOO ;
    $CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;
    my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;
    my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;
    $CLASS_HPLOO = undef ;
    my %args = @_ ;
    @_ = () ;
    $this->{BRIDGE} = Statistics::R::Bridge->new(%args) || return UNDEF ;
  sub error { 
    my $CLASS_HPLOO ;
    $CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;
    my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;
    my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;
    $CLASS_HPLOO = undef ;
    my $error = shift(@_) ;
    if ( $error ne '' ) { push(@ERROR , $error) ;}
    splice(@ERROR,0, ($#ERROR-10) ) if @ERROR > 10 ;
    warn($error) ;
    return @ERROR if wantarray ;
    return @ERROR[-1] ;

  sub startR { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->start ;}

  sub start_sharedR { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->start_shared ;}
  sub stopR { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->stop ;}
  sub restartR { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->restart ;}
  sub Rbin { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->bin ;}
  sub lock { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->lock(@_) ;}
  sub unlock { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->unlock(@_) ;}
  sub is_blocked { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->is_blocked(@_) ;}
  sub is_started { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->{OS}->is_started ;}

  sub send { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->send(@_) ;}
  sub read { my $CLASS_HPLOO ;$CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;$CLASS_HPLOO = undef ; $this->{BRIDGE}->read(@_) ;}
  sub clean_up { 
    my $CLASS_HPLOO ;
    $CLASS_HPLOO = $this if defined $this ;
    my $this = UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0],'UNIVERSAL') ? shift : $CLASS_HPLOO ;
    my $class = ref($this) || __PACKAGE__ ;
    $CLASS_HPLOO = undef ;
    $this->send('rm(list = ls(all = TRUE))') ;




=head1 NAME

Statistics::R - Controls the R (R-project) interpreter through Perl.


This will permit the control of the the R (R-project) interpreter through Perl in different architectures and OS.

You can for example, start only one instance of the R interpreter and have different Perl process accessing it.

=head1 USAGE

  use Statistics::R ;
  my $R = Statistics::R->new() ;
  $R->startR ;
  $R->send(q`postscript("" , horizontal=FALSE , width=500 , height=500 , pointsize=1)`) ;
  $R->send(q`plot(c(1, 5, 10), type = "l")`) ;
  $R->send(qq`x = 123 \n print(x)`) ;
  my $ret = $R->read ;
  $R->stopR() ;

=head1 NEW

When creating the R bridje object (Statistics::R), you can set some options:

=over 4

=item log_dir

The directory where the bridge between R and Perl will be created.

B<R and Perl need to have read and write access to the directory!>

I<By dafault it will be created at I<%TMP_DIR%/Statistics-R>.>

=item r_bin

The path to the R binary.

I<By default the path will be searched in the default installation path of R in the OS.>

=item r_dir

The directory of R.

=item tmp_dir

A temporary directory.

I<By default the temporary directory of the OS will be used/searched.>


=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item startR

Start R and the communication bridge.

=item start_sharedR

Start R or use an already running communication bridge.

=item stopR

Stop R and the bridge.

=item restartR

stop() and start() R.

=item Rbin

Return the path to the R binary (executable).

=item send ($CMD)

Send some command to be executed inside R. Note that I<$CMD> will be loaded by R with I<source()>

=item read ($TIMEOUT)

Read the output of R for the last group of commands sent to R by I<send()>.

=item lock

Lock the bridge for your PID.

=item unlock

Unlock the bridge if your PID have locked it.

=item is_blocked

Return I<TRUE> if the bridge is blocked for your PID.

In other words, returns I<TRUE> if other process has I<lock()ed> the bridge.

=item is_started

Return I<TRUE> if the R interpreter is started, or still started.

=item clean_up

Clean up the enverioment, removing all the objects.

=item error

Return the last error message.


=head1 INSTALL

To install this package you need to install R in your OS first, since I<Statistics::R> need to find R path to work fine.

A standart installation of R on Win32 and Linux will work fine and detected automatically by I<Statistics::R>.

Download page of R:

Or go to the R web site:


The main pourpose of I<Statistics::R> is to start a single R interpreter that hear
multiple Perl process.

Note that to do that R and Perl need to be running with the same user/group level.

To start the I<Statistics::R> bridge you can use the script I<>:

  $> start

From your script you need to use the I<start_sharedR()> option:

  use Statistics::R ;
  my $R = Statistics::R->new() ;
  $R->start_sharedR ;
  $R->send('x = 123') ;

Note that in the example above the method I<stopR()> wasn't called, sine it will close the bridge.

=head1 SEE ALSO


The R-project web site:

Statistics:: modules for Perl:

=head1 AUTHOR

Graciliano M. P. <>

I will appreciate any type of feedback (include your opinions and/or suggestions). ;-P


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
