#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# par - create a Perl archive of files
# mail tgy@chocobo.org < bug_reports
# Copyright (c) 1999 Moogle Stuffy Software.  All rights reserved.
# You may play with this software in accordance with the Perl Artistic License.

my $VERSION = '0.08';

use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd;

eval 'use Stat::lsMode';
my $stat_lsmode = not $@;

use strict;
use vars qw/$size $mode $name/;

binmode STDIN;
binmode STDOUT;

# Are we 'par' or 'shar'?
($0) = $0 =~ /(\w+)$/;

# Check for arguments.
@ARGV or die "usage: $0 [-s submitter] [-STBqvz] file [files...]\n";

# Get options.
my %opts;
while (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ s/^-//) {
    local $_ = shift;
    while (/([sSTBVqvz])/g) {
        if ($1 eq 's') {
            $opts{'s'} = /\G(.*)/g && $1 ? $1 : shift;
        } else {

# Print version.
if ($opts{'v'}) {
    print "$0 $VERSION\n";

# Want shar output.
$0 = 'shar' if $opts{'z'};

# Read STDIN for filenames.
if ($opts{'S'}) {
    chomp(my @files = <STDIN>);
    push @ARGV, @files;

# Work quietly.
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {} if $opts{'q'};

# Header info.
my $date = localtime;
my $cwd  = cwd;
my $user = $opts{'s'} || do {
    require Sys::Hostname;
    (getlogin || getpwuid($<) || $ENV{USER} || $ENV{LOGNAME} || 'nobody')
    . '@'
    . Sys::Hostname::hostname();

# Header.
print $0 eq 'shar' ? <<INTRO_SHAR : <<INTRO_PAR;
# This is a shell archive (produced by par $VERSION).
# To extract the files from this archive, save it to some FILE, remove
# everything before the '#!/bin/sh' line above, then type 'sh FILE'.
# This is a Perl archive (produced by par $VERSION).
# To extract the files from this archive, save it to some FILE, remove
# everything before the '#!/usr/bin/perl' line above, then type 'perl FILE'.

# More header.
print <<INTRO;
# Made on $date by <$user>.
# Source directory was '$cwd'.
# Existing files will *not* be overwritten unless '-c' is specified.
# This $0 contains:
# length mode       name
# ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------

# Format for index of files.
format INDEX =
@ @>>>>> @>>>>>>>>> @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
'#', $size, $mode, $name

# Store file stats here.
my %index;

# Stat files and directories, and print out an index.
find sub {
    $name = $File::Find::name;
    my %stat;
    @stat{'mode', 'size', 'atime', 'mtime'} = (stat)[2,7,8,9];
    ($mode, $size) = @stat{'mode', 'size'};
    my $oct = (join '' => 0, ($mode&0700)>>6, ($mode&0070)>>3, ($mode&0007));
    $mode = $stat_lsmode ? format_mode($mode) : $oct;
    $stat{mode} = $oct;
    if ($0 eq 'shar') {
        for ('atime', 'mtime') {
            my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime $stat{$_};
            $stat{$_} = sprintf '%02d%02d%02d%02d.%02d',
                $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec;
    $index{$name} = \%stat;
    local $~ = 'INDEX';
}, @ARGV;

print "#\n";

# List of template names and values.
my %par;

# Fill in template and print.
sub printc {
    my $mark = $0 eq 'shar' ? ':' : '|';
    local $_ = join "\n", shift(@_) =~ /^\s*\Q$mark\E(.*)/mog, '';

# Break path into component directories:
#   print map ">$_\n", path 'i/want/a/moogle/stuffy'
#   >i
#   >i/want
#   >i/want/a
#   >i/want/a/moogle
sub path {
    my $path = shift;
    my @path;
    while (1) {
        my $was = $path;
        $path = dirname $path;  # File::Basename
        last if $path eq $was;
        unshift @path, $path;
    shift @path;

# Print code that will create a directory.
sub create_dir {
    $par{dir} = shift;
    printc <<'    DIR';
        |# ============= %dir% ==============
        |unless (-d '%dir%') {
        |  warn "x - creating directory %dir%\n";
        |  mkdir '%dir%', 0777 or die "Couldn't mkdir '%dir%': $!";
        :# ============= %name% ==============
        :if ! test -d '%dir%'; then
        :  echo "x - creating directory %dir%"
        :  mkdir '%dir%'

