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use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;

use Config;
use File::Spec;
use IO::CaptureOutput qw/capture/;
use t::DotDirs;

plan tests =>  7 ;

# Setup test environment

# prepend our lib dir with mock Test::Reporter and CPAN::MyConfig
my $test_lib = File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->catdir(qw/t lib/)); 
unshift @INC, $test_lib;
$ENV{PERL5LIB} = join( $Config{path_sep}, 
    $test_lib, ( defined $ENV{PERL5LIB} ? $ENV{PERL5LIB} : () )

# Force load early so the testing version will be found before
# adds $ENV{HOME}/.cpan to @INC so we don't load the user's config by mistake
require CPAN::MyConfig;
$ENV{PERL5OPT} = join( q{ }, 
    "-I$test_lib -MCPAN::MyConfig", ( defined $ENV{PERL5OPT} ? $ENV{PERL5OPT} : () )

# Setup CPAN working directory

# Setup CPAN::Reporter configuration
$ENV{PERL_CPAN_REPORTER_DIR} = t::DotDirs->prepare_cpan_reporter;

my ($stdout, $stderr);

my @list = qw(

# tests begin here

require_ok( 'CPAN::Reporter::Smoker' );

can_ok( 'CPAN::Reporter::Smoker', 'start' );

pass ("Starting simulated smoke testing");


my @args = ( list => \@list, 'reverse' => 1 ); 
my ($ran_ok);
if ( ( $ENV{PERL_AUTHOR_TESTING} || "" ) eq 'DAGOLDEN' ) {
    CPAN::Reporter::Smoker::start( @args );
else {
  $ran_ok = eval {
    capture sub {
      CPAN::Reporter::Smoker::start( @args )
    } => \$stdout, \$stderr;

ok( $ran_ok, "Finished simulated smoke testing" ) or diag $@;
my $regex = join( ".+?", map { quotemeta } reverse @list );
like( $stdout, qr/$regex/ms, "saw dists in correct order" ) or diag $stdout;

require_ok( 'CPAN::Reporter::History' );
my @results = CPAN::Reporter::History::have_tested();
is( scalar @results, scalar @list, "Number of reports in history" );