name    = CPAN-Meta
author  = David Golden <>
author  = Ricardo Signes <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = David Golden and Ricardo Signes
copyright_year   = 2010

major = 2

:version = 0.053
-remove = Git::NextVersion
-remove = MakeMaker
authority = cpan:DAGOLDEN
no_minimum_perl = 1
tag_format = %v
version_regex = ^(\d+\.\d{6})$ ; AutoVersion style
GithubMeta.user = Perl-Toolchain-Gang[] = history
stopwords = distmeta
stopwords = dir
stopwords = mailto
stopwords = subkey
stopwords = subkeys

; as shipped with 5.8.1
eumm_version = 6.17

; repeat these from Parse::CPAN::Meta to ensure we don't wind up
; with P::C::M installed but the backends not installed (as seen in
; some CPAN Testers FAILS) for some reason
perl = 5.006
JSON::PP = 2.27200
CPAN::Meta::YAML = 0.008

; until OnlyCorePrereqs can take "any version, as long as module is core"
; we'll just check test requirements; other runtime requirements might
; be on CPAN but not shipped with perl yet
starting_version = current
phase = test

; EU::MM bundled prereqs need this
:version = 0.003