# Print code to create all directories in file paths.
my %saw;
for (@ARGV) {
    for (path $_) {
        create_dir $_ unless $saw{$_}++;

# Print code to create each file.
find sub {
    my $name = $File::Find::name;

    # Create directory.
    if (-d) {
        create_dir $name unless $saw{$_}++;

    # Set up template values.
    %par = %{$index{$name}};
    $par{name} = $name;
    my $bin = $opts{'T'} ? 0 :
              $opts{'B'} ? 1 :
    $par{type}  = $bin ? 'binary' : 'text';
    $par{redir} = $bin ? '| uudecode' : "> $par{name}";

    warn "$0: Saving $name ($par{type})\n";

    # Code to start here-doc.
    printc <<'    FILE';
        |# ============= %name% ==============
        |if (-e '%name%' && $ARGV[0] ne '-c') {
        |  warn "x - skipping %name% (file already exists)\n";
        |} else  {
        |  warn "x - extracting %name% (%type%)\n";
        |  $_ = <<'PAR_EOF';
        :# ============= %name% ==============
        :if test -f '%name%' && test X"$1" != X"-c"; then
        :  echo 'x - skipping %name% (file already exists)'
        :  echo 'x - extracting %name% (%type%)'
        :  sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' %redir%

    # Inline file as here-doc.
    open F, "< $_" or die "Couldn't open '$_': $!";
    binmode F;
    if ($bin) {
        local $_;
        my $block;
        print "begin $index{$name}{mode} $name\n" if $0 eq 'shar';
        print pack 'u', $block while read F, $block, 45;
        print "end\n" if $0 eq 'shar';
    } else {
        local $_;
        print "X$_" while <F>;
    close F;

    # Code to extract file.
    printc <<'    FILE';
        |  open F, "> %name%" or die "Couldn't open '%name%': $!";
        |  binmode F;
    printc $bin ? <<'    BINARY' : <<'    TEXT';
        |  $len = 0;
        |  for (split /^/gm) {
        |    my $line = unpack 'u', $_;
        |    $len += length $line;
        |    print F $line;
        |  }
        |  s/^X//gm;
        |  $len = length;
        |  print F $_;

    # Code to chmod and touch.
    printc <<'    FILE';
        |  close F;
        |  %size% == $len
        |    or warn "%name%: original size %size%, current size $len";
        |  utime %atime%, %mtime%, '%name%' or die "Couldn't touch '%name%': $!";
        |  chmod %mode%, '%name%' or die "Couldn't chmod '%name%': $!";
        :  shar_size=`wc -c < '%name%'`
        :  if test %size% -ne $shar_size; then
        :    echo "%name%: original size %size%, current size $shar_size"
        :  fi
        :  touch -at %atime% '%name%'
        :  touch -mt %mtime% '%name%'
        :  chmod %mode% '%name%'
}, @ARGV;

# The end.
printc <<'END';
    :exit 0


=head1 NAME

par - create a Perl archive of files


B<par> [-s submitter] [-STBqvz] file [files...]


B<par> creates a Perl archive of the I<files> on the command line. The Perl
archive is a Perl script, and executing it will recreate the I<files>. If any of
the I<files> include a path, directories in that path will also be recreated. If
any of the I<files> is a directory, the contents of that directory will be

=head1 OPTIONS

B<par> automatically determines if files are text or binary unless B<-B> or
B<-T> is used.


=item -B

All files are binary.  Encode files with B<uuencode>.  B<uudecode> will be
required to recover the files.

=item -S

Read standard input for files, one file per line, as though they were included
on the command line.  For example:

    find . -name 'chapter[1-9].txt' -print | par -S > story.par

=item -T

All files are text.  No encoding necessary.

=item -s submitter

Use I<submitter> for the email address included in the B<par> header.

=item -q


=item -v

Print version info and exit.

=item -z

Mimic B<shar>.  Create a shell archive instead of a Perl archive.


=head1 NOTES

Renaming or linking B<par> to C<shar> will cause it to create shell scripts:

    ln par shar
    shar moogle.txt > moogle.shar

=head1 SEE ALSO

B<shar>, B<unpar>, B<uuencode>

=head1 AUTHOR

Tim Gim Yee | tgy@chocobo.org | I want a moogle stuffy!


Copyright (c) 1999 Moogle Stuffy Software.  All rights reserved.

You may play with this software in accordance with the Perl Artistic License.
