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use Test::More 'no_plan';

use strict;
use warnings;

my $REG = {};

    package A;
    use Coat;

    has id => (
        is        => 'rw',
        predicate => 'has_id',
        clearer   => 'clear_id',

can_ok(A => 'has_id', 'clear_id');
my $a = A->new;
ok(!$a->has_id, "no ID yet");
ok(!$a->has_id, "clearer didn't set ID");

is($a->id, 1, "value is set");
ok($a->has_id, "setting the value did set the ID");
is($a->id, undef, "no value after clearer");
ok(!$a->has_id, "running the clearer makes predicate return false");

ok($a->has_id, "we have a value again..");

ok($a->has_id, "setting to undef means we still have a value");

ok(!$a->has_id, "clearing from undef still makes predicate false");
is($a->id, undef, "value is still undef");